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Returning vet looking for BLOPS-focused corp

Haley Hot Drop
The Initiative.
#1 - 2016-07-19 15:19:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Haley Hot Drop
Hello all,

I'm a returning vet (took a 3 year break, mostly due to RL circumcstances) looking for a new home. My entire EVE life has been spent in null, mostly with large sov-holding alliances. The last year or so of my EVE life was with a fun, semi-casual corp in Mildly Intoxicated, focused on blops and small gang roams, and it was pretty amazing. Unfortunately, most of those players have moved on from EVE, so I'm looking for a new home.

Things I'm interested in:

-Small gang warfare
-good times
-good logistics (if 6 cyno pilots need to be arranged to get to your home space in a cap, forget it)

Things I'm NOT interested in:
-SOV warfare
-constant CTA's
-large scale fleets (ti di is for the birds)
-spastic 16 year olds on comms

I have 124m combat-focused sp's, and can fly all combat ships except for titans effectively, as well as freighters and jf's. While I wouldn't consider myself space-rich by 2016 standards, I do have several billion liquid isk, so I can afford to fly and lose pretty much whatever I choose. I just happen to prefer a bomber or blops mostly.

If you feel like I might be a good addition to your corp, AND you fit what I'm looking for, please respond here with contact info. I will not be checking mails in-game on this character.

This character is an alt, so killboards won't mean much. My main has a 94% efficiency with over 357b isk destroyed.
Jony Bigodes
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2016-07-19 22:10:59 UTC
Take a look:

Hope to talk to you soon Blink

"Take all, give 'em nothing"

#3 - 2016-07-19 22:24:35 UTC