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Mohammad Deraz
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#2301 - 2016-05-20 02:55:56 UTC
This is The Best Thing You did because rewarding people with SP is good to make new players catch up to old ones, also make them reward isk
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2302 - 2016-05-20 03:37:17 UTC
Phteven Hackett wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Phteven Hackett wrote:
Dear CCP Rise.

Is logging into an account, shooting a rat, logging out good gameplay? Or would you rather have the person with 20 training accounts spend that time actually creating content and have fun?

Cause it sounds like you don't want us to play the game at all.
It sounds like you want us to burn out doing silly chores to uptain our perfect training, burn out and go play some game that doesn't seem like such a chore..

From my perspective, you missed the spot.
I would be a lot more happy with a simple log-in bonus and while stats show this to not be successfull, these stats are also not from games where people run 20, 30, 40 accounts, and it looks like you forgot to account for that.
Remember, your stats are useless if you aren't able to use them properly.

Please reconsider making EVE a chore, cause tbh.. I can find so many other games I would rather spend my time on, than looking at a Highsec belt and a login screen.


From my perspective, you are planning on willingly do something optional you dislike just because you personally can't pass up the reward and would rather burn out doing it than just accepting that you enjoy something else more in the game than logging in to kill a rat and just forgetting about it because sandbox games should be played by doing what you like and not what is the most optimal.

But hey, it's your own personal time so you can do whatever you want with it even if it mean turning a game into a job.

Sure, but the point of this change is to make those accounts log in.. So if they don't, the dailies have still missed the mark...

They want more to log in. As soon as you do it with one, they are already accomplishing something. What really has a chance of creating content with this change is to get player to log in. The same player logging in 20 times on alt is not going to generate anything more than if he just logged once. The barrier of entry of getting in the game was already broken so if you were to think "might as well do something since I'm already in", it won;t happen on the 14th alt. As you log in more alts, you will actually probably just say "F this god damn game" mostly because you though of maximizing your SP gain instead of maximizing your enjoyment of the game. Yes SP are cool, yes they can now even be sold but if you just look at that and grind the multiple log ins for every alt account you have, it will of course look like a chore because you are making it a chore.

If you take me and you as example. If I log in once to do it, my single log in is a new one. I might decide to do something or not. On the other hand, From your perspective, the 1st one might be a new log in but the 19 other you make are just repeating steps over and over again. You are not 20 players who might decide to do something else but 1 player who do 20 time the same thing and likely decided if he would do more within at most the first 5 or something like that.

CCP definitely know that a metric ass ton of the log-ins will be ghost log ins by alt account of the very same player. Those are not the one they are looking for because that player logged into the game already. You crossed the barrier they want you to cross on the first one. Doing it 19 more time isn't that likely to change your mind on if you play more or just kill your rat and leave. Chance are you won;t change your mind until the next day when the opportunity will try again. As a player, making you do it more often does not really has that much chance to flip your mind if you had decided you would not play but merely kill a rat for 10k sp and the leave. Back to my case, every single opportunity I do is a brand new log in on a different day. I'm potentially not in the same mood as I was the previous day so a new try makes sense hence why it try to get you to log in every day. The system need player logging in at least once, not character/accounts since those are associated to the same brain who already made up his mind if he wanted to play EVE on that specific day.

It looks like a chore to many people because they don;t see it as a log in that might make them play the game but as a step to getting 10k SP which "need" to be done because SP > all. Of course, a large amount of those player forcing themselves to log in every single alts they have in the name of getting more SP will also be the type of player telling newbies that SP don't matter because of many reasons. Of course, that makes them hypocrite by saying something while they obviously think the opposite but there is not much we can do about that.

Ransu Asanari
Caldari State
#2303 - 2016-05-20 03:43:30 UTC
I think this feature is bad, and sets a terrible precedent for the game in terms of training and skill allocation.

However, it would be better received if it was fully implemented into more than just "kill an NPC" and had a method to obtain the SP for multiple actions in game. Right now this is a very lukewarm feature implementation. I would even call it lazy. Make sure you don't forget to iterate on it.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#2304 - 2016-05-20 07:08:16 UTC
00000000000000000000000 000000000001 wrote:
All these haters

First, against jump fatigue

then against injectors

now, against dailies

Its good for us all to see that one of biggest problems in eve, is the old players trying to rule it - its always here, between us in every change announced by CCP.

