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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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80mil sp char looking for low sec or null sec home!

Braxton Mazimus
Fancypants Inc
Pandemic Horde
#1 - 2016-07-15 20:11:59 UTC
Braxton Mazimus
Current Skills: 271 (Skill Points: 80,329,062)

Tinker Rage
Current Skills: 290 (Skill Points: 77,699,264)

both dread pilots both carrier pilots both blackops pilots. Didnt work out in last alliance. mutual understanding. looking for a new "forever" home.

feel free to mail me or reply here. not in a hurry. looking for the right alliance/corp. not looking to jump around anymore.
Thanatos Marathon
#2 - 2016-07-15 21:23:57 UTC
Feel free to drop into our public channel for a chat.
#3 - 2016-07-15 21:28:30 UTC
Firstly welcome back and please check here Link fly safe
Jony Bigodes
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2016-07-16 00:03:23 UTC
Hei m8:

Something new growing, good things to come. Check us if it interests you.

Hope to talk to you soon Blink

"Take all, give 'em nothing"

Lana Terrkin
The Sailors Grave
#5 - 2016-07-16 02:19:24 UTC
I would highly encourage you to stop by the "EPA-Recruitment" channel in game and talk to one of us.

We are Branch Sov holders in the GotG coalition. We have all kind of content, good space, good FC's and

we does blops, its sort of our thing.

Hope you find a new forever home in EVE and hope to see you in the pub channel for a chat.

Best Regards,

lulz ugleh
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2016-07-16 04:43:20 UTC
Hey mate - Stop by our public channel (see link) if you have any questions:

[.VERA Recruitment]
Davos Azizora
Dissident Aggressors
Mordus Angels
#7 - 2016-07-18 11:13:38 UTC
We are a bunch of null-sec jack of all trades, masters of none, kind of players. We do BLOPS, small gang, big fleet, cap, mining, building, high sec, wh space, D all of the above kind of corp. The leadership has an average of 8 years in game experience in all aspects. Most of the members have been in the game an average of 3 years. We are a very social, teamspeak based corp that prides itself in that if you are in Modro, you are treated like family. We get RL. We understand that everyone wants to play the game based on different interests.

AttentionAttention Some points that make us Full of Awesome-sauce! AttentionAttention

- 5 mill minimum SP required (if not, we can work something out)
- Full account api required (mandatory)
- TS required (mandatory)
- Mainly PVP minded with great FC`s
- Daily fleets ( Alliance/Coalition )
- CTAs
- Strat Ops
- No minimum kill amount
- FC training
- Mine, Rat, or PewPew we have it all
- Good null sec, not ******
- Large group of BFF's that love to create content
- Diverse group and very interesting, non censored conversations

In short we are the next best thing arround at the moment. And we are growing rapidly. Come join us and be a part of something great bound to happen. Remember it is not the size of the organization, it is the quality of the stuff we spew out. And I assure you, we are chock full of goodness!

Feel free to join "Modro Recruit" channel or mail me anytime

Looking forward to hearing from you and flying with you!
Krel Morgantine
Alien Supremacy
The Coalition Of Guardians
#8 - 2016-07-18 12:08:42 UTC
Hey mate ,
We can offer plenty for you where we live in the north, great ratting great indy and plenty of pvpers if that's your bag.
We do require cta attendance but not every single one, just ask people show willing.
In return you get to be part of a brilliant close knit corp and alliance.
If that sounds like something your interested in joining then pop over to EKTPUB for a chat.
Lathen Yi
#9 - 2016-07-27 03:57:19 UTC
Hey I'm Lathen CEO of Eredan Light Horse. I'm looking for quality individuals to sign up with me and the Eredan Light Horse. We have a huge amount of experience and history in Eve. We conduct industrial operations, we mission, and most importantly we will PVP!!!

We have Sub-Capitals, Citadels, and pie, lots of pie.

Our short term plan is to become a dominate force in Faction Warfare. And we need your help!

