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HHC On Tibus Heth / Diana Kim Admits Heth's Failures!

Kumi Katikama
#1 - 2016-07-16 08:13:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Kumi Katikama
HHC is proud to announce that we have had our first client and are open for operations. No matter what your needs are for PR, be it normal corporate communications or crisis management, Haasmi Hinmon Clusterwide is here to help get your message to the masses. If you don't tell your story, someone else will. Contact HHC today.

Tibus Heth is remembered by some as a hero, but those that served with him tell a different story. Members of the State military responded negatively to a poll conducted by HHC, with one saying that:
"Heth was the worst leader the State has ever had. The idea of an executor might be a good one, but Heth was not the right person for the job. I would not have followed Heth to the dessert buffet."
Now that Heth is dead and time has elapsed, members of the State can take a more nuanced look at his disastrous rule. It is widely agreed that the best thing Heth did in his time as executor was die.
Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#2 - 2016-07-16 08:21:02 UTC

Yeah, this thread is definitely going to go places, and none of them good.

If I weren't going to sleep, I'd probably go make some popcorn.

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Karina Ivanovich
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2016-07-16 08:43:01 UTC
Heth was a criminal and a disgrace to the Caldari name. The only reason I stayed on under him and did not join up with Mordu's Legion at the time was my devotion to my fellow soldiers.

Some call me insane. If the universe is sane, then I embrace that label.

Revenent Defence Corperation
#4 - 2016-07-16 14:01:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Korsavius
Karina Ivanovich wrote:
Heth was a criminal and a disgrace to the Caldari name. The only reason I stayed on under him and did not join up with Mordu's Legion at the time was my devotion to my fellow soldiers.

The better alternative, rather than leaving the State in need for the greener pastures of Mordu's Legion, would have been to rise with your brothers and sisters against him. Plenty of people all over the State were already doing so, myself included. My devotion is to all the people of the State, not only those who are soldiers. So maybe that's why I chose to stick it through rather than resist the urge to abandon them for soldiers of another faction. To each their own, I suppose.

Cold Wind's Blade || Follow the I-RED Newsfeed & visit the I-RED GalNet site!

Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#5 - 2016-07-16 14:18:13 UTC
You'll find a lengthy discussion here.

As I said before: Heth's early rise was heroic, laudable, and brought glory to the State. His fall was tragic, and wholly his own doing.

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

Lord Kailethre
Tengoo Uninstallation Service
#6 - 2016-07-16 15:07:27 UTC
Do I have time to get snacks before our favourite IGS poster arrives to create a storm of poorly thought out claims and terrible accusations?
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#7 - 2016-07-16 15:26:12 UTC
Must we speak ill of the dead?

Heth-haan did some amazing acts, and I believe he should be called a hero for them, even raised as an example for future generations.

Executor Heth also tore the state apart and did his all to embroiled us in a meaningless war against the Gallente when he could have been trying to rebuild the ties of centuries. He raised a culture of hate and mistrust and abused the Caldari spirit. For this, he was and is found condemned. There is no more to be said.

Is there any honor in throwing mud at graves?

~ Gariushi YC110 // Midular YC115 // Yanala YC115 ~

"Orte Jaitovalte sitasuyti ne obuetsa useuut ishu. Ketsiak ishiulyn." -Yakiya Tovil-Toba-taisoka

Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#8 - 2016-07-16 15:35:10 UTC
Neph wrote:
Must we speak ill of the dead?

Implying he's dead.
Revenent Defence Corperation
#9 - 2016-07-16 16:01:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Korsavius
Neph wrote:
Must we speak ill of the dead?

Heth-haan did some amazing acts, and I believe he should be called a hero for them, even raised as an example for future generations.

Executor Heth also tore the state apart and did his all to embroiled us in a meaningless war against the Gallente when he could have been trying to rebuild the ties of centuries. He raised a culture of hate and mistrust and abused the Caldari spirit. For this, he was and is found condemned. There is no more to be said.

Is there any honor in throwing mud at graves?

Trying to force change upon the State that went against the vision our ancestors had is something that may be forgivable. However, Heth forfeited all right to be labeled as a hero and a Caldari when soldiers acting under his command terrorized and killed countless State citizens who spoke out against him and his regime. He is no hero. He is no Caldari. Stop saying so. Let his memory rot with the rest of his putrid legacy.

Cold Wind's Blade || Follow the I-RED Newsfeed & visit the I-RED GalNet site!

Alizabeth Vea
#10 - 2016-07-16 17:07:33 UTC
I would like to take this moment to note that Parious Mehoff is a known cheat and liar.