500k playerbase, and always, always the same whiners crying here like kids.

Make it better for beginners.

Dailies are a good idea, keep it rolling CCP o7

These tears are so sweet, i am loving it.

If you dont like the changes, quit the game

We dont need, even in RL people that dont want changes. GTFO

500K player base?
Of which around 40K are logged in at the same time for 1 or 2 hours a week, while the average online is again slipping.

Your last comment is my all time Fav - Just Quit - The more that do quit (and there has been a bloody lot since I started playing) the less there is who actually play the game. 18K online - 2300 of whom are in Jita, so scamming or trade alts - Doesn't that just create so much content for a pvp orientated game.

The 500K registered accounts mark was passed several years ago - It refers to "accounts registered" and has absolutely nothing to do with active subscriptions (which are the only ones that count). - Which is far far less.

It would be interesting if CCP showed us the metrics on how many accounts have been created and how many are actively used

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

UA Fleets
#2305 - 2016-05-20 08:01:05 UTC
Layckhaie Kaele
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2306 - 2016-05-20 08:22:00 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Layckhaie Kaele wrote:
(why not give at least a small amount of Aurum instead?

Because that would be shitting all over an income source?

And where do skill extractors come from? Or PLEXes that you would need to buy to train up inactive characters? Skill points are indirectly generating income for CCP.

Let's say that 50,000 characters do their daily every day (which doesn't seem unreasonable since people have alt accounts etc...) that would be a total of 15B skill points generated every month from nothing. That's 30,000 injectors equivalent or roughly 150,000$ US every month (provided you buy them in packs of 5).

Solo WH PVP |

Quay Industries
#2307 - 2016-05-20 09:03:14 UTC
With the official release of this announced, its time to say goodbye to Eve (no, you cannot have my stuff). This will be only the start of things that are detrimental to the core of the original game, and if thats CCPs wish, then they can use someone elses money because they arent having mine.

So long.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2308 - 2016-05-20 09:12:40 UTC
So much drama, it's incredible.
Captain Eliiot
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2309 - 2016-05-20 09:43:24 UTC
Whatever makes entitled nerds cry, I'm ok with.
Sodia Alkalinas
Caldari State
#2310 - 2016-05-20 09:45:09 UTC
I personally do not have a problem with giving an incentive/reward to login (although imo eve does not need that), but I feel it is done poorly at the moment. The system as it is feels bad, especially as newer player that is still starving for SP: I feel like I have to get the 10k each day, and I am losing out a lot if I dont. However, I simply do not have time to login every day, which leaves me frustrated. I really enjoyed not having to worry about eve, and you can argue that I will still train, but it is 20% less efficient, and I fully miss out if I do not find time.

Now, a possible solution is to give a login incentive, but avoid frustrating players too much would be to stack the SP reward after completing the daily after a certain number of days with exponentially diminishing returns, as e.g. by the following formula

XP_Total = SUM[i=1->number_of_days] 10000 * efficiency_factor^(i-1)

If you now select e.g. 0.8 as efficiency factor, you get:

Day 1: 10000
Day 2: 18000
Day 3: 24400
Day 4: 29520
Day 5: 33616
Day 10: 44631
Day 50: 49999
Day 100: 50000

Reddit discussion link:
Red Yxa
Freedom Buildiers Corp.
#2311 - 2016-05-20 09:45:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Red Yxa
Frostys Virpio wrote:

CCP definitely know that a metric ass ton of the log-ins will be ghost log ins by alt account of the very same player. Those are not the one they are looking for

Wrong. CCP just needs the online graph to go up no matter what or their superiors will violate them from backdoor. So goons started the war, PLEX droped (more free-to-players returns) and now this.
T-Jay Charante
Black Sun Industry and Research
#2312 - 2016-05-20 10:48:01 UTC  |  Edited by: T-Jay Charante
Sgt Ocker wrote:
00000000000000000000000 000000000001 wrote:
All these haters

First, against jump fatigue

then against injectors

now, against dailies

Its good for us all to see that one of biggest problems in eve, is the old players trying to rule it - its always here, between us in every change announced by CCP.

500k playerbase, and always, always the same whiners crying here like kids.

