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Make Bounty Hunting fun again !

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#41 - 2016-07-05 19:30:14 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
FT Diomedes wrote:
Daichi Yamato wrote:

@ baltec

Anonymous selection sounds good. But if im a high-sec player and the bounty i get is for a null sec player, it seems harsh to charge me 100mil or force me to try and travel into null. And vice versa, if I'm -10 it would be harsh to get a bounty that sends me to hi-sec.

Improvise, adapt, and overcome. If you want to be a bounty hunter, you should be prepared to go anywhere.

The primary problems I see with most of these systems is that they are useless if you get a target who goes inactive. I think it would be hilarious to put a huge bounty on an alt, then move him into a high class WH and then never log him in again. But terrible gameplay.

Why go through the trouble of getting him in a WH if it will never log? Jita 4-4 would do just fine.

Got an idea for that one too.

Locator agents tell you if they are online or not before you sink money and time into looking for a ghost.

What about the "player" who do nothing but ISK double scams? They are clearly online and end up with bounty on them all the time yet more than likely haven't undocked ever since they made their first million off some idiot. Can I be an annoyance to every bounty hunter by just placing a bounty on my alt which I log in every morning as I am about to leave for work and let him be part of a random selection of troll bounty contracts just to **** off people because this is EVE and this is obviously something people would do because they can?

How about having a week or two to complete the contract before it drops?

Or CCP adds a "force undock" Twisted
Ben Ishikela
#42 - 2016-07-05 22:35:12 UTC
Its interesting....
However, imho....

1) stick with only one Licens Type. Take Silver for example. Why? The threshold (150mil upwards -> shootable) is the same, therefor easier to calculate for victims that have no time.

2) The Hunter should be huntable. So he should be suspect even with high security status all the time. Why? For the Victim to have some counterplay available.

3) Allow all kinds of Ewar in Highsec. CONCORD only intervenes on damage dealt. Why? again, counterplay. this time counterplay against remoterepairs. Allowes for all sorts of very interesting escalation. (in case you wonder, the scorpion's EcmBurst can have a range of 60km which should clear all rookieshiptacklemods)


Thats it so far.

ps.: if a victim is docked in astrahus, i will blow it up to get my revenge via that nice podkillmail!

Ideas are like Seeds. I'd chop fullgrown trees to start a fire.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#43 - 2016-07-05 23:26:45 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

How about having a week or two to complete the contract before it drops?

Or CCP adds a "force undock" Twisted

The first one only mean they get re-cycled in the queue as potential target all the time thus costing people "slots".

The second one won't happen anyway.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#44 - 2016-07-06 00:14:49 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:

The first one only mean they get re-cycled in the queue as potential target all the time thus costing people "slots".

Then they get recycled. There is no way to force jita scammers out of a station and frankly, there is not a lot of them shitting up local.
Maria Dragoon
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2016-07-06 00:32:40 UTC
Ben Ishikela wrote:
Its interesting....
However, imho....

1) stick with only one Licens Type. Take Silver for example. Why? The threshold (150mil upwards -> shootable) is the same, therefor easier to calculate for victims that have no time.

2) The Hunter should be huntable. So he should be suspect even with high security status all the time. Why? For the Victim to have some counterplay available.

3) Allow all kinds of Ewar in Highsec. CONCORD only intervenes on damage dealt. Why? again, counterplay. this time counterplay against remoterepairs. Allowes for all sorts of very interesting escalation. (in case you wonder, the scorpion's EcmBurst can have a range of 60km which should clear all rookieshiptacklemods)


Thats it so far.

ps.: if a victim is docked in astrahus, i will blow it up to get my revenge via that nice podkillmail!

number 2 is actually a really good idea, if concord turns a blind eye to your hunting activity, wouldn't that mean they also won't come to your defense if you get shot down by the huntee? That would encourage bounty hunter groups, but I can also see it be abused to get newbros to shoot at them because (Flashing targets)

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius

"A man who talks to people who aren't real is crazy. A man who talks to people who aren't real and writes down what they say is an author."

