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What Is The Point In Mining?....

Ispia Jaydrath
Reib Autonomous Industries
#41 - 2012-01-13 11:48:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Ispia Jaydrath
Roime wrote:
Mining is kinda fun, I trained my PI character to mine some roids, so I can build ships for myself... from free minerals Cool

Those minerals aren't free, they cost as much as the difference between what you make mining, and what you could have made spending the same amount of time doing something less worthless. One hour of incursions is worth, at a rough estimate, 5-10 hours of highsec mining.
Ursula LeGuinn
Caldari State
#42 - 2012-01-13 11:55:29 UTC
Even halfway-decent L3 missions earn significantly more ISK than mining (in highsec, at any rate), and are arguably more stimulating.

I have a mining character myself, but at the moment I only log it in to mine with a group of pilots who just want to relax and socialize, and/or who have nothing better to do for a while. It's a way to do something productive without paying much attention.

I don't even think it's a good profession for brand-new players — just the opposite, because training for a Mackinaw or Hulk (or any mining barge, really) and a decent ISK/hour ratio is a serious waste of time. Much better to train for running missions, since the skills needed overlap somewhat with skills needed for Incursions, PvP and so on. Make a handful of billions and then buy a mining character from the Character Bazaar, if you really want to go that route.

Is this a problem? Not really. Just do something other than mining.

"The EVE forums are intended to provide a warm, friendly atmosphere for the EVE community." — EVElopedia

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#43 - 2012-01-13 12:11:05 UTC
if you are going to mine, i highly sugest joining a 0.0 mining corp. They provide everything you could need.
If you are smart enough, you won't be ganked. Its not rocket science. I've listened to plenty of people on coms talking about losing their industrial ship/mining barge/badger/etc. Its up to you whether you get ganked or not.
A good mining corp in 0.0 is in deep in bear land and completely safe as long as you aren't asleep at the computer.

If you're going to spend time mining, you may as well make as much as you can.
When I mined, long ago. I used 2 hulks with no tank and t1 strippers, i think t1 strippers use less fitting requirements than t2.
I want to say with 2 basic t1 hulks i pulled 40 m /hour. give or take....bear in mind this was 2 years ago. This is on abc ore in grav sites daily. a

I don't mine in game at all. although I would like to see mine botting legal and even coded into the game.
I'd like to see people train up foreman 5 along with leaderships and introduce a new line of skills into the game which would allow a person to automated mining operation. I would assume the skill train path from scratch would take a year and some months. But, I'd like to see the whole mining op completely automated. Botting already exists in game so i cant see the counter argument.

tl;dr version

1 mining in 0.0 is safer and more profitable.
2. legalize and implement bot mining in game.
Kitten Arbosa
#44 - 2012-01-13 12:31:03 UTC
Two simple fixes I see for mining.

1. cloaky exhumer, made like cloaky haulers. Gimp the mining out some, but give the ability to hide and run.

2. nerfbat dronepoop and module reprocessing, unless you have some serious skills to back it up. I'm talking, cut it 90-95%

Put those two things in, and bang, mining becomes a profession again.
The J8sters
#45 - 2012-01-13 12:42:06 UTC
Mining is very unprofitale- and people still think the minerals are free* - the same people think tier 1 goods extracted from planets are free*-

Going to throw in the 'rmt' into this thread and go as far to say that if we didn't have rmt in this game- the price of everything would be astronomicals- so yeah dont bother mining.

I'm with Brick on this one- make thouse carebearing b******s squeal..

#46 - 2012-01-13 12:44:21 UTC
mining mmo

Not a veteran, just bitter..

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#47 - 2012-01-13 12:48:54 UTC
Ispia Jaydrath wrote:
Roime wrote:
Mining is kinda fun, I trained my PI character to mine some roids, so I can build ships for myself... from free minerals Cool

Those minerals aren't free, they cost as much as the difference between what you make mining, and what you could have made spending the same amount of time doing something less worthless. One hour of incursions is worth, at a rough estimate, 5-10 hours of highsec mining.

