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So highsec mining might need code...

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sero Hita
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#21 - 2016-09-11 19:33:23 UTC  |  Edited by: sero Hita
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

I do and I have two kids, a small wild animal that hisses at me tries to claw at my eyes and a cat .

If you need to go afk, dock up.

Well, this kinda depends on the situation though. If I am in warp flying through Innia or any other of those big ass systems, and I would wait for the warp to end and dock up while my son is trying to climb up on something high, I am pretty sure my wife would kill me :D. So just wanted to say it is not always possible to dock up first. I on the other hand also don't complain if someone kills me in game during that time... because it is just pixels.

"I'm all for pvp, don't get me wrong. I've ganked in Empire, blobed in low sec. Got T-shirts from every which-where.. But to be forced into a pvp confrontation that I didn't want is wrong ccp." RealFlisker

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#22 - 2016-09-11 19:58:18 UTC
sero Hita wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

I do and I have two kids, a small wild animal that hisses at me tries to claw at my eyes and a cat .

If you need to go afk, dock up.

Well, this kinda depends on the situation though. If I am in warp flying through Innia or any other of those big ass systems, and I would wait for the warp to end and dock up while my son is trying to climb up on something high, I am pretty sure my wife would kill me :D. So just wanted to say it is not always possible to dock up first. I on the other hand also don't complain if someone kills me in game during that time... because it is just pixels.

Of course there are emergencies. If I can't dock up and know I'll be away for more than just a couple of minutes I usually simply gtfo of what I'm doing and kill the client. In a pvp encounter it's bad luck obviously, stuff lost and an e-mail afterwards.

Remove standings and insurance.

Project Fruit House
#23 - 2016-09-11 21:49:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Toobo
Lol that was ridiculous. I too have family and had in game losses because I had to urgently leave the PC to look after something/someone. And yes if you are unlucky you could lose your ship in those moments But like others said, if that happens don't complain about the game.

edit: I don't think anyone's complaining here about going on those 'emergency afk' and coming back to find that they lost a ship. But the notion that you can/should be able to go afk and CONTINUE MAKING ISK while afk is pretty sh*t.

Yes, this means you have to dock up. And yes this means you will not be making ISK while you are afk because you are docked in station. You can't expect to go afk and make ISK and be safe all at the same time.

This is especially so since EVE offers various other more long term 'passive' ISK making activities without having to be loggd onto the game 24/7, such as industrial jobs, market stuff, PI, etc. There are loads of ways help your NAV increase while you sleep/go on a holiday/etc. Flying spaceship AFK in space and expecting to make ISK is just not acceptable.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Litla Sundlaugin
#24 - 2016-09-11 22:38:52 UTC
Scath Bererund wrote:
Bit of a click bait title but hear me out...

I recently had a wander around highsec and noticed where once there where fleets of hulks and covs there are now only procs and skiffs. Even when supported by an orca the hulk is pretty much extinct.

Started to wonder why. Thinking back to my first encounter with a suicide ganker i was a newbie fresh into my first barge. A covertor. Solo jetcan minimg in a 0.5 system. Needless to say the cat melted my barge. After having a convo with the ganker i was told about how profitable covs are to gankers. And how i should alter my play style to make myself "not worth the effort"

So after that incident i had a much better idea of skills needed, ships to fly and so on. I bought a proc. Tanked the thing as best i could and went back to mining never bothered by gankers again.

One small problem. The soft targets (hulk and cov) need constant micro management. The proc just sits there until it fills up. Meaning i either tabbed out or went afk.

Thats what seems to have happened in highsec. No one flies the busy ships because they weak and the stronger ships need little to no micro management. So as a result miners arnt at thier keyboards. The dont start convos in local. They dont form a comunity. To me this seems wrong.

The way i see it there are 2 possable solutions CCP and CODE

1: ccp needs to a bit of a swap with the barges. The tanky bricks should be micro management heavy and the tinfoil ships more "afk ish" this might keep people at thier keyboards and interacting with each other.

2: CODE right now code targets the paper barges. And who can blame them? Easy money. If code where to make a point of killing procs and skiffs (yeah i know how many ships that would take) and leave the hulks and covs alone it might kickstart a comunity in highsec.

