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[Citadels] Carriers

First post
Oxide Ammar
#441 - 2016-04-19 06:44:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Oxide Ammar
I don't know if this got brought up early but it looks like they are reducing base material needed for all caps, So if carriers look like sub-bar state right now against sub-caps they might introduce Tech II carriers to overcome its downsides ? I don't know...

Lady Areola Fappington:  Solo PVP isn't dead!  You just need to make sure you have your booster, remote rep, cyno, and emergency Falcon alts logged in and ready before you do any solo PVPing.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#442 - 2016-04-19 07:27:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
Oxide Ammar wrote:
I don't know if this got brought up early but it looks like they are reducing base material needed for all caps, So if carriers look like sub-bar state right now against sub-caps they might introduce Tech II carriers to overcome its downsides ? I don't know...

... reading this they raised the price of carriers or they are the same.

Either way what this means is the argument brought up earlier (I think in this thread) that fighters made up the rest of the carriers cost is now invalid

So carriers cost more to feild (by a lot)

Are less flexible

Have less dps

Have drastically less dpm

Have destroy-able damage

Have a higher hull train time

Have a higher weapon system train time

What do they get?

Pretend to have more range

Can leave in under 5 min (assuming the enemy decided they didn't feel like tackling you)

So ccp can you please tell me why a player would choose a carrier over a dread?

Again if you can't give a reason why you would use a carrier for anti sub cap over dreads with haw either don't add haw or give carriers more of an e-war role something that currently does not exist or side the sub cap level other than the superiority carrier burst weapons


This is not me opposed to lowering dread costs that should have happened a while ago the issue is that there is now one less reason to use a carrier.

You said you wanted more choice when players pick their first capital. Right now there is a small choice with fax or dread of you are interested in logistics otherwise dreads are easier to train into and carriers are only going to be picked off you are interested in the gameplay and ate foolish enough to think an FC would put you in his fleet.
Sepheir Sepheron
State War Academy
Caldari State
#443 - 2016-04-19 08:06:17 UTC
Carriers just feel straight up nerfed. I don't get why they are becoming more expensive an less durable.
Steelgunner Shadowreaper
Kitchen Sink Kapitals
#444 - 2016-04-19 21:39:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Steelgunner Shadowreaper
Hello i represent a corporation of 6, half of whom are forum banned and cant post their views so this report will include their thoughts as well as my own.
I actually had a big all in one post typed up but it looks like im going to have to post chunks of it in the different/correct topics.
so here goes.

Carriers, Super carriers, and citadels all need +1 launch tube.
Carriers also need +1 support fighter slots. this will give the options to run a more DPS based or support based load-out. such as 3/1 or 2/2. ect

Super carriers and citadels do not need any new slots, only and an increase in total launch tubes by +1.

Capital changes: Im posting here because it didnt seem to have a place to be posted.
Phoenix Missiles need their explosion velocity doubled or you will see their weapons perma kited by supers and normal capitals with AB/MWD.

Phoenix missile explosion radius is WAY TO LARGE, i know you think dunk phoenix were bad for the game but the fact of the matter is they were rarer unicorns than officer spawns and did not warrant this Nerf. As it stands i can not kill a battle ship with 2tp on it. sitting still using capital torpedoes.
any other gun dread hits for full damage as long as it can track the target.. this is a huge imbalance. we get that you want people to use the new high angle weapons, and now that the DPS has been fixed to the 3.5-5k dps range depending on fit/ammo/overheat. they will get used.
it will likely still be extremely hard to break marauders tanks even with 5k dps. but we will find a way to make it work somehow.

The Phoenix also badly needs 300 more raw CPU. it has MASSIVE cpu problems. even with 500m in cpu implants + a cpu rig and Cpu low it has issues fitting t2 and even meta stuff..
i cant speak for the other dreads but the phoenix has been beat into the ground with this update..

Standard Capital ships are too easy to alpha, doesn't matter if its a doomsday or bombers, they badly need their original 3 HPs back to what they use to be before the nerf.
this will give them some buffer and let their active tank come into play. bombers damage needs to be what it is now, if not get a slight buff, because in bomber vs super warfare they leave MUCH to be desired..
the problem rests with how easy it is to alpha capitals because of the massive HP reductions. so please fix the problem at the source. a 50% increase in each of the 3 stats might be enough to offset this,
but ied prefer seeing carriers dreads and faxes get their 3 HP bars doubled and reset to what they were before this update, as their was never a problem in the past.

