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EVE: Citadel expansion - General feedback

First post
Amonios Zula
Aeon Ascendant
#121 - 2016-04-28 20:17:47 UTC
Amber Solaire wrote:
Please direct me in the direction of whoever in CCP decided to sneak in the 900k fee everytime-you-use-a-jumpclone-fee in the Patch Notes

NOWHERE was this fee explained in any Dev Blog, or the reasons for it

Some idiot decided to enable this too early, before we had any Citadels

...and now I hear a proposal by CCP Ytterbium to increase jumpclone fee to 5mill isk... (are you out of your tiny skulls? sure go ahead, and kill off the player base)

I know what you mean there.
they expect people to put their clones in citadels instead.

instead, though this is just me personally, i simply stopped using them.
I am not paying to use something that was free of charge before.
Althalus Stenory
Flying Blacksmiths
#122 - 2016-04-28 20:47:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Althalus Stenory
Despite being interesting, there are really some annoying stuff that came from this

1- Video in dock
Why is there corp/alliance advert in hangars, and more important, why can't i disable it ? As we cannot "unload station environment", let us disable that annoying moving thing when we are in stations !

Edit: Another solution can be to simple run them once each time you dock and them shut them down, so ok, you saw them, cool, now leave me alone. :)

2- WAS (weapon accuracy stupidity).
On one hand, I fully understand the reason behind the WAS... it allows us to compare turret accuracy more "easily" but on the other hand, why the hell were there the need of removing the tracking speed information and old signature resolution, as it's still used behind ?!

I see are 2 solutions here :
- Show us again signature resolution (the old one) and tracking speed, and hide that stupid 40km resolution (since it's the same everywhere, we don't need it to be displayed...)
- Show us an "evasion score" so at least, we can compare easily the WAS with the ship, without fancy calculation each time we want to hit something....

It's a bit sad, because the more the patches come, the less it looks "real", because we had some real physics (with angular speed, size, etc), and now, we just a score, that gives the impression we just roll some dice each time we press F1 to shot.

3- All the thing nerfed, the increases of taxes, etc to provide artificial boost from citadels

4- Nothing related directly to citadel, but you [ccp] have a bunch of great idea here that we, players, are still waiting for.


EsiPy - Python 2.7 / 3.3+ Swagger Client based on pyswagger for ESI

#123 - 2016-04-28 20:49:44 UTC
Screw the new sales tax, holy **** man. Why so expensive?
Josef Djugashvilis
#124 - 2016-04-28 21:14:17 UTC
Perhaps in relation to Citadels, CCP should have said - We have ways of making you use Citadels.

Expect to see posts from CCP telling us how much the players love them soon.

CCP have form in this respect.

This is not a signature.

Goonswarm Federation
#125 - 2016-04-28 21:43:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Tedric
Station adverts: Oh God, what epileptic fun we have.

Some of us play in dark/dim environments so any FLASHY stuff on screen really is super annoying.

Seriously, either give us an option to disable adverts, or play them once and stop them until we dock again.

I dock up and immediately I have to point my camera down to avoid them.

Wife who often reads on the OPPOSITE side of the room complains!Shocked

Gurista Nerfed
#126 - 2016-04-28 22:03:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Gurista Nerfed
Were gurista sites stealth nerfed? I've been running combat sites since patch day and not a single escalation has happened nor has a single dread spawned. I also talked to another player who is experiencing the same thing.

I know bad luck can happen, but this is getting ridiculous.

Lucas Quaan
Goryn Clade
#127 - 2016-04-28 23:31:43 UTC
Did you really intend for Capital Ancillary Remote Armor Repairers to hold 128 cycles worth of paste? I think everyone assumed the consumption rate of one unit per cycle on SiSi was a bug, but it appears to have made it to TQ.
Leatien Cesaille
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#128 - 2016-04-29 00:09:34 UTC
Not going to rant at the Weapon Accuracy Score too much but there are three points that kinda bug me:

Weapon Accuracy Score is only used in the Attributes tab of the weapon info window. Tracking Speed, which shouldn't be a thing anymore as it's nowhere defined, however is still mentioned everywhere else (skills, modules related to tracking, ammo). Please rename them appropriately to be consistent. I think the functionality is exactly the same anyway and the values also stay the same (the joys of multiplication!).