Arrow Fully Fitted ships on contract
Arrow Citadels
Arrow Teamspeak
Arrow Killboards
Arrow Forums
Arrow Faction Warfare, provides limitless opportunities for P.v.P and P.v.E
Arrow Combat focused but not 24/7 combat roams, we need to make isk too or die trying.
Arrow Active members in US, EU, and AUS time zones
Arrow Training for people new to Faction Warfare

Arrow Team speak (Microphone is a must)
Arrow Ambition to learn and adapt
Arrow Full API key
Arrow Active during EU, US, AUS tz
Arrow A character that can fly a t2 fit Frigate, Destroyer and cruisers or best Meta
Arrow Some P.v.P experience
Arrow Talented noobs or bored vets
Arrow 5 mil sp minimum, dependent on where you have your sp allocated
Arrow Armor and shield skills are a plus

Ugh Elitist pricks, stupid mongoloids, and 'internet tough guys' are not wanted, go away.

Contact Info:
Contact: Lathen Yi
Recruiting Channel: ELH-Recruitment
Public channel: ELH-Public

E L H Info:
Area of Operations: Link
Killboard: Link
Forums: Link
Akadiana Lafitte
R2-YDA AstroMech Technologies
#10 - 2016-07-28 07:35:09 UTC
GSEO is seeking adventure oriented industrial pilots to join our growing team.

Pilots who join need to be self-motivated and focused on industrial activities. Despite our industrial orientation we live in Null Sec. This means you will be called upon to defend yourself and our holdings, therefore, a willingness to pvp is necessary.

New pilots are welcome; we will show you the ropes and can train you in the execution of specific ISK making activities. New pilots will be trained in High Sec and provided a path to Null once certain requirements have been met.

Veteran pilots, we have ongoing projects in a variety of activities; so, we can put you to work right away.

Contact the recruiters or join our public channel if you have any questions.

We look forward to flying with you.


GSEO Leadership
Nakito Kobara
Yamagata Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#11 - 2016-07-31 11:05:59 UTC
Yamagata Syndicate [-YS-] are looking for pilots like yourself.

YS want to expand our player base and gather a solid core of pilots to help bolster our rightful place in Eve. YS is member of Circle-of-Two which is a sovereignty holding alliance in the Tribute region.

YS is looking for people who will "fit in" to our corporation and form new friendships. We have a fairly relaxed and mature player base. We expect members to show respect to their fellow corporation and allied pilots, and have a general good attitude towards the eve community as a whole.

We offer:

★ Nullsec sov holding alliance (3500+ members)
★ Ship Replacement Program
★ Daily PvP fleets
★ Lucrative combat sites & ratting
★ High income planetary Interaction
★ A great community with experienced pilots willing to help


★ Maturity
★ Team player
★ Voice comms (Teamspeak)
★ 10m skill points

Check out our recruitment info linked below which will give you more information on our corporation and if your interested then get in contact. :-)

Libo Wang
#12 - 2016-08-03 15:55:13 UTC

Check us out if you get a minute.

-Primarily PVP Corp

-Very Large to Small Gang Fleets

-Large Null Sov

Join CHKM8 Public if you are interested
Braxton Mazimus
Fancypants Inc
Pandemic Horde
#13 - 2016-08-04 17:26:30 UTC
totally forgot about this thread. for now i have found a home im very happy with. hopefully they will keep me around. im 2 weeks into trial and having quite alot of fun. ill keep yall in mind if anything goes sour.
Davos Azizora
Dissident Aggressors
Mordus Angels
#14 - 2016-08-12 14:51:50 UTC
We are a bunch of null-sec jack of all trades, masters of none, kind of players. We do BLOPS, small gang, big fleet, cap, mining, building, high sec, wh space, D all of the above kind of corp. The leadership has an average of 8 years in game experience in all aspects. Most of the members have been in the game an average of 3 years. We are a very social, teamspeak based corp that prides itself in that if you are in Modro, you are treated like family. We get RL. We understand that everyone wants to play the game based on different interests.

AttentionAttention Some points that make us Full of Awesome-sauce! AttentionAttention

- 5 mill minimum SP required (if not, we can work something out)
- Full account api required (mandatory)
- TS required (mandatory)
- Mainly PVP minded with great FC`s
- Daily fleets ( Alliance/Coalition )
- CTAs
- Strat Ops
- No minimum kill amount
- FC training
- Mine, Rat, or PewPew we have it all
- Good null sec, not ******
- Large group of BFF's that love to create content
- Diverse group and very interesting, non censored conversations

In short we are the next best thing arround at the moment. And we are growing rapidly. Come join us and be a part of something great bound to happen. Remember it is not the size of the organization, it is the quality of the stuff we spew out. And I assure you, we are chock full of goodness!

Feel free to join "Modro Recruit" channel or mail me anytime

Looking forward to hearing from you and flying with you!