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Science & Industry

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Industry Skill Plan Advice please! (Current skills inside! )

Lyss Mystia
Low-Life Mining Company
#1 - 2016-07-11 19:20:06 UTC

I have a mining alt i used to use for hi sec mining, i have recently trained it a little in industry. I have always had an interest in a Indi character but had no idea what i was doing.

Would someone be kind enough to suggest a skill plan for this Indi character to be sufficient in mining/manufacturing/research please?

It already has some of the basics done :) (Was hoping to be good with T1, maybe T2).

Shiloh Templeton
Cheyenne HET Co
#2 - 2016-07-11 20:13:43 UTC
I'd suggest you purchase a few ammo BPO's. Research them to sufficient levels and try manufacturing and selling the ammo. If you enjoy the process/challenge expand from there. You don't need a lot of skills unless you decide to go into T2.

Lyss Mystia
Low-Life Mining Company
#3 - 2016-07-11 20:26:50 UTC
Shiloh Templeton wrote:
I'd suggest you purchase a few ammo BPO's. Research them to sufficient levels and try manufacturing and selling the ammo. If you enjoy the process/challenge expand from there. You don't need a lot of skills unless you decide to go into T2.

Hmmm, okay, i just downloaded eve isk /hour. To look at BPs.

My character has 500k free Skill points. How should i spend them for research / industry skills?
VVV Enterprises
#4 - 2016-07-11 22:58:36 UTC
Once you decide on exactly what path you wish to take in industry you can adjust your skill queue accordingly. Making that decision is probably the hardest part of the process & you will probably take the odd step backwards or sideways as you progress.

There is a lot of information on various sites that will help you, but at the end of the day I think you would be better served & will enjoy the whole process better if you put your alt into a dedicated industrial corporation. Look for a long standing corporation with older players who generally are more than willing to help newer players & usually have a little more patience than some of the ISK driven younger players.

While doing your research you can always put a bit of work into your alts mining skills.

Good luck.
Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#5 - 2016-07-12 11:08:48 UTC
Lyss Mystia wrote:

It already has some of the basics done :) (Was hoping to be good with T1, maybe T2).

T1 goods are pretty difficult to profit on unless you're in a nullsec location or babysit the market orders. Even then, they can be a challenge because the barrier for entry is Industry I (just about everybody has this as a starting skill nowadays), and the "minerals I mine are Free" crowd.

If you want to profit in industry, you'll want to do T2 goods, at the very least.

Lyss Mystia wrote:

My character has 500k free Skill points. How should i spend them for research / industry skills?

I'm not going to lie. Asking this question is a huge indicator that you'll struggle with industry. It isn't something you just jump in and do like mining and ratting. It generally takes a bit of time and effort to look through the myriad blueprints available, find what's profitable (made much easier with third-party software), and babysit your market orders.

To begin with, look through the Science and Production skills and find the general ones that deal with improving speeds and the number of lines you can have.

After that, look at some of the items that interest you, check to see their profitability, and see what types of skills you'll need to do the invention and manufacturing. I would suggest focusing on one single class of item to start out with, trying to keep the additional skills to be trained to a minimum. If you end up deciding you don't want to do industry, you won't have trained too many extra skills. This is less of a concern now that you can extract SP, but even if you end up doing that, you won't get as much back as you had originally.

In fewer words, get the general skills trained up a little bit, then find a class of item you want to try making (ammo, drones, etc), look at what they take to invent and manufacture, and train those skills.
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#6 - 2016-07-17 14:14:37 UTC
You do not need a lot of skill to test the water in industry. Bear in mind, it isn't just about making stuff - you need to buy (or harvest) raw material and sell your finished goods.

I started making small rigs. As I write this, the in-game industry tool indicates the cost to make a Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Rig is 11,750 ISK and the selling price is 30,012 ISK. The market tool shows the actual selling price at my neighborhood trade hub is 64,999 ISK. The blueprint costs 125,000 ISK and is seeded at Ishukone, Kaalakiota and possibly other corps that don't have stations in my region. Margins aren't always this good but there is plenty of opportunity to make a profit if you take the time to look for it.

The material list is simple - 3 Fried Interface Circuits, 2 Malfunctioning Shield Emitters and 3 Charred Micro Circuits. Basic salvage. You can easily run a business making small rigs with very basic skills and the exploration frigate you got free from the career agents has plenty of cargo capacity. What you really need is the motivation. If you were attracted to the game by the economic simulation and think making stuff is more fun than blowing it up you've probably figured most of this out yourself.

You will need Research, Laboratory Operation, Industry, Advanced Industry, Mass Production, Trade, Broker Relations, Accounting - level 4 is OK to start. If you enjoy industry and want to get into T2 invention and production, you'll need the science skills at level 4 and that will take several months but is worth it. For example, a Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II Rig shows cost 7,836,457 and selling 11,021988 in my industry tool. Local trade hub selling price is 13,109,780 ISK. Margins will vary but T2 is less volatile because the barrier to entry is higher - you'll also need to build in an allowance for invention cost with T2.
Lyss Mystia
Low-Life Mining Company
#7 - 2016-07-17 14:27:15 UTC
Do Little wrote:
You do not need a lot of skill to test the water in industry. Bear in mind, it isn't just about making stuff - you need to buy (or harvest) raw material and sell your finished goods.

I started making small rigs. As I write this, the in-game industry tool indicates the cost to make a Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Rig is 11,750 ISK and the selling price is 30,012 ISK. The market tool shows the actual selling price at my neighborhood trade hub is 64,999 ISK. The blueprint costs 125,000 ISK and is seeded at Ishukone, Kaalakiota and possibly other corps that don't have stations in my region. Margins aren't always this good but there is plenty of opportunity to make a profit if you take the time to look for it.

The material list is simple - 3 Fried Interface Circuits, 2 Malfunctioning Shield Emitters and 3 Charred Micro Circuits. Basic salvage. You can easily run a business making small rigs with very basic skills and the exploration frigate you got free from the career agents has plenty of cargo capacity. What you really need is the motivation. If you were attracted to the game by the economic simulation and think making stuff is more fun than blowing it up you've probably figured most of this out yourself.

You will need Research, Laboratory Operation, Industry, Advanced Industry, Mass Production, Trade, Broker Relations, Accounting - level 4 is OK to start. If you enjoy industry and want to get into T2 invention and production, you'll need the science skills at level 4 and that will take several months but is worth it. For example, a Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II Rig shows cost 7,836,457 and selling 11,021988 in my industry tool. Local trade hub selling price is 13,109,780 ISK. Margins will vary but T2 is less volatile because the barrier to entry is higher - you'll also need to build in an allowance for invention cost with T2.

Thank you! This was a great response. Very helpful and informative.

Darryn Lowe
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2016-07-18 04:28:52 UTC
I'm a VERY big fan of training based on certificates.

Open your profile window, click on Skills, then the Certificates window.

Open the Production section and make a start on Tech I Manufacturing. Training that certificate to level 5 will get you good skills for starting off.

Then start training other certificates in that Production section and after some intense training you'll be able to manufacture anything you want.