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Viable Tengu PvP fit for solo ambushing. No links.

Catskull Horizons
#1 - 2016-06-28 11:24:57 UTC

Looking for advice on a new Tengu fit, I normally fly in small gangs (2-4) and ambush in WH space.

I'm fairly new to PvP and my Corp has been helping me get to grips with it. I'm now feeling like I can now go solo.

I have been exploring fits for Tengu pvp but they seem outdated.

I'm fairly skilled in hams

I want a sustainable active tank as lacking links. And solo fights might progress with others landing on grid and I want to be able to last and hopefully gtfo or smash them off the field. Also happy to take advice on tactics. I am humble enough to say I still have a lot to learn

Any advice would be welcome
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2016-06-28 12:00:25 UTC
Skilgana wrote:

Looking for advice on a new Tengu fit, I normally fly in small gangs (2-4) and ambush in WH space.

I'm fairly new to PvP and my Corp has been helping me get to grips with it. I'm now feeling like I can now go solo.

I have been exploring fits for Tengu pvp but they seem outdated.

I'm fairly skilled in hams

I want a sustainable active tank as lacking links. And solo fights might progress with others landing on grid and I want to be able to last and hopefully gtfo or smash them off the field. Also happy to take advice on tactics. I am humble enough to say I still have a lot to learn

Any advice would be welcome

Should maybe include a budget. In WH's we go by the "If in doubt, purple out" approach
Tung Yoggi
University of Caille
#3 - 2016-06-28 14:05:12 UTC
Don't start your solo career with a ~400M-ish ship which drains your skillpoints when you die, and is not particularly amazing flown without any kind of force multipliers.

That being said, if you really insist on trying your luck, you can try this close range active brawler (since you said you are skilled in HAMs):

[Tengu, New Setup 1]
Damage Control II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II

50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Medium Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 800
Pith X-Type Large Shield Booster
EM Ward Field II
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I

Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Expanded Probe Launcher II, Core Scanner Probe I

Medium Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing II

Tengu Defensive - Adaptive Shielding
Tengu Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer
Tengu Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix
Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay
Tengu Propulsion - Gravitational Capacitor

You can't really "ambush" stuff with that, a cloaky version could, but you will be limited to a tiny selection of targets (things that don't tank nor shoot back a lot).
Catskull Horizons
#4 - 2016-06-28 14:35:39 UTC
I lost 1 Tengu due to my piloting mistake(s) against another Tengu, I got kited away from WH entrance then 2 other ships landed on grid, curse neuted me dry and I was dead (I left my shield booster on rather than pulsed when needed), my tank held very well up to that point. I was slowly beating the other Tengu... Budgets not an issue really. I lost 1 level on Caldari propulsion. All subs at level 5 before that. I'm relatively skilled in Caldari missile boats, my engineering and shield skills are good. I would rather not bling out the Tengu if I don't have too as I'm experimenting, if I lose it then So be it, I can always eject if losing the ship is a forgone result.

Thank you for your suggestion on fit, I will give it a go. Any advice on what I should be doing during the fight? Eg orbit ranges... Kiting distance etc etc... Not many of my Corp play Caldari, they are gallente or amarr so they can only suggest so much. I'm slowly training amour skills and gunnery so I can get into fleets that fit logo...but that's digressing.

If you have other suggestions other than a Tengu I'm open to other ships/fits. I went with Tengu as its so versatile in game and can fit to do anything I want.

I really apreciate all advice?
Zand Vor
Wrong Hole.
#5 - 2016-06-28 15:52:40 UTC
[Tengu, Super Tengu]
Damage Control II
Missile Guidance Enhancer II
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System

Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 200
Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 200
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Gistum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Warp Scrambler II
Shield Boost Amplifier II

Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher, Sisters Combat Scanner Probe
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Guristas Scourge Heavy Assault Missile

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II
Medium Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II

Tengu Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer
Tengu Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers
Tengu Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix
Tengu Defensive - Adaptive Shielding
Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay

I'd say this will 1v2 most other ships out there, and could 1v3 potentially, if flown properly.

Please fix wormhole combat sites: c1 20mil - c2 40 mil - c3 80 mil - c4 160 mil - c5 320 mil - c6 640 mil

Catskull Horizons
#6 - 2016-06-28 16:04:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Skilgana
Zand Vor wrote:
[Tengu, Super Tengu]
Damage Control II
Missile Guidance Enhancer II
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System

Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 200
Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 200
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Gistum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Warp Scrambler II
Shield Boost Amplifier II

Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher, Sisters Combat Scanner Probe
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Guristas Scourge Heavy Assault Missile

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II
Medium Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II

Tengu Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer
Tengu Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers
Tengu Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix
Tengu Defensive - Adaptive Shielding
Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay

I'd say this will 1v2 most other ships out there, and could 1v3 potentially, if flown properly.

