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Removing ECM and re-aligning EWAR

Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#41 - 2016-04-23 23:26:24 UTC
Kieron VonDeux wrote:
Oh, and don't fly alone... Its a MMO where teamwork can really make a difference.

It is an MMO. There is nothing more powerful than a friend. But you do the game a disservice by saying to the legions of solo PvPers that they should stop solo PvPing. Are you going to look at Mr. Hyde and say " don't fly alone... Its a MMO where teamwork can really make a difference."? Solo work is powerful, challenging, and the rewards are enormous. Not everything in Eve must be done in groups.
Kieron VonDeux
#42 - 2016-04-24 00:07:56 UTC
Aliventi wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Other ewar also has a100% guaranty not everything needs to be the same. And ecm still does have counter play by single pilots you just have to perform it b4 getting jammed. Not to mention the other ewars just have the illusion of counter play. What's the counter play for tp anyway? Or td with td if you get close they just disrupt your tracking if you pull range they disrupt your range and they ate able to do this faster than you can pull range (assuming you are even in a ship capable of dictating the range)

With a TD I can switch ammo types for longer range or better tracking ammo.

You still don't understand counterability through piloting. I can fit an sensor booster with an ECCM script, I can fit two, and I can train my comps to V, and get the navy implant set that boosts sensor strength. That isn't counterability through piloting because I can do all that prep, still get jammed, and I am still unable to counter being jammed. I can do comparable prep work for damps. At least with damps I have the option to burn in or wait until I lock. I can do the same prep work for TDs. I still have the option to swap ammo types. Once jammed nothing I can do will counter it.

Being caught in situations where you are perfectly screwed because the other guy had the perfect counter to your fit is what Eve is about. Its called rock, scissors, paper gameplay.

Not every situation you find yourself can be overcome by piloting your ship. If you find yourself scrammed and damped from a Arazu you can't always burn in to regain target lock unless you chose to fit a AB instead of a MWD and he didn't fit a MWD. But if you fit a sebo and have a target range script, you might be able to change it to counter that damp.

Or if you find yourself jammed and you also fit a sebo, you can change out that range script and put in a ECCM script to raise your chance of not getting jammed the next cycle.

Eve at its core has been about rock, scissor, paper ship fitting from the beginning and EWAR has been part of that. Sometimes countered fits can be improved through piloting but not always.

For Fitting:
You can fit a Warp core stab or two to lessen your chance of being pointed. ( You gimp your targeting)
You can fit a tracking Computer or Enhancer to lessen the effects of tracking disrupters. (You chose to not fit some other mid slot mod)
You can fit ABs to lessen the effects of TPs. (You might have wished you fit MWD instead depending)
You can fit sebos to lessen the effects of Damps or now Jams. (also at expense of fitting a diff mod)

If you didn't fit right, you might be able to counter through Piloting, depending on opponents fit.
Burn out with AB/MWD to counter Scram/Disruptor. ( unless opponent fit equal prop mod )
Burn in to counter range Damps.
Burn out TP optimal with MWD to counter TPs.
Burn out of jam optimal to counter Jams.
Burn in to counter optimal range tracking disruptors.
Try to match target vector to lessen effects of tracking disruptors

You seem to want to be able to counter Jams within the first cycle you were jammed. You can't change the effect of any mod within its cycle, but you can pilot yourself into a better position within that cycle or the next, if your fit is right vs your opponents. (rock, scissor, paper gameplay)

Kieron VonDeux
#43 - 2016-04-24 00:10:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Kieron VonDeux
Aliventi wrote:
Kieron VonDeux wrote:
Oh, and don't fly alone... Its a MMO where teamwork can really make a difference.

It is an MMO. There is nothing more powerful than a friend. But you do the game a disservice by saying to the legions of solo PvPers that they should stop solo PvPing. Are you going to look at Mr. Hyde and say " don't fly alone... Its a MMO where teamwork can really make a difference."? Solo work is powerful, challenging, and the rewards are enormous. Not everything in Eve must be done in groups.

Flying alone is not what it used to be, but through cherry picking your fights you can do well, but don't cry when you find you have been perfectly countered.

