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EVE General Discussion

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Can we all please stop being apathetic?

Galaxy Chicken
Galaxy Farm Carebear Repurposing
#161 - 2016-08-18 18:38:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Galaxy Chicken
Solecist Project wrote:
Galaxy Chicken wrote:
I remember when Solstice used to rant about how gankers should fly around grid for no apparent reason and are cowards for not doing so. He just likes to make long-winded, incoherent rants and tell everyone they're playing wrong.

I do however appreciate the thread for harvesting some quality AG tears.

Excuse me, I have to go destroy someone's retriever purely out of malice.

That "no apparent reason" was the one thing that kept everyone who runs his ass about "how gankers only sit in station" and how "gankers have it too easy" etc etc away. That's the one big issue when it comes to using a scouting alt. It gives them a ground to complain about how you avoid any meaningfull consequences of your actions.

What they think isn't relevant per se, but literally handing them an argument isn't necessary.


Besides, sitting in the safety of a station only relying on a scout to find targets makes you look like a coward. Like, holy ****, you guys are worse than carebears avoiding any and all dangers. No, 30 seconds of actual gameplay can't be considered any danger whatsoever! You're horrible players and you should be ashamed of yourselves for dragging ganking into the mud like this! And the bullshit about the faction police, like WTF, they're the only thing making ganking actually fun because all these useless wastes of bandwidth don't engage anyone anyway!!!111oneoneone

Heh, good times. ;)

^ see, there he goes again...

People may think me a coward for staying docked, but they also tend to be the ones who want to duel my ganker at the sun. What do I care what people think if they can't even figure out game mechanics? Plus, people will always find reasons to hate the New Order because we blow up their ships.

The fact is that, though some may perceive you as cowardly for keeping your ganker docked until a target is found, you're objectively an idiot for flying around grid to no apparent end.

I mean seriously, why would I risk a ship for absolutely no chance at a reward? To keep ignorant people from saying ignorant things on the forums? Yeah... that doesn't exactly keep me up at night.

Edit: Hey Herzog, nice bounty bro! 315 4 CSM!
Solecist Project
#162 - 2016-08-19 00:07:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Galaxy Chicken wrote:

^ see, there he goes again...

People may think me a coward for staying docked, but they also tend to be the ones who want to duel my ganker at the sun. What do I care what people think if they can't even figure out game mechanics? Plus, people will always find reasons to hate the New Order because we blow up their ships.

The fact is that, though some may perceive you as cowardly for keeping your ganker docked until a target is found, you're objectively an idiot for flying around grid to no apparent end.

I mean seriously, why would I risk a ship for absolutely no chance at a reward? To keep ignorant people from saying ignorant things on the forums? Yeah... that doesn't exactly keep me up at night.

Edit: Hey Herzog, nice bounty bro! 315 4 CSM!
thank you. :)

Objectively not? Subjectively ... yeah, i agree with that wholeheartedly.


When I went out there day in and day out, for months there was always someone there seeing me.
I wasn't active on the forums and /r/eve wasn't a thing to me at all, if it even was one at all.

Still, due to the former glory of Hek it was easy getting exposed to hundreds of people per day.

People see me.
People notice me.
People talk to me without insulting me.
People respect me for what i'm doing.

You know, public approval was extremely important for me.
And i had all i needed to get them on my side, too! :)

The visibility, the theme/topic most agree with and the behaviour to make noise.

I've received around four billion isk in money and ships over a few months not counting free stuff. I didn't plex my account, but back then the plex was much cheaper than now.

People gave me ships for free when i asked around in local.
People helped me drive gate gankers out of Hek.
People asked me to fight them, because it was fun bouncing around getting shot at.

i was reckless! :) With three dozen bookmarks around the station my thrasher never killed anyone serious ...
... but i scared off battleships, battlecruisers from the station when they dared engaging me. :)

back then we didn't have a "lawfull behaviour" limited engagement timer of five minutes ...
... back then i had full fifteen minutes of time to keep his sorry ass docked at the station.

And i am NOT exaggerating! :)

My point is not to brag. Public recognition important ...
... and will only work if you give them something they will respect.

Being outside as -10 on a crowded undock gains you that respect.

When people "love" you, they have something to talk about; care about you; log in because you provide entertainment; etc.