So what tips would you say to Fly properly? any advice on tactics?
Tung Yoggi
University of Caille
#7 - 2016-06-28 16:53:41 UTC
Pretty straightforward, load the right missiles, hit approach / orbit / keep at range (<9km) depending on your target, overload if needed, and cross fingers. Carry synth crash and up to improved blue pill boosters.

Be really careful in your target selection, avoid energy neutralizing ships, and try to keep a gtfo option (stay near a gate or a wh if you're not shooting a lone pve ship).

Catskull Horizons
#8 - 2016-06-28 17:32:55 UTC
thanks for the tips...the GTFO option is very in my mind...lost a 900 mil tengu because if messed up...wont happen again

thank you
Zand Vor
Wrong Hole.
#9 - 2016-06-28 18:12:05 UTC
Neuts do almost nothing against the Super Tengu. By the time they neut you, you are in range and shooting. Your tank doesn't rely on cap at all, just cap boosters.
Pulse your MWD, then leave it off.
Try not to run both shield boosters at the same time. If you find you need to, you're in over your head and need to GTFO.

Please fix wormhole combat sites: c1 20mil - c2 40 mil - c3 80 mil - c4 160 mil - c5 320 mil - c6 640 mil

Matt Benneth
Strictly Moral Support
#10 - 2016-06-28 18:16:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Matt Benneth
Zand Vor wrote:
Neuts do almost nothing against the Super Tengu. By the time they neut you, you are in range and shooting. Your tank doesn't rely on cap at all, just cap boosters.

Who ever neuts you out has the advantage since they can disengage if fight doesn't go their way.
Pax Deltari
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2016-06-28 18:32:41 UTC
Way off topic but throwing it out there in case you can fly it. The Proteus seems to be the T3 of Choice of Ganking in WH's.
Laphroaig Inc.
#12 - 2016-06-28 23:13:26 UTC
Don't learn your PvP in a T3 Cruiser.
Have a crack at something like a Stratios, or straight up stealth bombers.

Zand Vor wrote:
[Tengu, Super Tengu]
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
I'd say this will 1v2 most other ships out there, and could 1v3 potentially, if flown properly.


Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#13 - 2016-06-28 23:30:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
Tengus are pretty awful solo PVP ships IMO. Certainly for someone just starting to solo.
Thing is, it's extremely rare to find actual 1v1 PVP fights in wspace. It's almost always going to be a 1v1 gank of a PVE ship, or a small gang fight between 2 gangs so there's no real point in flying a ship designed for 1v1 PVP.

Hunting solo is fine, but you're going to be looking at PVE targets the vast amount of the time and you should have backup for getting into gang PVP fights.
For solo hunting, the stratios is superb and I wouldnt fly anything else. It's better than any cloaky T3 for killing PVE ships and is much cheaper and safer to lose. I highly recommend it.

This is my go to fit:
[Stratios, Nemo]
1600mm Steel Plates II
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Stasis Webifier II
Small Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 400

Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Sisters Core Probe Launcher, RSS Core Scanner Probe
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Medium Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Ancillary Current Router II
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II

Gecko x2

If you do insist on flying a solo tengu, I have had a lot of fun in the past with 100mn AB fits but they're pretty obsolete these days since everything else has been buffed up around them.

PS: That 'Super Tengu' fit needs a lot of work. For starters, it has the wrong prop and defense subsystems on it. It also has a small MWD on it (im assuming a typo) and doesnt remotely fit on CPU when you make all the relevant corrections.

I guess if you fix it up to look like this it's actually ok:
[Tengu, Super Tengu]
Damage Control II
Co-Processor II
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System

50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Warp Scrambler II
Stasis Webifier II
Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 150
Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 150
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Pithum A-Type EM Ward Amplifier

Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Assault Missile

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II
Medium Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II

Tengu Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer
Tengu Propulsion - Gravitational Capacitor
Tengu Engineering - Capacitor Regeneration Matrix
Tengu Defensive - Amplification Node
Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay

Basically it's a more expensive, slower sleipnir with less tank, less DPS and no neuts so if that's your thing, go for it.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#14 - 2016-06-29 13:43:19 UTC
more of a claymore than a sleip innit?

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#15 - 2016-06-30 00:04:59 UTC
Andrew Jester wrote:
more of a claymore than a sleip innit?

no not really, since the claymore is not remotely fittable as a dual asb ship.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#16 - 2016-06-30 15:37:42 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Andrew Jester wrote:
more of a claymore than a sleip innit?

no not really, since the claymore is not remotely fittable as a dual asb ship.

but it shoots missiles

let's call it 50/50

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#17 - 2016-07-01 00:04:55 UTC
Andrew Jester wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
Andrew Jester wrote:
more of a claymore than a sleip innit?

no not really, since the claymore is not remotely fittable as a dual asb ship.

but it shoots missiles
let's call it 50/50

I mean... it BARELY shoots missiles...
DPS is so bad that I assume the pilot just kinda throws them out the window world war 1 style.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe: