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Dev blog: Shadow of the Serpent: Signal the Dawn

First post
Net 7
#21 - 2016-06-09 18:17:44 UTC
g0nz028 wrote:
What exactly is the reward? Can you exchange the points into something?

i'm going to assume by this question you did not read the blog... so read the blog. Rewards are TBA. read the blog

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Nou Mene
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#22 - 2016-06-09 18:25:05 UTC
Love the feature. Can't wait for the event.

Can we expect integration of this with dailies and/or general PvE content in the future?
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2016-06-09 18:41:27 UTC
I liked the very first event most, because it was low in-game skill demand but tricky to get a good quantity of sites (wormholes), the loot was a high-demand consumable not traded in the market, the sites a conflict driver and the value allowed for north of 250m ISK/h purely market neutral profit if you knew how. For me this is the gold standard of events together with being a rare thing.

I like the UI improvements and looking forward to the surprise Big smile. But I'm concerned about making this a permanent or exchangeable thing taking away the unique event character, and as an easy access event for everybody having to make the loot mediocre.

There was the question about taking sides above ... this is an excellent idea, let us choose a faction when entering a side with the rules of faction warfare while in the site for maximum reward.

I'm my own NPC alt.

DobCo Industries
#24 - 2016-06-09 18:42:46 UTC
This whole system looks great! Could this potentially replace missions? I remember when I was new thinking the mission system was pretty outdated and clunky, I'd love to see something like this take over!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2016-06-09 19:07:04 UTC
So I'm a little confused how this differs from previous events, specifically are the missions/tasks going to be scannable cosmic sigs anyone can warp to, or do we accept the mission and just risk being probed out while doing it or attacked on route?

Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#26 - 2016-06-09 20:51:11 UTC
Feels like the sandbox is being replaced by a theme park. Maybe I'm just bitter but I'm not keen on this.

Don't get me wrong I like the lore side of it; but this 'mine 1000 units of ore' and 'kill 10 rats' feels like hunting boars in a forest.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#27 - 2016-06-09 21:27:02 UTC
CCP Affinity wrote:
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:
Does this means that Live Events from the past with actors and such are not coming back ?

Loki Feiht wrote:
How do we join the Serpentis side?

You know that would mean effort from CCP

Not at all :) This is something completely different to those style of live events and there's room for both to exist!

CCP Affinity said - by hunting down the capsuleers in the Serpentis sites ;)

So you can gain rewards (or at least points toward such) for killing people inside these event sites?
-- - -- - --

So I know the example pic at the log in screen is just that, an example but to satisfy my curiosity - It shows you have earned 6,400 reward points and need 15,000 for the next reward. The next part of the event is in 3 parts and is worth 700 reward points - Presuming these are designed so everyone has an equal opportunity to complete them and they don't just get impossible for some by getting increasingly harder to complete (for more reward points).
You will need to complete approximately 12 challenges for the next reward at 15,000 reward points?

NB; I have many more questions (the blog is somewhat vague) but one thing at a time.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#28 - 2016-06-09 21:55:14 UTC
CCP Affinity wrote:
Alain Colcer wrote:
looks great!

what will be the behavior when multiple people work together to complete sites/missiones/assignments?

Everyone gets the reward :) So if multiple people are in the site when it is completed, everyone gets the reward.

Do they need to be in the same fleet, corp or alliance or can I just warp to any site and collect rewards on its completion without having participated? Will I be able to sit cloaked up and kill the person who ran the site - After he has completed it and I have collected my rewards?

If so this is a little random and not fitting within a balanced event reward structure - Unless the reward is group based (the description states it requires more than one player to complete) it should only reward the individual who accepts and completes the challenge.

Again we're (CCP Affinity) being a little vague about how these will work here. This is Eve, people will abuse this system if it is not properly managed from the start. Devs need to take player behavior into consideration when designing new content - this one smacks a little of, near enough is good enough, we'll fix it later.
It is very likely ( in lowsec and nul especially) that these will simply become gank fests where the person who started the site dies and the group who kill him get the rewards.

I suppose the rest of Eve is just a gank/N+1 fest, why should new content be any different..... Eve is about rewarding the worst behavior of its players, this will fit right in..

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Ouroboros Logistics
#29 - 2016-06-09 22:49:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Darrien
So the sites work as sort of communal quest as seen in other mmo's.
EvE is a unique mmo, and pretty much will remain a unique mmo.
it's what draws us in to play it.
But it doesn't mean it should me immune to osmosis, if something works well in other mmo's then whats the real harm in incorporating it into EvE, perhaps bitter vets should look not look at it as a dilution of EvE but as a new opportunity to vary there game play and inject new interest. Not many mmo's have survived as long as EvE and I'm sure many would agree even the ones that have are pretty pointless your actions rarely have consequence, but in EvE our actions however small we perceive them to be may have huge knock on effects which can shape the political and economic landscape of eve.
Scarlett LaBlanc
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2016-06-09 23:05:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Scarlett LaBlanc
g0nz028 wrote:
What exactly is the reward? Can you exchange the points into something?

"Prize boxes" that contain "stuff".

Was in the dev blog.

Moac Tor wrote:
Feels like the sandbox is being replaced by a theme park. Maybe I'm just bitter but I'm not keen on this.

Don't get me wrong I like the lore side of it; but this 'mine 1000 units of ore' and 'kill 10 rats' feels like hunting boars in a forest.