Give the value some presence in game. Put it somewhere we can actually access it during combat with all the dynamic multipliers like (Remote) Tracking Computers and Tracking Disruptors factored in. Maybe in the module tool tip where we can already see range, dps, and damage. As it is now it's only really useful for fitting comparisons and the change - at some level - utterly pointless.

It would also be great if the score had a more intuitive meaning. Right now you have to compare accuracy score*radial speed*estimated enemy sig radius to 40000. If it's bigger than 40000 that's good (chance to hit >50%) if not it's bad (<50%). Why 40000 and not 10000 though? Or 1000? Please make it something that seems less arbitrary (even if it's still arbitrary people like neat numbers; they are easier to handle). Maybe instead of angular velocity a derivative value can be shown in the overview (like 40000/radial speed - call it what you like). That would reduce the number of mathematical operations to one and still rewards players with more knowledge who can better estimate the enemy's sig radius.

Don't know if this has already been mentioned somewhere. I think my third point has been made by some already.
#129 - 2016-04-29 00:35:12 UTC
Turn off the useless videos in station or give the option to do so.
Alexiel Fireborn
Renegade Stars
Stellae Renascitur
#130 - 2016-04-29 08:40:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Alexiel Fireborn
keira sama wrote:
6 billion isk for the astrahus bpo ? Really?

if this seems to be too high for u pls check keepstar bpo :)

And here is my feedback ...

This expansion is awesome , ofc i have some complains about it but lets start with good news:
Im glad of all those bugs that made game almost unplayable bcos now i have time to do some forum posting (improve my social skills , ty ccp)
Carriers are just fine , no need to fix those dps bug - we all know they r op now - they`ll do any job it needs to be done. Well , fighters are a bit faster - u can cut this enourmous speed at least half but that is upon u. An this new drone AI that dont give u the right to focus their fire - perfect!
I realy like what you done with Siege modules still seems to be kinda simple to me . can you make it more complicated please , especially that part with missile weapon systems ,
I want to thank you for that you didnt listen most of eve community about new rapid launcher (ofc they didnt know a sh`t about how this game is ment to be played - u know best) and made it torpedo launcher (i hope it will not benefit of Siege module RoF bonus bcos this will be just ridiculously op ) but those torpedoes are sooo fast siege module torpedo velocity bonus is much more than caldari deserve, why u made Phoenix so op? Is Caldari only godchosen race out there , i thought that was Amarr but nvm . Did other Dreadnoughts dont deserve some love from u? I am caldari but i internaly cry about other races - empathy , u know .
And the new camera , it`s just amazing! Dont listen those blind fools who told you to bring back the old one. The have no sense of aesthetics at all. U made desition and you must stand for it!
I am not tried citadels atm (w8 for some partially researched bpcs) but im sure there will have a lot of impressive things to experiense . Time will tell.
Anyway GJ with deploying so smooth and without a single bug this expansion.
As ussual masterpiece job , but i dont expect even a little less from you :)
Im pretty sure that now subscriptions will skyrocket immediately!

p.s.: sorry for bad english
p.s.s.: Always supporting ccp (or at least till my account expire)
Quay Industries
#131 - 2016-04-29 08:47:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Steijn
Eric de'Locke wrote:

One of the biggest reasons why I play this game is because I get to choose how to play it. You have always given the power to the player, letting them move along as the see fit within the rules of the game. Now this just doesn't seem the case. To me it looks like you are forcing players to do what YOU want them to do, instead of allowing them to choose for themselves. I can understand that you want to make improvements to the game, but those "improvements" have become a hindrance making the game almost unplayable. I love the idea of Citadels and if they work as planned, will be an awesome asset and content generator for years to come. But don't force players to chose over a Citadel or Station by increasing broker and jump clone activation fees. Placing a 1M INSTALLING fee on jump clones is fine, I can live with that; but not EVERY time I need to jump. I was going to set up a network of jump clones on multiple ALTs, but now it's just not feasible as the cost is too high especially if you are making a jump everyday. And increasing the brokers fees that much, alone with jump clone costs, this seems like a **** YOU to the players that have invested time and money to set up an industry network. Much like limiting high SP players from using Skill Injectors. Can you see the pattern here???

