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Make Lowsec Interdicters Great Again

Kalo Askold
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2016-08-14 15:03:01 UTC
So this will be coming as someone in Facwar and does a lot of null sec roams from Spectre Fleet. The one thing that I have seen which will ruin a fight and there is no REAL counter for are cynos. Yes I know you can poop out a cyno inhib however those take way too long for them to anchor and can be destroyed pretty easily for the cost amount.

The idea is two things, one its to bring interdicter dessies back to lowsec the second is to have them launch a small probe (maybe 8km) that is a mobile cyno inhib for a few seconds.

Much like the warp disruption bubbles now used out in nullsec it would use the same mechanics, if someone tries to light a cyno within the bubble its a no go however if someone tries to throw out the bubble while a cyno is active there is no effect. This is just my two cents on how to keep eve from becoming "Hot drop o'clock" with USTZ dipping down to 16k people and roams becoming dryer and dryer.
Nicholas Chance Kile
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2016-08-14 15:23:12 UTC
I like the Idea maybe even have two types like the normal probes to combat both types of cyno, one big to stop normal and a smaller one to stop coverts, I feel that a targeted module like whats on HIC's ( at a much shorter range ) would be nice. Although that goes against what the Dictor line is about so maybe not the best option.
Kalo Askold
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2016-08-14 15:32:06 UTC
Nicholas Chance Kile wrote:
I like the Idea maybe even have two types like the normal probes to combat both types of cyno, one big to stop normal and a smaller one to stop coverts, I feel that a targeted module like whats on HIC's ( at a much shorter range ) would be nice. Although that goes against what the Dictor line is about so maybe not the best option.

True but just something to keep "Lol supers" suddenly appearing would be nice >.> just some sort of counter even if its a very hard timing issue is better than the current cyno inhibs
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#4 - 2016-08-14 19:47:29 UTC
I endorse this product and/or service.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2016-08-14 22:47:08 UTC
Sounds like you just need to go to the hardware store and get a bigger hammer. If you think dropping is bad in the age of jump fatigue and reduces jump ranges, you poor soul. -1

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Kalo Askold
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2016-08-14 22:55:45 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:
Sounds like you just need to go to the hardware store and get a bigger hammer. If you think dropping is bad in the age of jump fatigue and reduces jump ranges, you poor soul. -1

Thanks for your opinion?
Vic Jefferson
Rote Kapelle
#7 - 2016-08-15 14:13:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Vic Jefferson
A)Cyno Inhibitors are not useless - they just need to be used tactically.
Many people have used them to great effect, just need a little foresight. If they anchored instantly, they would be among the least balanced, most game breaking things in the game - as soon as your batphone hits the grid, drop one and never fear the counter-drop.

B)Cyno/Counterdrop is a counter to a Cyno.

C)Kiting properly is a counter to a Cyno.

If you do not like the idea of Cynos (which bring fun randomness), you can....

1)Play in HighSec

2)Play in FW plexes

3)Play in WHs

4)Arrange for a counter drop.

Another thing people have to face is that Phoebe and jump fatigue actually, in some ways, made hot-drop syndrome worse. Since capitals and other jump drive ships lost so much mobility, punishing a drop became much harder - it's much easier to be locally dominant, big fish in a small pond if you will.

Vote Vic Jefferson for CSM X.....XI.....XII?

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2016-08-15 14:50:06 UTC
Vic Jefferson wrote:
Another thing people have to face is that Phoebe and jump fatigue actually, in some ways, made hot-drop syndrome worse. Since capitals and other jump drive ships lost so much mobility, punishing a drop became much harder - it's much easier to be locally dominant, big fish in a small pond if you will.

