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AFK Cloaking™: Ideas, Discussion, and Proposals

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Bearded BattleBears
#5801 - 2016-04-09 08:27:36 UTC
Cidanel Afuran wrote:

Why on earth would you live outside of HS if you aren't in a standing defense fleet 100% of the time?

Even if you lose a ratting/mining ship to a hot dropper, having that standing fleet ready (again, which you should have 100% of the time) will get you a bigger kill and let you win the ISK war

The problem with this is as a defender you have to have multiple people focused and active for 23.5h/day, while the cloaky camper can be AFK for 23.5h/day minus whatever attack window they choose.

Space should be dangerous, but dangers should be counterable and lead to engaging gameplay not simply lead to who can AFK best. As it stands, the most effort-effective and results-effective ways of countering a cloaky camper is move to another system, don't play or use something that you simply write off as an expendable and still come out ahead.

Being able to actively scan / decloak (on a reasonably slow timer) a cloaky camper actually gives defenders a reason to ship up for PvP and do something and at the same time pushes the dropper to act. Overall it generates conflict and people actively playing and fighting.
Tian Toralen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5802 - 2016-04-09 18:19:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Tian Toralen
Hey CCP, see this:

If you join a certain corporation and open the map, you can see 1 pilot from that corporation in each of those systems. Sitting there AFK, at least one of them is there since yesterday evening - in the system I use to rat. Cool gameplay. Yes there is a link between ADMs and AFK gameplay.

Solve this. Pilots should not be able to remain AFK over night.

After each 1 hour passed with cloak on, the cloak module will require a random letter to be entered, else is shuts down. Letter is displayed on the module. In-game RP reason: to prevent the use of the cloak module by drone robots....

This will mean nothing to active players that are cloaked. During 1 minute they will enter the random leter, and get another hour of cloak. If they don't enter it, they get decloaked, that is all, and they can be scanned. First activation requires no letter to be entered, only after 1 hour and each hour after that, a random letter is required to be entered during a period of 1 min, for the use of the cloak. To prevent AFK or bots pressing keys to make it look like the player is not AFK.
Noga Taranogas
#5803 - 2016-04-10 00:40:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Noga Taranogas
Fit prototype cloak -load up to 100 units of stront.
Activate cloak and it consumes 20 stront per 20 minutes for 100 minutes of cloaking.
2 minute reload -autorepeat/reload is default on.
what, it's a pos module. gives you time to safe log your ass from your ss.

Fit improved cloak -load up to 100 units of stront.
Activation consumes 10 stront per 20 minutes for 200 minutes of cloaking... huntable when you run out.
2 minute reload -autorepeat/reload is default on.

Fit covert ops cloak -load up 50 units of stront.
Activation consumes 1 stront per 20 minutes so a load lasts 16 hours.
30s reload cycle -autorepeat/reload is default on.

All of these remove the ability to sit afk for 3-4 days or weeks in some cases and give the cloaky what everyone else in eve was promised from day 1 -no guarantee of safety anywhere if undocked.

The prototype and improved are only marginal defense from a hunter, while the covert ops cloakers -even covert cyno equipped for hot dropping- are able to maintain it most of the day or days if they have enough, but eventually you have to **** or get off the pot -hunter or hunted.

You want eyes on enemies -you might need to rotate your eyes or actually risk your ship and pod.

-no, no request for deployables that interfere with cloak for 100km radius, high slot small/med/large 15/30/45km radius stealth disruptor smartbombs, or POS system-wide decloaker like a cyno blocker.

-yes, yes request for eve to be eve for everyone including the vast number of starter corp cloaky alts. more pvp 4tw.
Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5804 - 2016-04-10 02:13:17 UTC
Tian Toralen wrote:
Hey CCP, see this:

If you join a certain corporation and open the map, you can see 1 pilot from that corporation in each of those systems. Sitting there AFK, at least one of them is there since yesterday evening - in the system I use to rat. Cool gameplay. Yes there is a link between ADMs and AFK gameplay.

Oh come on. You can't be serious. Reddit has been making tremendous loads of fun about goons ratting when they should be in fleet fighting a war, and I wasn't quite willing to believe it until I saw it with my own eyes.

STOP. RATTING. Go defend your homeland - you're in the middle of a warzone dude.

These people are NOT away from keyboard; #RandomGarbage is blopsing and camping and roaming around the clock, as well as countless other parties also known as the Money Badger Coalition. If they were AFK, you wouldn't be dying. You dying repeatedly is solid proof these dots on the map constitute a war effort intent on harassing the locals.

