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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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110 M SP Player returning to Eve

Rostok Kemal
Soleil d'Or
#1 - 2016-04-25 16:04:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Rostok Kemal
About me:

I gave up on Eve for a couple of years after playing Skill Training Online for a couple of years before that. So effectively there is a lot I need to learn. Before that I was industry focused, so I knew how to manage logistics, invention, purchasing, etc. Consider me a complete noob regarding PvP and you won't be far off the mark.

About my toons:

I have 3 toons, one pretty much straight industry, one for set up for PVE, and one that was going to be simply for subcap PvP. All of them have 90 - 110M SP.

What I want:

That is a harder question to answer, but I do know a few things I do want from any group I join.

  • A mature group in outlook, if not age. No homosexual, misogynist, or racist references
  • At least a few people on when I am, which would usually be 11:00 - 1:00 GMT weekdays. I am east coast Canada (Atlantic TZ)
  • A group that is willing to PvP, even if you aren't the greatest at it. (I am tired of groups that turtle up during a war dec.) That means even going out on the occasional roam just to blow up something or get blown up.
  • At least some industry going on as I still want to make some isk that way.
  • A group large enough to defend itself, but small enough that a member can still make a meaningful contribution.
  • No pirate/mercenary groups. That just isn't my thing.
  • New player friendly. I am not a new player, but I enjoy helping new players learn the basics of Eve.

A lot of other items are negotiable. I haven't decided where I want to live, but it probably isn't hi-sec. I lived in WH space a month before the group I was with imploded, and I liked that. But I am not opposed to living in null or low, depending upon the group and the territory they hold.

What will I bring to your group? A dedicated mature player. I know how to make my own isk, so there is no worries there. If there is a mining contingent in your group, I certainly know how to run mining ops with full Orca bonuses. I am willing to help out in any PvP if you are willing to help me to learn the craft. If you need some manufacturing, I can build most anything up to capital ships, and even those wouldn't take to long to get the skills.

If you have any other questions for me, please ask.
Odd Mothball
Interstellar Nuclear Penguins
Penguin Mafia.
#2 - 2016-04-25 16:43:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Odd Mothball
We sound like we could be very much up your alley, ISNP have been together for more than three years and we're a relatively mature corp.

We don't take ourselves too seriously, but take the job of creating explosions very seriously. We have plenty of experience across all activities and would more than welcome someone who wants to maintain a good indy-based income on the side.

Have a read of our advert and see if we sound promising, if so, contact us and allow us to answer any questions as well as seeing what we can offer.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2016-04-25 20:37:24 UTC
I recommend checking out our big brother alliance The-Culture. We're really laid back, no politics or drama, just vets that want to PvP. We have quite literally endless content and we take fights even when we don't think we can win. (Even though we do win about 99% of the time.)

We also have a group dedicated to capital building if that's something you're interested in as well. If you're interested talk to Gho Higyidr and tell her hudders sent you. Otherwise, stop by Mamba Public
Renegade Stars
Stellae Renascitur
#4 - 2016-04-26 00:52:18 UTC

you can check this thread:

We are small corp in based in null sec with guys focusing on pvp/pve as well as other things. There are new players in the corp but all of us are friendly.

Also i think we almost perfectly match your criteria but still i am open for a talk :)

Fly safe!
Xanos Xellos
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2016-04-26 00:54:23 UTC
Hey, Come check us out. We are a group founded on having fun and working together without mandatory ops. We are also recruiting new players so that we can help EVE grow and give newer players a different option other than the Mega-Newbie-Corps. We are a close knit group that fly in multiple timezones.
Also be advised Thick skin is needed as we can be very dickish.
Stuffed B
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2016-04-26 05:15:17 UTC

Check out Farenheight Industries! :)

Stuffed B wrote:
Farenheight Industries is a newly founded player friendly corporation operating in high and null security space which has a focus on Mining, Planetary Interaction and Industrial Manufacturing.