They were pretty specific that those were just generic examples. I assume you were speaking of the idea in general though. The game cant stay 100% sandbox, its not growing. If we add 2% theme park, perhaps that will grow the player base a little and give you (and me) more people to shoot. Then everyone wins. Holding on tight and yelling "Don't change, Don't change!" until your the only one left on the server is not an answer.

edit: man this page moved fast
Zar Myx
New Eden Browncoats
#31 - 2016-06-09 23:41:23 UTC
I'm sure this will be fun stuff. But to be honest I have no clue what this is trying to tell me. I think my role playing skills need more training. Off to look for some more skill injectors.
helana Tsero
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#32 - 2016-06-09 23:47:45 UTC
Your going to put this on the captains quarters screens as well right ? I

Also the May release broke the captains quarters main tv screen. Cry Please fix.

"...ppl need to get out of caves and they will see something new.... thats where eve is placed... not in cave."  | zoonr-Korsairs |

Meanwhile Citadel release issues: "tried to bug report this and the bug report is bugged as well" | Rafeau |

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#33 - 2016-06-10 00:18:57 UTC
Darrien wrote:
So the sites work as sort of communal quest as seen in other mmo's.
EvE is a unique mmo, and pretty much will remain a unique mmo.
it's what draws us in to play it.
But it doesn't mean it should me immune to osmosis, if something works well in other mmo's then whats the real harm in incorporating it into EvE, perhaps bitter vets should look not look at it as a dilution of EvE but as a new opportunity to vary there game play and inject new interest. Not many mmo's have survived as long as EvE and I'm sure many would agree even the ones that have are pretty pointless your actions rarely have consequence, but in EvE our actions however small we perceive them to be may have huge knock on effects which can shape the political and economic landscape of eve.

I'm not sure "communal" is the right word in context. Communal indicates anyone from within the community is able to just enter a site and get rewarded for it when the site completes - This is not a good thing - Rewards should be earned not just handed to anyone who can use scan probes and warp to a site.
Which is why I asked CCP Affinity to clarify her statement.

Also, yes Eve has survived a long time due to it not being like other MMO's - It is quickly becoming like many other MMO's, so is the time when it, like many before it, become just mediocre games where your achievements mean little and the knock on effects will be the same - Why bother, everything stays the same no matter what we do - Eve's uniqueness is being slowly eroded away to where, pretty soon (a few years, tops) it will be just another MMO that you need to do X to get Y to complete your set.
And your credit card will always need to be handy for the next expansion - Because I want what he has and it is available as a "buy it now" option in the cash store.

There is one thing that stands out that has kept me playing Eve - I don't need to run dungeons more than the next guy to get the best XXX so I can win. I can win in a 500K frigate as easily as I can lose in a 2 Bil T3.

Eventually this sort of thing leads to, gold ammo type scenarios, no matter how much CCP say they won't do it, believing them is difficult when $ are involved. They have shown already they aren't prepared to stand by previous statements regarding skill point acquisition by introducing "dailies". What's next?
-- - -- - --
As for any rewards from the Shadow event. It is likely to end like most events involving rewards do in Eve - The market soon gets flooded with the reward items driving their price down so much the events are really not worth doing.
I have a collection of over 100 skins from recent events - They aren't worth selling, the transaction and brokers fees are more than they are worth, simply because the market got flooded; These "rewards" aren't "special" when everyone has multiple of them. Skins I have that were selling for 1.5 to 2 mil are now worth 4,000. Thukker component assembly arrays (I have 84 BPC's), current value, 50% less than it costs to build them.

So yes, these events will help shape the future economic face of Eve - Via the price of each reward being lowered each time someone completes one.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Jax Tepler
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2016-06-10 00:40:53 UTC
I'm wondering please, how might a newer player know what kind of ship is required for the event sites? For example, if it's a combat event site, will the npcs tell us what class of ship might be required?
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#35 - 2016-06-10 01:25:44 UTC
I really like that this includes more than just combat sites. Good job.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Ouroboros Solutions
Recursive Horizons
#36 - 2016-06-10 03:42:42 UTC
Well, the write up this game feature is about as clear as mud so hopefully I will be able to just ignore it?

CCP Phantom wrote:
With the June release on June 28, we bring back events with a completely overhauled design making them much better visible.

Together with this new event "Shadow of the Serpent: Signal the Dawn" we also introduce a new event framework to help you participate in the various tasks of this event and to enable you to influence the EVE Online storyline.

Check out the exciting changes in CCP Affinity's latest blog Shadow of the Serpent: Signal the Dawn.

Please note that all images in the dev blog are placeholders and that as such the text visible in the images does not reflect the event content.

Tengl Erata
Ecliptic Control
Ferrata Victrix
#37 - 2016-06-10 05:46:23 UTC
the final reward - BPO fraction titan from serpentis
Julien Brellier
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2016-06-10 07:26:19 UTC
Sandbox no more.

Welcome to the Theme Park.

Daily quests, complete with loot chests.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2016-06-10 08:22:39 UTC
Finally we will have something to do in this 'sandbox' Lol

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Pator Tech School
#40 - 2016-06-10 11:54:10 UTC
Something I like about the PVE of this game is that players work on a variety of different individual objectives. Even missions give you a choice or who to fight for (and against).

In these one-off events, by contrast, everyone involved is working towards the same goal, at the same time, through the same content. That's okay, they're one-offs. But if this activities framework is going to become a permanent feature of the game, choice and flexible objectives are maybe something to think about.

(too vague; didn't care – go see post #3)