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Remote System POS, WH space, and Citadels

First post
Black Pedro
#21 - 2016-03-31 05:24:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Anna Thiesant wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:

Neadayan Drakhon wrote:

Taking down a POS (or part of a POS) for a wardec is defending it. You're defending your assets by securing them in a station.

No, that is just opting out of the war. Not logging in or not undocking is just not playing the game.

Why should you get all the benefits of owning a structure, while not having to defend it? That kind of makes a mockery of risk vs. reward, wouldn't you say? It's about time this failure in game design is corrected.

I think that's a very narrow minded view. I'll repeat that view in a way that more accurately reflects your view point (at least they way it seems that your view is); see below.


If people don't play this game the way I expect, CCP needs to fix it
Not at all. I am for all types of emergent game play - it's why I play this game. But I am for actual game play, not people figuring out ways to prevent interactions with other players while still earning benefits that affect all of us in New Eden.

Play the game as the Cowardly Lion and run from every fight. Or play as a stalwart pacifist who uses non-violent means to reach their goals. I don't care and it is all well and good. But you don't get to "play" the game by running a lucrative industrial operation only to just log out and make yourself invulnerable to your opponents with no cost. How can I play the game and interact with you if you just can opt-out of any conflict with no penalty? And since fighting carries a non-zero risk and cost, the correct move from a game theory perspective is to evade every fight under such circumstances which is bad for the game.

By keeping structures vulnerable you provide an incentive to fight. Players don't have to fight, but at least hiding is no longer always the best game theory decision. They have to make an actual decision now, you know actually play the game rather than just grind and build without worry for their defense.

Players who want the ability to isolate themselves from the sandbox, while keeping all the benefits of the sandbox are some of the most selfish gamers out there. Players are the content in this game and the bargain is you make yourself a target in exchange for PvE and increased industrial rewards. But there is a whole class of players that want the ability to make things of value, which are only valuable because things can be permanently lost against your will in this game, but don't want any chance of themselves being the ones losing those valuables. I am sorry, but if you want to enjoy the player-driven economy, you have to accept that you might be content for another group of players. Players are entitled to choose what level of risk they are comfortable with of course, but those who actively advocate for safety and the ability to avoid non-consensual PvP are strangling this game for their own selfish gain.

You do not, by design, get to play this game as a space-themed version of FarmVille, grinding some meaningless numbers ever higher with no risk of ever losing anything. That is not me telling you how to play - that is CCP's fundamental design for Eve, and right now the ability to benefit from a POS in complete safety from an opponent is a failure of that game design.

I am glad CCP is finally getting around to correcting it.
Sigma Sagittarii Inc.
#22 - 2016-03-31 09:26:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Pookoko
Being able to take down a citadel within 24 hours seems more 'arbitrary game mechanic' to me than it taking a week. I mean those are like big station structures, it's fairly reasonable to accept that these things will take much longer time to anchor/unanchor compared to a POS.

I have no problem with people packing up POS as soon as war is declared on them, they are doing what they do within the game mechanic. Remember that you can also pack up citadel when you get war decced, it just happens that the time to unanchor will take longer than it takes for the war to begin after it's decced. Presumably, if you can defend it for a week, you will be able to secure the citadel (someone correct me if I'm wrong on this).

What you are asking for, like being able to pack up citadel within 24 hour period of being decced, basically equates to total immunity of your citadel in high-sec. Such total immunity is just not in line with the way eve works.

To also give an extreme hypothetical scenario, IF all NPC stations are removed at some point, don't think that it's only non-pvp crowd that will be effected in high sec. Those station hugging high-sec 'pros' will have to base themselves in citadel too, which can be attacked and destroyed, resulting in loss of their bling fit ships which they have been keeping so safely for so many years.

You may like/dislike the citadel changes, which is really up to your preference and opinions. But the same game mechanic applies to everyone equally. So you can say you hate the new changes, but it would be incorrect to call it 'unfair' in any sense.

[edit: adding a few more tips]

Contrary to what many high-sec players think, low/null-sec is a lot safer than high sec in some aspects. For example, if you are decced by a high sec pvp corp, try running off to low sec systems, 99% of the time they will not follow you where they can be shot by other local pirates and their NPC corp alts can be shot first on sight. They will not hang around in their insta lock Loki to station camp you in low-sec station. They will not set up a camp on the low-sec side of the gate to catch you travelling.

If you are into industry, doing BPO researches and manufacturing work in low-sec have added benefit of extremely low job cost in low population low-sec systems. Before the Crius changes, people who couldn't afford high sec POS used to travel to low/null sec to do ME research and copy blue prints because the queues were too long in high-sec.