Any thoughts anyone?

This has to be a test alliance joke thread right?

Why would test care if high sec come together for a pow wow?

Listen I'm the biggest carebear of all carebears, I work with other in high sec when they want, do I wish I could have a wingman to do things with, sure, but everybody is doing the game their way, what they feel like doing,, do you really feel like mining with me, I think you wouldn't enjoy that?

If you want people with you then leave test and make your own corp that offers mining as it's main thing, then offer newbies and others incentives to join, get team speak, free bpc's, etc.

Building something takes effort, it takes work, many people don't have the time to keep a corp running very well with everything that needs to be done.

If you are serious about forming communities then there's nothing to stop you, you need to set goals, have plans, and think long term, you need to lead, you need to help those in your corp with their goals and aspersions, until then you don't have any right to try and nerf others because your not getting what you crave.

Litla Sundlaugin
#25 - 2016-09-11 23:29:25 UTC
Also so I will participate, what are you doing now...for me I'm listening to Snoop dogg, gin and juice, rolling down the street smoking indo.....
Commander Spurty
#26 - 2016-09-11 23:32:36 UTC
Can highsec product Capital ships?

Phew, no .. all good. Carry on with your absolutely pointless crusade to save something that's fine.

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

Built by CCP

Litla Sundlaugin
#27 - 2016-09-12 00:01:07 UTC
Commander Spurty wrote:
Can highsec product Capital ships?

Phew, no .. all good. Carry on with your absolutely pointless crusade to save something that's fine.

I wanted to build T-2 ships....trained the skills and invested millions in skill Zoidberg I went ahhhhh, as I realized I need moon goo.
Litla Sundlaugin
#28 - 2016-09-12 00:39:18 UTC
See, OP hasn't even answered me...AFK perhaps?

I'm participating, right now I am listening to the doors while I mine...need to build a Rokh, unless someone wants to donate one to me so I can go exploring with my new shiny, just now the computer said 'the asteroid is defeated'Big smile

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#29 - 2016-09-12 01:10:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Khergit Deserters
'I recently had a wander around highsec and noticed where once there where fleets of hulks and covs there are now only procs and skiffs. Even when supported by an orca the hulk is pretty much extinct.'

Crom! If those miners are sophisticated enough to do that, they've been in the game long enough to know about code. Not a good target for a solo code warrior, or an undock gang. Miners too smart, too many variables, too much FacPo, not enough time. Besides, sitting around on your thumbs on an alt with no action and alt+tab gets old.
Project Fruit House
#30 - 2016-09-12 01:52:45 UTC
Piugattuk wrote:
'asteroid is defeated'

Love it. CCP should change to this. Big smile

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Litla Sundlaugin
#31 - 2016-09-12 02:49:37 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
'I recently had a wander around highsec and noticed where once there where fleets of hulks and covs there are now only procs and skiffs. Even when supported by an orca the hulk is pretty much extinct.'

Crom! If those miners are sophisticated enough to do that, they've been in the game long enough to know about code. Not a good target for a solo code warrior, or an undock gang. Miners too smart, too many variables, too much FacPo, not enough time. Besides, sitting around on your thumbs on an alt with no action and alt+tab gets old.

But the price remains high for the HULK....humm.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#32 - 2016-09-12 07:28:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
When I do bother mining, I mostly remain silent in local, but the reason I do that is because I have no interest in having a conversation with most of the people that play this game. Making mining need more management (see tedious) will simply make it even less worthwhile to mine that in already is. It's already so low income that unless your running a one man fleet it's not worth doing, why make it worse by giving you umpteen million button clicks to accomplish?

Serene Repose wrote:
AFK mining is done with scripts.)
Lol, no it isn't.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#33 - 2016-09-12 07:45:39 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
I do and I have two kids, a small wild animal that hisses at me tries to claw at my eyes and a cat .

If you need to go afk, dock up.
That's good for you, but why should that mean the game should go out of it's way to prevent people going AFK? If you go AFK you run the risk of getting blown up. Most people accept this risk and take the necessary precautions. What the OP wants is mechanics changes so going AFK is punished without the need for other players intervention.

