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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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134 mill skilled player looking for Merc/War Deccing corp

Kalamaner syscomika
PooH Fighters
#1 - 2016-07-03 10:50:34 UTC
Post on here any questions or ask in game.

Can fly carriers/ black ops and most other sub caps.


Kalamaner syscomika
PooH Fighters
#2 - 2016-07-03 17:00:10 UTC
Law Enforcer
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3 - 2016-07-03 17:02:01 UTC
i too am looking for the same
Marked for Death.
#4 - 2016-07-03 17:51:22 UTC
Kalamaner syscomika
PooH Fighters
#5 - 2016-07-04 15:07:23 UTC
Lathen Yi
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#6 - 2016-07-27 05:59:00 UTC
Hey I'm Lathen CEO of Eredan Light Horse. I'm looking for quality individuals to sign up with me and the Eredan Light Horse. We have a huge amount of experience and history in Eve. We conduct industrial operations, we mission, and most importantly we will PVP!!!

We have Sub-Capitals, Citadels, and pie, lots of pie.

Our short term plan is to become a dominate force in Faction Warfare. And we need your help!

Arrow Fully Fitted ships on contract
Arrow Citadels0
Arrow Teamspeak
Arrow Killboards
Arrow Forums
Arrow Faction Warfare, provides limitless opportunities for P.v.P and P.v.E
Arrow Combat focused but not 24/7 combat roams, we need to make isk too or die trying.
Arrow Active members in US, EU, and AUS time zones
Arrow Training for people new to Faction Warfare

Arrow Team speak (Microphone is a must)
Arrow Ambition to learn and adapt
Arrow Full API key
Arrow Active during EU, US, AUS tz
Arrow A character that can fly a t2 fit Frigate, Destroyer and cruisers or best Meta
Arrow Some P.v.P experience
Arrow Talented noobs or bored vets
Arrow 5 mil sp minimum, dependent on where you have your sp allocated
Arrow Armor and shield skills are a plus

Ugh Elitist pricks, stupid mongoloids, and 'internet tough guys' are not wanted, go away.

Contact Info:
Contact: Lathen Yi
Recruiting Channel: ELH-Recruitment
Public channel: ELH-Public

E L H Info:
Area of Operations: Link
Killboard: Link
Forums: Link