The over/under for this sort of thread is six hours--with myself taking the over--on the issue of the crazy Provist posting her vitriolic response.

Of course, I will retract my statement when and if I am paid.

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#11 - 2016-07-16 17:40:21 UTC
Hey now, hey now. At least let him have six hours after the six hours. We're still early in his shift cycle for the day, and I have him reviewing a pile of documents.

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

Morwen Lagann
Tyrathlion Interstellar
#12 - 2016-07-16 17:42:32 UTC
Why do I get the feeling it isn't even a neat pile?

Morwen Lagann

CEO, Tyrathlion Interstellar

Coordinator, Arataka Research Consortium

Owner, The Golden Masque

Alizabeth Vea
#13 - 2016-07-16 18:06:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Alizabeth Vea
You, madam ARC director, are a sadist.

I should have my report on the Heavy Weasels done by Monday.

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

Parious MeHoff
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#14 - 2016-07-16 18:42:21 UTC
The problem isn't that my employer gave me paperwork to file, it is that in this age of high tech holographic displays, Ms. Priano gave me paperwork on... well... paper.

Alizabeth, I have transferred 10 isk to your account as per our arrangement, but I do feel we need to talk about the specifics of future bets at some point.
Alizabeth Vea
#15 - 2016-07-16 19:46:32 UTC
You're just jealous that I am getting so rich off this!
Also, Parious is not a cheat and a liar.

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#16 - 2016-07-16 20:35:37 UTC
Makoto Priano wrote:
You'll find a lengthy discussion here.

I am greatly disappointed, that my brilliant treatise on whether Tibus Heth was a great Caldari hero, or the greatest Caldari hero, is described so prosaically as "lengthy".

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Slayer Liberator
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#17 - 2016-07-17 01:33:00 UTC
Parious MeHoff wrote:
The problem isn't that my employer gave me paperwork to file, it is that in this age of high tech holographic displays, Ms. Priano gave me paperwork on... well... paper.

Alizabeth, I have transferred 10 isk to your account as per our arrangement, but I do feel we need to talk about the specifics of future bets at some point.

I know people who torture for a living who call that sadistic and evil
Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#18 - 2016-07-17 06:54:37 UTC
On the merits of paper, which are manifold;

In the first case, there is nothing so chilling to someone seeking to engage in unwanted administerrata as "in triplicate." Arbitrary paperwork can test the dedication of those who are emotional but unmotivated.

In the second case, paper present on a desk is not so easily ignored as an evemail forgotten or a file in the wrong directory.

In the third case, it's not like I handed you a stack of paper. Actually, they're paper-like sheets of computing medium, which digitize and translate written or typed text into proper documents on the fly. This is why you sometimes look back at a sheet and find new notes you hadn't seen before. Apologies, I made them via my terminal.

That, and we can't have interns without filing, can we?

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

Gallente Federation
#19 - 2016-07-17 08:44:16 UTC
The often lauded as heroic acts at the armour forge never cease to amaze me.
Not for the fact that they worked, but for how staged the whole affair appeared.

Had the home guard been competent on that day, given that there were snipers and heavy ordnance on site, they may have temporarily made a martyr out of him, though once his dragonaur allegiance became public knowledge, his support would likely have waned.
They would have saved the Caldari people a lot of grief in the process however.

I remain certain that without Heth's rise and aggression, Caldari Prime would still have, sooner or later, been transferred back to at least it's current partial Caldari control, without the need for a titan sized crater in the surface.

It is also worth noting, that Malkalen would likely not have happened without Heth's rise to power, as there would not have had to be such a hastily arranged and visible process had it not been in response to the public call to arms made by heth at the time.

-Tertianus Rethelior.

Not indicative of corporate policy unless otherwise stated.

Alizabeth Vea
#20 - 2016-07-17 10:05:33 UTC
Makoto Priano wrote:
That, and we can't have interns without filing, can we?
Interns! That's what I am missing in my life: Ni-Kunni interns.
I'll need several. Maybe even a couple of dozen. I'm Lady Newelle's Director of Security and Director of Propaganda. So, I'll need four each there. I'll need another four to assist with my ARC related duties. My reports won't proof read themselves. I'll need another four to assist me as the Evocatus of SFRIM. That's sixteen. I'll add another eight just to handle my ship related paperwork. Someone has to make sure they are properly cleaned. Every. Single. Day. (Unlike Minmatar ships, it's very easy to tell when Amarrian gold is dirty.) So, two dozen. I'll start putting help wanted ads up on Mishi.

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

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