The solution to your problem is being in a standing fleet. Absence of a standing fleet indicates your alliance / coalition does not have the means to protect you and therefore couldn't deal with the cloaker even if there were a way to pinpoint them. The most prominent voice over the past 589942 pages making a good case to DON'T TOUCH THE CLOAK came from Executive Outcomes, mind you. You can't just change the rules when someone figures out a way to use them against you!!

When Jerghul said cloakies were spearheading the SOV invasion we all cracked a laugh and moved on. Are you trying to convince me he was actually telling the truth?? I can't believe it. I won't believe it.

I was in Deklein, Branch, Fade, Pure Blind and related regions. I was there. The cloakies are the least of your worries, believe me. Yet, they still pose a threat. No "implicit threat", no "big psychological YoloYokel risk". A real genuine threat. They don't play mindgames, they're not there to "devaluate the region" or "make you logoff" -- they are there to kill every single last one of your kind.
Tian Toralen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5805 - 2016-04-10 18:17:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Tian Toralen
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Tian Toralen wrote:
Hey CCP, see this:

If you join a certain corporation and open the map, you can see 1 pilot from that corporation in each of those systems. Sitting there AFK, at least one of them is there since yesterday evening - in the system I use to rat. Cool gameplay. Yes there is a link between ADMs and AFK gameplay.

Oh come on. You can't be serious. Reddit has been making tremendous loads of fun about goons ratting when they should be in fleet fighting a war, and I wasn't quite willing to believe it until I saw it with my own eyes.

STOP. RATTING. Go defend your homeland - you're in the middle of a warzone dude.

These people are NOT away from keyboard; #RandomGarbage is blopsing and camping and roaming around the clock, as well as countless other parties also known as the Money Badger Coalition. If they were AFK, you wouldn't be dying. You dying repeatedly is solid proof these dots on the map constitute a war effort intent on harassing the locals.

The solution to your problem is being in a standing fleet. Absence of a standing fleet indicates your alliance / coalition does not have the means to protect you and therefore couldn't deal with the cloaker even if there were a way to pinpoint them. The most prominent voice over the past 589942 pages making a good case to DON'T TOUCH THE CLOAK came from Executive Outcomes, mind you. You can't just change the rules when someone figures out a way to use them against you!!

When Jerghul said cloakies were spearheading the SOV invasion we all cracked a laugh and moved on. Are you trying to convince me he was actually telling the truth?? I can't believe it. I won't believe it.

I was in Deklein, Branch, Fade, Pure Blind and related regions. I was there. The cloakies are the least of your worries, believe me. Yet, they still pose a threat. No "implicit threat", no "big psychological YoloYokel risk". A real genuine threat. They don't play mindgames, they're not there to "devaluate the region" or "make you logoff" -- they are there to kill every single last one of your kind.

When a player is in the same system since last evening, I am certain he is afk. I am not talking about roaming gangs? Where in my post did I complain about that?

Yes sure, stop ratting. Great idea. That's why there is 1 afk cloaky amper in each system I presume... ADM's do not increase when Gevlon Goblin throws isk at them. And I defend/rat when I please, what's it to you.

I have nothing against campers, nothing against afk campers, only against afk cloaked campers. And my solution is above. Cloak requires some input every hour, else you get decloaked.
Come and stay afk in my system as long as you like. I'll scan you down eventually. With as many ships as you like. Or not afk. But if you stay afk and cloaked for days - that is threatening me with no risk or effort to you. And go "grr" on reddit that's the perfect place.
Galphram NefreX
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5806 - 2016-04-10 23:00:55 UTC
Lets be honest there is counter gameplay to almost everything in EvE apart from cloaking. Cloaking has been ignored since inception and it badly needs a rethink. Why can't we find the cloaked people whats so bad about that.

Changes are needed
Ace Aideron
Red Falcon Group
#5807 - 2016-04-11 09:37:34 UTC
I'm OK with 99% of the way cloaks work. I use them and love them, so I'm not in favor of any substantial nerfs. My only complaint is the AFKers.

To those who say when folks are AFK, they aren't a threat: you're not fooling anyone. Since there's no way for the rest of us to actually know if someone is AFK, we must assume they are always a threat. Being in fleet with others ready to help doesn't reduce the risk of getting jumped.

