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An idea about upcoming mining colonies

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-06-12 14:00:01 UTC
I know we have the POS siphon units but there are various reasons why they are sub optimal and seldom used.

Like all new structures I have no doubts that mining outposts will get vulnerability timers to be destroyed/conquered whatever. I propose they have a smaller timer within that timer when they can be hacked using the data analyzer and playing a beefed up version of the existing hacking mini game. Unlike the current version where iirc you have three chances before your loot blows up, against a mining outpost you only get one shot.

Success and you can loot up to 50% of whatever moongoo has been gathered by the colony, and no one ever knows you were there. Failure however is where it gets interesting. Should you fail the hack the mining colony defends itself by applying the what i call the Venus Fly Trap, a hic scram and a 99% web effect on the offending ship, or maybe even the entire grid if that's not too OP, that lasts for 10 minutes. It also sends the owning Corp a mail allowing them to investigate and blap the hapless thief, if they can form in 10 minutes. And if the thief has friends well then PVP happens. Im also not adverse to the trap generating a cyno beacon as well.

The system encourages occupancy because repeated failures to respond to hacking attempts on your mining outpost will seriously dent if not eliminate your profits. if you dont show up to protect against hackers nothing will stop them from continuing to hack you until successful. To compensate that though the hacking needs to be hard as balls, brute hacking a unbonused frigate with a cloaky hauler alt should have a minuscule success rate.

I could also see the hacking difficulty being tied to ADMS so systems with low ADMS could be easily brute hacked and systems with MAX ADMS would be very difficult even on a bonused hull with perfect skills. Since these things will exist in lowsec you could make the lowsec difficulty modifier about half of what a maxed out ADM system would be.

The end goal of this idea and others like it is to lower the bar of becoming a content creator, and content creation in general. with a covert cyno a cloaky hauler, a hacking toon,and bridging blops, you could conceivably make off with hundreds of millions of isk in moongoo or potentially get one or all of those ships caught and brutally executed under a 99% web/hic point.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2016-06-12 14:04:14 UTC
So if you are not a multi thousand coalition with full TZ coverage and enough people to babysit every platform, you are not allowed to use these things at all?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2016-06-12 14:51:38 UTC
We live in a sov system that encourages occupancy. Sure a hostile might be able to hack an colony and slip away unnoticed, but if they try and hack multiple colonies in one roam there is a likely hood they get caught at some point. And if you lack the ability to respond to threats within your borders, especially threats than are pinned down and motionless, than simply htfu
Syrias Bizniz
some random local shitlords
#4 - 2016-06-12 14:55:27 UTC
I like the idea of ressource warfare like Siphons were designed to do. Especially if it's active!
However, it is currently not known if there will be passive harvesting deployables, and if so, how their harvesting will work.

Here's a rough shot at it tho:

If there are passive harvesting platforms, they could have a manually set cycle time, just like PI extractors do. Long timer means low income per hour, but low effort. Short timer means high income per hour, but high effort. ("high" and "low" just in comparision to each other, not to ratting or anything other than passive harvesting platforms.)

These structures could be hacked using the existing data analyzer modules and the minigame, however with some tweaks:

There will be another unit within the hacking game, the ressource cache (pretty much like the core or whatever it's called for data / relic sites). There could be several instances of the cache, for example a total number of 6 per harvest cycle, each granting access to 5% of the minerals harvested, amounting for a total of 30% that can be stolen of a single harvest cycle in this example.

So while you hack through defensive systems etc, you can find these caches, clear them out, and get loot. However: If you open the first cache during your hacking attempts, an alarm will go off, which will shut down the hacking after a given time and will also activate the defensive systems of the platform to agress the hacker. This means: You have only a relatively short timeframe to clear it out AND gtfo before you get potentially pointed and blapped. Once defensive systems were activated, the structure enters a defensive mode during which further hacking attempts are not possible and will draw aggression, that will last for, for example, 10% of the total harvest cycle time. So if you can't clear out all caches during one hacking attempt, you can come back after the defensive is inactive again and finish your mischiefous work.

Such a hacking concept itself would also give a lot of fitting options for harvest platforms themselves, such as reduction in total cache amount, cache yield, alarm timer; add additional firewalls, increase defensivetimer, etc. etc.


IF passive income platforms come in, hacking would be nice, as long as it's reasonable, can be defended against without having to be on grid through obstacles, and is not exploitable by the owner of the structure for his own benefits (example: Can't hack your own stuff to prevent others from hacking it).

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2016-06-12 15:01:44 UTC
There are 649 money moons in Vale (out of 4980 total). How many of those can test defend simultaneously? How long does it take a response fleet to actually cross that region? Bet it's more than ten minutes if you aren't flying instawarp interceptors.

Considering how easy the hacking minigame is, you'd have thirty seconds to respond to an attack. A minute tops, and if the hacker loses, they're out a 20mil cheetah. (Doesn't matter how 'hard' you try to make it. People know the minigame, and it really isn't difficult.)

How high do you want to see the T2 prices go?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2016-06-13 04:04:53 UTC
ive thought about L and XL colonies being able to service more and more moons each respectively but im not 100% on exactly how that would work. Potentially able to cut down on the babysitting to a point but still vulnerable to thieves if no one is paying attention.