I can assure you that there is objectively spoken nothing wrong with playing a suicide ganker my way.
You might not like it, but all in all is it a more beneficial and challenging (if you're into ot) way to play it.

It causes immersion and gives the people a sense of community.

And it's less boring than sitting in space.
I really loved bouncing around playing with locals. :)

And only less than a handfull of all ganked ever complained about me, because of my first rule:

Don't gank miners!

Which also was enough of proof (clean killboard) for many (!) to make them understand that i am trustworthy. :)

So, to get back again to what you said, regarding "objectively an idiot":

Are you sure about that? it rather looks like you just prove me right with what i wrote in the op.
Maybe you indeed are selfish, uncreative and too spoiled by the pseudo "authority" that you think you possess.

I enjoyed this. Thank you so much! :)

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Galaxy Chicken
Galaxy Farm Carebear Repurposing
#163 - 2016-08-19 03:02:07 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Galaxy Chicken wrote:

^ see, there he goes again...

People may think me a coward for staying docked, but they also tend to be the ones who want to duel my ganker at the sun. What do I care what people think if they can't even figure out game mechanics? Plus, people will always find reasons to hate the New Order because we blow up their ships.

The fact is that, though some may perceive you as cowardly for keeping your ganker docked until a target is found, you're objectively an idiot for flying around grid to no apparent end.

I mean seriously, why would I risk a ship for absolutely no chance at a reward? To keep ignorant people from saying ignorant things on the forums? Yeah... that doesn't exactly keep me up at night.

Edit: Hey Herzog, nice bounty bro! 315 4 CSM!
thank you. :)

Objectively not? Subjectively ... yeah, i agree with that wholeheartedly.


When I went out there day in and day out, for months there was always someone there seeing me.
I wasn't active on the forums and /r/eve wasn't a thing to me at all, if it even was one at all.

Still, due to the former glory of Hek it was easy getting exposed to hundreds of people per day.

People see me.
People notice me.
People talk to me without insulting me.
People respect me for what i'm doing.

You know, public approval was extremely important for me.
And i had all i needed to get them on my side, too! :)

The visibility, the theme/topic most agree with and the behaviour to make noise.

I've received around four billion isk in money and ships over a few months not counting free stuff. I didn't plex my account, but back then the plex was much cheaper than now.

People gave me ships for free when i asked around in local.
People helped me drive gate gankers out of Hek.
People asked me to fight them, because it was fun bouncing around getting shot at.

i was reckless! :) With three dozen bookmarks around the station my thrasher never killed anyone serious ...
... but i scared off battleships, battlecruisers from the station when they dared engaging me. :)

back then we didn't have a "lawfull behaviour" limited engagement timer of five minutes ...
... back then i had full fifteen minutes of time to keep his sorry ass docked at the station.

And i am NOT exaggerating! :)

My point is not to brag. Public recognition important ...
... and will only work if you give them something they will respect.

Being outside as -10 on a crowded undock gains you that respect.

When people "love" you, they have something to talk about; care about you; log in because you provide entertainment; etc.

I can assure you that there is objectively spoken nothing wrong with playing a suicide ganker my way.
You might not like it, but all in all is it a more beneficial and challenging (if you're into ot) way to play it.

It causes immersion and gives the people a sense of community.

And it's less boring than sitting in space.
I really loved bouncing around playing with locals. :)

And only less than a handfull of all ganked ever complained about me, because of my first rule:

Don't gank miners!

Which also was enough of proof (clean killboard) for many (!) to make them understand that i am trustworthy. :)

So, to get back again to what you said, regarding "objectively an idiot":

Are you sure about that? it rather looks like you just prove me right with what i wrote in the op.
Maybe you indeed are selfish, uncreative and too spoiled by the pseudo "authority" that you think you possess.

I enjoyed this. Thank you so much! :)

Well, as long as the clueless carebears of Hek loved and respected you for hopping around grid for no reason. Roll

Lol, and people call us New Order folks delusional...
Shae Tadaruwa
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#164 - 2016-08-19 03:30:39 UTC
Galaxy Chicken wrote:
Well, as long as the clueless carebears of Hek loved and respected you for hopping around grid for no reason. Roll

Lol, and people call us New Order folks delusional...