New Capital modules require WAY TO MUCH cap, and offer little to no benefit. Please remove a 0 the cap requirements from all of the following capital modules.
Armor/shield Shift hardener, Networked sensor array, All of the projectors like warp, ecm, web ect ect (also needs the range and duration increased. duration's need to be much higher.)

as for the shield and armor rep mods, they are fine.

the prop mods need a 50% reduction. again they require WAYYYYYYYY to much cap required.
i dont have a specific number on what to dial them back to, but halving it per cycle would be a good start, then start tuning from there..

With under 2 weeks to go. i have no idea how you are going to fix all this stuff. but good luck. Personally i wouldn't mind the update getting delayed another month so more stuff can be fixed.
its simply not even close to being (close to being) ready.

Thank you for reading, i hope to see these changes implimented to improve the game.

PS: Honestly i know this last bit is not 'super constructive' but it needs to be said, so take it for what its worth CCP.
the majority of my corp hates 99% of this update and would prefer things to stay as they are, rather than whats being pushed down the pipe on the test server, for various reasons that have already been mentioned by other concerned cap pilots.
If you want to buff/expand the utility of capitals, and make new modules to give the players options.. Thats cool, do it.
But don't insult the capital community's intelligence by nerfing all 3 of our HP bars, and offensive capability down to nothing. doubling the already extreme training time to acquire them.
And finally Forcing us to waste precious slots on new modules just to get 1 of our old HP bars back, then calling it a buff/improvement. Were dumb but not THAT dumb ccp..

I thought this closing comment might be useful to include. Thanks for reading 0/

Here is a link to the other half of our thoughts if anyone is interested..
PS sorry my typing skills suck.
Back Door Burglars
#445 - 2016-04-20 10:11:31 UTC
With the patch release just around the corner, it seems unlikely that any meaningful change will be introduced at this late stage.

I don't foresee carriers falling into a place where they are both playable and useful for many years (now occupying a place next to the Rorqual).

I'm calling it now: time to extract! There are plenty of alternative ships out there, including dreads, which require less investment, function well and result in less enlightenment of my family with the new words I utter while fighting with the interface.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#446 - 2016-04-20 10:47:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugh Crow-Slave
Krevnos wrote:
With the patch release just around the corner, it seems unlikely that any meaningful change will be introduced at this late stage.

I don't foresee carriers falling into a place where they are both playable and useful for many years (now occupying a place next to the Rorqual).

I'm calling it now: time to extract! There are plenty of alternative ships out there, including dreads, which require less investment, function well and result in less enlightenment of my family with the new words I utter while fighting with the interface.

It's why I have generally switched my suggestions from more complex ones to the simple give them t1 ewar bonuses because at this point it's the best we can hope for:/

Ccplease don't kill the carriers when you are about to give them this new gameplay.

And considering the plans for the Rorqual they won't be next to them but rather taking their lonely place
Kirito Kid
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#447 - 2016-04-20 11:11:58 UTC
Kinda makes me sad the way they have implemented features and haven't really smoothed out the edges for carriers. I do think that another tube would be beneficial for e-war, I have had trouble on sisi for my fighters keeping up with targets which I think needs to addressed. So far I have been disappointed, mostly due to the fact I spent the last 2 months training for a carrier :P,

I do think that the buffer tank on the archon is decent for my uses, I have tried making a rep fit but it seems kinda slow on the cycles but I haven't really tested the ancillary armor reps. I do live in wormhole so I don't have to worry about supers only issue is if they escalate to dreads I'm toast, I've gone toe to toe with a dread and man they hurt, which is to be expected.

I think the only things that need to addressed is throwing on a dedicated support drone tube so you don't lose 1/3 of your dps, fix fighter speed to make them able to apply their dps, and maybe tweak dps a bit.

At the end of the day unless you give carriers a role to fill, they are basically useless, you are better off using dreads especially if the engagement is gonna be drawn out, CCP has a week left hopefully they can ease our pain and have carriers fixed :P
Lugh Crow-Slave
#448 - 2016-04-20 11:15:25 UTC
Kirito Kid wrote:
Kinda makes me sad the way they have implemented features and haven't really smoothed out the edges for carriers. I do think that another tube would be beneficial for e-war, I have had trouble on sisi for my fighters keeping up with targets which I think needs to addressed. So far I have been disappointed, mostly due to the fact I spent the last 2 months training for a carrier :P,

I do think that the buffer tank on the archon is decent for my uses, I have tried making a rep fit but it seems kinda slow on the cycles but I haven't really tested the ancillary armor reps. I do live in wormhole so I don't have to worry about supers only issue is if they escalate to dreads I'm toast, I've gone toe to toe with a dread and man they hurt, which is to be expected.