<3 my first troll and 100% success ratio \o/

Actually their true cost is the price of SP spent on the relevant skillset (calculated from the price PLEX), and the ISK value of equipment used divided by the value of minerals you have sold. If you mine 1 unit of Veldspar in a T2 fitted Hulk, it's pretty damn expensive. If you mine 99000000000 units of veldspar, it gets already pretty damn cheap.

Valuing your time is more complicated, and opportunity cost is actually bit different from the lulzversion of what is typically thrown around here. You either weigh your current actions against what you could realistically do with your current skills and equipment at that very moment, or you weigh it against something that could theoretically be done inside the boundaries set by EVE's game rules. Often L4s and incursions are thrown about as actions that produce more ISK, and thus are the opportunity cost.

But that's bullshit. My 800k SP trade alt currently makes 3-4 times more than the best incursions pilots per hour, and started with capital that wouldn't buy you even a decent faction EANM. According to your logic, this means that they are losing 300mil per hour because they waste their time on Incursions. And there are thousands of bigger traders and industrialists who regard small regional cuteling fishies like my trade alt as some amusing little algae in their fish pond.

If you don't factor in you realistic options, the only valid opportunity cost is the action that produces most ISK per hour in whole EVE. I'd imagine this would be something like controlling all the moons while collecting rent from all other alliances while using all your available manufacturing and research slots, order slots, running six planets, using all your market orders and contracts while soloing incursions in a class 6 wormhole with bounty bonuses (that's the ISK-Rayet variety, google it up) and officer drops, while scamming the locals and ganking a few plex-filled freighters on the way to bank.

So stop running Incursions as you are losing 92043 trillions per hour for not doing that ^

Or you can just chill about economic theories and do what you like, you will never minimize your opportunity cost for real.


Ispia Jaydrath
Reib Autonomous Industries
#48 - 2012-01-13 13:02:53 UTC
Roime wrote:

I like how you admitted you were trolling then didn't stop. Well played, sir.

Or you can just chill about economic theories and do what you like

That's what I did. It was a bad decision. I'm here to help people not make the same mistake.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#49 - 2012-01-13 13:53:49 UTC
Ispia Jaydrath wrote:

I like how you admitted you were trolling then didn't stop. Well played, sir.

Thank you! Yes, I am quite happy about my game at the moment :)

That's what I did. It was a bad decision. I'm here to help people not make the same mistake.

And I'm here to ridicule your choice of the pitiful little trinkle of ISKies from Incursions as a measurement stick for opportunity cost in the vast universe of EVE. There are guys who make more ISK during their morning fart, than you'll ever do in a nightly Vanguard session... AFK.

If you are really worried about not being efficient in an internet spaceships game, you should now feel terrible for not starting trading right after Sisters Epic Arc, and not obtaining financial independence to mine in a bloody Navitas if you damn well please. You have wasted 6mil SP on turret skills that don't produce as much as one level of Marketing.

Scam, steal or make lottery or whatever you can do to make as much as isk as possible with as little effort as possible- if that is your goal in EVE. I know it's not my goal, and probably not for many others either.

You can't reach the roof for isk/hour in this sandbox, which kills the concept of opportunity cost- unless you constrain the opportunities to your realistic options. For veld miners, the relevant opportunity cost might be of mining kernite, if that ore currently happens to yield better minerals related to their goal.

Personal goal is the key concept you are missing. Measure your actions against that, just like in real life. It's not about the bottom line for most humans.


Ispia Jaydrath
Reib Autonomous Industries
#50 - 2012-01-13 14:40:10 UTC
And I'm here to ridicule your choice of the pitiful little trinkle of ISKies from Incursions as a measurement stick for opportunity cost

Incursions are a useful measuring stick because they're safe, easy, and everybody can do them. Obviously not everybody has the initiative to get into more advanced income streams.

Scam, steal or make lottery or whatever you can do to make as much as isk as possible with as little effort as possible- if that is your goal in EVE. I know it's not my goal, and probably not for many others either.