Actually, CODE. used to get pretty pissed off with Sol, who was one of the first to start killing the wrecks.

Sol was doing that long before the AG crowd realised it; and it was pat of Sol's play to not dock up. Nothing wrong with either approach.

Dracvlad - "...Your intel is free intel, all you do is pay for it..." && "...If you warp on the same path as a cloaked ship, you'll make a bookmark at exactly the same spot as the cloaky camper..."

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#165 - 2016-08-19 04:21:22 UTC
Well I tried to rouse up a conversation in Hek Local chat tonight. One guy bravely said "o/" Eventually another guy said the equivalent of "Not doing it arsewipe, go feck yourself." Those were the 2 sociable/brave guys, out of about 40 in Local. Hek culture has changed, no more joking around. Grimly determined to be grimly silent and wussily no fun.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#166 - 2016-08-19 04:25:36 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Well I tried to rouse up a conversation in Hek Local chat tonight. One guy bravely said "o/" Eventually another guy said the equivalent of "Not doing it arsewipe, go feck yourself." Those were the 2 sociable/brave guys, out of about 40 in Local. Hek culture has changed, no more joking around. Grimly determined to be grimly silent and wussily no fun.

At least the "go feck yourself" guy was coherent.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#167 - 2016-08-19 04:28:59 UTC
Heh, yeah. Ever see "Lonesome Dove"? Middle-aged Gus goes back to his favorite bar in Austin, and gets pissed off because nobody knows who he is or pays him any attention. Was kind of like that. Big smile
Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#168 - 2016-08-19 05:41:21 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:

Look, the whole point is that more peace means more stagnation, more isolation and less interaction.
I can't source that, it's common sense.
[more stuff]

I can source that.

It's not conjecture or reasoning for me, it's history. When it became better not to fight than to fight for whatever reason, people dug in and quit fighting, and things got seriously boring and grindy in other sandbox games.

First one: Tiny turn-based indie clone of a small browser MMO very loosely based on Matt Burch's Escape Velocity. Heavy emphasis on faction warfare. Once the player base stagnated and we knew who the teams were always going to be-population and player turnover had dropped below critical mass. An iteration of it is actually still functional, because it was mostly a small, cheap spare-time project. When planetary assault was (badly!) implemented, it turned into a farming contest because individual players weren't very relevant in that kind of a fight, and we'd figured out how to use the game's mechanics to be basically immune to interruption while farming. Later iterations never recovered, but that was due at least as much to the landscape of gaming as the game itself and our ineptitude at marketing.

Second one: Semi-turn-based browser game, somewhat more complex and fleshed out. In its early days, it was a lot like EVE with a lot of diversity of groups. The small groups eventually turned into big groups, which formed roughly around the factions. It devolved into faction-warfare-based achievement hunting which required large-scale efforts to do things like bash in border outposts and attack starbases. Between wars, you'd have a few pirates poking things, but most of the stuff players do between wars is grind out what was lot in the war. By the time I'd left this one, players had figured out there was no advantage to setting up shop in the game's riskier neutral zone, so they walled themselves into the faction cores, making themselves mostly immune (fuel mechanic meant the walls would occasionally turn off and leak) to anything short of a large-scale invasion. Power creep meant pirates had a seriously hard time being anything but an easy target to even a solo combat ship, so even the most determined of independent pirates ended up getting sponsored. There was a private war mechanic to sort out disputes among alliances in the factions, but it fell into disuse because in-game activities revolved around preparing for and prosecuting the next faction war.

Other patterns were common too: if you didn't engage the community, you tended not to stick around very long.

A signature :o

Viktor Amarr
#169 - 2016-08-19 06:01:01 UTC
The discussion above is easily explained. CODE really thinks they're fierce PVPers with a goal, in reality they're carebears who created alts to shoot people who don't shoot back. They can try and keep up the charade all they want with cool theoretic, ****** memes and all that but people who actually have a clue see right through that.

It seems the only people who CODE are capable to convince of their prowess are themselves and perhaps a few first day rookies.
Solecist Project
#170 - 2016-08-19 07:44:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Shae Tadaruwa wrote:
Galaxy Chicken wrote:
Well, as long as the clueless carebears of Hek loved and respected you for hopping around grid for no reason. Roll

Lol, and people call us New Order folks delusional...

