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Absolutely Outrageous! Joffy & Erika did NOT make CSM 11

First post
Morgan Johnstone
#1 - 2016-04-21 19:19:48 UTC
Once again CCP Games and the community has COMPLETELY IGNORED the needs of disabled players.
I think both Joffy and Erika had wonderful campaigns and either would have been a great choice for CSM 11.

What the hell is going on? Are you people so tied up in space politics to care what's going on? Do you have some prejudice or simply don't care?

CCP, WHAT THE **** man?

Morgan Johnstone

Disabled Players Union

Liberty Rogues
Aprilon Dynasty
#2 - 2016-04-21 19:24:13 UTC
Well CSM is made by player votes, why are you asking CCP?

They don't specifically need a CSM person to help raise awareness of disability issues, just start a thread about the specific issues you're encountering and they can look at helping you where possible
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#3 - 2016-04-21 19:27:49 UTC
Morgan Johnstone wrote:
Once again CCP Games and the community has COMPLETELY IGNORED the needs of disabled players.
I think both Joffy and Erika had wonderful campaigns and either would have been a great choice for CSM 11.

What the hell is going on? Are you people so tied up in space politics to care what's going on? Do you have some prejudice or simply don't care?

CCP, WHAT THE **** man?

As the other poster said, what did you expect CCP to do? Plant your preferred candidates on the CSM? While it's great that you want to organized disabled players and thoguht it would be a good idea for the 2 people you mention to be on the csm, the voters chose otherwise.

Your post is a supreme disservice to disabled EVE players. In other words, it's stupid as hell.

What exactly is CCP not doing for disabled players?
Memphis Baas
#4 - 2016-04-21 19:33:10 UTC
Morgan Johnstone wrote:
Once again CCP Games and the community has COMPLETELY IGNORED the needs of disabled players.

CCP has an automated server script to count the votes and thus they haven't ignored any vote.

As far as the community, yeah we're assholes; so **** you and your ****** candidates, and your needs and their needs. Next time, activate more accounts, vote harder, and/or help the candidates that you're supporting by helping them spread the word to all your friends.

And otherwise, stop trolling please. We know this is a troll post.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#5 - 2016-04-21 19:37:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Epeen
If Joffy and Erika had kissed some bee ass, they might have gotten voted in on the joke ballot like a certain other joke candidate did.

It's about getting there, not how you get there.

Mr Epeen Cool
Shiloh Templeton
Cheyenne HET Co
#6 - 2016-04-21 19:43:02 UTC
Morgan Johnstone wrote:
Do you have some prejudice or simply don't care?

CCP, WHAT THE **** man?
This smacks of SJW'ing. While I voted for one of these candidates based on many blogger's recommendation I don't think anyone deserves a spot on the CSM for reasons.

If a candidate is not part of one of the major blocks, they rarely make it on their first try. It takes a while to build player recognition.

Perhaps you would better achieve your goals by encouraging CCP to hold a focus group to get feedback from disabled players.

Saturn Sabezan
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2016-04-21 21:50:39 UTC
Poor trolling in poor taste.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2016-04-21 23:28:45 UTC
By disabled do you mean colorblind or something? If you play EVE you've adapted enough to use a keyboard and mouse. So as long as you can use a computer doesn't that put everyone on a level playing field since its a game? Unless you mean developmentally disabled in which case, not a lot you can do with game mechanics for that.

Nothing against disabled people, I'm just confused as to the relevance when it comes to people playing EVE together.

As for the CSM, I dont really care either. The only time they seem to be useful is when CCP makes a crazy bad decision (although that happens more often lately) like with some of the initial citadel mechanics and ALL of the CSM (and the player base) agree and start yelling enough for CCP to go "oh crap, ya, we didnt think of that". Otherwise they just go ahead as planned regardless of feedback.

I really do feel that the CSM is just used as a figurehead to make us feel better present day. Because of this I place little importance on the elections.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#9 - 2016-04-21 23:31:46 UTC
Saturn Sabezan wrote:
Poor trolling in poor taste.

Not empty quoting.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#10 - 2016-04-21 23:34:29 UTC
Morgan Johnstone wrote:
Once again CCP Games and the community has COMPLETELY IGNORED the needs of disabled players.
I think both Joffy and Erika had wonderful campaigns and either would have been a great choice for CSM 11.

What the hell is going on? Are you people so tied up in space politics to care what's going on? Do you have some prejudice or simply don't care?

CCP, WHAT THE **** man?

As a person who voted for both of them, with Joffy either #1 or #2 on my ballot, it was a pity to see them miss out.

Based on his twitter feed, Joffy was pretty disappointed, but he threw that off very quickly and has already committed to running again next year. I hope he wins a spot on CSM XII.

However, I certainly don't think it's CCPs fault, nor really the community's fault and characterising it as completely ignoring the needs of disabled players is kind of strange.

So in terms of 'CCP, what the **** man?' - that's democracy. What would you want them to do? Rig the vote? I'm sure that would go down well.

Even in the absence of either being on the CSM, I kind of hope CCP sets up a player experience focus group at some point and includes both, so that issues like the problems that the color blind had with the new icons, don't occur again anytime soon.
Trudeaux Margaret
University of Caille
#11 - 2016-04-21 23:35:10 UTC
I voted for both of them, but if they didn't win, they didn't win. They can both try again next year and they will have my vote.

If you're serious and not trolling, OP, stop making them look stupid, please.

> anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course?

> grr goons, lowsec is full of elitist sh*s, all roads lead to the bittervet pl

ISD Gallifreyan
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#12 - 2016-04-22 00:32:22 UTC
I have locked this thread as violation of General Forum Rule 3

3. Ranting is prohibited.

A rant is a post that is often filled with angry and counterproductive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and is helpful in development of the game and community. Rants are disruptive, and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise and clear manner while avoiding going off on rambling tangents.

While I understand the frustration of not having your preferred candidate get elected, and I believe there is some validity to what you say about the community being more focused on space politics, than differently able players issues.
However your post was made, and there has been no further comment from you in hours.

There have been many helpful comments, suggesting assisting those candidates get their message out and run again.
there are actually many groups out there to assist players with difficulties.
#BroadcastForReps #CareForKids You can go from there.

The only further posting that will continue here is flaming and trolling.

ISD Gallifreyan

Lt. Commander

Community Communication Liaisons (CCL)

Interstellar Services Department