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Closing incursions by killing the Mothership

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Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#101 - 2012-01-17 14:04:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Dzajic wrote:
CCP goes bankrupt, EA or Sony buys EVE and we get a game where forums are actually moderated and in game griefing is bannable offense. Yes it would be a extremely boring EVE; but also soo much less stressful and annoying one.

I am / was subscribed to several EA games.

Their forums are almost as horrible, almost as slow (actually their game codes purchase is 10000 times slower than any bad made PERL 1995 script).

Their posters are as bad as WoW ones and what they say is as nasty as here, just with longer and hypocrital wording.

The only thing they are not allowed to do there is to scam. But hey, it's CCP not the players who explicitly allow people to scam in their games, aren't them?

Where I completely agree with you is that EA would purchase EvE. EA is where good games and former good companies go to die, in a fart of shame.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#102 - 2012-01-17 14:04:46 UTC  |  Edited by: theDisto
You are welcome to run Incursions in lowsec and nullsec where you can defend the mothership from the evil null players. It's not like you haven't headshot the lowsec MS sites coming from high sec to run the MS before before scurrying home. You said you had 500 guys, realistically what is Br1ck going to do against a fleet that size.

Evidentally Br1ck has fun running the highsec mothership sites. I understand this may upset you when you find that you can't run Vanguard sites 23/7 a day while earning 100 mill an hour in complete safety. Obviously you will have to return to L4 missions and have to unfortunately switch hardeners every site or so while grinding isk.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#103 - 2012-01-17 14:08:20 UTC
The Time Lord wrote:
i wanted to start getting into incursions, but all this griefing scares me. are scout sites being targeted? maybe i can do those without being attacked. missions are boring and any time i leave high sec i get ganked. not sure what to do.

At this time, just avoid getting in the ISK farm factories sites (with the MOM). By the time you get your feet wet, this "event" might be over, or CCP might have patched it.
Killa Von Murderer
#104 - 2012-01-17 14:21:49 UTC
Darius III wrote:
Soon you will not be able to count on having an incursion available to you 23/7. We will be killing the rest of the MS all at one time in a few days if negotiations with the BLT and TDF leaders fall apart.

We expect CCP to step in and spawn more/change the mechanic that makes them spawn.

After killing/forcing the MS to be killed, there were 700 in public incursion channel. So we made a fake logi fleet and got @15 BS killed by luring them and not repping them once aggro came in.

I am interested in hearing from a broader audience than Crime and Punishment about our actions.

Approve or disapprove and why?

I approve that the C&P types have stopped whinging at CCP to nerf incursions and decided to take matters into their own hands. That's the kind of initiative that makes Eve a great game.

I dislike that the end result seems to be disproportionately impacting newer players who can only get into T1 ships and therefore can't compete against the hard core incursion lifestyle players. But then I never expected Eve to be a socialist paradise. Lol

I predict that you guys will get bored and go and find something else to do when people stop paying attention to you.

On a related note, is it possible for any discussion on the Eve forums to run for more than a page before it deteriorates into a 'cry moar tears' / 'U mad bro?' travesty? Didn't think so. Smile
Pandemic Legion
#105 - 2012-01-17 14:37:59 UTC
Dzajic wrote:
If CCP wanted Incursions to be completed quickly why would have they given them a week long lifespan?

CCP is notorious for adding features to the game without accounting for even half the potential repercussions of said game features.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#106 - 2012-01-17 15:13:18 UTC
Dzajic wrote:
Tarsas Phage wrote:
Dzajic wrote:
Is pissing in rl sandboxes and breaking other kid's toys bad and socially unacceptable behavior? Yes ofc.

What difference is there then? If your only joy in a game is causing inconvenience suffering and loss to other players? If you weren't having IRL sociopathic tendencies such a thing would not be attractive or fun to you; it is simply not how a completely healthy person would think.

You are drawing satisfaction from causing (emotional and mental) injury to other human beings. Why does the medium in which this is done matter?

So people who like to be cast in roles as murders, rapists, or all-around bad guys in movies must like doing that stuff irl ?

Completely different thing. Problem is you are not really "playing a role of bandit". Problem is you screwing with game of other paying customers. Incursions interdiction is pure meta-gaming and that is farthest you can get from in context behaviour or role playing. You are going all out in effort to make game-play as inconvenient and miserable for other players as you can.

