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Please reduce the number of SOV timers

First post
Xeno Szenn
#41 - 2016-03-17 16:35:39 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
A glaring symptom of this new sov system seems to be the opposite of the HP grind system. By limiting attackers to 1, you've also reduced the response to near 1.

I can show up and jam the attacker, damp them, or shoot them. What I've found after several quick response fleets is the attackers are mostly Exodus small gangs ringing a doorbell. That type of gameplay does nothing for me, but I can appreciate their good fortune through game design.

Compare this to at least 50 duders required in the past, and entosis looks a lot like pure harassment.

Now. I think it's clear this thread was started out of frustration and there's no way to spin that. It does prove my point, however, that entosis is probably not the type of thing customers enjoy.

I think capture should look like a pool of 500 or 1000 entosis minutes, with a cap on simultaneous entosis modules based on ADM.

The logic behind it is to swap capitals needed in the past with subcapitals, each with an entosis link. This breaks up the capital requirement of HP grinds, and also solves the small gang harassment.

I am posting this as one of Asher's children who enjoyed 50-man Ishtar HP grinds in Querious and other parts of Sov space.

Small gang fights are fun but not the only gameplay eve should offer the massive wars are what brings a lot of players to the game and a style of gameplay that should not suffer just to give small gang fights more of a chance. However, the mechanics are what they are and if a better system or a new system was introduced it wouldn’t take long for people to complain again anyway
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#42 - 2016-03-17 17:45:28 UTC
Xeno Szenn wrote:
If it only takes a single ship to take sov is that sov defend?
No, but now a single player is enough so a single player is enough to force the defender to respond, every time. If the attacker has no interest in actually taking sov and is sending one person to just ping the timer, that shouldn't force the defender to respond every single time. Citadels have the base damage mitigation you have to reach, so you can't just send one person to shoot it and ahve the defender rally a force to then have the solo pilot run away, so it takes a sligtly larger level of commitment.

Xeno Szenn wrote:
but they also gave bonuses to the defender in the forum of vulnerability timers.
How is that a bonus? SOV already had timers and it also had a significant minimum number of players that had to show up to be a real threat.

Xeno Szenn wrote:
Again why should you not have to defend your space if it only takes 1 ship to attack then it only takes 1 ship to defend.
Why should every single player of any size be able to force a defensive response? A solo player in a frigate should not be a threat to sov.

Xeno Szenn wrote:
You have 3000+ people in your alliance so taking out alts at least more than 1000 people spread that over a tz you probably have at least 200 people on in all tz’s except au. So for 10 people attacking you and 10 responding that leaves 190 free to do whatever else. I don’t see how that eats up all your game time. If I’m wrong, please correct me on it but taking a small percentage of your numbers to defend doesn’t seem like an overburden to me.
Because it's constant and the mechanics to do it are boring. Plus you keep saying it only takes one, but it doesn't, because at the point the timer is rolling there has to be a defense force sizable enough at the ready in case an actual attack force does show up.

On top of which, fighting off an attacker doesn't make them go away and they lost nothing by losing the timer, so they have no reason to not just come back and do it again. It's a game of whack-a-mole and it's completely pointless.

To put it simply, if a defender doesn't follow through on a defense they lose their system, if an attacker doesn't follow through on an attack, they lose nothing. How can you not see the imbalance in that? It's like playing poker against someone that doesn't lose their chips when they lose the hand while they still get to take yours if they win.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Xeno Szenn
#43 - 2016-03-17 19:41:33 UTC
It’s a buff for the defender because now they only have to worry about being attacked a few hours a day instead of every second of the day. If a gang is attacking, you then it’s an attack and something you should have to defend against. A single ship attacking you isn’t an attack a passive regen will beat it out and you have to do nothing about it. Just because you find the mechanic tedious and boring doesn’t mean it isn’t a fair design if someone takes your space you can do the same thing back to them as well. As for a new system not using enosis that would be preferable but we work with what we got. Again if they reduced it to three to five days would you be ok with it being vulnerable all day those days? And what system with the current mechanics could you see them being able to commit heavily when the fights are spread out over a few systems and capitals and suppercaps have greatly reduced ability to entosis?

I am not saying that a better system isn't possible but with the current system it serves the goal of letting small players own and live in sov. the more you live in and use your space the harder it is for attackers as well. the current sov mechanics might not encourage the large fights of dominon sov but they do provide fights and contents so it suits that need as well. I do think sov income should get a slight buff to help reward people for living there and having to fight for there space but beyond that it does serve well for a sov mechanic thats not based around suppers

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#44 - 2016-03-17 20:55:01 UTC
Xeno Szenn wrote:
I think having a window is part of the issue. the old system had no window so the window is actual a bouns to the defender then again i don;t live in sov.

The window is a 2 edged sword. Whoever play out of that window is pretty much free to do whatever he wants while the people who's playtime is in-line with the windo currently gets to run around chasing no-commitment doctrine around. There is next to 0 benefit to committing for an attacker anyway because you gain next to no effectiveness in your attack. Every fleet I have been on to "save" timers, win or lose, the end comments from the player are the same depending on something completely different than if the objective was met.

If the enemy had nothing but no-commitement ship doing the attack, everyone is bored out of their mind because nothing happen, It's warp-warp-warp-warp-warp and stragglers from both side getting killed usually because of their own misstakes. If a fleet show up, people are happy even if we lost it because the timer was fought over.