If you can't stand the heat of getting perfectly screwed, don't fly alone.
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#44 - 2016-04-24 00:21:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Aliventi
Kieron VonDeux wrote:
Aliventi wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Other ewar also has a100% guaranty not everything needs to be the same. And ecm still does have counter play by single pilots you just have to perform it b4 getting jammed. Not to mention the other ewars just have the illusion of counter play. What's the counter play for tp anyway? Or td with td if you get close they just disrupt your tracking if you pull range they disrupt your range and they ate able to do this faster than you can pull range (assuming you are even in a ship capable of dictating the range)

With a TD I can switch ammo types for longer range or better tracking ammo.

You still don't understand counterability through piloting. I can fit an sensor booster with an ECCM script, I can fit two, and I can train my comps to V, and get the navy implant set that boosts sensor strength. That isn't counterability through piloting because I can do all that prep, still get jammed, and I am still unable to counter being jammed. I can do comparable prep work for damps. At least with damps I have the option to burn in or wait until I lock. I can do the same prep work for TDs. I still have the option to swap ammo types. Once jammed nothing I can do will counter it.

Being caught in situations where you are perfectly screwed because the other guy had the perfect counter to your fit is what Eve is about. Its called rock, scissors, paper gameplay.

Not every situation you find yourself can be overcome by piloting your ship. If you find yourself scrammed and damped from a Arazu you can't always burn in to regain target lock unless you chose to fit a AB instead of a MWD and he didn't fit a MWD. But if you fit a sebo and have a target range script, you might be able to change it to counter that damp.

Or if you find yourself jammed and you also fit a sebo, you can change out that range script and put in a ECCM script to raise your chance of not getting jammed the next cycle.

Eve at its core has been about rock, scissor, paper ship fitting from the beginning and EWAR has been part of that. Sometimes countered fits can be improved through piloting but not always.

For Fitting:
You can fit a Warp core stab or two to lessen your chance of being pointed. ( You gimp your targeting)
You can fit a tracking Computer or Enhancer to lessen the effects of tracking disrupters. (You chose to not fit some other mid slot mod)
You can fit ABs to lessen the effects of TPs. (You might have wished you fit MWD instead depending)
You can fit sebos to lessen the effects of Damps or now Jams. (also at expense of fitting a diff mod)

If you didn't fit right, you might be able to counter through Piloting, depending on opponents fit.
Burn out with AB/MWD to counter Scram/Disruptor. ( unless opponent fit equal prop mod )
Burn in to counter range Damps.
Burn out TP optimal with MWD to counter TPs.
Burn out of jam optimal to counter Jams.
Burn in to counter optimal range tracking disruptors.
Try to match target vector to lessen effects of tracking disruptors

You seem to want to be able to counter Jams within the first cycle you were jammed. You can't change the effect of any mod within its cycle, but you can pilot yourself into a better position within that cycle or the next, if your fit is right vs your opponents. (rock, scissor, paper gameplay)

You are going on and on about fits. This has nothing to do with fits. Can you, through piloting, counter the EWAR effect? Yes or no? With TDs, GMDs, SDs, Warp disruption/scram, Stasis web, energy neut, etc. you can counter the effect through piloting. With ECM you cannot. This is one of the three things that makes ECM unfixable and therefore it should be removed and replaced as described in the OP.
Kieron VonDeux
#45 - 2016-04-24 00:44:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Kieron VonDeux
You can pilot outside the optimal range of ECM and regain target lock, if you are faster than the ship Jamming you just like you can burn into a ship range Damping if you are faster than them considering all active mods being used by each party.

You are trying to make an edge case within a very limited scope to solely suit your purposes.
Wanda Fayne
#46 - 2016-04-24 01:06:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Wanda Fayne
Drones are a natural counter to ecm. As the two gentlemen are constantly repeating, making the right move before you are jammed is the key.

I will take my Keres over my Kitsune (or my Lachesis over my Rook) 9 of 10 times. RNG is a pita... when you have little to no tank or dps.

Edit. Damps are Gallente. Are you going to nerf my ships strongest abilities for your 'missile tracking disruption bonus' foolery?

