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Printing on a Wine Mac

Alan Mathison
Signal Cartel
EvE-Scout Enclave
#1 - 2016-09-01 21:49:13 UTC

I apologize if this has been asked before and it's buried in a thread. This is addressed to anyone, but I suspect and hope that CCP Snorlax will have the answer.

We are now moving on the Mac from CIDER to WINE. This has been in the works for months and CCP has done a good job at having both things available in the Mac client to try. And I have. Largely I've found it pretty OK.

A couple of months ago I found a bug and mentioned it on the forums, but I don't recall it being answered. Today, when I updated my client, it moved me over to WINE. I went to see if this had been fixed.

The issue is the Print Screen Shortcut on the Mac is hard coded. Unlike many shortcuts you can't change it. Under CIDER the Print Screen button was F13. Under WINE it seem to be "< an unprintable character >2".

So, my question is - How do you print screen on an EVE Mac Client under WINE.

Thanks much, folks! I appreciate all the hard work!

-- Alan Mathison, Explorer & Industrialist, Star Tide Industries

Darnel Ochone
Eight Miles High
#2 - 2016-09-01 23:01:09 UTC
command+shift+3 grabs the whole screen
cmd+sh+4 lets you select an area
cmd+sh+4 and then spacebar will let you grab whatever window you click in
Alan Mathison
Signal Cartel
EvE-Scout Enclave
#3 - 2016-09-02 03:30:25 UTC
Darnel, that does it. THANKS!

-- Alan Mathison, Explorer & Industrialist, Star Tide Industries