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Mumble Overlay

#1 - 2016-06-04 06:38:57 UTC
Is the Mumble Overlay working for anyone on Mac (cider or wine)?

Neither the 1.2.16 or the latest snapshot of 1.3 seems to be injecting for me. I recall a 1.2.X version working a few years back.

Alicia Dnari
Dnari Mining and Manufacturing
#2 - 2016-06-22 16:27:53 UTC
You mean the "who's talking" thing? Yeah, that works for me.
Eingang Vulpine
Blueprint Haus
Blades of Grass
#3 - 2016-06-29 21:58:45 UTC
Bodaaa wrote:
Is the Mumble Overlay working for anyone on Mac (cider or wine)?

Neither the 1.2.16 or the latest snapshot of 1.3 seems to be injecting for me. I recall a 1.2.X version working a few years back.

Mine was working with Cider, the old launcher, and Mumble 1.2.5. Even after I finally switched to the new launcher, if I used the Cider wrapper, my Mumble overlay worked fine. When I switched to the Wine wrapper, I couldn't get the overlay to work. Some of it, I thought, might be because the overlay doesn't work with DirectX 11, so I tried forcing the client to use DirectX9 instead. I also tried it with the 1.3.x development version on that theory, which does support (I think) DirectX11, but no joy.

I had the 1.2.5 Mumble overlay set to work with a whitelist and that whitelist included the EVE Online executable. I think the Wine wrapper version doesn't work because I can't figure out how to "whitelist" it appropriately. I can whitelist the launcher (which then does show the overlay, but that's not useful!). In the Activity Monitor, we're running "wine" and "wineserver" as opposed to "EvE Online" like with Cider. Is there a "wine" or "wineserver" Mac "application"? I found the /bin files on the UNIX side but Mumble didn't want to add those to the whitelist. That's as far as I've managed to get, so hopefully someone else can build on this.
Toby Roc
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2016-08-03 11:19:28 UTC
I'm having trouble with this too...I can find info about fixing this issue on Windows, but not Mac Ugh