Elite Harvester wrote:
For instance I haven't met a mining barge yet that I couldn't bump out of range of an asteroid. Blink
I've met many a bumper that's given up on bumping after a few minutes of a futile attempt against a large multibox fleet. The main thing is don't say anything and don't seem to be reacting. Bumping is insanely boring, bumping and getting no response tends to put people off pretty quick.

Toobo wrote:
I don't think anyone's complaining here about going on those 'emergency afk' and coming back to find that they lost a ship. But the notion that you can/should be able to go afk and CONTINUE MAKING ISK while afk is pretty sh*t.
So should moon harvesters, PI facilities, market orders and manufacturing queues all halt when people are AFK or out of the game? Many activities allow income while AFK, mining is one of the lowest income ones and takes special consideration to do even marginally safely, bearing in mind that an AFK skiff with max skills can only make around 3 million isk (taking about 6 and a half minutes with boosts) before requiring input.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#34 - 2016-09-12 07:58:10 UTC
I had one try to bump my Skiffs and failed continuously then he went back to hassling a Russian players Orca. Roll

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Project Fruit House
#35 - 2016-09-12 08:08:02 UTC
Lucas, I did not say passive/AFK isk is bad, all I'm saying is that it comes with the risk. You can AFK mine now too, and it's not 'wrong' in any sense, but it is 'rightly so' that there is risk of being ganked by not paying attention.

Out of other things you listed, PI is the only one that's pretty risk free, so that could be looked into. But PI requires moving stuff to hubs to sell, and it's usually during the transportation that risk is present, even more so considering that more profitable PI harvesting is done in less secure space. You could point at PI factories in high sec, but that requires a lot more micromanagement than PI harvesting.

Regarding things like moon mining and trading being passive ISK, both come with great risk. If you set up huge order and go afk for few months you cannoy react to sudden market changes and can suffer heavy loss. For moon mining, taking control of and protecting profitable moons are no easy task - at least in a sense that it will usually require team effort.

As I said, you can afk mine or rat or whatever all you want, the game allows for it. But my point was that afk mining AND wishig for less risk doesn't fly as an argument.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Arkoth 24
#36 - 2016-09-12 08:09:12 UTC
Scath Bererund wrote:
Any thoughts anyone?

Instead of reworking barges, CCP should rework mining itself. Make it more intellegent, more challenging, and make it to take more attention - not just boring AFK-switch-lasers-AFK thing.

This idea was on forums for literally years - to add some kind of "mini-games" for miners as it was made with exploration sites. To cracking asteroids to shards, to put some more and less rich parts in it, to add some unpredictable events during mining cycle, like dropping alloys (similar to those you may find in rogue drones sites) and mining out DAMN-F@#KEN-SLEEPERS!!!11 from asteroid.

That may make mining interesting and unsuitable for AFK and bots.
oiukhp Muvila
#37 - 2016-09-12 08:35:06 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
oiukhp Muvila wrote:
Toobo wrote:
Problem is not the ship, but people going AFK or not paying enough attention to the game......

I think this attitude is what makes much of this community such ass-hats at times.

Some people actually have lives and this notion that if you are logged in and in space you cannot leave the KB and should be somehow punished if you dare to is simply astounding.

Get a life:
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to take a crap.
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to talk to my kids in a different room.
I'm not going to dock ever time I want a snack.
I'm not going to dock ever time I need to let the dog out
I'm not going to dock ever time for what ever just so others can feel at ease that every character is in game and ready to be interacted with.

I realize all of this comes from the notion that you shouldn't be able to make isk without direct interaction from the game, but seriously, get over it, buy some plex. You have to be making something like a buck fiffy an hr to make it worth your time to mine in game versus buying plex from time to time.

How much time someone else is paying attention to this game is one of the most childish things to be worried about. And trying to punish people for needing to leave the game for a few to do something in their daily life is just, well it shows how much of a life some don't have frankly.

It's a PvP game, would you go AFK in any other PvP game and expect to be left alone?

I said nothing about expecting to be left alone.

