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(#337) BIG Lottery Winners - 5 lucky winners win 7.5B ISK and more

#1 - 2016-04-11 19:40:39 UTC

For info about the BIG Lottery
Checkout the BIG Lottery pages

Round #337 winners

The list of winners are

3,750,000,000 ISK - Tiegs
2,500,000,000 ISK - Market Sluut
1,250,000,000 ISK - Falesor
One Stratios (*1) - Falesor
Skill injector and 10 Caracals (*2) - Taylor Max

(*1 and *2) In-channel-participation only prizes.

(*1) Sponsored by Macabre Devil
(*2) Sponsored by loonitunen

Special mentions:

Tiegs for making his 3rd win.

Market Sluut for making her 7th win.

Falesor for making his 4th win.

Razoal Sabezan for making his 3rd win.

Taylor Max for making his 4th win.


Win more ISK!!!
Put a The BIG Lottery link into your bio - Exact text!.
Make sure it links to ""
If you have it, you'll get a 25 percent bio-link bonus on top of your winnings!


500M ISK sponsored by
[img] Thinner.png[/img]

Round 337 of The BIG Lottery ran
from Monday, March 28th 2016
to Sunday, April 10th, 2016

61 pilots bought
4.134.991 tickets

Prizes where drawn on April 11th, 2016


Round #338 of The BIG Lottery has started - So get your tickets!

Round 338 drawing : Monday, April 25th, 2016, 1800 EVE time (GMT) in ingame channel 'BIG Games'.

Good Luck

PS : Yes this post looks like crap
PPS : Fingers crossed that CCP will get around to actually making it possible to make nicely formatted forum posts again... Le Sigh.