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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Returning 60M sp pilot, looking for something worth to continue paying

Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-04-30 12:55:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Drewminion
Hello guys, I'm back to game with the less then 10€ offer by CCP.
I've left the game in past cause it was getting boring. Last time online was a lot of time ago, over 2 years.
Now I'm looking for a reason to continue pay the subscription, dun really care if PvP/PvE/WH/Null ecc.
Everything is fine, just must be funny and enjoyable with some nice guys around.
I'm pretty rust because of my long time away fron the game, so I'll surely need a refresh.
My SP are pretty all on PvP skills, although I havent done much pvp in past. So I need to be triained in that.
The CORP I'm in atm is my corp, thats just me inside, I made it to avoid paying taxes to NPC corps in highsec. Ready to leave it at once.
Thx to all

EDIT :: Forgot to add I'm EU TZ
Red Teufel
#2 - 2016-04-30 13:56:30 UTC
||- Mafia Redux -||

Small - Medium Sized Gang PvP



Mafia Redux started as a small gang corporation, and was founded by a tight group of players who have been playing EVE off and on since 2005. We've lived in Empire, and roamed the local 0.0 areas, lived successfully in C5 Wormhole space, terrorizing the sov holding alliances, carebears, and picking fights that generally weigh in the enemies favor.

Today we're a small-sized group of pilots, we have a strong presence in the USTZ and a growing EUTZ. We specialize in small/medium gang PVP, in the 0.0 environment. There is plenty of action and reliable fights to be had in our region of nullsec. Mafia Redux provides a good mix of reliable timer PvP for the medium/well organized fights, and a solid mix of roaming/skirmish PVP. We are also part of one of the top ranked most fun/best pvp alliance of 2015. Link

If fighting against the odds, outsmarting the enemy, and learning more about PVP sounds exciting to you, keep scrolling down.

Mafia Redux Seeks:

Arrow Competent pilots who seek a competent corporation.
Arrow 18+ with a working a microphone + TS3
Arrow Active at minimum several days of the week
Arrow 30m SP
Arrow Desire to PvP above all else, and maintain the high standard set by Mafia Redux.
Arrow Self sufficient pilot who needs little guidance or direction while in combat

Mafia Redux Offers:

Arrow Medium/small gangs during EU & USTZ
Arrow Competent pilots, FC's and scouts
Arrow A healthy mix of different fleet compositions, regions to roam, enemies, etc.

Joining Process:
Arrow Join our public channel in game 'Mafia Redux' and fill out an application on our forum
Takamori Saig0
Sensory Overload Expeditions
#3 - 2016-04-30 21:31:39 UTC

When you get a spare moment, check us out :

Join our corp, join our alliance, join an awesome community of gamers - to keep you playing
Raytheon Intergalactic Research
Fall From Grace.
#4 - 2016-04-30 21:47:33 UTC
Hi buddy you check our corp we are willing help you in the game we are a friendly bunch looking for ppl to enjoy the game with
#5 - 2016-05-01 00:13:45 UTC
Forte. is currently rebuilding its EU TZ. If you are looking for a place to forge new and lasting experiences that keep you wanting to log in, then check us out. We are willing and able to get you PVP ready for life in low-sec. Chat us up IG!