#46 - 2016-07-06 11:15:25 UTC
I put this N 2 in the first post. Good idea. And this can make escorting a freighter of a valuable ship viable.
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#47 - 2016-07-06 15:42:25 UTC
Read the OP and scanned the rest.
Before I get to the OP I want to address this.
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
Its a good way to get people out of high sec and into the actual game.

When are people with your mind set going to learn. There are those among us that will never leave high sec and there is NOTHING you or CCP can do about it. If you try to force them out they will simply quit the game instead, good you may say and that by itself is short sighted and to be honest more than just a little idiotic. Every player (high sec or otherwise) that pays a subscription or plexes an account represents cash money in CCP's pocket and that cash money translates to a better game for everyone including you.

Getting back to the OP you ideas are some of the better ways I have seen posted to try and massage the existing system. However like all of the rest your idea simply ignores the root of the bounty problems in EvE. That root is the idea that any character can place a bounty on any other character at any time and for any reason or no reason at all. Remove this and tie the ability to place a bounty on some one to the fact that they committed a criminal act against you and all of the current problems with rules of engagement and Concord go away completely. However the problem with this is that most of the community seems to want the ability to place a worthless bounty on someone, anyone instead of a working system that can and would add another element to the game.

As your OP idea stands at the time I write this I have to give it a -1. Because there is nothing positive that comes out of it and there is a lot of possible ways it could be abused to the detriment of the game as a whole.
Sy Tarn Thallion
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#48 - 2016-08-24 04:15:46 UTC
you wanna know something folks we've been looking at this whole bounty hunting system the wrong way this whole time we've been thinking about doing an entire overhaul on the bounty hunting system, when the answer was right in front of us the whole flipping time.

two words: KILL RIGHTS!

think about it what does everyone want? control of their money and being able to make money doing what they want. the addition can be done in some simple changes and steps..

a kill right will no longer just be handed out by concord but can be "bought" by the player that was grieved and or pissed off. for a simple payout of we'll say for a minimum of 5 mil and can exceed to any price the player desires depending on how pissed off he is.

so that player has just bought the kill right on the other player for we'll say 200 mil isk. and he Holds the kill right on that player.
now a few choices can be made by the player holding that kill right.

Choice 1:he can choose to demand that players request the kill right for the bounty. Thus solving the problem of high sec. because well, its a kill right.

Choice 2: player can choose if the bounty gets paid in full with the first person to destroy the pod of that player or in increments of the 200 mil. 25% or 50% for each time he is podded after the kill right is granted to a player.

Choice 3: after a Bounty Kill right has been granted by the holder the holder can place a time limit on how long the bounty hunter can hold the kill right 24h 48h 3 days a week etc. so if the bounty hunter doesn't kill him within that allotted time limit he loses the kill right and doesn't get the money (theres the incentive to actually hunt).

Choice 4: Bounty Kill right holder can decide to hand out to 1 player or several players to make sure he dies! so it adds a decent angle to the bounty hunting system on whose the better hunter.

now the matter of exploitation, it is legal per-say but there are things that can be done by the players to mitigate that, players that hold kill rights will receive and EVE-mail from a player 20 jumps away saying he has seen the guy you have a bounty on numerous times and has a good idea where he's hiding and where he likes to go. the player can then request an API key from the bounty hunter that contacted him thus being able to get a good idea if its an alt of the player he placed a bounty on and is trying to exploit him. if people don't do this then they get had by an alt account and if bounty hunters aren't willing to give out API keys like that then they don't do bounty hunting so precaution is a must. anyways, if the player holding the bounty kill right is satisfied that the player that contacted him isn't an alt and didn't see any signs that its an alt account belonging to the player he placed a bounty on then he grants the kill right and the hunt begins.

Alternatively, another choice can be made after the purchase of the bounty\kill right and decide if he wants it to be public knowledge so anyone can see the kill right\bounty and request to activate it or choose to keep it private until he finds someone to give the kill right\bounty to weather it be friends, corp mates or alliance mates he knows like to pursue the bounty hunter career.

tell me what you guys think. and DEVS i think this is actually brilliant. because lets face it how often to kill rights get bought by players? not very many. so you don't actually have to overhaul anything just tweak a couple game mechanics and kill two birds with one stone.
Rocker Will
Rockstar federation
#49 - 2016-09-17 18:39:35 UTC
They totally need to sort out bounty hunting, the system atm is pretty lame.
not for the fact that i cant shoot people in high sec, but because you only get a portion of the bounty on said person.

dont think it will change tho,

I'm Batman

oiukhp Muvila
#50 - 2016-09-17 23:44:48 UTC
Demolishar wrote:
I think CCP hates highsec PVP and so although it would be fun, it will never happen.