Do you want to help us build something great?

We have members in most timezones, and we are part of the United Systems of Aridia alliance, so we have something going on around the clock!

We require

  • Maturity
  • Easy-going nature - We like to have fun!
  • The ability to use TeamSpeak during operations (At least listening)

We offer

  • If you are a new player we will help you get started and fitted in proper ships
  • Ore and Ice buying programs
  • Mining fleet up and running nearly all the time with orca support most of the time
  • Rental ships and other equipments available to all members for free
  • Safe access to null security space
  • Regular null sec alliance mining operations and irregular corp mining operations
  • Corp owned manufacturing POS

If you wish to join Farenheight Industries, please contact Pendu Padecain in-game.

Feel free to visit our website (It's a WIP at the moment) at

Rostok Kemal
Soleil d'Or
#7 - 2016-04-26 19:59:15 UTC
Thanks to all that have responded. I will be talking to a couple of you, but I am still looking.
#8 - 2016-04-27 04:42:58 UTC
Forte. might be your perfect home. I had a lot of the same requirements that you have listed, and I can tell you that Forte. is as advertised. We are growing and looking for pilots just like you to help grow in Kador.
Talon White
The White Smoke Company
White Smoke and Black Mirrors
#9 - 2016-04-27 16:00:53 UTC

You may or may not be aware of Red vs Blue?

We have a well earned reputation for being one of the friendliest, drama-free laid back corps today.

Official CCP data recorded that we (RvB) rank #3 in the ‘corporations that kill the most’ through March 2016.

It’s true. We kill a lot.

I dropped my alt into RvB whilst seeking a corp, as you are doing now. I loved it so much, I never left.

No lengthy interviews
No API checks
You can join/drop anytime.

Simply click and pew

So, give us a try whilst you're looking - you never know - you may just stay!

About us......

RE: Red vs Blue

Our never ending Hi-Sec war rages on in non-stop consensual PVP.....

Red Federation battle Blue Republic

RvB accounts for close to 10% of all PvP in EVE… 10%!!

Join in our never ending war and inject your killboard with lashings of awesome sauce.....

:!: Alot of our activity takes place around EURO TZ. However, we are actively seeking and recruiting into all timezones for around the clock activity.

We aim to take #1 slot in 'corporations with the most kills' each and every month.

...and hope you can be part of this journey.

.....sign up with the Red Federation, or Blue Republic, today.!

No lengthy journeys (Red and Blues are separated by one system gate!)

Simply apply in game (no forms) and...

'Shoot. Kill. Die. Rinse. Repeat'

Most of us have alts/mains that mine/manu/mission//inja loot/pirate/WWB :), so you'll be in good company.

Seek answers to your questions in our our purple in-game channel at 'R-V-B'
Arya Serah
Shadow State
Goonswarm Federation
#10 - 2016-04-27 18:13:58 UTC
Manson Family is the founding corp of Advent of Fate.

Manson Family itself was founded more than 7 years ago and many of the members have been in the corp all that time.
We are a PVP corp specializing in small to medium gang PVP, looking to engage superior forces using superior tactics.
Great emphasis is placed on flying your own ship and learning how to really do PVP instead of being just another F1 monkey.

If you enjoy small to medium scale pvp without any TiDi and want plenty more to do than sit on a titan, Manson Family is the corp for you.

We offer:

Several roaming fleets every week.
Tower fights and entosis-warfare
Fun fleets such as 1shot1kill club (ceptor roam including alcohol).
Corp and alliance JF service.
The Manson Online Store (jita shopping service for pvp ships).
Doctrine ships fitted, rigged and available on alliance contracts.
Upgraded sov for isk-making Bear

What we want from you:

Basic interview and background check performed by me or another recruiter.
A team attitude. We operate as a group of friends and we are looking for people that want to join our community.
An ability to cope with our corp/fleet chat. It is NSFW. It is not politically correct. Comms are normally open unless intel is incoming or battlecoms.
For you to join our fleets. We have roams in EU and US prime most days. No one is expected to have anywhere near 100% attendance but having a close to 0% will result in a warning followed by expulsion (pre warned afk for IRL stuff excepted).
We have a one month trial period in which we assess your fleet attendance, your ability to take direction and learn from mistakes /advice and on whether you are annoying or not.

