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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Returning player

Storm Peaks
#1 - 2016-05-04 07:04:53 UTC
Been out of eve for a while, but this new expansion gave me the desire to play come back once again. Not sure what or where I want to go at the current moment so just seeing whats available.

eveboard: skills spread eveboard

I guess this zkillboard actually has my name listed so linking it as well

zkilboard: killboard
Rex Stetille
Lucifer's Hammer
#2 - 2016-05-04 07:51:52 UTC

I am The Soul Society (TSSOC) Recruiter, Rex Stetille. Check out my very informative Forum recruitment post about my corporation The Soul Society Corporation.

Jony Bigodes
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2016-05-04 09:18:35 UTC
Check us out:

Cheers Blink

"Take all, give 'em nothing"

Talon White
The White Smoke Company
White Smoke and Black Mirrors
#4 - 2016-05-04 10:47:00 UTC
Morning/Evening Coldkut!,

Not sure if we're what you're looking for, but.....

You may or may not be aware of Red vs Blue?

Official CCP data recorded that we (RvB) rank #3 in the ‘corporations that kill the most’ through March 2016.

It’s true. We kill a lot.

I dropped my alt into RvB whilst seeking a corp, as you are doing now. I loved it so much, I never left.

No lengthy interviews
No API checks
You can join/drop anytime.

Simply click and pew

So, give us a try whilst you're looking - you never know - you may just stay!

About us......

RE: Red vs Blue

Our never ending Hi-Sec war rages on in non-stop consensual PVP.....

Red Federation battle Blue Republic

RvB accounts for close to 10% of all PvP in EVE… 10%!!

Join in our never ending war and inject your killboard with lashings of awesome sauce.....

:!: Alot of our activity takes place around EURO TZ. However, we are actively seeking and recruiting into all timezones for around the clock activity.

We aim to take #1 slot in 'corporations with the most kills' each and every month.

...and hope you (or your alt) can be part of this journey.

....sign up with the Red Federation, or Blue Republic, today.!

No lengthy journeys (Red and Blues are separated by one system gate!)

Simply apply in game (no forms) and...

'Shoot. Kill. Die. Rinse. Repeat'

Most of us have alts/mains that mine/manu/mission/ninja loot/pirate/WWB :), so you'll be in good company.

Seek answers to your questions in our our purple in-game channel at 'R-V-B'
Patrick Green
Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere
#5 - 2016-05-04 16:05:39 UTC
If you keen you can join the BMMC
Takamori Saig0
Sensory Overload Expeditions
#6 - 2016-05-05 00:13:53 UTC
Hideki Hakomairos
Cloaked Goof
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2016-05-05 00:34:20 UTC
Welcome back to EVE!

Absurdity of Abstractions is a lowsec PVP alliance which is made up by a very tight knit group of long time friends who are highly experienced veterans in regards to most if not all aspects of EVE.

If you're interested, check out our corpation advertisement and contact one of our recruiters.

Alternatively, you could join our public channel and have a chat with us: "AB5RD Public"

What We Offer:

  • Experienced Leadership and FCs
  • Teamspeak 3
  • SRP Programs
  • Slack
  • Organization
  • Alliance Combat Operations
  • Very friendly and welcoming atmosphere
  • Plenty of people to fly with
  • All of the content

What We Expect:

  • Positive Attitude
  • Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone
  • US Timezone or close to it
  • Thick Skin
  • Interest in PVP

Additional Information
#8 - 2016-05-05 00:55:50 UTC
If you are looking for a true home to explore the possibilities that EVE has to offer, come give us a chat IG.
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#9 - 2016-05-05 02:56:31 UTC
Check us out.

Krypted Gaming is looking for quality members!

Check out our guides at our website, and if you like what you see, drop by our Discord and socialize!

Jonny Copper
The Cadre Arareb Foundation
#10 - 2016-05-05 04:00:03 UTC
If you looking for a blops focused corp part of an alliance staged in low poking in nullsec every day drop by our pub channel Local Spike.
Storm Peaks
#11 - 2016-05-05 06:14:51 UTC  |  Edited by: ColdKut
I appreciate all the offers, but I am still trying to decide where I want to go with my time in eve this go around. I am more then likely going to be looking at Null sec tried the whole low sec/high sec environment years ago and again not sure if that is where I want to start up. My time is limited throughout the week though due to work. My time frame of play is usually after 12:00 am est timezone unless I have an off day.

