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CCP, surprise us.

#21 - 2016-04-04 07:02:20 UTC
The one thing that I think is lacking in eve is some form of background simulation (BGS).

The BGS would run in the background (obviously) and reflect 'real world' things happening in empire and possibly NPC null as well.

There is supposedly a background lore/story to eve....Well yeah there is but that is only really a tool to allow CCP push in directions around some things. The eve players have also affected it in random terms, the original burn Jita and hulkageddon for example.

Give that Eve is a cruel mistress why have there never been any major civil wars in the empires or especially in pirate held space?!

Or massive corp takeovers that decimate the market? GFC 2008 anyone?

Randomness and unpredictability is the reason I pretty much pvp and find any form of pve totally mind numbing.
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#22 - 2016-04-04 13:19:01 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
They could give us some meaningfull stuff like this.

CCP is probably better equipped on dev resources to roll out character backgrounds like they are doing with world war bee (which I a very surprised they haven't rolled out event/custom backgrounds until now).

'One night hauler' The tell all story of a pleasure bot in Jita 4-4

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Dead Terrorists
#23 - 2016-04-04 13:22:19 UTC
Damjan Fox wrote:
Pookoko wrote:
But the main point is as I said earlier, to make eve unpredictable, to give us that 'oh ****' moment, make it arbitrary so we feel like we have no control over the disaster, put the capsulers down to remind them no matter what demi-god we have become now, space is very big, and powerful, and terrifying.

Just wait for the day, when the stargates in all of known space go offline (like the Caroline's Star incident in Jove Space).
Traveling through New Eden will be limited to wormholes and cynos until we players start to build our own stargates and reshape the map as we see fit.

Nah, if that happens (I wish something around this line will, New Eden need a good shake up out of stagnation) CCP will make it a progressive event with hint and warnings before it starts out. And it would likely be progressive, some gates failing here and there, so as not to cut some Constellations or Regions off altogether, giving time to players to start working on Stargates.

It would cause some disruption and changes in behaviour, which I think the game is in need.
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