Besides in movies good guys win 99% of time while in EVE it has always been the opposite. Because it is you who take internet spaceships too seriously an you spend enormous amounts of time planning such a event where your only goal is to prevent other people playing the game or make their game time as miserable as possible. And when it comes to taking internet spaceships seriously.... how more serious can it get from nullsec leaders with their steady IRL income from RMT shops to whom they lend their space.

Once again. You are not doing this for in game profit or for your "in game role-play". You are doing it to inconvenient other players and feed your feeble little souls on other people's discomfort and trouble.

I'm so bored of this discussion over all these years. I actually hope you win and CCP foolishly listens to all your absurd little demands. Remove highsec incursions and L4s all together. Instant 70 or 80% drop in subs; CCP goes bankrupt, EA or Sony buys EVE and we get a game where forums are actually moderated and in game griefing is bannable offense. Yes it would be a extremely boring EVE; but also soo much less stressful and annoying one.

That's the whole point. Its just a bloody game; people play it to have fun. If your only fun is to constantly and consistently frack with game-play and fun of other people you are being a real jerk to real people, you are just doing it isnide of a virtual environment.

Dzajic I agree with you about the griefer analyzis, it is meta-gaming under the self-deception of role-playing, but I'd like to remind you that vast majority of anti-Incursions people in this thread are not against Incursions farming because they want to grief the farmers. Some are, true, but mostly people just want to balance things in the risk & effort vs reward -aspect, which is the most important balancing measure in the whole game.

Having one easy isk-printing machine deprecates the value of the other areas game.

The beef, and the only beef here is that if a CONCORD-protected hisec PVE activity is more profitable than similar activities in lawless space, it breaks the whole idea of the EVE as we know it.

Secondly Incursions were designed to be finished to relieve the system from Sansha influence, not prolong the situation. The Mom site should reap the highest rewards, and I'm pretty sure CCP will fix the design so that the Mom site will become more lucrative instead of the lesser sites.

And on a further note, you have expressed your opinions honestly, with adequate argumentation and with your main, so please don't take all the **** in this personally. People don't like the elitist, protectionistic l337 Incursion cunts, you don't seem to act like one so don't take their deeds upon your person.


Where Are All The Spoons
#107 - 2012-01-17 15:17:24 UTC
Meh. I see nothing wrong with these guys doing whatever to Incursions. I'm a high sec lvl 4 running carebear that loves to pull the ISK. Considered Incursions, thought they sounded like fun, buddy of mine said "lawl, it's not worth it. people are gonna ruin it". And he was right. In that context, there's nothing not-Eve-like about them ruining it. Yea, it sucks. Yea, it would be awesome if they didn't, so players now and to come could enjoy the spoils of this awesome feature. But hey, it's part of the game, and much like a traffic jam on the freeway during rush hour, you just gotta gather some indifference for it and do something else in the mean time. Let them wreck it, say bye to it, and go back to doing something else (Pst, lvl 4's).
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#108 - 2012-01-17 15:19:02 UTC
XXSketchxx wrote:
Dzajic wrote:
If CCP wanted Incursions to be completed quickly why would have they given them a week long lifespan?

CCP is notorious for adding features to the game without accounting for even half the potential repercussions of said game features.

It is pretty much impossible to predict all the repercussions of any given new ruleset in an already complex system, which will be bent, poked, twisted and abused by tens of thousands determined and creative human minds at their prime.

EVE players are nerds. Nerds are clever. A huge mass of clever nerds interacting structurally and chaotically creates emergent gameplay, making New Eden what it is. CCP not only can't prevent this from happening, neither they would want to prevent it from happening.


#109 - 2012-01-17 15:38:03 UTC
Roime wrote:
XXSketchxx wrote:
Dzajic wrote:
If CCP wanted Incursions to be completed quickly why would have they given them a week long lifespan?

CCP is notorious for adding features to the game without accounting for even half the potential repercussions of said game features.

It is pretty much impossible to predict all the repercussions of any given new ruleset in an already complex system, which will be bent, poked, twisted and abused by tens of thousands determined and creative human minds at their prime.

EVE players are nerds. Nerds are clever. A huge mass of clever nerds interacting structurally and chaotically creates emergent gameplay, making New Eden what it is. CCP not only can't prevent this from happening, neither they would want to prevent it from happening.