When you know your way around, low-sec is very safe compared to war time in high-sec. Null is even safer if you are part of sov holding alliance and have blues around you, always being fed intel on potential threats. Heck, even if you are not part of any alliance, there are places in low-null that's so empty you'd struggle to find a hostile for a fully day's game play. Sometimes I take wormhole that leads to null, and I'm ratting in some big alliance's backyard, with whom I have red standing, but there's just simply no one there for hours, and if someone turns up I just take the wormhole back to my alliance's sov space or back to low sec or whatever.

High-sec is very populated and full of gankers and people who want easy kills, and there's no need to stick around and play according to their terms. It may sound unintuitive, but low/null is where you get real freedom. where you can shoot people first if you don't like them, without having to play with various 'mechanics'.

Well, that's a bit off topic from 'citadel' discussion, but you get the idea.

1. If you don't like high-sec war mechanics, move to low/null where you can do whatever and shoot whoever without being tied down to high-sec mechanics. High-sec mechanics trap you in false sense of security and the whole timer & status mechanics that make things very complicated unless you know all these tricks thoroughly yourself.

2. As I said in earlier post, make use of other players' citadels. It will be cheaper for most small corps and solo players to use other people's citadels than maintaining and baby sitting your own pos.
Neadayan Drakhon
Heuristic Industrial And Development
#23 - 2016-03-31 19:44:36 UTC
ok, wait a sec...

I was under the impression that you couldn't even try to unanchor and remove a citadel once a wardec is issued, is it more just that it takes so long to remove?

I've tried finding out and can't seem to locate actual unanchoring timers for citadels (and only old possibly out of date info on anchoring times). Also can't find a CCP source stating that citadels are prevented from being removed once war is declared.

If it's simply long timers keeping you from unanchoring a citadel before a wardec goes live - I have no problems with this.

If it's actually unable to even start unanchoring because war was declared, this is not ok.

Which is it?

Black Pedro wrote:
I have no problem with attackers having to deploy a structure to be able to declare a war. That seems fair enough so there is something to counter-attack.

No. A "wardec structure" is even more pointlessly arbitrary. Any changes should make sense in-universe. Such a wardec structure makes absolutely no sense.
Sigma Sagittarii Inc.
#24 - 2016-03-31 23:21:44 UTC
It's difficult to say now what the final mechanic will be.

The following was the original dev concept.

"Unanchoring may only be started if the structure has full shields and is not within a repair timer. This is to prevent some early bail-out should it be attacked

Once the unanchoring process has started, the structure will become invulnerable for a specific amount of time

Once the invulnerability timers runs out, the structure will be vulnerable for damage yet again, with having a repair process identical of what’s been mentioned above. This time however, shields, armor and hulls will be fully available"

But the above dev blog did not specify how long it takes to unanchor.

and then I read from SISI feedback thread that unachoring timer is 7 days

And I think it must be from the above thread the OP gets the idea Citadel cannot be unanchored when there's a war coming.

As far as I understand, there is no mechanic blocking players from unanchoring a Citadel during or before imminent war. If there is, I have seen no such information so maybe some one can point reference if they think other wise. But when you think about it, it is very unlikely there will be such war time restrictions, because it would mean that an one man corp can perma dec an alliance making it impossible to unanchor any of their citadels forever (as long as war dec lasts).

So I think the currently mentioned 7 days timer is the only restrictive mechanic in place for now. But of course, the length of such timer or anything at this stage may change before hitting TQ though.

Anna Thiesant
La Explorers
#25 - 2016-04-01 00:11:20 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:

Not at all. I am for all types of emergent game play - it's why I play this game. But I am for actual game play, not people figuring out ways to prevent interactions with other players while still earning benefits that affect all of us in New Eden.

Play the game as the Cowardly Lion and run from every fight. Or play as a stalwart pacifist who uses non-violent means to reach their goals. I don't care and it is all well and good. But you don't get to "play" the game by running a lucrative industrial operation only to just log out and make yourself invulnerable to your opponents with no cost. How can I play the game and interact with you if you just can opt-out of any conflict with no penalty? And since fighting carries a non-zero risk and cost, the correct move from a game theory perspective is to evade every fight under such circumstances which is bad for the game.

For me, I do not have enough ISK to fight. I lose almost every single time I fight. So, I'm either back to mining forever, or I have to build up an operation. I cannot build up an operation, if I get wardec, and can't pull my POS down. It's a perfectly valid game mechanic, whether you like it or not. PvP is NOT the only part of this game.

Eventually I do want to PvP, but not until I have the capital to do so, because I'm met with utter failure every time, resulting in it being impossible for me to sustain ISK wise.