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#47 - 2016-04-24 02:02:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Aliventi
Kieron VonDeux wrote:
You can pilot outside the optimal range of ECM and regain target lock, if you are faster than the ship Jamming you just like you can burn into a ship range Damping if you are faster than them considering all active mods being used by each party.

You are trying to make an edge case within a very limited scope to solely suit your purposes.

You do realize that optimal on a max skilled Blackbird is 72KM with another 79KM in falloff? 72KM+79KM is not exactly "Burn out then back in" kind of range. Typically the kinds of ships than can hit from 72KM+79KM away are not exactly fast moving and quicker ships typically can't hit from that range. So no, you really can't "You can pilot outside the optimal range of ECM and regain target lock" and do damage before you get jammed again.

Wanda Fayne wrote:
Drones are a natural counter to ecm. As the two gentlemen are constantly repeating, making the right move before you are jammed is the key.

I will take my Keres over my Kitsune (or my Lachesis over my Rook) 9 of 10 times. RNG is a pita... when you have little to no tank or dps.

Edit. Damps are Gallente. Are you going to nerf my ships strongest abilities for your 'missile tracking disruption bonus' foolery?


As of right now SDs are the easiest and most effective EWAR out there against all sizes of gangs. It's such a problem that CCP limited it pretty hard in the AT and F*** You fleets of Celestis are cheap and highly effective. I won't argue that it is OP, but as far as T1 EWAR is concerned, SDs are pretty much the shining star.

So as far as my proposal is concerned T1 Gallente EWAR would probably the 7.5% effectiveness/10% optimal bonus found on Amarr T1 EWAR ships, but for Missile Guidance Disruptors. Caldari T1 EWAR would get the same treatment for Drone Disruptors and Caldari T2 would pick up the 7.5% effectiveness and 7.5% optimal/falloff for sensor damps.

tl;dr same damp effectiveness, but instead of it being on T1 Gallente hulls it would be on T2 Caldari hulls. Not a nerf, you just have to use different ships.
Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#48 - 2016-04-24 02:30:07 UTC
- 1 for ops attitude

yeah yeah so what if dampners and some of the others aren't binary, lets make ECM a , like the others instead of a chance 1 or 0

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#49 - 2016-04-24 02:55:15 UTC
Agondray wrote:
- 1 for ops attitude

yeah yeah so what if dampners and some of the others aren't binary, lets make ECM a , like the others instead of a chance 1 or 0

I am glad I am gathering fans. Blink

You see the issue with ECM is that many people who use, or have ECM used on them, readily recognize that ECM isn't counterable by piloting, sucks because its unpredictable because it chanced based, and binary. Those three things are exactly what makes ECM work and be "balanced" (The quotes are there because people have vastly differing opinions on what makes ECM balanced.) Despite hundreds, if not thousands, of threads suggesting fixes to those three core issues, no one has found a way to modify those core issues in a way such that ECM isn't overpowered or underpowered. No single suggestion has been even mildly workable. Therefore, it would seem that the best course of action would be to cut out losses by removing ECM and replacing it with more balanced and balanceable EWAR.
Wanda Fayne
#50 - 2016-04-24 03:03:30 UTC
To Waiter: there's too much pepper in my food
CHef: ok, lets add some salt, swap the garlic with mustard, and completely remove the pepper.

Me: ...finds another restaurant...

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Wanda Fayne
#51 - 2016-04-24 03:11:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Wanda Fayne
Your proposals shuffle the deck (out of sorts) and depend on introducing new modules and mechanics to compensate for Caldari losing a primary bonus. Missile damps for Gall, Drone disruptor for Caldari?
No please.

Simplify and deal with ecm (and this thread is now redundant) without fuzzling a solution.

Edit. Everyone with a sebo recently got a buff vs ecm.

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#52 - 2016-04-24 03:24:49 UTC
Wanda Fayne wrote:
Your proposals shuffle the deck (out of sorts) and depend on introducing new modules and mechanics to compensate for Caldari losing a primary bonus. Missile damps for Gall, Drone disruptor for Caldari?
No please.

Simplify and deal with ecm (and this thread is now redundant) without fuzzling a solution.