Now to the camera: Again I love the idea the you are trying to improve game play with the new camera, but if it doesn't have the same simplicity of the old camera (auto tracking without holding down a key) then it's a step backwards not forwards as you want to limit keystrokes to what is absolutely needed to achieve a given goal. I don't want to hold an extra key down while warping around a system to scan for ships. Especially if I need to activate Push-To-Talk, or heaven forbid, actually type something, while scouting. I love the new Tactical Overlay and the Q keystroke to align/approach. But the Approach menu options being at the top just doesn't make sense when there are other ways to do the same thing. Combine Align To to look something like Align/Approach as they are generally the same thing.

The Overview seems to be lagging with update taking a while to change, especially when ships warp off grid. I haven't delved too deeply into what else may be wrong buy I hear you changed some of the terminology, not a good move.

The Grid Size is still far too big, at some instances being well over 15K in km. I just don't see the point in this. At times my ship gets jammed from NPC rats from 9000 km away, making it a potential loss for if and when I'm in a fight. Please fix.

Other that that, Eve is still a great game, but the current direction in not fixing problems is making me doubt the statement. I hope that changes soon.

I totally agree with the first part, i should be able to play this game how i want to play it, not how you want me to play it. Try forcing me to use a Citadel by bumping up taxes in NPC stations and i wont move, I'll just sell my trading characters. Try forcing me to pay everytime I clone jump, and i simply wont jump. If i cant do anything on the current active character, I'll log off........and this is before you introduce dailies which will see my subs lapse until you quit with the stupid idea.

CCP, its time to start listening to the people who pay your wages before they stop.

EDIT: forgot to add, give me a button to turn off the ridiculous in station ads, they are yet another apalling idea which should never have got past the discussion stage.
#132 - 2016-04-29 09:05:31 UTC
Citadel - fail ccp

Dred in anomal - fail ccp

ONLINE 2008 in 2016 - FAIL CCP
Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#133 - 2016-04-29 10:50:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Masao Kurata
So how about watch list? You made some vague promise to pretend to care about the hunting playstyle back in the march feedback thread and all you've delivered since is a commitment to killing another playstyle with a bumping time limit. Citadels are as boring as POSes for everyone who's not a self-styled "empire builder" (= thinks that spending a lot will compensate for having no charisma and being uninteresting), the only meaningful interaction with them is shooting them, and most people already hate POS bashing.

I'm losing interest, because ultimately there is no hunting like the hunting of man. There seems to be a clear pattern in the current and planned development: appease whales, remove all playstyles that upset them. I'm sorry that I don't want to dump a small fortune of real life money into EVE in order to be a "big player", but this is a self destructive path for the game. Whales will stop coming too as EVE gets duller, and you won't be enlightened as to why by asking them because they never understood the appeal, they just saw the news coverage of people who do.

Everyone should think about their own playstyle and whether it ever upsets whales. If it does, you should be re-evaluating your options.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#134 - 2016-04-29 11:16:31 UTC
Udonor wrote:
erica jones wrote:
i was reading the bps of the citidals it says you cant dock caps in it but does that include the orca? i know its considered a cap to a point but i just was wondering

Good question. But instead ask

"what is the difference between docking and mooring at a citadel? other than everyone being able to see you there and knowing when you begin to cast off"

PS that part of mooring is way cool. for years there has been a flaw in eve where ships could undock without PVPers having adequate warning to prepare to shoot them. Realistically there should always have been signs or spies.

By the end fo the first day we should have player observations of how long unmooring takes for each ship type. Why not just publish that.? I hope unmoor and navigating clear of structure takes at least 20 seconds so its feasible for cloaked spotters to call a goods sized gank fleet for specific ships. Hey remember that applies to pirates too if you are brave enough to PVP.

Pretty sure most "gankers" in all parts of space will be very disappointed with how tethering works. It is quite the thing.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Masao Kurata
Caldari State
#135 - 2016-04-29 11:29:12 UTC
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
AFAIK, aggressing citadel's will disable your warp drivers automatically for the duration of the weapons timer

Not quite right, they infinipoint you for 20 seconds.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#136 - 2016-04-29 11:31:38 UTC
Alexiel Fireborn wrote:
keira sama wrote:
6 billion isk for the astrahus bpo ? Really?

if this seems to be too high for u pls check keepstar bpo :)

And here is my feedback ...

