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Can't set remote buy order in single station systems with Citadel in

Non 0.0
The Bohemians
#1 - 2016-08-20 21:32:27 UTC
I'm trying to set a remote buy order in Frarn, but I am no longer able to change the remote station name, typing Frarn doesn't change the order location or even show up in the search list.

I believe that a Citadel has been setup in Frarn in the last 24 hours, and this seems to be conflicting with the standard station name search.

I'm aware that you cannot currently set remote buy orders to Citadels.

Searching for a station in a multi station system still works OK, even if a Citadel is present, maybe the issue is with single standard station systems?

I've submitted a ticket, but wondered if anybody else is having an issue?
Non 0.0
The Bohemians
#2 - 2016-08-21 03:39:43 UTC
Also, now I'm thinking about it, I wonder if it's related to the Citadel name, Babylon Frarn

Single station systems just default to the one station option when typing the system name, without having to pick from the list of stations.

Maybe the Citadel name is therefore screwing with the code, it's being picked up in the search code, but the code for populating the station list cannot cope with Citadels in the search list, and therefore breaks the exception behaviour for single station systems.