Make it better for beginners.

Dailies are a good idea, keep it rolling CCP o7

These tears are so sweet, i am loving it.

If you dont like the changes, quit the game

We dont need, even in RL people that dont want changes. GTFO

500K player base?
Of which around 40K are logged in at the same time for 1 or 2 hours a week, while the average online is again slipping.

Your last comment is my all time Fav - Just Quit - The more that do quit (and there has been a bloody lot since I started playing) the less there is who actually play the game. 18K online - 2300 of whom are in Jita, so scamming or trade alts - Doesn't that just create so much content for a pvp orientated game.

The 500K registered accounts mark was passed several years ago - It refers to "accounts registered" and has absolutely nothing to do with active subscriptions (which are the only ones that count). - Which is far far less.

It would be interesting if CCP showed us the metrics on how many accounts have been created and how many are actively used

In 2013 EVE had 500k SUBBED accounts (google 'EVE 500k subs'), not registered. The highest daily concurrent user number is generally regarded as 10% of the active player base (game industry wide), so 40k currently estimates around 400k subbed accounts.
Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#2313 - 2016-05-20 11:35:49 UTC
Dailies will be online in a few days (yes dailies, it doesn't matter how you called it's still dailiy activity).
Achievements will be here soon. Then I will be laughing and every dev posting how special eve is.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Johnathan Coffey
Niforce Triggers
#2314 - 2016-05-20 12:04:17 UTC
Guess this means I'm done here. Goodbye EVE.

First rule of EVE UI: right click EVERYTHING.

Sykes Makar
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2315 - 2016-05-20 12:06:02 UTC
Lianara Dayton wrote:
I find these daily quests a terrible, terrible idea! Like WOW-in-Space level of terrible.

The ones in World of Warcraft were used as a means of reputation grind, because the rewards were often things people needed for more serious raids (aka Shoulder enchants, Gems etc.), so don't know why people keep referring to World of Warcraft when comparing those daily quests to it.
Skillpoints are even gained when you're logged off, so it probably won't put a bend on your shoe when you're not logging on in the first place.

But I can agree the implemetation feels like CCP just threw a piece of idea on the floor, and see how the community eats it up.

Sexy Cakes
Have A Seat
#2316 - 2016-05-20 12:31:56 UTC

Not today spaghetti.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2317 - 2016-05-20 13:07:26 UTC
Sykes Makar wrote:
Lianara Dayton wrote:
I find these daily quests a terrible, terrible idea! Like WOW-in-Space level of terrible.

The ones in World of Warcraft were used as a means of reputation grind, because the rewards were often things people needed for more serious raids (aka Shoulder enchants, Gems etc.), so don't know why people keep referring to World of Warcraft when comparing those daily quests to it.
Skillpoints are even gained when you're logged off, so it probably won't put a bend on your shoe when you're not logging on in the first place.

But I can agree the implemetation feels like CCP just threw a piece of idea on the floor, and see how the community eats it up.

Fun fact, unless you were pushing top tier content in hard mode, they were not required. Hell if your group was good enough, you could skip it anyway unless you wanted the mounts and other related stuff. Shoulder enchant are always named as a reason why people grinded the rep except anyone who look at the mat of what they provided would understand they were not really required. The 10k SP is the same. We don't NEED those SP but people will do it all the time because they feel they do.
Judaa K'Marr
Shadow Legions.
#2318 - 2016-05-20 13:08:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Judaa K'Marr
If the problem was that activity was lost from changing the 24hr skill queue, and the goal is to get back the activity caused by the 24h skill queue why is the answer not just...

....reintroduce the 24h skillqueue?
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2319 - 2016-05-20 13:17:14 UTC
Judaa K'Marr wrote:
If the problem was that activity was lost from changing the 24hr skill queue, and the goal is to get back the activity caused by the 24h skill queue why is the answer not just...

....reintroduce the 24h skillqueue?

Might not be an acceptable solution. Who knows what was discussed in meetings and how they were discussed.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#2320 - 2016-05-20 13:17:26 UTC
Judaa K'Marr wrote:
If the problem was that activity was lost from changing the 24hr skill queue, and the goal is to get back the activity caused by the 24h skill queue why is the answer not just...

....reintroduce the 24h skillqueue?

Because that would be pants-on-head stupid.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.