Good god! Huge mass of basement dwellers who take internet spaceships too seriously, getting all giggly off thinking they ruined someone else's day, thus forcing them back to their real lives that said basement dwellers lack.Shocked
Andrea Roche
State War Academy
Caldari State
#110 - 2012-01-17 17:14:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Andrea Roche
What i am about to say is to all parties.
I think the level of hypocracy coming from the CSMs lately is disapointing.
You are supose to stand for the overal of the game not just the pvp section.
There are no lack of people in 0.0.
The problem is when you set blue everyone around you then ofcource you have no one to shoot at.
There is a negative effect to blue everyone around you!

There are plenty of people that do not play this game for the pvp. From my part pvp is it the most fun part of this game but to others its not.
The Mittani abused his postion as a CSM to initiate a war vs all mining barges in high sec.
Now Darius is also abusing his position to do this.
As a CSM you should not be forcing your type of gaming into the rest of eve nor should you be using your position to carry out your private vandettas OR you will fail as CSM.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#111 - 2012-01-17 17:17:27 UTC
CSM Meeting Minutes wrote:
Focusing the discussion on Incursions, CSM brought up the point that Incursions are unbalanced in that the easier levels of Incursions are more profitable than the more difficult levels – something that CCP has noted as
well and is working on adjusting. The full details of that adjustment are not known at this time as there are
several options available. And the issue is not just monetary, the gameplay is also becoming too predictable,
and with this predictability, the risk is reduced. Players applying cookie-cutter solutions to the sites, and running
some in just a few minutes, is a problem that needs to be addressed. Both the CSM and CCP agree on that
Incursions are good in terms of gameplay and ISK payout, but the time for adjustments based on player
behavior data is at hand – adjusting the distribution of the sites and adjusting the payout being highest on the
list. But this is a positive problem, these issues are cropping up because there are so many people running
Incursions. Such changes will be another example of the iterative approach CCP is committing to.

Not bad.

Peace & fly safe or dangerous, whatever pleases you o7


#112 - 2012-01-17 17:22:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Dzajic
CSM minutes are out. Check the latest DevBlog.

All please check parts about PLEX prices, inflation and Incursions. See that CSM and CCP agree that isk is not related to PLEX prices; that VGs may need a minor nerf or added challenge and that other Incursion sites need a boost. And that incursions as they are are good for game and should stay.


For Christ's sake. They actually agreed that Moms get vulnerable too fast and that Incursions should last longer but have a lower respawn rate!

So mr Darius III; how come that you as CSM took a nearly completely different position on Incursions than one you have in game? Hypocrisy much? Trying to be buddy buddy with CCP while pissing on their playerbase while they don't look?
Pandemic Legion
#113 - 2012-01-17 17:35:42 UTC
Dzajic wrote:
CSM minutes are out. Check the latest DevBlog.

All please check parts about PLEX prices, inflation and Incursions. See that CSM and CCP agree that isk is not related to PLEX prices; that VGs may need a minor nerf or added challenge and that other Incursion sites need a boost. And that incursions as they are are good for game and should stay.


For Christ's sake. They actually agreed that Moms get vulnerable too fast and that Incursions should last longer but have a lower respawn rate!

So mr Darius III; how come that you as CSM took a nearly completely different position on Incursions than one you have in game? Hypocrisy much? Trying to be buddy buddy with CCP while pissing on their playerbase while they don't look?

Easy bro, you're sounding like a sociopath.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#114 - 2012-01-17 17:42:46 UTC
The Sansha mothership is a perfectly legitimate PVE war target.

When incursions started, they were great, and the live event buildup was epic, like being part of a fantastic sci fi story as it is written.

Now it's elitists in shineys blitzing sites. Do you think the more hardcore incursion runners are poor sweet innocent loving players? Get your friends together in some T1 BS and a few logis and see what happens. Try to join a fleet with anything other than a pimp ship - it'll take a while, and when you get that fleet and hit that site, see what happens. They'll be there eventually.

And the worst part, the mothership comprises content that can be strung along solely for the purpose of raking in more ISK. While I don't sign on to the "griefer" aspect of mom take-downs, as I believe that engaging in a PVE target can only be griefing when people with a sense of entitlement (spoiled brats) claim it is - meaning it's not greifing - the ISK pump aspect of stringing the incursion along is a broken mechanic.

If it were possible to string a level 4 mission along and farm it all day, if harvesting a wormhole system didn't make it devoid of sites, if Sanctums could be strung along, then it could be said that incursions are within the known template of PVE content.

