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World War Bee

First post
Jacques d'Orleans
#81 - 2016-04-12 07:13:30 UTC
Aiwha wrote:

tl;dr Mittani is threatening CCP staff with negative press over the bee backgrounds and the name of the war.

Where I live we call that "delusions of grandeur"!
Angelique Duchemin
Team Evil
#82 - 2016-04-12 07:51:56 UTC
It's actually a misnomer. Weedotting(verb) an Alliance means turning them into badposters.

The very sun of heaven seemed distorted when viewed through the polarising miasma welling out from this sea-soaked perversion, and twisted menace and suspense lurked leeringly in those crazily elusive angles of carven rock where a second glance shewed concavity after the first shewed convexity.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#83 - 2016-04-12 08:15:25 UTC
Angelique Duchemin wrote:
It's actually a misnomer. Weedotting(verb) an Alliance means turning them into badposters.

That implies they weren't badposters to begin with.

Sanity is fun leaving the body.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#84 - 2016-04-12 09:30:29 UTC
Kinis Deren wrote:
Hey Lucas, how's that ORE LP working out for you?

IWI sends his regards.

Mate, do a little bit of research before trying to be all smug. I make almost all of my isk (and that's a lot - if I liquidated it and bought plex for subs I'd die of natural causes before my sub runs out) doing industry and trade in highsec because it's ludicrously unbalanced, making nearly none in nullsec, so where we live is completely irrelevant to me. Outer ring is actually good because the logistics make it cheaper and mean I can haul directly with NPC alts.

The funny thing is, this war has in fact increased my income pretty heavily, especially with 1ronbank "teaching us a lesson" by buying out all my overpriced machariels in Jita.

Not all of us are so poor that we need to beg Gevlon to replace the cormorant fleets we welp.

Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
IMHO, there is only one way to safe SMA from fading away into obscurity and that is to severe all ties to the Goons!
Mitler doesn't give a shyte about you, they sent you to the Outer Ring to die, simple as that!
It's better to die making a last stand fighting with the allies against the Emporium than fade away and only be remembered as the meatshield the Goons looked down and laughed at.
Mitler and his cronies never gave a shyte about their "valued allies", why should you give a shyte about them!
Show the EVE community that SMA is more than incompetent retards like Winet.
Don't just die in the Outer Ring, join the fight against Mitler and his turd reich and become an asset to the community!
Get rid of the old and cancerous that plagued SMA for to long and forge a new SMA!
No thanks bro, I think I'll just fade away into obscurity.

You guys are constantly telling us that Mittens doesn't care about us, etc, like suddenly we're going to break down in tears because the leader of a group we were allied with for mutual benefit doesn't put our survival before his own? It makes no sense. We were in the Imperium because we like the players and we benefited from the infrastructure. Now things have changed, we've suffered a loss and we need to rebuild independently, so we will. At no point has any of it been about Mittens caring about us.

I think the issue comes down to you believing the propaganda that we're pets, that we exist solely to assist goons, so getting a pat on the head and a cookie is what we strive to achieve. When you look at it from reality though, that our membership of the Imperium was primarily based on our our own self-interest, those ideas you push about look rather ridiculous.

And believe me if I had to choose between siding with goons and siding with the summer kids from reddit, goons win hands down. "Dank memes" don't really interest me much.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Trudeaux Margaret
University of Caille
#85 - 2016-04-12 09:38:02 UTC
Yun Kuai wrote:
I was going to start my own thread but it seemed more fitting to post this here because reasons: World War Bee!

"multi-dollar media empire"
Oh, my sides!

> anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course?

> grr goons, lowsec is full of elitist sh*s, all roads lead to the bittervet pl

Trudeaux Margaret
University of Caille
#86 - 2016-04-12 09:55:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Trudeaux Margaret
Lucas Kell wrote:
You guys are constantly telling us that Mittens doesn't care about us, etc, like suddenly we're going to break down in tears because the leader of a group we were allied with for mutual benefit doesn't put our survival before his own? It makes no sense. We were in the Imperium because we like the players and we benefited from the infrastructure. Now things have changed, we've suffered a loss and we need to rebuild independently, so we will. At no point has any of it been about Mittens caring about us.

