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[GalFed] Villore Assembly resolution on the crowning of Empress Catiz

First post
Xun Yu
#1 - 2016-09-05 10:10:23 UTC
Resolution VA/2/1
Second Villore Assembly

Sponsors: Julianus Soter
Signatories: Beauregard Audeles; James Syagrius; Tressith Sefira; Tristan Valentina.
Endorsements: Charles Cambridge Schmidt; Korbin Lavius.
Topic: “Coronation of the Amarr Empress.”

The Villore Assembly,
Recalling the fundamental political and economic nature of the interstellar society,
Recognising the historic relationship between the Amarr Empire and the Gallente Federation,
Noting particularly the treaties which have developed a peaceful dialogue between our peoples, including the Gallente-Amarr Free Trade Agreement of 23210AD,
Cognizant of the enormous religious and political impact of this coronation to the Amarr people,
Stressing the need to maintain and develop meaningful relationships between the Federation and the Empire,
1. Establishes an official delegation from the Villore Assembly to attend the coronation ceremony,
2. Requests that the members of this delegation be afforded all diplomatic rights as any other foreign delegation,
3. Calls for this delegation to report back to the Villore Assembly on the tone prevalent throughout the ceremonies,
4. Commits to write a report to the Federal Senate, detailing the observations and comments from all delegation.

Please note the official list of delegates will be included here as soon as the Federal-Imperial Relations Committee (FED-IMP) has finalised it.

For the Federation,
Taishou Xun Yu
Vice-Chair of the Villore Assembly

Sanxing - 'Three Stars' - Committed to the Jin-Mei and the Federation

Find us on your Neocom on the router: Sanxing

#2 - 2016-09-05 11:01:50 UTC
What is a Villore Assembly?
Xun Yu
#3 - 2016-09-05 11:05:51 UTC
Ameriya wrote:
What is a Villore Assembly?

Hopefully this announcement will provide more information: [GalFed] Announcement of the Villore Assembly.

Taishou Xun Yu
Vice-Chair of the Villore Assembly

Sanxing - 'Three Stars' - Committed to the Jin-Mei and the Federation

Find us on your Neocom on the router: Sanxing

#4 - 2016-09-05 11:22:53 UTC
Xun Yu
#5 - 2016-09-05 11:28:31 UTC
Ameriya wrote:

I certainly agree. If you are interested in participating please do let me know via a mail, the Villore Assembly would benefit from the input of more Federal citizens.

Taishou Xun Yu
Vice-Chair of the Villore Assembly

Sanxing - 'Three Stars' - Committed to the Jin-Mei and the Federation

Find us on your Neocom on the router: Sanxing

#6 - 2016-09-05 11:38:24 UTC
Are there membership fees? A dress code?
Utari Onzo
#7 - 2016-09-05 11:53:37 UTC
I'm going to be honest here and ask why an extra-governmental group of Capsuleers think they should be afforded the same rights and priviledges as official representatives of the other Big Three Signatories? I'm sure members of the Assembly will be treated the same as any other visitor on the day, but this seems a bit much to be asking for the same treatment as the leaders and diplomats of the State, the Federation proper and the Republic (should they choose to attend). I'm not sure lobby groups sit on the same level.

"Face the enemy as a solid wall For faith is your armor And through it, the enemy will find no breach Wrap your arms around the enemy For faith is your fire And with it, burn away his evil"

#8 - 2016-09-05 12:03:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Teinyhr
I concur with Mr. Onzo. Maybe their apparent success with the Jin-Mei thing has gone to their heads?
Xun Yu
#9 - 2016-09-05 12:21:22 UTC
Ameriya wrote:
Are there membership fees? A dress code?

There are no membership fees, and as far as a dress code when either connected via holo or attending in person we ask only that all delegates and observers follow the decorum for any public venue.

Thank you,
Taishou Xun Yu
Vice-Chair of the Villore Assembly

Utari Onzo wrote:
I'm going to be honest here and ask why an extra-governmental group of Capsuleers think they should be afforded the same rights and priviledges as official representatives of the other Big Three Signatories? I'm sure members of the Assembly will be treated the same as any other visitor on the day, but this seems a bit much to be asking for the same treatment as the leaders and diplomats of the State, the Federation proper and the Republic (should they choose to attend). I'm not sure lobby groups sit on the same level.