Edit. Everyone with a sebo recently got a buff vs ecm.

Fortunately for us you don't get to decide when a thread is redundant. Big smile

Here is the hard truth: ECM will never be fixed. It is literally unfixable. Some of Eve's best and brightest minds have tried to fix it and failed. No idea has even been feasible. There is always one or more issues due to the three unfixable core issues. So let's cut our losses. Shake things up. Make things work.

Here's the deal: Give good reasons, not opinions, as to why this idea won't work and I go back to the drawing board. It's been three pages and no one has done that.
Kieron VonDeux
#53 - 2016-04-24 04:33:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Kieron VonDeux
Aliventi wrote:
Kieron VonDeux wrote:
You can pilot outside the optimal range of ECM and regain target lock, if you are faster than the ship Jamming you just like you can burn into a ship range Damping if you are faster than them considering all active mods being used by each party.

You are trying to make an edge case within a very limited scope to solely suit your purposes.

You do realize that optimal on a max skilled Blackbird is 72KM with another 79KM in falloff? 72KM+79KM is not exactly "Burn out then back in" kind of range. Typically the kinds of ships than can hit from 72KM+79KM away are not exactly fast moving and quicker ships typically can't hit from that range. So no, you really can't "You can pilot outside the optimal range of ECM and regain target lock" and do damage before you get jammed again.

Nice to see you changed the elements of the question after you got an answer that didn't fit your cherry picked edge case.

Your question was if you could pilot out of the effect of ECM as you can do with other EWAR, the answer is YES, even if your narrow test only considers close up fights it doesn't invalidate that fact.

You don't need to go full optimal + full fall off to significantly improve your chances of avoiding the Jams and plenty of ships can hit that far.

Fitting to counter being jammed is easy.

Trying to invalidate a mechanic where the player takes no precautions fitting his ship against that mechanic goes against the core of this game.

You can fit your ship to mitigate the effects of Jamming and you can fly your ship out of the effective range of jamming to have a better chance to maintain target lock and hit the target providing you are flying the right ship with the right fit.

Trying to say you must be able to do that in all ships ( or even most) and all fits (or even typical) is like saying you must be able to slow boat a Megathron to within blaster range of a Celestis who is damping you and slow boating away from you at max speed.

Edit: Or even with Mega and Celest fitting MWDs (or any other typical fit)
Wanda Fayne
#54 - 2016-04-24 06:32:58 UTC
Aliventi wrote:

Here's the deal: Give good reasons, not opinions, as to why this idea won't work and I go back to the drawing board. It's been three pages and no one has done that.

Three pages and nobody yet sees the merits of your op. It isn't a personal attack, at least not until you make it one

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Kieron VonDeux
#55 - 2016-04-24 11:40:09 UTC
Despite the players who feel ECM is the oddball out in the EWAR mechanics I feel that it is simply the opposite of Range Damps.

Range Damps can prevent you locking at extreme ranges and promotes close range combat.
ECM can prevent you from locking at close ranges and promotes long range combat.

I think the issue is that they overlap at mid ranges where with the combination of both you can prevent locking targets very effectively across a fleet.

A solution might be to create a sweet spot at mid ranges where neither Damps or Jams are very effective. If you kite too far out, you run the risk of being damped. If you come in too close you run the risk of being jammed, either of which risk can be mitigated through fitting.

So Jams are very good close up similar to Heavy Stasis Graplers and Damps are very good at extended ranges. But in the middle where both close range weapons and long range weapons are fairly effective neither Jams or Range Damps can affect you much.

So if you do want to close range brawl, you fit to prevent jamming. If you want to long range snipe you fit the prevent Damps, but if you just want to kite a bit you don't need to worry too much unless one of your targets are really far away and you get damped or a Jamming ship gets too close to you and you get Jammed.

The biggest issue with this besides the current optimal and fallout ranges of both Range Damps and Jams is the fact that Jammer ships tend to be weak tank wise. I would suggest that they get buffed to HAC level and with above changes they would only be great at Jamming if you don't fit to prevent it and they get very close to you.

Now the Sweet spot where neither Jamming or Range Damps work well should probably be balanced roughly around Medium Turrets in my opinion but that is wide open for suggestions.

