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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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86m SP Elysium Prime looking for Corp

Elysium Prime
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2016-06-10 22:56:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Elysium Prime
Gyn Steel
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2016-06-11 02:52:56 UTC
Hey m8! I might have what you are looking for!

We are a corp member of The Culture. We currently live in fountain and pewpew! The corp is not the eldest in this game but we are a vets team woking really hard. Corp have many great FC looking to give you content! We provide everything you would want. Ratting space, pvp everyday. Content and well for the laurel of it..We even have a citadel!

What we offer.

- Drunk Fleet!
- A LOTS of pvp
- Black Ops drops
- Good ratting space
- Experimented FC
- Drama Free corp
- Help to make you better at pvp if you aren't experienced.

Join us in game: DWSQD

Growing everyday!
Good Sax
#3 - 2016-06-11 03:52:13 UTC
Well if you've been around stain, then you will probably remember us.
Elric Shi
Tranquility Tavern
Pandemic Horde
#4 - 2016-06-11 10:34:07 UTC
Hi there, here's a standard description of our corp,. from what i read on your forum post you sound perfect for us, we're a rapidly growing corp with high ambitions and a nice plan set up with the new citadel expansion. We are a long standing history corp that has been through all aspects of the game, we like to change the scenery and go nomadic once we exhaust an area of interest. There is always a good vibe and lots of intelligent players with lots to learn from and we all have a RL.


"Walk in the light and live not in fear, for we are brothers our blood ligates us and holds us to our deeds"


Ship replacement programme

Experienced pilots

Excellent reputation within the community


LOW Sec + FW and 0.0 roams.

Stop playing EVE, Start Living it

For an insider's view of the corporation, visit our in game channel 'dark-rising'.

Jony Bigodes
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2016-06-11 11:05:12 UTC
Take a look at us:

Fun to be had Blink

"Take all, give 'em nothing"

#6 - 2016-06-11 16:05:27 UTC
C.Q.B is a lowsec corp that believes in fighting outnumbered and against the odds.
We are the few unafraid of the many.
Every pilot in our fleet fills an important and necessary role. Every member matters..

Join our ingame channel 'C.Q.B Public' and ask for a recruiter or pm/msg me directly.

Corp KB:

What we do:
◙ Fleet PVP (Large and small scale fleet engagements, roams and structure op's)
◙ Capital escalation
◙ Black Ops (Force Projection)
◙ Higher tier PVP

We are looking for:
◙ Min 50m skill Point
◙ 300+ kills on an active kb
◙ Full slave clone
◙ Able to fly CAPS on alt or main
◙ Alt account required
◙ Active EU and US TZ PvPers
◙ Willingness to learn & communicate
◙ Mature gamer's
◙ Teamplayers
◙ Self sufficiency in terms of ISK
◙ The ability to fly higher tier doctrine's (Tec 3 cruiser's, HAC's, Faction BS and T2 Logi)
◙ Working headset

What we offer you:
◙ Target rich environment
◙ Content focused
◙ FULL SRP on alliance op's
◙ Member of the Snuffed Out Alliance
◙ Active member base
◙ Very experienced FCs and members to learn from
◙ TS3, Forums and Jabba

Applicants are required to provide full API keys for all their accounts.
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2016-06-11 16:16:10 UTC
Elysium Prime wrote:
Im a EvE online veteran that has played since 2008 , I have been away from EvE Online for 710 days now.

I have good knowledge of the game up to the point where I left so may need some guidance into as what has changed (as I understand , a lot has).

I used to fly for a 0.0 Pirate space alliance named Vanguard. who would jump around to different 0.0 Pirate hubs , such as Stain and operate from there. They are all but gone now , but I return.

I am mostly open to anything as long as I can use my capitals in some form or another , the love in the game for me is commanding my bigger ships. But I can fly smaller ships as well (of course).

As for my self as a person I am Swedish American , 25 , speak fluent English and my timezone tends to sway forward slowly (I have insomnia).