Anything I've seen in regard to this is when emergent behavior starts to go beyond what they intend for Hi Sec.

Hi Sec is still far more dangerous than it was 8-10 years ago.

Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#51 - 2016-09-18 03:04:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Christopher Mabata
What if rather than making bounties bypass CONCORD laws these licenses instead allowed you to collect More of the bounty in a kill?
So say the platinum license i saw someone talking about allows you to collect, i don't know 80% in one go? 90%? whatever the figure may be. (Not going with 100% because bounties are meant to be an ISK sink IIRC)

I just see using bounties as a way to circumnavigate CONCORD ROE becoming too routinely abusable given how crafty players are with the meta.

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#52 - 2016-09-18 03:07:20 UTC
Christopher Mabata wrote:
What if rather than making bounties bypass CONCORD laws these licenses instead allowed you to collect More of the bounty in a kill?
So say the platinum license i saw someone talking about allows you to collect, i don't know 80% in one go? 90%? whatever the figure may be. (Not going with 100% because bounties are meant to be an ISK sink IIRC)

I just see using bounties as a way to circumnavigate CONCORD ROE becoming too routinely abusable given how crafty players are with the meta.

The 20% they are currently at is almost break even for someone killing their own alts ships to clear a bounty. Any higher and you can make a profit clearing your own bounty.
Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#53 - 2016-09-18 03:10:19 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Christopher Mabata wrote:
What if rather than making bounties bypass CONCORD laws these licenses instead allowed you to collect More of the bounty in a kill?
So say the platinum license i saw someone talking about allows you to collect, i don't know 80% in one go? 90%? whatever the figure may be. (Not going with 100% because bounties are meant to be an ISK sink IIRC)

I just see using bounties as a way to circumnavigate CONCORD ROE becoming too routinely abusable given how crafty players are with the meta.

The 20% they are currently at is almost break even for someone killing their own alts ships to clear a bounty. Any higher and you can make a profit clearing your own bounty.

Guess that depends on the price of your bounty vs cost of said licence, but an excellent point that slipped my mind none the less

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Lugh Crow-Slave
#54 - 2016-09-18 04:09:42 UTC
Just make bounty contacts add a section for minimum isk destroyed for payout. Boom bounties are fixed.

You want to get really fancy let each kill count twords completion of the contract and put time limits on the contacts. I.e I give your alliance a contract to kill x amount of isk in damages to y alliance in a month. Each kill counts twords the contract. If you manage it you get the isk if not you get nothing.

Not only would this allow for actual bounties hunters to organize but it would help new merc corps get clients as there would be less risk in hiring them
Sitting Bull Lakota
Poppins and Company
#55 - 2016-09-19 08:47:44 UTC
Cuseppa wrote:

Everyone agrees with the fact that bounty are curently useless. They bring no content in the game and they are barely used to annoy new players and nothing else.
Only in highsec is this true. There is an avid bounty hunting community that preys on bountied corporations and alliances in 0.0.
You might take a crack at it yourself.

I'm confident that your proposal would be used to inflict holy pew with CONCORD's blessing against the many players who choose to partake primarily in the pve and industrial side of EvE while flying the NPC corp banner.
While I'm all for making highsec more dangerous, I don't believe painting large targets on everyone's backs and largely eliminating CONCORD's deterring presence as a healthy game mechanic.

Thank you for the idea, though. I like reading bounty proposals.
Count Szadek
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2016-09-19 10:41:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Count Szadek
I like the idea - but would request a way to restrict who can get a bounty to avoid abuse. I would suggest:

Add suspect level offenses to the Kill Right listings, instead of a kill-right, you can add a bounty. They act similar to kill-rights but instead of suspect they give limited engagement to the hunter - the one with the bounty gains limited engagement once engaged.
Also - the flow of ISK goes the other way.