Jueshi Onzo,

The Villore Assembly represents an important and growing section of Federal citizens, citizens who have demonstrated an ability to and willingness to engage with political, social, and economic matters of the day in order to improve the Federation. The privileges we are asking to be extended are no different to those offered to official representatives of any organisation, whether non-governmental, corporate, and so forth.

These requests have been endorsed by observers from Amarrian organisations, and were subject to lengthy debate in committee and on the assembly floor, as such I would suggest that your point is not a new one and has been debated.

Thank you kindly for your interest.
Taishou Xun Yu
Vice-Chair of the Villore Assembly

Teinyhr wrote:
I concur with Mr. Onzo. Maybe their success with the Jin-Mei thing has gone to their head?

Nushi Teinyhr,

The Villore Assembly is quite aware of the limits of our abilities, and as I mentioned in my response to Jueshi Onzo this was also raised in the committee and on the floor and again has been discussed at length.

Thank you kindly for your interest,
Taishou Xun Yu
Vice-Chair of the Villore Assembly

Sanxing - 'Three Stars' - Committed to the Jin-Mei and the Federation

Find us on your Neocom on the router: Sanxing

Vollhov Jr
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2016-09-05 12:24:22 UTC
Oh my God.
What is happening in this world.
The enemy is at the coronation ceremony.
Amarrians have forgotten who support the rebels.
Continuing the idiocy....
Utari Onzo
#11 - 2016-09-05 12:25:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Utari Onzo
So effectively rather then being happy to simply turn up as any other visitor will be allowed on the day, you are asking for special treatment exactly because you're a pressure group? Perhaps Providence should ask to be given special priviledges on the same basis?

We shall see what the Empire's response will be to this but I suspect you'll be enjoying the show from the same seats as everyone else on these forums.

"Face the enemy as a solid wall For faith is your armor And through it, the enemy will find no breach Wrap your arms around the enemy For faith is your fire And with it, burn away his evil"

Xun Yu
#12 - 2016-09-05 12:31:35 UTC
Vollhov Jr wrote:
Oh my God.
What is happening in this world.
The enemy is at the coronation ceremony.
Amarrians have forgotten who support the rebels.
Continuing the idiocy....

Jueshi Volhov,

I would direct you to the fact that President Roden attended the state funeral for the late Empress Jamyl, the attendance of Federal citizens at an official public ceremony is hardly unique.

Thank you kindly
Taishou Xun Yu
Vice-Chair of the Villore Assembly

Utari Onzo wrote:
So effectively rather then being happy to simply turn up as any other visitor will be allowed on the day, you are asking for special treatment exactly because you're a pressure group? Perhaps Providence should ask to be given special priviledges on the same basis?

We shall see what the Empire's response will be to this but I suspect you'll be enjoying the show from the same seats and everyone else on these forums.

Jueshi Onzo,

Again allow me to reiterate this is not 'special treatment' or rather any more special treat than that which is afforded to representatives of a myriad of organisations attending such diplomatic events. You seem to be misapprehending the reality of diplomatic events and functions, these privileges are hardly unique and are a matter of a simple confirmation travel document and frequently afforded for all manner of events or meetings. Further asking for clarification of diplomatic status is particularly relevant given present political realities.

Thank you once again for your time.
Taishou Xun Yu
Vice-Chair of the Villore Assembly

Sanxing - 'Three Stars' - Committed to the Jin-Mei and the Federation

Find us on your Neocom on the router: Sanxing

Vollhov Jr
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2016-09-05 12:46:31 UTC
Xun Yu wrote:
Vollhov Jr wrote:
Oh my God.
What is happening in this world.
The enemy is at the coronation ceremony.
Amarrians have forgotten who support the rebels.
Continuing the idiocy....

Jueshi Volhov,

I would direct you to the fact that President Roden attended the state funeral for the late Empress Jamyl, the attendance of Federal citizens at an official public ceremony is hardly unique.