I think the only things that need to addressed is throwing on a dedicated support drone tube so you don't lose 1/3 of your dps, fix fighter speed to make them able to apply their dps, and maybe tweak dps a bit.

At the end of the day unless you give carriers a role to fill, they are basically useless, you are better off using dreads especially if the engagement is gonna be drawn out, CCP has a week left hopefully they can ease our pain and have carriers fixed :P

If all you do is add an extra rube for a support drone nothing will really be fixed as the support fighters aren't worth the fighter bay space
Kirito Kid
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#449 - 2016-04-20 11:45:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Kirito Kid
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Kirito Kid wrote:
Kinda makes me sad the way they have implemented features and haven't really smoothed out the edges for carriers. I do think that another tube would be beneficial for e-war, I have had trouble on sisi for my fighters keeping up with targets which I think needs to addressed. So far I have been disappointed, mostly due to the fact I spent the last 2 months training for a carrier :P,

I do think that the buffer tank on the archon is decent for my uses, I have tried making a rep fit but it seems kinda slow on the cycles but I haven't really tested the ancillary armor reps. I do live in wormhole so I don't have to worry about supers only issue is if they escalate to dreads I'm toast, I've gone toe to toe with a dread and man they hurt, which is to be expected.

I think the only things that need to addressed is throwing on a dedicated support drone tube so you don't lose 1/3 of your dps, fix fighter speed to make them able to apply their dps, and maybe tweak dps a bit.

At the end of the day unless you give carriers a role to fill, they are basically useless, you are better off using dreads especially if the engagement is gonna be drawn out, CCP has a week left hopefully they can ease our pain and have carriers fixed :P

If all you do is add an extra rube for a support drone nothing will really be fixed as the support fighters aren't worth the fighter bay space

As of right now I dont think there is much that they can do before the release in 7 days if I'm correct, I mean theoretically they could do a big update to sisi a few days before the update but with fanfest around the corner its looking less and less that carriers will not be polished in time, I mean adding another tube would be a band-aid but the issue I have been having is my support drones not keeping up with anything, so speed of fighters in general would be a big push towards making ewar fighters possible, If my dromi drones cant keep up to web stuff than whats the point of using them when you are sacrificing 1/3 of your dps same with the disruptor drones , haven't really used other drones, I tried testing the jamming drones and from what I have seen they can't jam for ****.

Another thing that needs to be addressed is the drone bay which I totally forgot, either it needs to get bigger or fighters need to get smaller, your basically putting your dps out there to be diminished as soon as they die which is a no no for extended fights where if you cant kill the target fast enough due to dps dying your dead especially if your in a buffer tank.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#450 - 2016-04-20 12:12:41 UTC
Kirito Kid wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Kirito Kid wrote:
Kinda makes me sad the way they have implemented features and haven't really smoothed out the edges for carriers. I do think that another tube would be beneficial for e-war, I have had trouble on sisi for my fighters keeping up with targets which I think needs to addressed. So far I have been disappointed, mostly due to the fact I spent the last 2 months training for a carrier :P,

I do think that the buffer tank on the archon is decent for my uses, I have tried making a rep fit but it seems kinda slow on the cycles but I haven't really tested the ancillary armor reps. I do live in wormhole so I don't have to worry about supers only issue is if they escalate to dreads I'm toast, I've gone toe to toe with a dread and man they hurt, which is to be expected.

I think the only things that need to addressed is throwing on a dedicated support drone tube so you don't lose 1/3 of your dps, fix fighter speed to make them able to apply their dps, and maybe tweak dps a bit.

At the end of the day unless you give carriers a role to fill, they are basically useless, you are better off using dreads especially if the engagement is gonna be drawn out, CCP has a week left hopefully they can ease our pain and have carriers fixed :P

If all you do is add an extra rube for a support drone nothing will really be fixed as the support fighters aren't worth the fighter bay space

As of right now I dont think there is much that they can do before the release in 7 days if I'm correct, I mean theoretically they could do a big update to sisi a few days before the update but with fanfest around the corner its looking less and less that carriers will not be polished in time, I mean adding another tube would be a band-aid but the issue I have been having is my support drones not keeping up with anything, so speed of fighters in general would be a big push towards making ewar fighters possible, If my dromi drones cant keep up to web stuff than whats the point of using them when you are sacrificing 1/3 of your dps same with the disruptor drones , haven't really used other drones, I tried testing the jamming drones and from what I have seen they can't jam for ****.

Another thing that needs to be addressed is the drone bay which I totally forgot, either it needs to get bigger or fighters need to get smaller, your basically putting your dps out there to be diminished as soon as they die which is a no no for extended fights where if you cant kill the target fast enough due to dps dying your dead especially if your in a buffer tank.