Please mail / convo me for more details before applying or join our ingame channel M.A.N Open
Von Seth
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2016-04-28 08:28:00 UTC

"Walk in the light and live not in fear, for we are brothers our blood ligates us and holds us to our deeds"


Ship replacement programme

Experienced pilots

Excellent reputation within the community


LOW Sec + FW and 0.0 roams.

Stop playing EVE, Start Living it

For an insiders view of the corporation, visit our in game channel 'dark-rising'.

Dutch Legions
Solyaris Chtonium
#12 - 2016-04-28 08:36:07 UTC
Tried everyone else? Still can't find the right FIT? Try Misfits!!!

As the name implies, we are a bunch of null-sec jack of all trades, masters of none. We do BLOPS, small gang, big fleet, cap, mining, building, high sec, wh space, D all of the above kind of corp. The leadership has an average of 8 years in game experience in all aspects. Most of the members have been in the game an average of 3 years. We are a very social, teamspeak based corp that prides itself in that if you are in Misfits, you are treated like family. We get RL. We understand that everyone wants to play the game based on different interests.

Some points that make us Full of Awesome-sauce!

5 mill minimum SP required
Full api required, TS required
Mainly PVP minded with great FC`s
No forced fleets
No minimum kill amount
FC training
Mine, Rat, or PewPew we don't care
Good null sec, not ******
Large group of BFF's that love to create content
Diverse group and very interesting, non censored conversations

In short we are the next best thing arround at the moment. And we are growing rapidly. Come join us and be a part of something great bound to happen. Remember it is not the size of the organization, it is the quality of the stuff we spew out. And I assure you, we are chock full of goodness!

Feel free to join "Misfits Recruitment" channel or mail me or Mr De anytime

Looking forward to hearing from you and flying with you!
Jony Bigodes
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2016-04-28 09:01:47 UTC
Davos Azizora
Dissident Aggressors
Mordus Angels
#14 - 2016-04-28 12:50:10 UTC
Tried everyone else? Still can't find the right FIT? Try Misfits!!!

As the name implies, we are a bunch of null-sec jack of all trades, masters of none. We do BLOPS, small gang, big fleet, cap, mining, building, high sec, wh space, D all of the above kind of corp. The leadership has an average of 8 years in game experience in all aspects. Most of the members have been in the game an average of 3 years. We are a very social, teamspeak based corp that prides itself in that if you are in Misfits, you are treated like family. We get RL. We understand that everyone wants to play the game based on different interests.

Some points that make us Full of Awesome-sauce!

5 mill minimum SP required
Full api required, TS required
Mainly PVP minded with great FC`s
No forced fleets
No minimum kill amount
FC training
Mine, Rat, or PewPew we don't care
Good null sec, not ******
Large group of BFF's that love to create content
Diverse group and very interesting, non censored conversations

In short we are the next best thing arround at the moment. And we are growing rapidly. Come join us and be a part of something great bound to happen. Remember it is not the size of the organization, it is the quality of the stuff we spew out. And I assure you, we are chock full of goodness!

Feel free to join "Misfits Recruitment" channel or mail me anytime

Looking forward to hearing from you and flying with you!
Rostok Kemal
Soleil d'Or
#15 - 2016-04-29 10:42:18 UTC
Thanks again for the legitimate replies, but some of you don't bother to read my requirements before slapping down your links.
Takamori Saig0
Sensory Overload Expeditions
#16 - 2016-04-30 03:57:05 UTC

This is a potentially good home for you.

Please check us out when you get a spare moment.