Actually, CODE. used to get pretty pissed off with Sol, who was one of the first to start killing the wrecks.

Sol was doing that long before the AG crowd realised it; and it was pat of Sol's play to not dock up. Nothing wrong with either approach.

I did a quite more than just that before others "realized". ^_^
Thank you for your post!

GC here pretty much admitted that he has no response whatsoever,
because he's completely full of himself and doesn't care about anyone.
It's like rich people thinking they're above those who aren't spoiled and actually work for what they do.

And lol Khergit, I triggered you! SOOO insecure! LOL

This made my day, thanks guys! :D

Anyway, the point is that as actual content creators you're not doing much of a good job.

People who don't care don't care and that's fine for everyone including me ...
... but pretending it's somehow good gameplay, leet, or hard to do (using a scout? lol) works only in your minds.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Solecist Project
#171 - 2016-08-19 07:48:09 UTC
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:

Look, the whole point is that more peace means more stagnation, more isolation and less interaction.
I can't source that, it's common sense.
[more stuff]

I can source that.

It's not conjecture or reasoning for me, it's history. When it became better not to fight than to fight for whatever reason, people dug in and quit fighting, and things got seriously boring and grindy in other sandbox games.

First one: Tiny turn-based indie clone of a small browser MMO very loosely based on Matt Burch's Escape Velocity. Heavy emphasis on faction warfare. Once the player base stagnated and we knew who the teams were always going to be-population and player turnover had dropped below critical mass. An iteration of it is actually still functional, because it was mostly a small, cheap spare-time project. When planetary assault was (badly!) implemented, it turned into a farming contest because individual players weren't very relevant in that kind of a fight, and we'd figured out how to use the game's mechanics to be basically immune to interruption while farming. Later iterations never recovered, but that was due at least as much to the landscape of gaming as the game itself and our ineptitude at marketing.

Second one: Semi-turn-based browser game, somewhat more complex and fleshed out. In its early days, it was a lot like EVE with a lot of diversity of groups. The small groups eventually turned into big groups, which formed roughly around the factions. It devolved into faction-warfare-based achievement hunting which required large-scale efforts to do things like bash in border outposts and attack starbases. Between wars, you'd have a few pirates poking things, but most of the stuff players do between wars is grind out what was lot in the war. By the time I'd left this one, players had figured out there was no advantage to setting up shop in the game's riskier neutral zone, so they walled themselves into the faction cores, making themselves mostly immune (fuel mechanic meant the walls would occasionally turn off and leak) to anything short of a large-scale invasion. Power creep meant pirates had a seriously hard time being anything but an easy target to even a solo combat ship, so even the most determined of independent pirates ended up getting sponsored. There was a private war mechanic to sort out disputes among alliances in the factions, but it fell into disuse because in-game activities revolved around preparing for and prosecuting the next faction war.

Other patterns were common too: if you didn't engage the community, you tended not to stick around very long.

Thank you for sourcing my common sense! :D

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Galaxy Chicken
Galaxy Farm Carebear Repurposing
#172 - 2016-08-19 11:54:44 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Shae Tadaruwa wrote:
Galaxy Chicken wrote:
Well, as long as the clueless carebears of Hek loved and respected you for hopping around grid for no reason. Roll

Lol, and people call us New Order folks delusional...

Actually, CODE. used to get pretty pissed off with Sol, who was one of the first to start killing the wrecks.

Sol was doing that long before the AG crowd realised it; and it was pat of Sol's play to not dock up. Nothing wrong with either approach.

I did a quite more than just that before others "realized". ^_^
Thank you for your post!

GC here pretty much admitted that he has no response whatsoever,
because he's completely full of himself and doesn't care about anyone...

You're wrong about me. I care about the carebears, I do.

I care about their modulated strip miners, I care about their Elara mining laser upgrades, and I especially care about their frozen corpses (it's the first thing I loot).
Solecist Project
#173 - 2016-08-19 12:28:21 UTC
Galaxy Chicken wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
Shae Tadaruwa wrote:
Galaxy Chicken wrote:
Well, as long as the clueless carebears of Hek loved and respected you for hopping around grid for no reason. Roll

Lol, and people call us New Order folks delusional...

Actually, CODE. used to get pretty pissed off with Sol, who was one of the first to start killing the wrecks.