This expansion is awesome , ofc i have some complains about it but lets start with good news:
Im glad of all those bugs that made game almost unplayable bcos now i have time to do some forum posting (improve my social skills , ty ccp)
Carriers are just fine , no need to fix those dps bug - we all know they r op now - they`ll do any job it needs to be done. Well , fighters are a bit faster - u can cut this enourmous speed at least half but that is upon u. An this new drone AI that dont give u the right to focus their fire - perfect!
I realy like what you done with Siege modules still seems to be kinda simple to me . can you make it more complicated please , especially that part with missile weapon systems ,
I want to thank you for that you didnt listen most of eve community about new rapid launcher (ofc they didnt know a sh`t about how this game is ment to be played - u know best) and made it torpedo launcher (i hope it will not benefit of Siege module RoF bonus bcos this will be just ridiculously op ) but those torpedoes are sooo fast siege module torpedo velocity bonus is much more than caldari deserve, why u made Phoenix so op? Is Caldari only godchosen race out there , i thought that was Amarr but nvm . Did other Dreadnoughts dont deserve some love from u? I am caldari but i internaly cry about other races - empathy , u know .
And the new camera , it`s just amazing! Dont listen those blind fools who told you to bring back the old one. The have no sense of aesthetics at all. U made desition and you must stand for it!
I am not tried citadels atm (w8 for some partially researched bpcs) but im sure there will have a lot of impressive things to experiense . Time will tell.
Anyway GJ with deploying so smooth and without a single bug this expansion.
As ussual masterpiece job , but i dont expect even a little less from you :)
Im pretty sure that now subscriptions will skyrocket immediately!

p.s.: sorry for bad english
p.s.s.: Always supporting ccp (or at least till my account expire)

Interesting, could you possibly have been any more sarcastic - Personally, I luv it +1

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#137 - 2016-04-29 13:23:06 UTC
DUBLYUR wrote:
Citadel - fail ccp

Dred in anomal - fail ccp

ONLINE 2008 in 2016 - FAIL CCP

The only fail is this post.
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#138 - 2016-04-29 13:47:21 UTC
the game just got ruined for most of the nullsec ratters due to the new NPC caps. I also don't remember having seen them on sisi. Means CCP just brought the new NPC caps into anomalys withut letting us testing them out. (Also wondering why no one wrote something about it in the testserver forums)

I also want to know, WHY CCP MAKES THE DRIFTER BOSS IN C5(!!!) WORMHLES optional even thught these sites have never been made to be soloable, but in Nullsec anomalys, which are practically as hard as level 4 missions, the capital spawns regardless if the ratter wants it or not. Its too late to nerf PVE, you should have done that many years before. If you let something in game for years without changing it, peolpes get as mentioned used to that and if it gets nerfed, a lot of tears are flowing in the forums and many people will quit the game. This change most likely explains the Plex price crash going on at the moment.

These NPC's have been a huge misstake, especially without bringing out any detailed informations about it. You did it with the new capital escalations and drifter boss, two years ago with the burner mission rats, but why not with the new capital rats?

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#139 - 2016-04-29 15:58:06 UTC
Ship zoom levels are randomly resetting during gate/wormhole transitions

Please remove the Approach item from the top of the right click context menu when items are with in the same grid. Please restore warp to as the primary item.


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Henry FitxHotspur
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#140 - 2016-04-29 16:26:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Henry FitxHotspur
Many good things in the new expansion....

BUT fix your fraudulant behaviour. I mean it. You ar commiting fraud in the case of Clone Jumping. There was not a practise of paying for using clone jump services before. You have added a fee for an allready exciting service which has been pre paid for. That you have reviewed your prices and found that you would like to charge more for installing a jump clone is fine.

BUT..... No where have you told exciting or new customers of this service that you want to first charge a fee for installing then ask for the same fee for using that service.

If you want more ISK from the player for keeping the use of the clone bay then please say so in patch notes and in game. And please do as all others are expected to do list that charge when a player creats a new clone.

This kind of behaviour isn't an oversight or something you just forgot. It's either a big lapse of judgement or straight out fraud. The ISK players make is hard earned for many and something they pay with in terms of real world money and time.

You actually got me more pissed off than any other game or game developer company has ever got me in my over 20 years of playing vidoe and computer games.

I do wonder if you paid for a service with a company that I owned/ran and you got this kind of practice from me if you wouldn't allready have me in court.

I will ofc accept that you have the right to chenge your fees for installing a jump clone, and that you have a right to charge a fee for jumping. This however has to be explicitely stated to your customer upon first making use of a jump clone instalment.