Example: Somebody steals your loot from a site - you get a suspect notice, and can activate it for X ISK - you pay X ISK to give them the "Wanted Right". Interested parties may activate the wanted mark as they do for kill-rights - bounties are paid IN FULL only if ship is destroyed and can be activated as many times as players around. Payout is to players on Kill-Mail. ISK is returned after 30 days and "Wanted Right" expires.

Example: Somebody Interferes with a duel with neutral logistics. Logistics goes suspect, all limited engagement parties to the one being repaired gain suspect mails. For this I would also implement a Safety setting restriction on receiving repair effects. if Green setting is set - a repair that would require going suspect would FAIL.

To Avoid Abuse: "Wanted Rights" when created will have a setting for a minimum/select ship size. Example: 10 Million - but only if ship is bigger than a [Insert Ship Class(s)]. Essentially, would have select options for which ships classify.

Wanted Rights:
- Amount of Bounty: $$
Required Ship Class:
- Frigate
- Navy Frig
- Pirate Frig X
- T2 Frig X
- Cruiser
- Navy Cruiser X
- etc...

The person receiving the right / bounty will not get notice - but a full, search-able list should be available through the Bounty Office.
Marcus Furius Camillus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#57 - 2016-09-22 23:29:04 UTC
Why not simplify it to how it works in real life?

A player or group of players gather funds to place a bounty. The Full amount is taken as the bounty and paid in full once the mission is complete.

CCP has nothing to do with it, other than allowing the kill rights to the Bounty hunter in 0.0 or High Sec.

If players have to put up the funds directly out of their own pockets, with no refund, there will not be spam bounties, and it will not turn high sec into 0.0 space.

The bounty is placed like a contract, and once a Hunter accepts the contract, the target is notified, and 24 hours later the kill right is activated. Similarly to War deck, only between individuals. Bounties are only active for ONE Kill. If they want to keep paying for additional bounties out of their own pockets, that's up to them.

I honestly have no idea how this mechanic became such an unworkable mess....BUT, they should either fix it (preferably how I just pointed out) , Or get rid of it, because it is pointless, and ineffective right now.
Condor Kaenald
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#58 - 2016-09-22 23:35:22 UTC
i think what needs to be done for making bounty hunting fun, its to remove the chasing factor of outlaws on high sec, isntead, let the police guard the gates and stations but leave the "hunting" to players so we can actually hunt players with low sec status when they go into high sec
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#59 - 2016-09-24 04:37:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevyn Auscent
Marcus Furius Camillus wrote:

I honestly have no idea how this mechanic became such an unworkable mess....BUT, they should either fix it (preferably how I just pointed out) , Or get rid of it, because it is pointless, and ineffective right now.

Because people wanted an unscammable in game mechanic. Rather than just doing contracts privately. Also your method again allows people free hunting season on anyone they want, which isn't ok, and is an abusable mess.
Marcus Furius Camillus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#60 - 2016-09-24 05:36:47 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Marcus Furius Camillus wrote:

I honestly have no idea how this mechanic became such an unworkable mess....BUT, they should either fix it (preferably how I just pointed out) , Or get rid of it, because it is pointless, and ineffective right now.

Because people wanted an unscramble in game mechanic. Rather than just doing contracts privately. Also your method again allows people free hunting season on anyone they want, which isn't ok, and is an abusable mess.

The only way they could get around the abuse scenario would be to make bounty hunting an actual profession, like FW, so only Bounty hunters could take the bounties. That way you could regulate the hunters according to standing like they do in missions. Only Hunters with high enough standing can take targets of a higher payout. For example, the hunter would gain LP with the Hunters Assoc. (Factional Bounty office) and in order to take on a target they have to spend LP to get the contract. Then it's a profession, and not just anyone can join and self payout. Plus the larger targets that have huge bounties would cost more LP, so only payers who have been bounty hunters for a while could get them.

They should make an NPC corporation, or several, just for bounty hunters, with agents and missions to build up LP, and when players put up a contract it is assigned an LP value based on the amount of skill points the target has.

BOOM!...Bounty hunting Fixed Waiting for the