My own personal agenda: the mom should appear, have a despawn timer, and everybody not involved in killing it does not get their ISK and LP. If the mom is not engaged and killed, NOBODY gets their ISK and LP.

Do we get the phat loot if we don't finish that exploration content and complexes? Do we get ISK and LP when we don't finish our missions?

The mom takedown fleets are the open door for all of those who are not "leet enough" to be a part of incursions previously. All you need is a T1 BS with 90k+ EHP (armor tank) and 70%+ resists but I have seen others be allowed in at their own risk and when they can comprise their own wing. In other words, the last mom takedown fleet I was in had some shield drakes in it and a basi. A couple of days of level 4 missions can get you a couple of good T1 battleships. That and the ability to listen to your FC (as a matter of operating in a fleet, not specifically to these goals) is all you will probably need.

So everybody who had to post a fit and got mocked or laughed at, join in the taking down of the moms. Not "good enough"? if your ship can tank and spank, that's good enough. If you have never been in a fleet before against a mothership - and whether too noobish or having no desire to go to 0.0 at this time, this is your chance to get some 0.0-like experience and the people running these fleets are experienced 0.0 players. You will also find that these nefarious nabobs of low and null will not jump out of your computer, kick your sister, and molest the dog, even if they are said to engage in that activity by their victims.

And finally, if you miss live events, THIS is becoming the live event. Who knows, maybe CCP will reward our group play activity with some "extra" targets in the mom site and purple text in local.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Hoskoal Ricks
#115 - 2012-01-17 18:11:08 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
The Sansha mothership is a perfectly legitimate PVE war target.

Pandemic Legion
#116 - 2012-01-17 18:49:22 UTC
Hoskoal Ricks wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
The Sansha mothership is a perfectly legitimate PVE war target.


Simi Kusoni
#117 - 2012-01-17 19:28:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Simi Kusoni
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
You will also find that these nefarious nabobs of low and null will not jump out of your computer, kick your sister, and molest the dog.

My sister was extremely disappointed when she heard this news.

*EDIT: I read that as kick your dog, molest your sister. I guess my sister is rather chuffed then.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Arazel Chainfire
Gallente Federation
#118 - 2012-01-17 19:32:27 UTC
Dzajic wrote:
If CCP wanted Incursions to be completed quickly why would have they given them a week long lifespan?

Because they didn't realize how quickly sites would get hammered? Remember, when incursions were first released, the first highsec incursion timed out. The next few lasted for several days. It took about 3 months before they were flattening them in less than a day, but now the incursions can be flattened in 2 hours or less (in highsec). This is something that CCP SHOULD address, even if only to make the sansha influence bar actually have an effect other than to tell you that you are in an incursion system. Also remember that the week long lifespan is for highsec/lowsec/nullsec incursions, and while a highsec one generally takes only 2 hours or less, lowsec/nullsec usually take between 1-3 days (if anyone cares to run them at all). This is all based on a system that CCP implemented over a year ago and haven't touched in the last 9 months. This despite them saying that they would review them regularly and make any necessary changes if needed.

I seem to remember them saying the same thing about other programs before too. FW and cosmos missions seem to come to mind for some reason. Hmmmm.......

#119 - 2012-01-17 20:13:38 UTC
Stop trolling for a second and read the CSM minutes and see what CCP and CSM have agreed on about Incursions, PLEX and inflation.
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#120 - 2012-01-17 20:26:36 UTC
Dzajic wrote:
Is pissing in rl sandboxes and breaking other kid's toys bad and socially unacceptable behavior? Yes ofc.

What difference is there then? If your only joy in a game is causing inconvenience suffering and loss to other players? If you weren't having IRL sociopathic tendencies such a thing would not be attractive or fun to you; it is simply not how a completely healthy person would think.

You are drawing satisfaction from causing (emotional and mental) injury to other human beings. Why does the medium in which this is done matter?

Losing your pixel-stuffs, which you can easily replace with more pixuhl-muneez is not a real-world inconvenience or suffering.

I know that Internet Spaceships Is Serious Business(TM) and all, but...

Dude, why are you taking a video-game so seriously?

Especially when you have so many ISK-faucets to replace your losses so easily? Go back 5+ years, and losing a BS--and I don't mean blinged-out beyond all reason/necessity I mean basic TII fit, or even named T I--actually meant something, now every mindless carebear and his wife flies complex-pimped Vargurs and Machs--why? Because ISK is too easy to farm, these assets have no real value anymore, but I'm digressing...