Not really. If you don't bother to try anything different or new, or change things up, just keep trying to do the same thing in the box over and over, sure, but there are still plenty of ways to move about or get help or arrange a counter if a person is willing to do them. I mean for the Early stages of world war Bee we were travelling all over New Eden for timers, etc.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Vic Jefferson
Rote Kapelle
#9 - 2016-08-15 22:32:45 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:
Vic Jefferson wrote:
Another thing people have to face is that Phoebe and jump fatigue actually, in some ways, made hot-drop syndrome worse. Since capitals and other jump drive ships lost so much mobility, punishing a drop became much harder - it's much easier to be locally dominant, big fish in a small pond if you will.

Not really. If you don't bother to try anything different or new, or change things up, just keep trying to do the same thing in the box over and over, sure, but there are still plenty of ways to move about or get help or arrange a counter if a person is willing to do them. I mean for the Early stages of world war Bee we were travelling all over New Eden for timers, etc.

This is an extreme example that isn't really applicable. Big things can still move in a slow, organized fashion, especially when there's multi-trillion ISK backing. Responding to a random hot-drop in deep sov or isolated low though, yeah it just doesn't happen easily anymore. Local capital dominance replaced the 5 or so minutes before PL's entire fleet was on top of you.

Vote Vic Jefferson for CSM X.....XI.....XII?

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2016-08-15 22:48:46 UTC
Vic Jefferson wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:
Vic Jefferson wrote:
Another thing people have to face is that Phoebe and jump fatigue actually, in some ways, made hot-drop syndrome worse. Since capitals and other jump drive ships lost so much mobility, punishing a drop became much harder - it's much easier to be locally dominant, big fish in a small pond if you will.

Not really. If you don't bother to try anything different or new, or change things up, just keep trying to do the same thing in the box over and over, sure, but there are still plenty of ways to move about or get help or arrange a counter if a person is willing to do them. I mean for the Early stages of world war Bee we were travelling all over New Eden for timers, etc.

This is an extreme example that isn't really applicable. Big things can still move in a slow, organized fashion, especially when there's multi-trillion ISK backing. Responding to a random hot-drop in deep sov or isolated low though, yeah it just doesn't happen easily anymore. Local capital dominance replaced the 5 or so minutes before PL's entire fleet was on top of you.

Again, your perspective isn't really up to date. We didn't take days to move across new eden, we did it in an hour or so. If that.

The thing you keep getting hung up on is the random drop that no one expects. Sure, THAT one is harder to counter. Which is fine. THAT one has always been harder to counter, with organizing a counter, trying to keep the drop on field, etc etc. Whatever. But that's not what most drops are. Most are for timers, or somewhat planned engagements(in so far as one side is planning on 'dealing with' the other.) Those instances, it's still quite easy to move especially a T3 fleet around with relative ease. A tower has almost 2 days of timer. PLENTY of time to organize. A citadel is what? a day? still plenty of time. For the specific instance of the random drop, sure, it can be sometimes more difficult to counter. For the instance of a fight that you know has a reasonable chance of happening before hand? Not really. I REALLY hate to use Shadow Cartel as an example of anything, but yeah, they are one of the best examples I can think of how feasible it still is to move sufficient force around to do things. Just not always a 90 dread dreadbomb.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Tabyll Altol
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2016-08-16 05:35:53 UTC
Kalo Askold wrote:
So this will be coming as someone in Facwar and does a lot of null sec roams from Spectre Fleet. The one thing that I have seen which will ruin a fight and there is no REAL counter for are cynos. Yes I know you can poop out a cyno inhib however those take way too long for them to anchor and can be destroyed pretty easily for the cost amount.

The idea is two things, one its to bring interdicter dessies back to lowsec the second is to have them launch a small probe (maybe 8km) that is a mobile cyno inhib for a few seconds.

Much like the warp disruption bubbles now used out in nullsec it would use the same mechanics, if someone tries to light a cyno within the bubble its a no go however if someone tries to throw out the bubble while a cyno is active there is no effect. This is just my two cents on how to keep eve from becoming "Hot drop o'clock" with USTZ dipping down to 16k people and roams becoming dryer and dryer.

No bubbles in lowsec just fit an mwd or mjd and your fine.