To be honest adding e-war bonus would be less drastic than adding another tube as that make carriers the only things that can use all their fighter types at once(not saying it makes them strong at all but its drastic mechanically)

but swapping their useless fleet boost bonuses for an e-war one should be easy and help them out a bit more
Kirito Kid
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#451 - 2016-04-20 12:20:50 UTC
To be honest adding e-war bonus would be less drastic than adding another tube as that make carriers the only things that can use all their fighter types at once(not saying it makes them strong at all but its drastic mechanically)

but swapping their useless fleet boost bonuses for an e-war one should be easy and help them out a bit more

I completely agree, I have no clue why there is even a fleet bonus on a carrier. Maybe it was a weird place holder they had because they couldn't think up something. ATM though its looking more and more grim for the fate of carriers, I mean I am completely new to using carriers so I could be wrong with the whole change, just my opinion since I haven't seen many wormholers post about their thoughts.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#452 - 2016-04-20 13:04:06 UTC
Kirito Kid wrote:
To be honest adding e-war bonus would be less drastic than adding another tube as that make carriers the only things that can use all their fighter types at once(not saying it makes them strong at all but its drastic mechanically)

but swapping their useless fleet boost bonuses for an e-war one should be easy and help them out a bit more

I completely agree, I have no clue why there is even a fleet bonus on a carrier. Maybe it was a weird place holder they had because they couldn't think up something. ATM though its looking more and more grim for the fate of carriers, I mean I am completely new to using carriers so I could be wrong with the whole change, just my opinion since I haven't seen many wormholers post about their thoughts.

I'm WH and i tend to live in low class ones so i don't even need to worry about hostile capitals and i still can't see a reason to use a carrier over HAW

as for the link bonus its a hold over(and actually a buff) currently on TQ carriers can fit links but they don't except in niche cases its almost always better to have a T3 or a command BC this wont change with a 1 % bonus hell if CCP doesn't want them to be e-war then give them a 4% bonus to the links. they are to big to hid off grid like a t3 or a bc meaning yes they would have stronger links but they would have to fight.

is it the best way to fix them? not even close but it gives them at least some reason to see use
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#453 - 2016-04-20 13:06:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Sgt Ocker
Kirito Kid wrote:
To be honest adding e-war bonus would be less drastic than adding another tube as that make carriers the only things that can use all their fighter types at once(not saying it makes them strong at all but its drastic mechanically)

but swapping their useless fleet boost bonuses for an e-war one should be easy and help them out a bit more

I completely agree, I have no clue why there is even a fleet bonus on a carrier. Maybe it was a weird place holder they had because they couldn't think up something. ATM though its looking more and more grim for the fate of carriers, I mean I am completely new to using carriers so I could be wrong with the whole change, just my opinion since I haven't seen many wormholers post about their thoughts.

Wormholers won't be using carriers - It will be Dreads and Fax's for escalations - Dreads and Fax's for attacking Citadels - Carriers no longer have a place in wormhole warfare, unless all your facing is subcaps. In which case your better off bringing Haw fit dreads and subcap support.

As for other space, Carriers will make nice killmails for Dreads and Supers, while not being very effective at anything in the process.

Adding an Ewar bonus to Carriers achieves nothing - Your still giving up 1/3rd of your Dps to field 3 easily destroyed, slow as a wet week fighters.

As for the ECM support fighters - 9 of them (3 carriers worth) will jam a Guardian pretty reliably, as long as he isn't ECCM fit. With ECCM, jamming the Guardian was very hit and miss with 3 squads of ECM fighters.

The whole idea with Carriers is to make them vulnerable and disposable (like light tackle in a subcap fleet, only much more expensive) - Don't expect anything to change too much, Devs have achieved their design goal.

Devs working on carriers have the right idea not posting here - If they did, they would be obliged to admit (or just tell more lies), carriers are to become a thing of the past - By design.