Thank you kindly
Taishou Xun Yu
Vice-Chair of the Villore Assembly

I know.
When your state into the open supports terrorism in the Empire, and at the same time makes it appear that he "mourns" death of the enemy. This is an excellent course of the Federation.
The fact is that the Amarrians become stupid.
I have information that in the past, the Federation receives money from Tash-Murkon family. (there are documents confirming the family history)
While true Amarr are dying in the war, Tash-Murkon Family gets richer.
Utari Onzo
#14 - 2016-09-05 13:01:54 UTC
Mr Xun I assure you I do not misunderstand. The language used asking to be treated the same as any foreign dignitary effectively is a request to be invited to the event proper as dignitaries. Whether you are a head of state or CEO of a multinational you do not ever ask for an invitation to an event like this, you receive one at the host's pleasure. Your arrogance at assuming an invitation is what I take offence to, unless you are infact attending as any other visitor in which case you do not need special garauntees afforded beyond that of any other tourist.

Get your facts on diplomacy straight.

"Face the enemy as a solid wall For faith is your armor And through it, the enemy will find no breach Wrap your arms around the enemy For faith is your fire And with it, burn away his evil"

Xun Yu
#15 - 2016-09-05 13:07:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Xun Yu
Utari Onzo wrote:
Mr Xun I assure you I do not misunderstand. The language used asking to be treated the same as any foreign dignitary effectively is a request to be invited to the event proper as dignitaries. Whether you are a head of state or CEO of a multinational you do not ever ask for an invitation to an event like this, you receive one at the host's pleasure. Your arrogance at assuming an invitation is what I take offence to, unless you are infact attending as any other visitor in which case you do not need special garauntees afforded beyond that of any other tourist.

Get your facts on diplomacy straight.

Jueshi Onzo,

This resolution of the Villore Assembly is a perfectly reasonable démarche a long standing element in international relations.

Thank you kindly,
Taishou Xun Yu
Vice-Chair of the Villore Assembly

Sanxing - 'Three Stars' - Committed to the Jin-Mei and the Federation

Find us on your Neocom on the router: Sanxing

Kolodi Ramal
Sanxing Yi
#16 - 2016-09-05 13:08:13 UTC
What is the point of your complaint about this, Mr. Onzo? Are you bored right now or something?
Utari Onzo
#17 - 2016-09-05 13:16:18 UTC
Kolodi Ramal wrote:
What is the point of your complaint about this, Mr. Onzo? Are you bored right now or something?

I am not bored, I simply take grave offence when an unofficial pressure group attempts to use language representing itself as an official diplomatic organisation and inviting themselves to an event under the same status.

If the intention was to request the same assurances as any other non-governmental organisation during the Assembly's visit to the Empire, that explicitly is what should have been requested. Instead the language used was one explicitly asking for the same status as foreign dignitaries, that is those officially recognised invited diplomats and representatives of a foreign state. The Assembly is not an official nation in its own right and there fore cannot use the same language as nations use between themselves. It is also not a recognised official body of the Federation proper. Further, I state again one does not simply invite themselves to the event proper, one is requested by the Host.

In future I expect the Assembly to be more clear in its language on its actual position and not to assume to be able to speak as anything remotely official in regards to the Federation, and to ask only for those assurances it is entitled to.

"Face the enemy as a solid wall For faith is your armor And through it, the enemy will find no breach Wrap your arms around the enemy For faith is your fire And with it, burn away his evil"

Kolodi Ramal
Sanxing Yi
#18 - 2016-09-05 13:32:51 UTC
Utari Onzo wrote:
I simply take grave offence when an unofficial pressure group attempts to use language representing itself as an official diplomatic organisation and inviting themselves to an event under the same status.

Well that's a weirdly specific thing to be able to express a personal tendency about.
I'm still not sure if you're trying to be helpful by offering "constructive criticism" (in a really unconstructive way) or trying to be destructive or just speaking your offended mood because you can.
#19 - 2016-09-05 13:33:19 UTC
Kolodi Ramal wrote:
What is the point of your complaint about this, Mr. Onzo? Are you bored right now or something?

Frankly I do not find him to be in the wrong here, at all. Regardless of the Assemblies achievements, it is essentially a capsuleer hobby club, and nothing more, and should be treated as such as a political entity.
Kolodi Ramal
Sanxing Yi
#20 - 2016-09-05 13:43:49 UTC
Teinyhr wrote:
Kolodi Ramal wrote:
What is the point of your complaint about this, Mr. Onzo? Are you bored right now or something?

Frankly I do not find him to be in the wrong here, at all. Regardless of the Assemblies achievements, it is essentially a capsuleer hobby club, and nothing more, and should be treated as such as a political entity.

And what are you trying to accomplish? (Here and now, or on a larger scale.)
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