There are other aspects of this game that are identical, in that you can make profit without risk. planetary Interaction, the new project discovery, mining is almost risk free, high-sec in general is quite risk free, etc, etc. But, I for one am not going to risk billions in blue prints, just so that you can have the game the way you want it.

There's plenty of PvP opportunity for YOU. Got to low sec, go to null sec. High sec is for newbs like me.
Anna Thiesant
La Explorers
#26 - 2016-04-01 00:13:47 UTC
Also, to say that people are selfish, just because they like a different play style, is just rather silly.
Neadayan Drakhon
Heuristic Industrial And Development
#27 - 2016-04-01 02:37:38 UTC
Indeed Pookoko, that's all I could find too. I forget what thread it was that I saw people saying you couldn't take citadels down during a war (or during the 24 hour warning/prep time).

For some reason I assumed they meant it was locked.

From everything I can find from CCP you can take down a citadel, it just might take longer than the 24 hour prep timer. If that's the case, at least on large/XL citadels, that isn't a problem. On a medium citadel I would say that's an inordinate amount of time to take it down, wardec or not, if mediums are supposed to be similar to POS's... but I can't find actual time info for unanchoring, and only very old info on anchoring.

WTB updated devblog...
Black Pedro
#28 - 2016-04-01 08:07:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Anna Thiesant wrote:
For me, I do not have enough ISK to fight. I lose almost every single time I fight. So, I'm either back to mining forever, or I have to build up an operation. I cannot build up an operation, if I get wardec, and can't pull my POS down. It's a perfectly valid game mechanic, whether you like it or not. PvP is NOT the only part of this game.
Of course it is a valid game mechanic - no one is accusing you of cheating. Pulling down a POS after a war is declared has been a valid, but broken, game mechanic which CCP has now decided to fix. Whether you like it or not, CCP has decided that it is better for the game that players have to defend their structures instead of being able to use them with complete immunity to the other players.

Anna Thiesant wrote:
Eventually I do want to PvP, but not until I have the capital to do so, because I'm met with utter failure every time, resulting in it being impossible for me to sustain ISK wise.
If you want to PvP, then go PvP. Don't talk yourself into thinking you will grind ISK and train skills in highsec until you are "ready". You will never feel ready, and are more likely to burn yourself out and quit the game than if you just jump right in. Faction warfare is easy, cheap, and offers pretty good ISK for a new player. Or join a null corp with an SRP and get in on this war action. Or join CODE. and shoot some ships with James 315 picking up the cost. But do anything other than sit alone in highsec not PvPing if you really want to PvP.

If you find a passion in mining and/or industry that is a perfectly fine and you should do that - play the game how you want - but don't do those things to fill time or earn ISK if you rather be PvPing. There are much better, and more interesting and efficient ways to earn ISK than hiding behind CONCORD in highsec, ones that actually involve PvP.

There is no linear progression in Eve. Highsec is full of PvP as the rest of New Eden. You are mistaken if you think you require special skills or a certain amount of ISK to leave, and you are really mistaken if you think highsec is a safe space for grinding ISK or a place for new players. It is not, nor is it intended to be.

Anna Thiesant wrote:
Also, to say that people are selfish, just because they like a different play style, is just rather silly.

I never said that. I said it is selfish for players to ask the developer to change the fundamental pillars of the game to suit their particular playstyle.

Asking CCP to make your Citadel immune to the other players in highsec is as selfish as me asking the developers of FarmVille to add a "Farm Raiding" mechanic so I can burn down other people's barns and steal their hogs. FarmVille is not a PvP game and it would be incredibly selfish of me to ask for a fundamental change to the game that would impact the other players. Similarly, asking that you be made immune to the other players in a game CCP themselves says that "[t]he essential core concept of EVE Online is that it is full time PvP in a sandbox environment" is just as self-centered.

I'll save you the reasons why there is no safe space in New Eden, but let's take as a given that CCP has designed and sold their game to players for almost 13 years on that premise. Don't you think it is a little selfish to ask CCP to wall you off from the rest of the players who joined this game looking for a single-world, competitive sandbox experience? If you don't like the design of the game, then you should go play one of the hundreds of other games out there that are not single-universe, full-time PvP sandbox games instead of trying to ruin the game for the current player base solely for your own gratification.

Neadayan Drakhon wrote:
From everything I can find from CCP you can take down a citadel, it just might take longer than the 24 hour prep timer. If that's the case, at least on large/XL citadels, that isn't a problem. On a medium citadel I would say that's an inordinate amount of time to take it down, wardec or not, if mediums are supposed to be similar to POS's... but I can't find actual time info for unanchoring, and only very old info on anchoring.