TO CCP: a serious consideration is that AFK cloakie campers can be a significant deterrent to active gameplay, esp. in null. In fact, that's one reason why people are willing to dedicate a character for 8 or 12 weeks or more, for the sole purpose of AFK harassment, driving down indexes, and so on. It's not fun for anyone (even the AFKer!), and driving folks away from Eve doesn't help CCP. Now that you have those very nice timers (such as for jump fatigue), adding one for cloaking should be pretty low-effort.

Yes, yes, I know about plans for some sort of ihub or other system-level "plug-in" or structure to make cloakers easier to find -- or something along those lines. I would love to know more, but from what I've heard so far, that sounds more like a local-but-real cloak nerf, as opposed to a timer, which would really just require someone to not be AFK. (maybe give WHs an exception to the timer, since they have unique requirements).

(oh, and FWIW, having cloaks burn fuel would basically be a nerf, too, since it would mean ships would need room for the fuel, they would have to occasionally get more somehow, and so on).
Tian Toralen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5808 - 2016-04-11 14:52:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Tian Toralen
Structure that can deckloak things: It's a nerf, unless it acts all by itself every N minutes, and all players can see this number. And owners can set the time interval. I'm cool with this. The AFK campers won't be there to recloak themselves - but it's easy to program a bot to press F1.
Else, if someone is able to decloak me and I don't know when it will happen, it's very bad for cloaked gaming.

I also support the idea of the cloak module requiring an input every hour. It will display a random letter after 1 hour has passed since activated, and the letter must be entered whitin 1 minute, else you get deckloaked. It's harder for a bot to do this.

Or a combination of both: sov structure that broadcasts a "message" every x minutes, everyone can see the timer, message must be entered during 1 min, to keep the cloak going.
Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#5809 - 2016-04-11 15:36:54 UTC
Ace Aideron wrote:
To those who say when folks are AFK, they aren't a threat: you're not fooling anyone. Since there's no way for the rest of us to actually know if someone is AFK, we must assume they are always a threat. Being in fleet with others ready to help doesn't reduce the risk of getting jumped.

There is always a risk of being jumped. I could be waiting on the other side of a WH, I could have logged out in system yesterday, I could be on the other side of a gate, I could have a pod/ship in your station from back in the day, waiting to JC in at the right time, etc. Null is supposed to be dangerous. ATM it's virtually safer than HS.

Local is an intel tool that keeps PvE in null safe 100% of the time if they are paying attention. Nerf local along with cloaks and we can start to talk.

Praal wrote:
The problem with this is as a defender you have to have multiple people focused and active for 23.5h/day, while the cloaky camper can be AFK for 23.5h/day minus whatever attack window they choose.

Space should be dangerous, but dangers should be counterable and lead to engaging gameplay not simply lead to who can AFK best. As it stands, the most effort-effective and results-effective ways of countering a cloaky camper is move to another system, don't play or use something that you simply write off as an expendable and still come out ahead.

Being able to actively scan / decloak (on a reasonably slow timer) a cloaky camper actually gives defenders a reason to ship up for PvP and do something and at the same time pushes the dropper to act. Overall it generates conflict and people actively playing and fighting.

This highlights the bigger problem with null right now. If you aren't big enough to have multiple people online 23.5/7 and can't defend your space at a moment's notice, why did you choose to live in player owned space? That either means you're too small, or have too many systems.

Being able to hunt scouts while cloaked simply means major null groups could overrun anyone before the intel that's needed for bigger fights is gathered. That's a nerf to content and adds to stagnation that's currently being caused by risk averse null groups.
Tian Toralen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5810 - 2016-04-12 06:51:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Tian Toralen
ADMs are threatened with no effort or risk whatsoever. It's enough if you can PLEX 50 accounts just to have them cloaked in enemy space. Perfect pay to win.

I said the solution: cloak requires input at certain intervals of time (let's say 1h), and these are known - nobody will be deckloaked when he does not expect it, else cloak stops working.

Some say: you need to be in a defense fleet to rat. Even then I don't feel I want to risk my Ishtar. I am not space rich. What about DED sites? What about moving planetary interaction materials? Nobody can move around, the intel does not work as it should with all the neutrals everywhere. I have nothing against them camping if they at least would put the effort to be at their computer every hour to press a key. They have a disproportionate effect in relation to their effort (0) and risk (0).
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#5811 - 2016-04-12 16:55:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Tian Toralen wrote:
ADMs are threatened with no effort or risk whatsoever. It's enough if you can PLEX 50 accounts just to have them cloaked in enemy space. Perfect pay to win.