The game should not try to punish me for taking the risk of going AFK. If a player wants to try and punish me, that is part of this game. The game mechanics should have nothing to do with it.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#38 - 2016-09-12 08:37:12 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
I do and I have two kids, a small wild animal that hisses at me tries to claw at my eyes and a cat .

If you need to go afk, dock up.
That's good for you, but why should that mean the game should go out of it's way to prevent people going AFK? If you go AFK you run the risk of getting blown up. Most people accept this risk and take the necessary precautions. What the OP wants is mechanics changes so going AFK is punished without the need for other players intervention.

yeah i know, i dont actually care about this toppic whatsoever, its just a platform for a oneliner wife joke for me Blink
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#39 - 2016-09-12 09:07:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Mara Pahrdi wrote:
sero Hita wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

I do and I have two kids, a small wild animal that hisses at me tries to claw at my eyes and a cat .

If you need to go afk, dock up.

Well, this kinda depends on the situation though. If I am in warp flying through Innia or any other of those big ass systems, and I would wait for the warp to end and dock up while my son is trying to climb up on something high, I am pretty sure my wife would kill me :D. So just wanted to say it is not always possible to dock up first. I on the other hand also don't complain if someone kills me in game during that time... because it is just pixels.

Of course there are emergencies. If I can't dock up and know I'll be away for more than just a couple of minutes I usually simply gtfo of what I'm doing and kill the client. In a pvp encounter it's bad luck obviously, stuff lost and an e-mail afterwards.

I have a Corp mate who usually goes AFK about 4 hours into our Friday night roams. By then he's had enough drink to fall asleep.

One time he went AFK while we were setting up for a fight in Eve-Uni's nullsec campus home. We were sitting on gate and he just went AFK. Only thing was it was a bit early. We tried bumping him off grid (as we always did when grids were small) but a fleet of Russians jumped in and proceeded to kill and pod him during the fight. Turns out he wasn't asleep. He'd got up for a few seconds to get a drink and ended up having sex with his wife.

He was quite fine with the loss. SRP didn't cover it. We decided that without photographic proof there was no way SRP could apply.

He still just goes AFK.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#40 - 2016-09-12 09:43:25 UTC
Toobo wrote:
Lucas, I did not say passive/AFK isk is bad, all I'm saying is that it comes with the risk. You can AFK mine now too, and it's not 'wrong' in any sense, but it is 'rightly so' that there is risk of being ganked by not paying attention.
You kinda did, you in fact said "the notion that you can/should be able to go afk and CONTINUE MAKING ISK while afk is pretty sh*t."

Toobo wrote:
Out of other things you listed, PI is the only one that's pretty risk free, so that could be looked into. But PI requires moving stuff to hubs to sell, and it's usually during the transportation that risk is present, even more so considering that more profitable PI harvesting is done in less secure space. You could point at PI factories in high sec, but that requires a lot more micromanagement than PI harvesting.
All of them are as mechanically risk free as AFK mining, since they all only have player intervention. In fact mining is technically more risky, since if an incursion rat shows up next to an AFK miner in highsec he stand a good chance of losing his ship in time since their dps will generally beat their passive regen.

Toobo wrote:
Regarding things like moon mining and trading being passive ISK, both come with great risk. If you set up huge order and go afk for few months you cannoy react to sudden market changes and can suffer heavy loss. For moon mining, taking control of and protecting profitable moons are no easy task - at least in a sense that it will usually require team effort.
Yes, but the difference is that you can go AFK for a few months and you can earn for that entire time. A boosted skiff can go AFK for 6 and a half minutes (earning around 3 million isk), at which point he stops making isk AFK. He also can still be ganked. Additionally if you do it right and consider the possible risks, you can set up long term market orders that are low risk and low loss if all goes wrong. Hell, you can set up 0.01 isk buy orders and make bank with basically no risk.

Toobo wrote:
As I said, you can afk mine or rat or whatever all you want, the game allows for it. But my point was that afk mining AND wishig for less risk doesn't fly as an argument.
But that's not what this thread is about. People aren't saying "oh hey we want less risk", the thread is that people are mitigating as much of their risk as possible, by flying the right ships, fitting them right and afking in the right locations, and the OP is suggest it to be mechanically more difficult to AFK them for the very short periods of time they can make ISK while AFK.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

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