I do enjoy pvp big fleets small fleets they both work, I do not currently own a capital ship, but I have flown and fought with them in the past (mostly dreads and carriers). Though trying a logistics corp is not out of the question since most of my history has been with pvp corps/alliances such as HVC (Havoc Violence and Chaos) being one of the longest running ones and had the pleasure of flying with great bunch in Roadkill/Brick Squad. Was also part of Razor alliance for a bit during the war against BoB... well one of em. I will probably have a final decision as to where I want to start up at by the end of today hopefully.
Deep Space Conquerors
Goonswarm Federation
#12 - 2016-05-05 07:41:36 UTC
Incursion of Light is an English speaking, EU daytime focused, Mining, Ratting, and Industry corporation based in 0.0 Drone lands Sov. We are a newly founded corp and we are currently looking for active players to join our growing corporation. Our Corporation is part of the Brothers of Tangra alliance and as such we are a part of the huge Mining and Industry that happens in EVE Online.

We offer a wide array of fleet ops ranging from mining fleets all the way to small scale pvp roaming and home defense ops. We have a ship replacement program for all of our long term members as well as a mineral buyback program.

We are currently looking for pilots that fly during the EU daytime mainly from 10:00 EVE time to 22:00 EVE time but we will consider your app if you fall outside of these time zones slightly.

A successful applicant will have;

Skills to mine in 0.0 sov and access to funds for the proper ships and fittings, or
Skills to Rat in 0.0 sov and access to funds for the proper ships and fittings,
Be more than 1 month old,
Have more than 3 million Skill Points
Speak English conversationally,
Have a working microphone/headset,
Be able to install mumble,
Have a Working EVE Online API key,
Be an active, enthusiastic player,
Be willing to help out your corporation and its members where possible.

Bonus points will be given to those who can haul their own stuff around via Jump Capable Ships, to players who can FC/boost small fleets such as rorqual/command ship pilots, and to players who have experience playing in 0.0 sov.

If you have any questions about our corporation, what we do, where we come from, how to get to our system or anything else eve related, Please feel free to leave a comment, message FleetAdmiral X or YourSherpa in game or here on the forums and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Thanks for your time, Fly Safe.
Von Seth
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2016-05-05 08:02:30 UTC
Hi there, here's a standard description of our corp,. from what i read on your forum post you sound perfect for us, we're a rapidly growing corp with high ambitions and a nice plan set up with the new citadel expansion. We are a long standing history corp that has been through all aspects of the game, we like to change the scenery and go nomadic once we exhaust an area of interest. There is always a good vibe and lots of intelligent players with lots to learn from and we all have a RL.


"Walk in the light and live not in fear, for we are brothers our blood ligates us and holds us to our deeds"


Ship replacement programme

Experienced pilots

Excellent reputation within the community


LOW Sec + FW and 0.0 roams.

Stop playing EVE, Start Living it

For an insiders view of the corporation, visit our in game channel 'dark-rising'.

Fulcaine Aldent
Tribit Corporation
#14 - 2016-05-05 08:15:08 UTC
Mr Joe Black
#15 - 2016-05-05 17:15:33 UTC
When you get some time please check us out.

Thank you for your time.
Mr Glaser
Violence is the Answer
#16 - 2016-05-13 00:26:15 UTC
I may have what you are searching for. The best of both worlds sort of speak....

I will send you an in-game email. Read over everything in there when you get a chance, if interested request in game chat for any questions or simply join our recruiting channel.

If not what you are looking for as far as EVE content, no problem 'fly safe or dangerous' depending on your methods in game and thank you for the forum post.

Good luck with your search, a good core group of players is hard to find sometimes. Our corp. is newly formed from a merger of two long lasting ones with a new mission to train EVE pilots for better content for ALL.

Dependent On Pilots