I said the solution: cloak requires input at certain intervals of time (let's say 1h), and these are known - nobody will be deckloaked when he does not expect it, else cloak stops working.

Some say: you need to be in a defense fleet to rat. Even then I don't feel I want to risk my Ishtar. I am not space rich. What about DED sites? What about moving planetary interaction materials? Nobody can move around, the intel does not work as it should with all the neutrals everywhere. I have nothing against them camping if they at least would put the effort to be at their computer every hour to press a key. They have a disproportionate effect in relation to their effort (0) and risk (0).

Nope. Nerfing the game play of active players to get at AFK cloakers is bad game design.

As for a defense fleet and your Ishtar...rule 1, do not fly what you cannot afford to lose.

BTW, I do....errr did PI with hostile cloakers in system. Not hard. Use bounces, a cloak of your own, and some extra patience.

Edit: Oh and how in the Hell are you plexing 50 accounts while all your accounts are AFK cloaking 23.5/7? Hyperbole much?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#5812 - 2016-04-12 17:00:07 UTC
Galphram NefreX wrote:
Lets be honest there is counter gameplay to almost everything in EvE apart from cloaking. Cloaking has been ignored since inception and it badly needs a rethink. Why can't we find the cloaked people whats so bad about that.

Changes are needed

And what is the counter to local? Could it be....gasp cloaking devices? And how do you know a cloaked ship is there?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#5813 - 2016-04-12 17:02:45 UTC
Tian Toralen wrote:
Hey CCP, see this:

If you join a certain corporation and open the map, you can see 1 pilot from that corporation in each of those systems. Sitting there AFK, at least one of them is there since yesterday evening - in the system I use to rat. Cool gameplay. Yes there is a link between ADMs and AFK gameplay.

Solve this. Pilots should not be able to remain AFK over night.

After each 1 hour passed with cloak on, the cloak module will require a random letter to be entered, else is shuts down. Letter is displayed on the module. In-game RP reason: to prevent the use of the cloak module by drone robots....

This will mean nothing to active players that are cloaked. During 1 minute they will enter the random leter, and get another hour of cloak. If they don't enter it, they get decloaked, that is all, and they can be scanned. First activation requires no letter to be entered, only after 1 hour and each hour after that, a random letter is required to be entered during a period of 1 min, for the use of the cloak. To prevent AFK or bots pressing keys to make it look like the player is not AFK.

Oh, and why the f**k are you not in Saranen?


"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Tian Toralen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5814 - 2016-04-12 21:01:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Tian Toralen
Teckos Pech wrote:

Edit: Oh and how in the Hell are you plexing 50 accounts while all your accounts are AFK cloaking 23.5/7? Hyperbole much?

I don't know. Something something IWANTISK.COM maybe.

How is requiring a key presss every 1hour nerfing cloak play? Nothing changes compared to now during the first hour you hold cloak, (I never used cloak for so long) then after 1h you get to press a key proving you are not AFK. During an interval of - let's say 10 min, I don't mind. If you don't press it - cloak just turns off, nothing else. You are still in a safe, and need to be scanned.

A certain key indicated by the module, not any key (anti-bot mechanism). Who holds cloak for more than 1h without pressing any key? AFK players.

There could be a mechanism to refresh the timer, whenever the user wants, then someone can do his stuff for 1h and come back.
Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5815 - 2016-04-12 21:43:15 UTC
Because keeping eyes on a system is generally an alt's job; for some of us with only one screen we have to ALT-TAB.

Unless you can come up with a good reason why this HAS to be tedious, don't make it so. Unless remaining under cloak is the issue (which it ain't), then requiring keyboard input is just an arbitrary, artificial construct to prevent its use in a way you don't like.

It'd be like forbidding people to change buy orders more than once a day. Why? "Just because I don't like it".

Quite frankly, whether someone is at his keyboard or not is none of your freaking business. If it were, you can remove the autopilot as well. Sometimes people only keep half an eye at the screen while mainly performing other tasks - either on another character or totally out of game. If they're in a safe location, such as docked, POSsed or cloaked, it is perfectly fine to do so.

I don't even have to explain why I want to log in and not perform any action. Maybe I want to re-read the chatlogs in local when I get home? Maybe I don't like the gatecamp I'm seeing and I think it's best to return in three hours or so.

When I tell you to stop ratting you say "what I do is my business". And you're right - it is.
Now I'm telling you that whatever I do or don't do cloaked, is my business.