WTB updated devblog...
Citadels are on SiSi right now and for all sizes there is a 7 day timer to unanchor them from space. As far as I know there is no direct tie-in to the war declaration mechanic, but clearly that time frame prevents taking them down in the event of a war. CCP Nullarbor confirmed this was intentionally done to force players to defend them on Slack, and the fact has been discussed in the Test Server thread, but I agree we are overdue for a devblog clarifying all the recent developments.
Neadayan Drakhon
Heuristic Industrial And Development
#29 - 2016-04-01 09:01:46 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
Citadels are on SiSi right now and for all sizes there is a 7 day timer to unanchor them from space. As far as I know there is no direct tie-in to the war declaration mechanic, but clearly that time frame prevents taking them down in the event of a war. CCP Nullarbor confirmed this was intentionally done to force players to defend them on Slack, and the fact has been discussed in the Test Server thread, but I agree we are overdue for a devblog clarifying all the recent developments.

7 day unanchor timer? woah

Hope they cut that down on the mediums and larges proportionally with the setup times... even if medium ends up 2 days.. still better than a week...

More than that, hopefully the various industrial platforms, whatever they end up being (devblog anyone?) have shorter timers; small mining POS's can be used for day-trips into WH's and such, taking very little setup and removal time. It would be nice if that same functionality were available once POS's no longer are, doesn't have to be with a citadel...

Oh well, if it's truly just the timers and no locking of functionality because of a wardec then I withdraw my objections.
Aaron Raus
Whispering Pines Golf Club
#30 - 2016-04-01 09:12:27 UTC
What about moving ownership of the Citadel to another corp? Can you do this under war dec?
Black Pedro
#31 - 2016-04-01 09:37:20 UTC
Aaron Raus wrote:
What about moving ownership of the Citadel to another corp? Can you do this under war dec?

I don't think this has been discussed, but if it is like POCOs (which I fully expect it to be), you cannot transfer the structure during a war or with one pending.

I would expect the following to still apply:

CCP wrote:
Because of the importance of wars in taking down POCOs, we’re putting in a restriction on when ownership of a POCO can be transferred and to whom. A corporation that owns a Customs Office cannot transfer ownership if they are at war or have a war pending. This does not apply to transferring ownership to another corporation in the same Alliance as the owner (as the war will still cover those).
CCP Nullarbor
C C P Alliance
#32 - 2016-04-01 14:48:07 UTC
The replies in this thread are correct, it is intentional that you cannot unanchor or transfer away your structure to avoid it being destroyed in a wardec. The asset safety will save the hangar contents but the hull and its fittings will always be at risk.

CCP Nullarbor // Senior Engineer // Team Game of Drones

Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#33 - 2016-04-01 15:00:51 UTC
Anna Thiesant wrote:
3. WH space will also be a thing of the past, unless you're in a rich corp. As it is now, you could get into WH space relatively quickly, with a 150M POS.

Sorry, but have you ever actually been in WHs? No one in their right mind uses a small POS....even in a C1 that will be taken down quicker than you can blink.
Bethan Le Troix
Krusual Investigation Agency
#34 - 2016-04-01 16:22:11 UTC
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
The replies in this thread are correct, it is intentional that you cannot unanchor or transfer away your structure to avoid it being destroyed in a wardec. The asset safety will save the hangar contents but the hull and its fittings will always be at risk.

The average industrial orientated player in EVE Online is not going to like this risk element one bit methinks. I would suggest you consider allowing players to continue to be able to unanchor expensive infrastructure prior to wardecs beginning. The alternative is that EVE Online will likely leech even more player numbers than we already have .

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Players will go elsewhere if they are forced to do something they don't want to do. My two cents for what they are worth. Smile
Neadayan Drakhon
Heuristic Industrial And Development
#35 - 2016-04-01 17:01:42 UTC
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
The replies in this thread are correct, it is intentional that you cannot unanchor or transfer away your structure to avoid it being destroyed in a wardec. The asset safety will save the hangar contents but the hull and its fittings will always be at risk.

Can you confirm that it is only the timer durations and not simply locked from starting an unanchor?

Also, are the unanchor times on the test server going to stay when it goes live?
Neadayan Drakhon
Heuristic Industrial And Development
#36 - 2016-04-01 17:03:11 UTC
Bethan Le Troix wrote:
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
The replies in this thread are correct, it is intentional that you cannot unanchor or transfer away your structure to avoid it being destroyed in a wardec. The asset safety will save the hangar contents but the hull and its fittings will always be at risk.