People with other goals still have goals. If someone has a goal which is expensive, then mining is a bad way to reach it. And to a miner, pretty much everything is expensive.
Jenshae Chiroptera
#51 - 2012-01-13 14:50:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenshae Chiroptera
Mining tips:

NPC corp freighters with escorts and double / triple webs to speed up warp times can be a good idea.

Okay, just to cover the bases, let us run through the general tips for mining in dangerous areas.

-> Book mark two points - drift between them along the length of the belt, with "Approach" at 0.75 of top speed then if someone arrives, your speed is up to instantly warp away to them.
-> D-scan - find a good guide that will help you set up your D-scan. You want to watch it for approaching ships and warp away.
-> Scan for gravimetric sites. You get more warning when the probes are closing in on you and see them on D-scan than them just warping to your belt.

*A* D-scan guide - [Click]

These two are more for ganking if you have Concord coming to the rescue. Doesn't help in a war dec.
-> Tank up - implants, CPU rigs, Damage Control, et cetera.
-> Carry drones - ECM if they haven't been nerfed yet might help.

You can scan while cloaked. Mining in gravimetric sites is safer than belts.


Click for diagram.

1) Right click the tabs and "Add Tab"
- name it "WH"
- click it so that a white border appears around the inside edge.

2) Click the Overview options and select "Open Overview Settings"

3) Right click and "Deselect All" on every group.

4) Add the following:
- Celestial = Force Field, Stargate, Wormhole, Wreck
- Charge = select all
- Deployable is optional.
- Drones = select all
- Entity = Spawn Container
- Ship = select all
- Station = yes
- Structure = Control Tower

5) Overview options "Save Current Type As ..." and put "WH"

You can right click to load groups of settings on a tab.

What is the point of mining?

You can do something in EVE while doing something on the other screen, such as this forum, work, another game, reading web comics and such.
It is more social than fighting as there is more time to kick back and just talk to your fleet members.
Combined with manufacturing, it can make a corporation and alliance a great deal richer by selling things and by supplying those items to their members more cheaply.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#52 - 2012-01-13 14:53:38 UTC
ASadOldGit wrote:
Personally, I think the whole mining industry needs reworking, especially to remove its AFK-ness.

I realise that some people like that style of play, and I'm not trying to force you to play it "my way", but I find it hard to believe that a game designer would intentionally design a game that can be played while you're not there - that's not you playing, it's the computer playing.

They want you at your keyboard, interacting with the game, and, in the case of an MMO, preferably interacting with other players.
(This is not directed at those miners who get together for a good ol' yarn; that is player interaction.)

I can think of 3 types of miner:

  1. The beginner who thinks that mining is a quick, easy way to get a bit of ISK;
  2. Those who are genuinely interested in industry and the chain of production;
  3. Those who only adopt it because it's something they can do while watching TV / reading a book.

The first two should be encouraged with engaging, rewarding gameplay, because they're actively interacting with the universe; the last one just doesn't seem valid for an online MMO. Whether or not it should be outright banned, or just made less rewarding, or any of a dozen other solutions, I couldn't say.

LoL You say you realise some people like the AFK style of play and you aren't trying to force them to play your way then the rest of your post is saying how invalid their play style is and how you think it should be banned, you flip flop as well as Romney
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#53 - 2012-01-13 15:06:35 UTC
Ispia Jaydrath wrote:
Incursions are a useful measuring stick because they're safe, easy, and everybody can do them. Obviously not everybody has the initiative to get into more advanced income streams.

I tried to give an example of my trade alt that getting into trading is much easier, faster, and also much safer than Incursions.

If someone has a goal which is expensive, then mining is a bad way to reach it. And to a miner, pretty much everything is expensive.

I agree with this, it's a slow way to get rich. But it does offer satisfaction of building something completely from scratch. Hard to put a price on that.


Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#54 - 2012-01-13 15:23:14 UTC
Kitten Arbosa wrote:
Two simple fixes I see for mining.