Me being there doesn't prevent you from ratting. Unless .... (and here's the rub - there's always a rub) ... unless you're ratting AFK and you didn't see the cloakie decloak. Because if you did, and you were aligned, you'd still be long gone before out targeting delay expires. See how beautiful it all comes together? I sense an AFK ratter in our midst, boys! If not AFK, then at the very least multiboxing. 300 pages should have taught you a thing or two on how we feel about ISK Printers in this thread.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#5816 - 2016-04-12 23:19:56 UTC
Tian Toralen wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

Edit: Oh and how in the Hell are you plexing 50 accounts while all your accounts are AFK cloaking 23.5/7? Hyperbole much?

I don't know. Something something IWANTISK.COM maybe.

How is requiring a key presss every 1hour nerfing cloak play? Nothing changes compared to now during the first hour you hold cloak, (I never used cloak for so long) then after 1h you get to press a key proving you are not AFK. During an interval of - let's say 10 min, I don't mind. If you don't press it - cloak just turns off, nothing else. You are still in a safe, and need to be scanned.

A certain key indicated by the module, not any key (anti-bot mechanism). Who holds cloak for more than 1h without pressing any key? AFK players.

There could be a mechanism to refresh the timer, whenever the user wants, then someone can do his stuff for 1h and come back.

Because if I don't press it at that precise moment I could de-cloak at a critical point. And why? Because I was a bit slow on starting my stop watch? And I am not even your "target demographic". It is ****** ****** game design.

Who holds cloak for more than an hour? How about a scout in an enemies staging system. Granted maybe an alt, but still the player is ATK.

As for IWI, whatever, you clearly are being dumb on that one and just can't admit it.

Seriously, stop ratting, move to Saranen or soon you'll be missioning back in HS.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#5817 - 2016-04-12 23:21:56 UTC
Brokk Witgenstein wrote:
Because keeping eyes on a system is generally an alt's job; for some of us with only one screen we have to ALT-TAB.

Unless you can come up with a good reason why this HAS to be tedious, don't make it so. Unless remaining under cloak is the issue (which it ain't), then requiring keyboard input is just an arbitrary, artificial construct to prevent its use in a way you don't like.

It'd be like forbidding people to change buy orders more than once a day. Why? "Just because I don't like it".

Quite frankly, whether someone is at his keyboard or not is none of your freaking business. If it were, you can remove the autopilot as well. Sometimes people only keep half an eye at the screen while mainly performing other tasks - either on another character or totally out of game. If they're in a safe location, such as docked, POSsed or cloaked, it is perfectly fine to do so.

I don't even have to explain why I want to log in and not perform any action. Maybe I want to re-read the chatlogs in local when I get home? Maybe I don't like the gatecamp I'm seeing and I think it's best to return in three hours or so.

When I tell you to stop ratting you say "what I do is my business". And you're right - it is.
Now I'm telling you that whatever I do or don't do cloaked, is my business.

Me being there doesn't prevent you from ratting. Unless .... (and here's the rub - there's always a rub) ... unless you're ratting AFK and you didn't see the cloakie decloak. Because if you did, and you were aligned, you'd still be long gone before out targeting delay expires. See how beautiful it all comes together? I sense an AFK ratter in our midst, boys! If not AFK, then at the very least multiboxing. 300 pages should have taught you a thing or two on how we feel about ISK Printers in this thread.

He won't be ratting much longer. Soon he'll have more than a cloaky in his system to worry about.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Brokk Witgenstein
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5818 - 2016-04-13 00:43:02 UTC
I tried to explain him that patiently, but he sent me to Reddit.
Didn't get the memo there was a war going on I suppose LOL
Tian Toralen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5819 - 2016-04-13 08:51:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Tian Toralen
Teckos Pech wrote:

Because if I don't press it at that precise moment I could de-cloak at a critical point. And why? Because I was a bit slow on starting my stop watch? And I am not even your "target demographic". It is ****** ****** game design.

No. After 1 hour I said there should be a time interval you have to press the button, you are not deckloaked instantly. Let's say you have 10 minutes to press it. Then you get dekloaked. What critical point? Add even a sound effect to it so it allerts you you have to press the button. I don't care. Maybe even an option to log out in space after a set time, so if the cloak runs out you are still safe.
Wander Prian
Nosferatu Security Foundation
#5820 - 2016-04-13 09:53:26 UTC
He's not lowering anything. You are just too afraid to do anything, even though you could do some research and learn when the guy is most likely AFK.

Wormholer for life.