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Level 4 Amarr Tank?

Woody Woodlouse
Hairy Co
#1 - 2012-01-15 21:54:47 UTC
Hi all,

My friend and I are looking to complete Level 4 missions very soon. His idea is for him to gain aggro by building some sort of tank from the Amarr race and for me to destroy everything as I'm not so good. He wants something to just tank in, something extremely powerful in shield or armor tanking. Any suitable suggestions?


Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#2 - 2012-01-15 22:21:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Assuming a standard T1 battleship, the Hyperion or Abaddon would work nicely. The dominix has a nice tank as well. All can fit a nice armor tank, which is more efficient against Amarr/Sansha due to the high natural EM/Therm resists

thhief ghabmoef

Trilon Industries and Exploration
#3 - 2012-01-15 22:22:24 UTC
Well, if you're just starting out missioning in Amarr space, any amarr battleship will tank enough if set up properly. Large armor rep, 2 hardeners for the 2 damage types the rats deal, and a Aux Nano Pump. That's around 500 dps of tank with decentish skills and should be fine if you handle triggers properly.

What are you intending to fly, ship wise?
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-01-15 23:40:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Buzzmong
By the sounds of it, as your friend is planning on getting you to shoot everything, he's going to be getting full room aggro, which means you'll actually need more tank than you normally would for lvl 4's (where you'd manage aggro and incoming DPS).

In light of wanting to get full room aggro, I'd reccommend an Apocalypse due to ease of fitting and massive cap amount:


4x Active Hardeners

4x Cap Rechargers

One or two guns for shooting initally to get aggro. Doesn't matter what. Civvie guns are great for this.

Large CCC's until cap stable.
Nano pump if you feel like it.

Alternatively for a slightly lower price, a Dominix will do the job just as well.
Jesus Rambo
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-01-15 23:46:07 UTC
Are Amarr pointless?

With the introduction of other races are the Amarr now obsolete? They have been surpassed in all areas (DPS, speed, tank, and range).
1-Up Mushroom
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-01-16 02:27:55 UTC
Jesus Rambo wrote:
Are Amarr pointless?

With the introduction of other races are the Amarr now obsolete? They have been surpassed in all areas (DPS, speed, tank, and range).


To the OP,

5 Senses In A Person... 4 Seasons In A Year... 3 Colors In A Stoplight... 2 Poles On The Earth... ONLY 1-UP MUSHROOM!!!  If You Like My Sig, Like Me!   Remember EVE is EVErything!