Just remember for ECM the issue would be how close the Jammer is to you, for Range Damps its how close is the current primary is to you.

As a result of this Jamming can work to counter Logi if you Jamming ships get very close to part of the Logi Chain, but if Logi gets to far from each other they risk being Range Damped.

Just some ideas I came up with as a result of this thread.

Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#56 - 2016-04-24 14:26:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Aliventi
Kieron VonDeux wrote:
Aliventi wrote:
Kieron VonDeux wrote:
You can pilot outside the optimal range of ECM and regain target lock, if you are faster than the ship Jamming you just like you can burn into a ship range Damping if you are faster than them considering all active mods being used by each party.

You are trying to make an edge case within a very limited scope to solely suit your purposes.

You do realize that optimal on a max skilled Blackbird is 72KM with another 79KM in falloff? 72KM+79KM is not exactly "Burn out then back in" kind of range. Typically the kinds of ships than can hit from 72KM+79KM away are not exactly fast moving and quicker ships typically can't hit from that range. So no, you really can't "You can pilot outside the optimal range of ECM and regain target lock" and do damage before you get jammed again.

Nice to see you changed the elements of the question after you got an answer that didn't fit your cherry picked edge case.

Your question was if you could pilot out of the effect of ECM as you can do with other EWAR, the answer is YES, even if your narrow test only considers close up fights it doesn't invalidate that fact.

You don't need to go full optimal + full fall off to significantly improve your chances of avoiding the Jams and plenty of ships can hit that far.

Fitting to counter being jammed is easy.

Trying to invalidate a mechanic where the player takes no precautions fitting his ship against that mechanic goes against the core of this game.

You can fit your ship to mitigate the effects of Jamming and you can fly your ship out of the effective range of jamming to have a better chance to maintain target lock and hit the target providing you are flying the right ship with the right fit.

Trying to say you must be able to do that in all ships ( or even most) and all fits (or even typical) is like saying you must be able to slow boat a Megathron to within blaster range of a Celestis who is damping you and slow boating away from you at max speed.

Edit: Or even with Mega and Celest fitting MWDs (or any other typical fit)

I never changed the elements to my question. My question is once jammed what can you do to become unjammed? Going beyond optimal range may reduce the probability of being jammed again, but it wouldn't do a single thing for this jam cycle.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#57 - 2016-04-24 14:33:03 UTC
Aliventi wrote:
Kieron VonDeux wrote:
Aliventi wrote:
Kieron VonDeux wrote:
You can pilot outside the optimal range of ECM and regain target lock, if you are faster than the ship Jamming you just like you can burn into a ship range Damping if you are faster than them considering all active mods being used by each party.

You are trying to make an edge case within a very limited scope to solely suit your purposes.

You do realize that optimal on a max skilled Blackbird is 72KM with another 79KM in falloff? 72KM+79KM is not exactly "Burn out then back in" kind of range. Typically the kinds of ships than can hit from 72KM+79KM away are not exactly fast moving and quicker ships typically can't hit from that range. So no, you really can't "You can pilot outside the optimal range of ECM and regain target lock" and do damage before you get jammed again.

Nice to see you changed the elements of the question after you got an answer that didn't fit your cherry picked edge case.

Your question was if you could pilot out of the effect of ECM as you can do with other EWAR, the answer is YES, even if your narrow test only considers close up fights it doesn't invalidate that fact.

You don't need to go full optimal + full fall off to significantly improve your chances of avoiding the Jams and plenty of ships can hit that far.

Fitting to counter being jammed is easy.

Trying to invalidate a mechanic where the player takes no precautions fitting his ship against that mechanic goes against the core of this game.

You can fit your ship to mitigate the effects of Jamming and you can fly your ship out of the effective range of jamming to have a better chance to maintain target lock and hit the target providing you are flying the right ship with the right fit.

Trying to say you must be able to do that in all ships ( or even most) and all fits (or even typical) is like saying you must be able to slow boat a Megathron to within blaster range of a Celestis who is damping you and slow boating away from you at max speed.