1. cloaky exhumer, made like cloaky haulers. Gimp the mining out some, but give the ability to hide and run.

2. nerfbat dronepoop and module reprocessing, unless you have some serious skills to back it up. I'm talking, cut it 90-95%

Put those two things in, and bang, mining becomes a profession again.

If I'm on my mining alt and I'm worried about gankers, I just fit a cloak in one of the highs and watch local, the chances of finding a cloaked barge are only slightly better than finding a cloaked stealth bomber
J Kunjeh
#55 - 2012-01-13 15:25:45 UTC
Ispia Jaydrath wrote:

You people are so adorable. Most minerals come from drone regions and mission loot, not miners. The game is in no way reliant on mining, and if mining were stopped completely the economy would keep running just fine.

What you say has some amount of truth in it, but I guarantee you that CCP is looking to nerf the drone poo in null....and they should, just as soon as they make mining more interesting and profitable.

"The world as we know it came about through an anomaly (anomou)" (The Gospel of Philip, 1-5) 

J Kunjeh
#56 - 2012-01-13 15:29:24 UTC
Hint to the "opportunity cost" fascists: there is only ONE lost opportunity in Eve, and that is playing Eve itself. Fools, you PAY CCP to lose hours and hours of the most productive part of your real life all so you can build up a wallet full of fake money? Enjoy your

"The world as we know it came about through an anomaly (anomou)" (The Gospel of Philip, 1-5) 

Black Rose Inc.
Black Rose.
#57 - 2012-01-13 15:29:25 UTC
Ispia Jaydrath wrote:
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
Without a good population of miners, ship prices would skyrocket over time.

Akinesis wrote:
If I were a miner I get all my fellow miners together and strike just to see these people drip like taps because there are hardly any ships and equipment to buy, and the few that are on the market are too expensive.

Understand the EVE NEEDS MINERS!! Anyone who doesn't understand this is not very clever.

You people are so adorable. Most minerals come from drone regions and mission loot, not miners. The game is in no way reliant on mining, and if mining were stopped completely the economy would keep running just fine.

There is no reason to mine. A handful of people actually like it, and a very few people run massively-multiboxed setups in 0.0 and actually make some money, but for the average joe it's a terrible idea. High-ish risk, very low profit. Need mins? Spend an hour doing incursions, buy 3x as much as you would have gotten from mining, and pay red frog to move them. Use the left over isk to buy a thorax, and go gank a hulk just so you can laugh at the poor dumb scrubs that fly them.

Ah, forgot about the drone lands!

Good troll, dude. I had my suspicions and yet still bit all the same. Mining-haters really get my back up, lol. I'm currently training up a trade alt. About time too, because for ages I have known that the trade profession is the most profitable in Eve.
Ehn Roh
#58 - 2012-01-13 16:24:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ehn Roh
I have mining skills, I own barges. I research and build things.

I do these things because I may need ships and modules myself when they aren't on the market, to get ice when no one else is capable of doing so, and because I can make a killing marking basic pvp modules up out in lowsec.

But honestly, I lol at all the miners who are like "BUT WITHOUT US THER WUD BE NO SHIPS111!!!"

It's nonsense. Roll The vast majority of the minerals I need even to make decent sized ships comes from reprocessing crap modules. If every non-PvP hi-sec dwelling barge pilot vanished tomorrow the only thing that would happen is that all of our sociopaths and problem children would have to find someone else to suicide gank.

There is nothing wrong with mining and building. The minerals are not "free", but people enjoy gathering them as efficiently as possible and doing so gets around liquidity problems.

There is nothing wrong with running around ganking miners who aren't paying attention, either.

Different people like doing different things; if someone likes lasering rocks more than killing idiotic NPC's, that's fine.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#59 - 2012-01-13 16:29:26 UTC
I'd be interested in seeing stats about reprocessing.

How much of the output comes from Ore, modules, drone poo, and so on.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Jaffari Sin
#60 - 2012-01-13 17:01:07 UTC

+1 for trolling

I see that you are posting on an alt. I hope you siphoned all the information you need.