I don't know why they post feedback threads when it is not wanted and the simplest questions go unanswered.
"We are reading your feedback" - Is little comfort when all suggestions fall on deaf ears.
Oh yes, the Niddy got a pittance more CPU - AND lost enough PG to make fitting options worse than previously (now you need both a CPU and PG upgrade for a basic meta fit). Devs at their best - Up one attribute then nerf another so you end up with no real benefit from what they increased (they call it balance, I call it not helping an already bad situation)

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Lugh Crow-Slave
#454 - 2016-04-20 13:14:35 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:

Adding an Ewar bonus to Carriers achieves nothing - Your still giving up 1/3rd of your Dps to field 3 easily destroyed, slow as a wet week fighters.

like i said adding a t1 ewar bonus so not to the drones but to local e-war turning them into capital e-war



7.5 to TD

15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
25% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal range and falloff
25% bonus to ECM Burst range

7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener optimal range and falloff

7.5% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness

basically they become e-war with moderate burst dps but capital tank
Kirito Kid
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#455 - 2016-04-20 13:17:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Kirito Kid
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:

Adding an Ewar bonus to Carriers achieves nothing - Your still giving up 1/3rd of your Dps to field 3 easily destroyed, slow as a wet week fighters.

like i said adding a t1 ewar bonus so not to the drones but to local e-war turning them into capital e-war



7.5 to TD

15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
25% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal range and falloff
25% bonus to ECM Burst range

7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener optimal range and falloff

7.5% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness

basically they become e-war with moderate burst dps but capital tank

I like this idea to be fair, sounds like a decent thing to add onto the carriers capabilities.

Wormholers won't be using carriers - It will be Dreads and Fax's for escalations - Dreads and Fax's for attacking Citadels - Carriers no longer have a place in wormhole warfare, unless all your facing is subcaps. In which case your better off bringing Haw fit dreads and subcap support.

I am trying to make it work, I mean I trained for 2 months to get into, so I will find a place for it to work with our fleets.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#456 - 2016-04-20 13:24:08 UTC
not like its that far out and it would build onto the progression into super carriers who have their own bonuses for remote burst e-war.
Kirito Kid
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#457 - 2016-04-20 13:30:03 UTC
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
not like its that far out and it would build onto the progression into super carriers who have their own bonuses for remote burst e-war.

I see that as a logical step forward, only issue I see is the ships that use mid-slots will have trouble deciding between tank or e-war but at the end of the it gives the players more flexibility in their fittings, which I think can work out it would be a lot better than that Fleet bonus.
Lugh Crow-Slave
#458 - 2016-04-20 14:19:02 UTC
Kirito Kid wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:
not like its that far out and it would build onto the progression into super carriers who have their own bonuses for remote burst e-war.

I see that as a logical step forward, only issue I see is the ships that use mid-slots will have trouble deciding between tank or e-war but at the end of the it gives the players more flexibility in their fittings, which I think can work out it would be a lot better than that Fleet bonus.

it's the same with all e-war ships ald like you said it would be up to them to decide how much tank to give up
Umino Iruka
#459 - 2016-04-20 16:53:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Umino Iruka
I don't even know where to begin...

Who came up with these idiotic changes anyway?

40km signature resolution on all dread guns??? A super carrier can now speed tank a dread WITHOUT a prop mod....

Amarr and Caldari carriers are missing a bonus? Those fighter E-war bonuses are completely useless anyway - Nidhoggur's stupid 2.5% bonus to fighter speed is actually better than all of the fighter E-war bonuses from all the carriers combined (even though 2.5% bonus to anything is just bullshit).

Are you trying to tell us training carrier skills to L5 is useless now? Because if you are, it's working nicely - x12 carrier skill for 5% more range on the E-war fighters? Seriously? Not to mention you can only launch one support squadron...

T2 E-war fighters have 10km range. so yes, let us train an x12 skill for 500m more range!!!
It's not enough that we got 2 more idiotic x12 skills to grind, we should definitely have less benefits from carrier L5 skills as well....

But fear NOT!!! Amarr and Caldari carriers are actually MISSING a bonus, yes! The 2 carriers where you actually accepted the fact that 2.5% doesn't really mean anything....

And, of course, carrier dps values are misteriously absent from the test server...even though everyone feels it's complete and utter **** now...

Really great job everyone at destroying carriers completely!!!
Bio Necrosis
Goonswarm Federation
#460 - 2016-04-20 18:12:42 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Combat Wombatz wrote:
CCP Larrikin wrote:
This is correct, you'll need to train Light Fighters to 1 before you can use Light Fighters.

So we're going to need to get back to hisec to purchase the book before being able to use the stuff we can already fly? I thought that was something that you guys specifically always tried to avoid?

I don't mind the training time too much as long as there's an additional benefit to it, but I do mind two days of jump cloning and the added expense to continue flying something we already use.

What about people living in carriers built in W-space, for example?

Maybe look into injecting the skill at rank 0 for people who have fighters trained?

Low sec school stations? There are plenty of them all over the place.

Yes and what about those who like me train Figther lvl 5 already and cant use them anymore? and you say ... " oh yeah btw you need to train something else to use what u already can use and i just change the name so it looks diferent and justify me"