I think the issue comes down to you believing the propaganda that we're pets, that we exist solely to assist goons, so getting a pat on the head and a cookie is what we strive to achieve. When you look at it from reality though, that our membership of the Imperium was primarily based on our our own self-interest, those ideas you push about look rather ridiculous.

Dude, please. Unless you're Widget's alt or Widget's husband -- which could be true, absolutely -- you have no more way of knowing what the directorate of SMA thought about the Goons than any other line member, including me. And the vast majority of SMA didn't think about the Goons like that.

And if you do have special insight into what goes on in the minds of those at the very top, and what you've just described is that, then I'm going to call you all out right here and now for being cowards and hypocrites for keeping the Goons blued after "leaving" the Imperium.

Lucas Kell wrote:

And believe me if I had to choose between siding with goons and siding with the summer kids from reddit, goons win hands down. "Dank memes" don't really interest me much.

Nor me. About the "dank memes" that is. I'm nearly 50 -- half of what these youngsters say is cute; the other 25% is image macros made up on the spot, the other 25% may or may not be true memes. "Dank" is a word that we used to describe musty basements or exceptionally good buds of weed.

That's why I didn't flip sides on the spot. I did so after over a month of handwringing after leaving SMA. When I finally joined Horde, it wasn't because of "dank memes." It was because I decided I like what they do -- helping out newbeans -- and because I finally decided I agreed with the cause.

It's not as shallow as you're trying to make it.

> anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course?

> grr goons, lowsec is full of elitist sh*s, all roads lead to the bittervet pl

Jacques d'Orleans
#87 - 2016-04-12 10:09:13 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
No thanks bro, I think I'll just fade away into obscurity.

You guys are constantly telling us that Mittens doesn't care about us, etc, like suddenly we're going to break down in tears because the leader of a group we were allied with for mutual benefit doesn't put our survival before his own? It makes no sense. We were in the Imperium because we like the players and we benefited from the infrastructure. Now things have changed, we've suffered a loss and we need to rebuild independently, so we will. At no point has any of it been about Mittens caring about us.

I think the issue comes down to you believing the propaganda that we're pets, that we exist solely to assist goons, so getting a pat on the head and a cookie is what we strive to achieve. When you look at it from reality though, that our membership of the Imperium was primarily based on our our own self-interest, those ideas you push about look rather ridiculous.

And believe me if I had to choose between siding with goons and siding with the summer kids from reddit, goons win hands down. "Dank memes" don't really interest me much.

I'm 51 and I don't give a shyte about reddit and "dank memes". Everyone outside the goons could see how much beloved great leader Mitler and his turds gave about SMA, TNT, FCON and so on and it's less than zero. For them you're not even pets, your just some arseholes to laugh at.
Lucas, i think with your devotion to the CRC you'll pretty much alone inside SMA right now, otoh you could join one of the Coprs which left SMA for Goons.
Anyways, you'll find a new place, i'm sure about that.
Fly safe mate. o7
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#88 - 2016-04-12 10:24:53 UTC
Trudeaux Margaret wrote:
Dude, please. Unless you're Widget's alt or Widget's husband -- which could be true, absolutely -- you have no more way of knowing what the directorate of SMA thought about the Goons than any other line member, including me. And the vast majority of SMA didn't think about the Goons like that.

And if you do have special insight into what goes on in the minds of those at the very top, and what you've just described is that, then I'm going to call you all out right here and now for being cowards and hypocrites for keeping the Goons blued after "leaving" the Imperium.
The vast majority didn't think of them like what? That we were allied with them for mutual benefit? Quite honestly, I'm not sure what you've taken from that post, but I'm fairly sure you've either misread or misunderstood it.

Trudeaux Margaret wrote:
Nor me. About the "dank memes" that is. I'm nearly 50 -- half of what these youngsters say is cute; the other 25% is image macros made up on the spot, the other 25% may or may not be true memes. "Dank" is a word that we used to describe musty basements or exceptionally good buds of weed.

That's why I didn't flip sides on the spot. I did so after over a month of handwringing after leaving SMA. When I finally joined Horde, it wasn't because of "dank memes." It was because I decided I like what they do -- helping out newbeans -- and because I finally decided I agreed with the cause.

