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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2016-03-30 21:11:44 UTC
So, I was playing around with my fitting window and looking at different things.

I came to the revelation that there's nothing that really ties skills to modules or ships, unless you look at the required skills for a specific ship or module.

This lead me to come up with the idea of the fitting window providing skill information.

So, If I hover over my scan res in the fitting window, it would provide you with a list of skills that would effect that statistic, on that ship. (Though, there's only one skill tied to scan res)

Hovering over the dps statistic of your ship would tell you what skills will effect your damage and application with fitted weapon systems.

The same is said for agility, sensor strength, velocity, ect. ect. ect...

Basically, you would simply click the icon on the right hand side, and it would bring up a list of skills that effect that statistic (in the case of weapons would include application).

Now, my idea to tie it to the statistics listed out along the right hand side is to keep from having to add any information to module descriptions.
Simply click an icon for a statistic you would like to modify, and you're given a list of skills.

There's also the idea of it showing effecting modules, but that may be too in depth for the system to worry about supporting.

The purpose behind this idea is not only to provide more information to vets (as everyone has a conversation at least once a week regarding effecting skills), but it's also a SIGNIFICANT improvement to the learning curve of new players when it comes to skills, especially when it comes to multiple skills effecting a specific stat, such as tank or dps.
Ghaustyl Kathix
Rising Thunder
#2 - 2016-03-30 21:25:48 UTC
The devs are trying to overhaul the fitting window to provide more information and this is something they might add. In the meantime while they're working on it, Eve Fitting Tool is a really good tool for exactly what you suggest.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2016-03-30 21:31:38 UTC
Ghaustyl Kathix wrote:
The devs are trying to overhaul the fitting window to provide more information and this is something they might add. In the meantime while they're working on it, Eve Fitting Tool is a really good tool for exactly what you suggest.

I use EFT all the time.
However, EFT, PYFA, and any other fitting related programs are sometimes more difficult to explain to a newbro than simply telling them what skills.

Also, EFT doesn't provide information pertaining to skills that effect things such as agility, cap, etc. etc. etc.