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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Rewriting the Game to allow only one Account per Player

Syrias Bizniz
some random local shitlords
#1 - 2016-06-18 18:48:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Syrias Bizniz
Topic is a bombshell, so let me defuse it for you.

Rewrite the Gamecode to allow more than 3 Characters per single account AND, unlocked for additional purchases of gametime per entity, the ability to log in with several characters stored on the same account.

Model could look like this:

Basic Account has 3 Slots and 1 License.
Additional Characterslots can be purchased with Aurum, for example, or whatever, and are a one-time payment.
Additional Licenses can be added just like the multiple training license. A license lasts 30 Days, and allows you to log in one character simultaneously.
Multiple accounts per player are banned.

The effects:

- CCP will have to rewrite probably huge chunks of gamecode. However, while doing so, this also allows them to add: LOGGING OFF AND RETURNING TO CHARACTER SELECTION SCREEN in the same go.

- Players can manage and access ALL their characters with ONE license, and can Multiboxx any combination of those with additonal licenses. No characters stuck on that damn Account that you unsubbed cause you don't need it except for right now.

- Implementation of Game-Features that are else too easy to exploit by yourself, for example a actually interesting and working Bounty System that locks every character on the same account from claiming bounties on any other character of the same account.

What about all the current accounts?

- Free merges to one single account, which will unlock all required Character-Slots and carry over all active licenses - but monthly payment will have to be re-purchased.

Downsides on CCP side:
-Potentially less revenue through lower overall abonnements.
- Lots, and lots of work necessary to rewrite everything.
Ichiroh Hemphill
Farmers of Miners
#2 - 2016-06-18 20:59:48 UTC
Right now, the subscription framework has no concept of multiple account ownership, despite the fact that it is nearly ubiquitous among serious players.

OP proposes that players shall be able consolidate all of their accounts and characters into a single account, and that the ability to simultaneously use and train them (multibox) be implemented as an add-on feature per character, ie. n PLEX per month to train and multibox n characters. Additionally, the implementation of a one-time fee to activate each additional character slot beyond the default of three.

This means:
1) CCP consolidates its customer database
2) Simplified account ownership for players
3. No more paying PLEX to shuffle our own characters between accounts
4) More proportional voting for CMS elections (one vote per player)
5) Pay-as-you go on a per-month basis based on how many characters you need to simultaneously train or use

It seems to be an eminently sensible suggestion.
Kerensky Initiatives
#3 - 2016-06-18 21:04:54 UTC
Only if CCP delivers on their promise and grants us musical instruments as well

No point in having this unless I can have my own wind orchestra

Let me toot my own floot

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#4 - 2016-06-18 21:25:30 UTC
Problem with this lies in the passive income characters. Such as PI alts & industry alts (Rather than the trader main who sells all the product). Who only need to log in for 5 minutes every few days, and a little longer once every couple of weeks.
Stack 10 of those on an account and CCP is taking a massive loss of income relative to now.
Iain Cariaba
#5 - 2016-06-18 22:35:18 UTC
So, you want CCP to devote a **** ton of effort into something that will cause a reduction in income for them?

Yeah, that's a great business move there. Roll

Beyond that, there's really no way to effectively prevent people from having multiple accounts. Anyone with even basic google-fu can figure out how to bypass such measures rather quickly.

Lastly, why is having multiple accounts a problem that needs to be fixed?
Lugh Crow-Slave
#6 - 2016-06-19 00:19:48 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Buldath
*snip* At least try to be productive to the topic. *snip* ~ISD Buldath
Cade Windstalker
#7 - 2016-06-19 00:42:06 UTC
This is just massively impractical. It's impossible to, with 100% certainty, prevent people from registering multiple accounts, and as soon as you create a penalty for doing so you create a very good reason to avoid having all your characters and accounts merged.

The idea of allowing multiple characters from an account to be logged in at once isn't a bad one but the overall plan to lock everyone to one account is so massively impractical as to be laughable.
Syrias Bizniz
some random local shitlords
#8 - 2016-06-19 01:09:28 UTC
I'll be honest, it was an Idea i spun out in my head in half a minute. The reason was a thread about a new Bounty-Hunting System, and I am absolutely certain that a good Bounty Hunting expierience will vitalize this game. But there is one major flaw in this game that prevents it from happening: If someone places a juicy bounty on your head, what the **** would prevent you from claiming it on your own, with just one of you other characters? There is absolutely no way to ever get this dilemma solved - except one, and that is really a harsh one: Physically make it impossible to claim a bounty that is placed on one of your characters yourself.