It's not as shallow as you're trying to make it.
And yet most of the anti-Imperium guys spend 99% of their time posting them. If I flipped sides I'd have to block half of my allies so I didn't have to see that. I'd much rather go down in flames with the players I have played with for years than flip sides to hang out with the reddit crew.

And mate, horde are PLs defense wing. You're a PL meatshield. Having no entry requirement or basic security does mean you get a lot of new players but it doesn't mean you are helping them out. It's the zero effort way of padding your numbers.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#89 - 2016-04-12 10:27:54 UTC
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
I'm 51 and I don't give a shyte about reddit and "dank memes". Everyone outside the goons could see how much beloved great leader Mitler and his turds gave about SMA, TNT, FCON and so on and it's less than zero. For them you're not even pets, your just some arseholes to laugh at.
Lucas, i think with your devotion to the CRC you'll pretty much alone inside SMA right now, otoh you could join one of the Coprs which left SMA for Goons.
Anyways, you'll find a new place, i'm sure about that.
Fly safe mate. o7
ROFL. You don't give a "shyte" about reddit or dank memes yet you like them refuse to give up the CFC (or CRC?) name, and most amusingly called Mittani "Mitler". If you are 51, you should definitely have grown past schoolyard behaviour by now P

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jacques d'Orleans
#90 - 2016-04-12 10:39:22 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
I'm 51 and I don't give a shyte about reddit and "dank memes". Everyone outside the goons could see how much beloved great leader Mitler and his turds gave about SMA, TNT, FCON and so on and it's less than zero. For them you're not even pets, your just some arseholes to laugh at.
Lucas, i think with your devotion to the CRC you'll pretty much alone inside SMA right now, otoh you could join one of the Coprs which left SMA for Goons.
Anyways, you'll find a new place, i'm sure about that.
Fly safe mate. o7
ROFL. You don't give a "shyte" about reddit or dank memes yet you like them refuse to give up the CFC (or CRC?) name, and most amusingly called Mittani "Mitler". If you are 51, you should definitely have grown past schoolyard behaviour by now P

Imperium = CFC= Imperium, where's the difference? You can name shyte also poop, scheiße, ****, excrement, dung and so on and so forth, it still has a brown consistency and stinks.
Well i would call him other names too, but that would get me banned from the forum, so Mitler is the least for that lil poopstain.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#91 - 2016-04-12 10:44:34 UTC
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Imperium = CFC= Imperium, where's the difference? You can name shyte also poop, scheiße, ****, excrement, dung and so on and so forth, it still has a brown consistency and stinks.
Well i would call him other names too, but that would get me banned from the forum, so Mitler is the least for that lil poopstain.
At this point are you every trying to maintain the appearance of your maturity?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Trudeaux Margaret
University of Caille
#92 - 2016-04-12 10:50:43 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:

And mate, horde are PLs defense wing. You're a PL meatshield. Having no entry requirement or basic security does mean you get a lot of new players but it doesn't mean you are helping them out. It's the zero effort way of padding your numbers.

Horde is just fun, plain old fun, and yes, new players get excellent training. Run your mouth off all you want about PL (it's probably unwise to do so but whatever) but I really don't think that they need a bunch of newbeans to meatshield for them. They don't even use us that way. We have our own deployments and our own ops.

> anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course?

> grr goons, lowsec is full of elitist sh*s, all roads lead to the bittervet pl

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#93 - 2016-04-12 10:59:24 UTC
Trudeaux Margaret wrote:
Horde is just fun, plain old fun, and yes, new players get excellent training. Run your mouth off all you want about PL (it's probably unwise to do so but whatever) but I really don't think that they need a bunch of newbeans to meatshield for them. They don't even use us that way. We have our own deployments and our own ops.
Sure you do, right up until PL need you to take a hit. It's funny that you seem to think of Imperium alliances as meatshield but can't see the exact same relationship with PL and PH.

What exactly will PL do if I run my mouth? Sic their pets on me?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jacques d'Orleans
#94 - 2016-04-12 11:06:37 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Imperium = CFC= Imperium, where's the difference? You can name shyte also poop, scheiße, ****, excrement, dung and so on and so forth, it still has a brown consistency and stinks.
Well i would call him other names too, but that would get me banned from the forum, so Mitler is the least for that lil poopstain.
At this point are you every trying to maintain the appearance of your maturity?

