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Private Hangars (Group Access)

Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#1 - 2016-04-22 02:19:53 UTC
Would it be possible to get a Private Hangar in Stations/Citadels that can have access granted by the new Access Groups? Specifically I would like essentially a CHA that isn't tied to Corp/Alliance roles or membership and instead can just be used by anyone in the access group.

Activities this would facilitate:
  • Sharing of ships/mods/ammo/materials between a player's various characters through a persistent shared hangar. The Deliveries Hangar was a big improvement in this regard, but a shared hangar is more useful for this purpose.
  • Communal ship/ammo cache: These are already commonplace in corp hangar divisions, but creating one with group access rules would allow it to be opened to all members of an Alliance/Coalition/NPSI fleet if desired or any subset thereof. The administrators for access to a cache like this would need to balance between easy access to needed materiel and risk of theft, just as with corp hangars now.
CAF Industries
#2 - 2016-06-01 11:12:29 UTC
Yes, this! A thousand times yes!

Manufacturing with mains and alts in different corps can be quite complicated.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#3 - 2016-06-01 11:15:05 UTC
the use of alts does not need to be made easier
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#4 - 2016-06-01 12:29:56 UTC
DeLaBu wrote:
Yes, this! A thousand times yes!

Manufacturing with mains and alts in different corps can be quite complicated.

No - because CCP needs to start to reign in the us of alts not make it easier to use them. And yes I do have alts a plenty so yes I do know what I am asking for and I do know the difficulties it would cause.

Back to the OP.


Shared hangers with access control is a function of a player corp and it needs to stay that way. If you need shared hanger access then form a corp have shared hanger access and make yourselves vulnerable to all the negative aspects of being in a player corp.