Ill leave it open forum , feel free to ask questions and tell me about yourself. Be mindful that I am looking for people who take time to connect with there recruits. If you copy and paste here it will most likely be ignored , apologizes if it is an inconvenience.


Join our public channel "TDSIN Recuitment" ingame to speak to our recruiter, if you have any questions hit me up or visit the pub channel/forum thread should wormholes be of interest
Seraph Essael
The Initiative.
#8 - 2016-06-11 21:13:21 UTC
Hey man. 710 days is a long time, welcome back.

Try out Binary Adaption.

BINAD is a small, but growing corp with roots from the early years of wormholes. I myself have lived in them for two years while my director has been in them from the beginning.

We specialise in smaller gang warfare. Cloaky hunting and sneaking up on people, but also love straight up fights. We understand ISK is there to be spent and ships are already dead when you buy them.
We currently have a couple of Capitals, but have not had opportunity to use them however, everyone of our pilots can field capitals, I know this is something you wanted in regards to your capital ships, but this is something we are looking into.

Any who, hit us up in our public channel if you fancy a chat: "Binary Adaption"

Stay classy.

Quoted from Doc Fury: "Concerned citizens: Doc seldom plays EVE on the weekends during spring and summer, so you will always be on your own for a couple days a week. Doc spends that time collecting kittens for the on-going sacrifices, engaging in reckless outdoor activities, and speaking in the 3rd person."

Elysium Prime
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#9 - 2016-06-12 01:42:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Elysium Prime
Thank you to everyone who has reached out so far.
Takamori Saig0
Sensory Overload Expeditions
#10 - 2016-06-13 02:44:30 UTC

Hey Mr Prime,

As a 25 year old, you qualify to be an 'Older Gamer' :)

I'll leave my corp ad below, please check us out.

We are a mature, no dramas group living in the PVP paradise known as delve, we are surrounded by neutrals and reds, no blue donut for us !

If you are interested, send me an eve mail, happy to answer any questions.
Ranken Slowholer
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2016-06-14 06:15:48 UTC
in game mail sent. Good luck finding a new home.
Sarah Andonald
Mining Under the Influence
Influential Operations
#12 - 2016-06-15 23:15:44 UTC
Hello there, my corporation is always looking for new and exciting members we are very active and friendly and are trying to come back into the scope. If you want more information about Dark Phoenix Armada here is a link to our forum post.

Corporation merging and more we are very interested in. As we are also older players. Alliance terms and more we are also searching for.

If you have any questions or anything feel free to mail me or even ask me to a skype call i will download any means of talking means to be able to communicate with fellow space fliers.
Jan Riksma
Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#13 - 2016-06-16 18:03:10 UTC

Not sure what your are exactly looking for but we are a bunch of older gamers average age in corp is 35, relaxed and no kiddy mentality.

We use our caps extensively, live down in heimatar region, fight anybody and everybody. Is more a place if you are a casual player who likes a good brawl from time to time mixed with some leisure camping.


Sered Woollahra
No Fixed Abode
Solyaris Chtonium
#14 - 2016-06-16 18:48:19 UTC
Hey Elisium,

We are a small corp in the Solyaris Chtonium alliance (SLYCE). We have just occupied a part of Deklein in the last war - and that space is ripe for exploitation as an industrialist or for ratting, but of course it also still has to be defended! Plenty of stuff to do, both on an alliance as well as a coalition level. Cap ships are regularly used in pos removals and combat - more than welcome!

If it is quiet in our space, we always have SPECTRE, which is an NPSI organisation of which SLYCE is a founding member. SPECTRE organizes fleets to go out in null and lowsec and just shoot anything not in fleet, which happens to be a lot of fun. SLYCE is also known for its blackops fleets - Cloaky Ninjas. Great fun too!

We are mature pilots and we know real life comes first. Both the corp and the alliance are aware. That also makes us (and SLYCE) generally a low drama environment..

Hope to hear from you! You can always contact us in our public channel: No Fixed Channel.