You didn't answer my question. Imperium=CFC=Imperium where is the difference?
Renaming the CFC just because the PR guys from H1Z1 and Planetside 2 thought it wasn't a good name for marketing purposes, maybe? Or simple delusions of grandeur, maybe?
The problem with Imperiums is that they come and go when their enemies become to strong, the Imperium Romanum is a parade example for that.
The Imperium Romanum became lazy and fat and couldn't even defend their homeland anymore, and one fine day, oops surprise, the Goths captured Rome. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Blink
#95 - 2016-04-12 11:19:26 UTC
I'd call that thing Colony Collapse Disorder because the Inferium is losing colonies left and right.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#96 - 2016-04-12 11:23:18 UTC
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
You didn't answer my question. Imperium=CFC=Imperium where is the difference?
The CFC doesn't exist. It's like talking about how bad marathon bars are, just makes you sound like a luddite. You didn't answer my question either by the way.

Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Renaming the CFC just because the PR guys from H1Z1 and Planetside 2 thought it wasn't a good name for marketing purposes, maybe? Or simple delusions of grandeur, maybe?
The problem with Imperiums is that they come and go when their enemies become to strong, the Imperium Romanum is a parade example for that.
The Imperium Romanum became lazy and fat and couldn't even defend their homeland anymore, and one fine day, oops surprise, the Goths captured Rome. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Blink
It wasn't a good name, not just for H1Z1, but once you start getting referred to on non-gaming media sites talking about EVE, having a more family friendly name is a benefit for CCP as well as Mittani.

And you're right, they come and go. They might fall now to a larger coalition (thus proving the necessity of coalitions) but I have no doubt they'll rise again.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Kamahl Daikun
State War Academy
Caldari State
#97 - 2016-04-12 13:56:43 UTC
He was in a bad relationship. Then his boyfriend dumped him and left him in the middle of nowhere in Eve and he's trying to look cool by saying it doesn't matter.

It might not matter but you still got dumped. Literally and metaphorically.
Arsine Mayhem
#98 - 2016-04-12 14:02:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Arsine Mayhem
Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
Arsine Mayhem wrote:
Aaron Honk wrote:
People should check the latest mitani leaks, it's interesting to see what your leader think about this game.

A game, seems he doesn't even log into, but "Controls" all his ret@rds that follow. You really have to be a loser to be involved in that. He thinks they are all stupid, but then, umm.

It's spelled retards! Blink

All that Mittani crap could have been easily avoided when CCP would have perma banned that lil poopstain after his 2012 Fanfest stunt!

Agreed, it was nothing less than terrorism.
Trudeaux Margaret
University of Caille
#99 - 2016-04-12 14:06:29 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Trudeaux Margaret wrote:
Horde is just fun, plain old fun, and yes, new players get excellent training. Run your mouth off all you want about PL (it's probably unwise to do so but whatever) but I really don't think that they need a bunch of newbeans to meatshield for them. They don't even use us that way. We have our own deployments and our own ops.
Sure you do, right up until PL need you to take a hit.

If PL needs me to take a hit, I'll ...lose a T1 ship, maybe a pod, and go on with my life, I guess! Lol

It's funny that you seem to think of Imperium alliances as meatshield but can't see the exact same relationship with PL and PH.

Well, because they're not. This is the second post in which you've made this accusation. I'd like you to go into explcit detail as to how you think that Horde are "meatshields" for PL. I mean, SMA and the other CFC alliances were meatshields for Goons in that they occupied the regions around Deklein, making a direct attack upon the Goons nigh impossible. See what "meatshield" means? So again I ask, how is Horde acting as a meatshield for PL?

What exactly will PL do if I run my mouth? Sic their pets on me?

Given how weak and broken SMA is right now, that would not be something SMA would like to have happen, so don't scoff. Even when SMA had 4500 or so members back when I was still around and Horde was living in W-4, their roams up into Fade were a constant thorn in the side (I personally found it appalling how such a big alliance could be so awful -- it was embarrassing) and don't you even try to claim that they weren't.

> anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course?

> grr goons, lowsec is full of elitist sh*s, all roads lead to the bittervet pl

Arsine Mayhem
#100 - 2016-04-12 14:07:43 UTC
The Inferium

are fleeing

meat shields are failing

goons can't mount a defense cause none are even in the game anymore