The basic idea was this: Post Bounty-Jobs on a "Bounty-Wall", where players can then purchase a license to claim a bounty on an individual. 2 major flaws: Claim bounties on yourself, collect random scrub's ISK - and, place bounty on someone you want to gank, purchase license with alt, do the gank.

While it would be very easy to get rid of the latter with some game mechanics, the first part is absolutely impossible to achieve as long as you can log into another character and just kill your main with it. Or purchase the license on your main. Or, looking up whether or not there's a Bounty on your head with an alt and then tell buddies to go claim it. The only way would be to prevent a player completely from ever knowing there was a bounty on one of his characters up to the very moment someone else purchases the license. That can't be done with the current framework of the game.

That's what lit the spark for this idea, and i'll admit: For CCP, it'd be a ton of work to get basically nothing in return. There is 0 effect for them that enhances the game in any way to make it better marketable or attract more subscriptions or, or, or.
Then again, 3 Characterslots is pretty much a remnant from times of olde, namely, 2003 and earlier. It's no big deal, but not very cool either.
For the players, it'd be just some minor convenience update.
For the game, it could unlock gameplay scenarios that are currently unthinkable because of the easy exploitability of multiple accounts.

I don't even know why people would want to circumvent something like this, they'd be putting in effort to run a second account (or however) to have characters that are not on the same character selection screen as their other characters. Okay, maybe for account-sharing on some top level spy-characters, where it would get really fishy if the dude you trust your **** would suddenly see you have 73 other characters in the enemy alliance.
Cade Windstalker
#9 - 2016-06-19 01:39:46 UTC
OP, Bounties pay out based on a percentage of the value of the ship you were killed in, it is literally impossible to make money blowing yourself up.

Also if you can't blow yourself up, for whatever reason, then you can just get a friend or a corp mate, or whatever to blow you up.

There is literally no way to make this idea of yours workable without stomping all over other gameplay that is, frankly, a bit more important to the game than a more functional bounty system.
Syrias Bizniz
some random local shitlords
#10 - 2016-06-19 01:49:28 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
OP, Bounties pay out based on a percentage of the value of the ship you were killed in, it is literally impossible to make money blowing yourself up.

Also if you can't blow yourself up, for whatever reason, then you can just get a friend or a corp mate, or whatever to blow you up.

There is literally no way to make this idea of yours workable without stomping all over other gameplay that is, frankly, a bit more important to the game than a more functional bounty system.

Yeah, but you can't for example go bounty hunting in highsec without getting konkordokkend, which puts you in the dilemma where you'll probably lose more ISK then you'd make.
The only thing bounties do right now is a means for alliance leadership to encourage your people to go **** other **** up, and that's about it. Current Bounty-System doesn't serve any purpose at all and isn't even a cool gimmick.

You could make it work in a way that it's very hard to abuse it to make ISK your own (or just remove the bounty on your own, not necessarily making ISK at it), but make it farily accessible for others. The key to this is to keep the player uninformed about the bounty until someone wants to claim it - which is only obtainable if you can control which characters are linked to other characters (Yours to yours) and thus exclude them from gaining information about bounties on themselves and claiming those bounties.
You'd need a friend to check for you, and there would be ways with gamemechanics to make this tedious as **** to abuse it defensively, but very easy if you're a dedicated bounty hunter.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#11 - 2016-06-19 05:40:31 UTC
Syrias Bizniz wrote:
The only thing bounties do right now is a means for alliance leadership to encourage your people to go **** other **** up, and that's about it. Current Bounty-System doesn't serve any purpose at all and isn't even a cool gimmick.