Sol was doing that long before the AG crowd realised it; and it was pat of Sol's play to not dock up. Nothing wrong with either approach.

I did a quite more than just that before others "realized". ^_^
Thank you for your post!

GC here pretty much admitted that he has no response whatsoever,
because he's completely full of himself and doesn't care about anyone...

You're wrong about me. I care about the carebears, I do.

I care about their modulated strip miners, I care about their Elara mining laser upgrades, and I especially care about their frozen corpses (it's the first thing I loot).

Not everyone out there is a carebear.
There's normal people out there too!

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#174 - 2016-08-19 12:53:02 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
There's normal people out there too!
What is Normal?

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)

Solecist Project
#175 - 2016-08-19 13:02:30 UTC
Dirty Forum Alt wrote:
Solecist Project wrote:
There's normal people out there too!
What is Normal?

Challenge accepted.

"Normal" is a perceived range of things we perceive as something that is both common and accepted.
Everything deriving from "the norm" thus isn't normal.


That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#176 - 2016-08-19 23:36:37 UTC
LOL Sol, that post was actually just a little riff/send up on your 'public approval' post. I guess I didn't do it right. :]
Peace on Earth. Purity of Essence. Peace among Toasters. Peace or Unpeace Ingame.
Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#177 - 2016-08-22 15:17:29 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:

I'll explain via an example so you understand I'm not just for "one side".
I don't care about the sides. What I care about is how utterly silent and boring highsec has become.
The issue with the "carebear" side is that this side leads to stagnation, boredom and quitting.
(snip for space sake)

Now extrapolate that to several thousand and you might understand why that's bad for the game?

I actually agree with you on the concept of that. No place should be "safe" and this has been my position for months now. I'm actually not a Carebear however, I do care that people get to play the way they want.

Where I think we differ is on what the end result is of the various aspects of what players like. It seems, and I could be wrong here, that there is a belief that if players aren't challenged on a Ship to Ship PvP basis that they up and quit and it's bad for the game.

I don't believe that at all. I think some people are perfectly happy with peace, earning ISK and running sites or missions. Groups like "Suddenly Ninjas" are certainly entertaining to watch their antics but if you're a HiSec carebear that just wants to be left alone because your PvE fit ship is nothing more than a target for target practice, I don't think you're very entertained, by SN or CODE or anyone else. They like the peace and it's the vast majority of players in HiSec.

I believe what I believe because I've talked with dozens of HiSec players of this mindset and not here in the forums but in game. They like building stuff or pew-pewing enemies they can fight better than players. They like the predictability of the game and making ISK, even though they make far slower than anywhere else in the game. This is their EVE. Some eventually get a little bored and will try Lo/Null/WH fun, some stay doing that, some go right back to HiSec. Most of them play the content CCP provides, so it's not very boring to them.

EVE is... well, EVE. It's not for everyone and if they don't get the idea that they need to self motivate and find their own fun, they are doomed no matter where they live or what they like to do. You can't just be spoon fed content in EVE, it has to be discovered and pursued. Trying to 'force' it on people from the player side just seems weak to me. Sure, some people discover it by being pounced upon, but that's a rare bird. There are current mechanisms to pounce on Carebears in HiSec and teach them PvP lessons, but I'd submit that I see no difference between a Miner Carebear and a Ganker Carebear, they are just mining different resources in HiSec.

It's been my experience that people need to be lead to truth, either by their own passions or someone with passion. If we want HiSec to be more fun for PvP, then whatever you propose has to allow for the existing 'peace' to not be disturbed too much or the whine would be deafening and that would likely lose more subs than stagnation. So I'm not sure how you are going to meet that goal.
Solecist Project
#178 - 2016-08-22 15:39:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Hey! Glad you're back! Your absence was noticed. ^_^

Pandora Carrollon wrote:
I think some people are perfectly happy with peace, earning ISK and running sites or missions. Groups like "Suddenly Ninjas" are certainly entertaining to watch their antics but if you're a HiSec carebear that just wants to be left alone because your PvE fit ship is nothing more than a target for target practice, I don't think you're very entertained, by SN or CODE or anyone else. They like the peace and it's the vast majority of players in HiSec.

Yes, not disagreeing. Of course they are happy being left alone, but that has zero value.

It is absolutely irrelevant what they want in this game ...
... if it goes against the rules and laws of the game.

The reason is simply that they want to deny those the gameplay that is allowed based on said rules and laws ...
... while actually not caring about them at all. It's just MY GAME and not about anyone else or how the game works.

So, even if people want to be left alone, there is no "i play how i want"-argument,
especially not when it goes against the game itself.

If you can defend yourself, fight back or actively avoid interaction... that's great!
If you claim you have rights to play how you want ...
... meaning it jeapardizes the rights of those who actually play by the rules ...
... then you should just fook for a different game!

I believe what I believe because I've talked with dozens of HiSec players of this mindset and not here in the forums but in game. They like building stuff or pew-pewing enemies they can fight better than players. They like the predictability of the game and making ISK, even though they make far slower than anywhere else in the game. This is their EVE. Some eventually get a little bored and will try Lo/Null/WH fun, some stay doing that, some go right back to HiSec. Most of them play the content CCP provides, so it's not very boring to them.

Again. Totally fine and not really relevant to the topic ...
... until they start ignoring how the game works and try to harm those who play by the rules and laws.

Trying to 'force' it on people from the player side just seems weak to me. Sure, some people discover it by being pounced upon, but that's a rare bird. There are current mechanisms to pounce on Carebears in HiSec and teach them PvP lessons, but I'd submit that I see no difference between a Miner Carebear and a Ganker Carebear, they are just mining different resources in HiSec.

I don't see what you mean by "force". If you mean that there's too much peace and lack o' peace would be "forced" onto people then you need to reread my first paragraph.


It's been my experience that people need to be lead to truth, either by their own passions or someone with passion. If we want HiSec to be more fun for PvP, then whatever you propose has to allow for the existing 'peace' to not be disturbed too much or the whine would be deafening and that would likely lose more subs than stagnation. So I'm not sure how you are going to meet that goal.

This is not a game of equal rights. People have no rights unless they can defend them or enforce them.
That IS the game, even though ignorant masses conceal this fact from highsec really well.

Honestly, your perspective is backwards.

It's like saying bankers need more power over the economy because it's broken ...
... ignoring that bankers broke it in the first place.

Instead of continuously catering and looking after those who rip us off all the time ...
... by demanding benefits that ruin it for the rest of us.

You should see my other post about ehy "i play how i want" is bullshit.

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#179 - 2016-08-22 15:58:25 UTC
Solecist Project wrote:
Hey! Glad you're back! Your absence was noticed. ^_^

Sorry, real life got very busy.

Solecist Project wrote:

It is absolutely irrelevant what they want in this game ...
... if it goes against the rules and laws of the game.

The reason is simply that they want to deny those the gameplay that ks allowed based on said rules and laws ...
... while actually not caring about them ag all. It's just about them and not about anyone else or how the game works.

So, even if people want to be left alone, there is no "i play how i want"-argument,
especially not when it goes against the game itself.

Disagree entirely. It's not up to you to define the game, CCP doesn't even have full control over it. The second you define what the game is you are professing that somehow it is 'some' way. This is the fatal flaw of the "EVE is..." historical perspective. It wants to limit the boundaries of how to play the game based on how the game was defined a decade ago. It's grown WAAAAY beyond that.

CCP clearly no longer agrees with those old definitions and they like the money from those peaceful, complacent Carebears. This is why I said you're trying to ice skate uphill. Not only do I not have it backwards, I'm looking forward to greater inclusion of people because that is where CCP's drive is.

So you guys can keep putting forward your "EVE is..." definition all you want but you do so while risking utter denial of what a large portion of EVE's current player base wants.

The "I play how I want..." argument is founded on current player base concepts that like the expanded boundaries of the sandbox. Go ahead and try to collapse them back, but advocating doing such risks the game itself, far beyond what your concerns about stagnation and game death are. I think you'd kill the game in a matter of months, not years.

CCP is trying to expand their player base and cater to the Carebears, they just gave the gankers a bump timer. I don't think I'm the one that has it backwards at all, but I'll wear whatever label you want to give me. I'm just being realistic with EVE as it currently is.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#180 - 2016-08-22 16:04:01 UTC
i had a feeling ye two would either get on real well or we would be picking hair and teeth up out of threads for weeks.

did not expect a pillow fight.