The average industrial orientated player in EVE Online is not going to like this risk element one bit methinks. I would suggest you consider allowing players to continue to be able to unanchor expensive infrastructure prior to wardecs beginning. The alternative is that EVE Online will likely leech even more player numbers than we already have .

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Players will go elsewhere if they are forced to do something they don't want to do. My two cents for what they are worth. Smile

The average industrial player doesn't need a Citadel, they might need one of the upcoming industrial structures, which will hopefully be more in line with POS costs than even a medium citadel.
Hold Alpha
#37 - 2016-04-01 18:00:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Hold Alpha
Bethan Le Troix wrote:
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
The replies in this thread are correct, it is intentional that you cannot unanchor or transfer away your structure to avoid it being destroyed in a wardec. The asset safety will save the hangar contents but the hull and its fittings will always be at risk.

The average industrial orientated player in EVE Online is not going to like this risk element one bit methinks. I would suggest you consider allowing players to continue to be able to unanchor expensive infrastructure prior to wardecs beginning. The alternative is that EVE Online will likely leech even more player numbers than we already have .

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Players will go elsewhere if they are forced to do something they don't want to do. My two cents for what they are worth. Smile

The unanchoring timer is far too long (7 days) for the restriction to matter anyway. If you are not prepared to defend it, use someone else's structure, or a station.
Geronimo McVain
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2016-04-01 18:30:03 UTC
@ Black Pedro: what is the attacker, that's you, putting in danger? In another Thread you said that Docking was a viable tactic against Bad odds. Where is the difference between Docking and taking down a POS? When the attacker has to have a Citadel in the rgion he wants to attack it would be fair. You can't defend your Citadel you have no right to attack someone else.
Black Pedro
#39 - 2016-04-01 18:50:11 UTC
Geronimo McVain wrote:
@ Black Pedro: what is the attacker, that's you, putting in danger? In another Thread you said that Docking was a viable tactic against Bad odds. Where is the difference between Docking and taking down a POS? When the attacker has to have a Citadel in the rgion he wants to attack it would be fair. You can't defend your Citadel you have no right to attack someone else.
As I said, the Citadel automatically points an aggressor for the duration of the weapons timer. Any fleet being used to bash a structure cannot immediately flee and is at risk to any counter attack the Citadel or the defending fleet chooses.

And I don't know why I am always the attacker in these discussions. My structures are just as much at risk to the other players as yours is, or anyone else in the game. I have to deal with defending them just like everyone else.
Hazker Trald
High Order
#40 - 2016-04-01 19:02:55 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
Geronimo McVain wrote:
@ Black Pedro: what is the attacker, that's you, putting in danger? In another Thread you said that Docking was a viable tactic against Bad odds. Where is the difference between Docking and taking down a POS? When the attacker has to have a Citadel in the rgion he wants to attack it would be fair. You can't defend your Citadel you have no right to attack someone else.
As I said, the Citadel automatically points an aggressor for the duration of the weapons timer. Any fleet being used to bash a structure cannot immediately flee and is at risk to any counter attack the Citadel or the defending fleet chooses.

And I don't know why I am always the attacker in these discussions. My structures are just as much at risk to the other players as yours is, or anyone else in the game. I have to deal with defending them just like everyone else.

@ Geronimo

Not to mention the fact, that with current POS mechanics, you're still able to remove/relocate assets even during the defense of said POS. And how can you not know what the attacker potentially "puts on the line" or loses during a POS assault? Have you not ever attacked or defended a POS? If the defender decides to vigilantly defend it ( with his/her own assets, or via contracting a merc corp to help), the attacker stands to lose A TON of resources - ships, gear, etc. It could even turn out, economically, to be a loss for the attacker even if the goal of destroying the POS (or citadel) is accomplished.

@ Anna Thiesant

You seem intent on continuing to accuse people (Black Pedro) of being selfish without any real basis. He has an opinion about the game and it's mechanics just like you do; just like everyone else. The most important point that was made by Black Pedro, that you seem to be completely unwilling to come to terms with is this:

CCP has decided, not recently, but long ago, that this is how THEIR sandbox works. CCP wants it to be driven by player interaction and engagement. CCP doesn't want you to be able to pack up your Citadel and entirely circumvent war dec mechanics. If the prospect of setting up a Citadel doesn't seem to be a feasible concept, if you stand the chance to lose it? Then it's like any scenario in this game: YOU DON'T DO IT. You wait until you're in a better position to do so. Or don't? And take the risk, and maybe your stuff is blown up? But expecting the mechanics to be tuned in a way to provide you ultimate, single player, unhindered, risk averse gameplay, when it's CCP - THE DEVELOPER that is telling you that you can't have that, it's actually you who are being selfish.

Jut my .02.