Edit: Or even with Mega and Celest fitting MWDs (or any other typical fit)

I never changed the elements to my question. My question is once jammed what can you do to become unjammed? Going beyond optimal range may reduce the probability of being jammed again, but it wouldn't do a single thing for this jam cycle.

It will if you get out of the jamming ships lock range. So it's what did you say? Not probable but it is possible
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#58 - 2016-04-24 14:36:50 UTC
Wanda Fayne wrote:
Aliventi wrote:

Here's the deal: Give good reasons, not opinions, as to why this idea won't work and I go back to the drawing board. It's been three pages and no one has done that.

Three pages and nobody yet sees the merits of your op. It isn't a personal attack, at least not until you make it one

Well I am talking to you three, where you are the only one who seems to actually talk about the idea.

Kieron VonDeux wrote:
Despite the players who feel ECM is the oddball out in the EWAR mechanics I feel that it is simply the opposite of Range Damps.

Range Damps can prevent you locking at extreme ranges and promotes close range combat.
ECM can prevent you from locking at close ranges and promotes long range combat.

I think the issue is that they overlap at mid ranges where with the combination of both you can prevent locking targets very effectively across a fleet.

A solution might be to create a sweet spot at mid ranges where neither Damps or Jams are very effective. If you kite too far out, you run the risk of being damped. If you come in too close you run the risk of being jammed, either of which risk can be mitigated through fitting.

So Jams are very good close up similar to Heavy Stasis Graplers and Damps are very good at extended ranges. But in the middle where both close range weapons and long range weapons are fairly effective neither Jams or Range Damps can affect you much.

So if you do want to close range brawl, you fit to prevent jamming. If you want to long range snipe you fit the prevent Damps, but if you just want to kite a bit you don't need to worry too much unless one of your targets are really far away and you get damped or a Jamming ship gets too close to you and you get Jammed.

The biggest issue with this besides the current optimal and fallout ranges of both Range Damps and Jams is the fact that Jammer ships tend to be weak tank wise. I would suggest that they get buffed to HAC level and with above changes they would only be great at Jamming if you don't fit to prevent it and they get very close to you.

Now the Sweet spot where neither Jamming or Range Damps work well should probably be balanced roughly around Medium Turrets in my opinion but that is wide open for suggestions.

Just remember for ECM the issue would be how close the Jammer is to you, for Range Damps its how close is the current primary is to you.

As a result of this Jamming can work to counter Logi if you Jamming ships get very close to part of the Logi Chain, but if Logi gets to far from each other they risk being Range Damped.

Just some ideas I came up with as a result of this thread.

You idea doesn't change anything about the three core issues. If you change nothing about the three core issues then the widely help opinion that ECM is frustrating and needs to die in a fire will still be there. In fact, your idea will make ECM literally unuseable because ECM ships rely on range as a their tank (If I can far away I can still jam, they typically can't hit me, and I can see tackle burning towards me and warp before they reach me.) You are nuts if you think anyone will support ECM ships getting a tank buff when you haven't fixed any of the core issues.
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#59 - 2016-04-24 14:49:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Aliventi
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Aliventi wrote:

I never changed the elements to my question. My question is once jammed what can you do to become unjammed? Going beyond optimal range may reduce the probability of being jammed again, but it wouldn't do a single thing for this jam cycle.

It will if you get out of the jamming ships lock range. So it's what did you say? Not probable but it is possible

That is an edge case. I asked around. Unconfirmed at this point if it will. Because technically the module is still active on you, you are just out of range. Range checks happen at the beginning of the cycle, and will stay active until the next cycle where it will fail the range check. For example: If I point you and you get beyond range you are still pointed until the cycle finishes. Helpful when tackling things because it gives you a second or two to overheat if they are out of range.

tl;dr: You might still be jammed even if you move beyond the ECM ship's lock range because you were jammed when you were in it.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#60 - 2016-04-24 15:12:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
If you break lock of the ship targeting you the jam will drop the next tic. It's how you can get a fleet mate un-jammed using damps or ecm. That range check is irrelevant just like if you jam a target that has you tackled the tackle drops. You seem to be talking about the modules range not the ships targeting range where you are correct the checks for module range is done at the star of a cycle