And you think that a bounty system which generated a killright on someone else just by putting some excess ISK on someone else's head does not encourage people to go screw others over? You know, one of my hauler chars got hundreds of millions of bounty on his head just because I dared to talk back to some CODE screw up repeatedly. This person could again put money on my head and get my freighters killed without me ever having done any harm to her. This system is even worse for screwing people up than ganking is right now.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Cade Windstalker
#12 - 2016-06-19 07:30:36 UTC
Syrias Bizniz wrote:
Yeah, but you can't for example go bounty hunting in highsec without getting konkordokkend, which puts you in the dilemma where you'll probably lose more ISK then you'd make.
The only thing bounties do right now is a means for alliance leadership to encourage your people to go **** other **** up, and that's about it. Current Bounty-System doesn't serve any purpose at all and isn't even a cool gimmick.

You could make it work in a way that it's very hard to abuse it to make ISK your own (or just remove the bounty on your own, not necessarily making ISK at it), but make it farily accessible for others. The key to this is to keep the player uninformed about the bounty until someone wants to claim it - which is only obtainable if you can control which characters are linked to other characters (Yours to yours) and thus exclude them from gaining information about bounties on themselves and claiming those bounties.
You'd need a friend to check for you, and there would be ways with gamemechanics to make this tedious as **** to abuse it defensively, but very easy if you're a dedicated bounty hunter.

Sure you can, you either need to war-dec the person in question's corp or get a kill-right on them, either by your own cleverness or by buying one.

Anything, if sufficiently rewarding, will be done by players even if it is tedious. They'll just complain about having to do it.

Seriously, there is no good way to prevent alts without causing more problems than you solve.

Yes, the bounty system is kind of bad right now, but what you're proposing is not a good solution, it's a bunch of pointless work for a *very* questionable benefit, all to make a niche mechanic *slightly* more usable.

This doesn't even get into the details of your system, like that some characters literally never undock and therefore could never be killed, or the other practical issues with timed bounty missions on other players.

The core of your complaint seems to be that it's not easy enough to collect a bounty on someone in high-sec, to which I can only reply "tough cookies, working as intended".
#13 - 2016-06-19 07:44:26 UTC
one account per player .. dunno .. would be better to manage characters indeed .. but then banning multiple ones seems a waste been thinking thay should just improve the account management section here .. they have a way to link multiple accounts to the same e-mail .. needs something further from there. including a much needed api center .. really annoying to make and get the keys for multiple toons .. just saying :)

EVElopedia < add this to your sig to show u WANT it back

Blade Darth
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#14 - 2016-06-19 18:19:06 UTC
How do you prevent people from using multiple physical machines? We are at a stage where you can play on a phone.
Send photos of family member playing the game, signed by the police?

Every mmo I played it was beneficial to have multiple accounts, either as industry, scouting, spec'ing into different role just for fun (with limited toons/ account) or buffing (off-grid links, hello!).

To force 1-player per active character the game would have to be action packed like a shooter or an RTS, pressing F1 every 10 minutes or taking one minute to kill a rat for some pocket change allows players to manage 10+ accounts and still have time to do actual work (or shittalk on voice comms).
Idk if it's a bad thing, maybe that's what makes the game special and players like it.
Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#15 - 2016-06-19 18:23:11 UTC
Lol this is so dumb and unreasonable I don't even feel the need to point out the flaws.

What exactly would this change?

EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Come And Get Your Love
#16 - 2016-06-19 22:12:51 UTC
Well they were probably just thinking more along the lines of payment and management convince. It would be nice to just have one bill and one login for all my characters but forcing it on people is wrong.
#17 - 2016-06-20 18:20:22 UTC
is easier to create New EVE using a new and improved engine , since 2003 until now a lot has changed at the game engine technology that can accommodate the needs of today's EVEOnline

For CCP to create the New EVE is not too hard , this way people voluntarily switch and accept the changes

for CCP there is no loss if some people remain in EVE and some in New EVE this is also a way of voting
this way you can do radical changes like one Character
Zansha Expansion
Brave Collective
#18 - 2016-06-20 18:54:54 UTC
zus wrote:
is easier to create New EVE using a new and improved engine , since 2003 until now a lot has changed at the game engine technology that can accommodate the needs of today's EVEOnline..

If only the entire engine didn't change like 5 times in the decade I am here..

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#19 - 2016-06-20 23:51:54 UTC
Syrias Bizniz wrote:
I'll be honest, it was an Idea i spun out in my head in half a minute.

Do us a favor, from now on, after those 30 seconds do not hit the New Topic button. Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

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