With iteration to the game every ~6 weeks possible right now, trying for a single cycle to "force" a committed attack one way or another and then see how each side of the coin feel over it, we might actually get some steps done toward a better product. Roll back the change the next iteration if it's a disaster. I'm pretty sure people won't get completely butt mad if CCP shows they are trying to check what could work better for everyone. Hell maybe people don't want to commit more because they feel it's not worth more but CCP would probably benefit from learning that if it's the case.

Josef Djugashvilis
#45 - 2016-03-17 21:00:51 UTC
Aiwha wrote:
Join Horde.

Who is this Join Horde of whom you speak?

This is not a signature.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#46 - 2016-03-17 21:13:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Xeno Szenn wrote:
It’s a buff for the defender because now they only have to worry about being attacked a few hours a day instead of every second of the day.
Except that was never the case, since you had timers for sov in the old system. You actually know what the old system entailed, right?

Xeno Szenn wrote:
If a gang is attacking, you then it’s an attack and something you should have to defend against. A single ship attacking you isn’t an attack a passive regen will beat it out and you have to do nothing about it.
Passive regen won't necessarily beat it out, and there's no way to tell what is a gang and what is a single ship without showing up and finding out. Waiting until they are already hitting it would be a bit late to stage a defense. It simply shouldn't be viable for a single player to attack sov.

Xeno Szenn wrote:
Just because you find the mechanic tedious and boring doesn’t mean it isn’t a fair design if someone takes your space you can do the same thing back to them as well.
Except they don't want the space. They can attack space with no commitment because they don't actually want it, so if they catch it, great, they cost you, and if they don't, great, they still wasted your time.

Xeno Szenn wrote:
As for a new system not using enosis that would be preferable but we work with what we got. Again if they reduced it to three to five days would you be ok with it being vulnerable all day those days? And what system with the current mechanics could you see them being able to commit heavily when the fights are spread out over a few systems and capitals and suppercaps have greatly reduced ability to entosis?
I'd rather see the mechanic binned. Reducing timers would reduce how many people have to play with the crappy mechanics but not deal with the ultimate problem they have.

Xeno Szenn wrote:
I am not saying that a better system isn't possible but with the current system it serves the goal of letting small players own and live in sov.
It doesn't really accomplish that though, since the only reason small groups are able to live in sov is because nobody is bothering to play with terrible mechanics to boot them out. If the russians for example wanted a small groups space they'd just move in and it would be theirs.

"but they do provide fights and contents so it suits that need as well"
Hardly, there's small scraps between tiny ships from time to time but most of the fights are happening either in the same way the used to from grudges like MoA vs Imperium or over moons.

"I but beyond that it does serve well for a sov mechanic thats not based around suppers"
It' obviously doesn't which is why it's almost unanimously hated by sov holders. Most sov holders think it's either awful or barely passable. Hell, even CCP have pointed out how bad it is. The only people thinking it's great are people with no interest in taking sov just an interest in annoying people who do want it.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nat Silverguard
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#47 - 2016-03-17 21:19:20 UTC
Hawk Aulmais wrote:
Nat Silverguard wrote:
Hawk Aulmais wrote:

largest alliance with the least amount of sov.....

your alliance size is meaningless and irrelevant if you are lazy and/or incompetent to protect your space. What?

Kinda hard to defend when you have 4-6 different alliances constantly sov-lazoring it with no real intention of moving in....or entosis bombs like PH has been doing. Just proves there is little risk to the attacker when 20 mallers can spread out and hit 20 structures at the same time.

lol, the only reason they do that is because they can do that, as i've said, lazy and incompetent.

Just Add Water

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#48 - 2016-03-17 21:49:53 UTC
Nat Silverguard wrote:
lol, the only reason they do that is because they can do that, as i've said, lazy and incompetent.
Nat, would you not agree that anyone too lazy and incompetent to defend their space would lose their space? And that's not happening, so obviously laziness and incompetence is not the problem. Oh, look out, your obvious bias is showing.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Xeno Szenn
#49 - 2016-03-18 00:03:22 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Xeno Szenn wrote:
I think having a window is part of the issue. the old system had no window so the window is actual a bouns to the defender then again i don;t live in sov.

The window is a 2 edged sword. Whoever play out of that window is pretty much free to do whatever he wants while the people who's playtime is in-line with the windo currently gets to run around chasing no-commitment doctrine around. There is next to 0 benefit to committing for an attacker anyway because you gain next to no effectiveness in your attack. Every fleet I have been on to "save" timers, win or lose, the end comments from the player are the same depending on something completely different than if the objective was met.

If the enemy had nothing but no-commitement ship doing the attack, everyone is bored out of their mind because nothing happen, It's warp-warp-warp-warp-warp and stragglers from both side getting killed usually because of their own misstakes. If a fleet show up, people are happy even if we lost it because the timer was fought over.

With iteration to the game every ~6 weeks possible right now, trying for a single cycle to "force" a committed attack one way or another and then see how each side of the coin feel over it, we might actually get some steps done toward a better product. Roll back the change the next iteration if it's a disaster. I'm pretty sure people won't get completely butt mad if CCP shows they are trying to check what could work better for everyone. Hell maybe people don't want to commit more because they feel it's not worth more but CCP would probably benefit from learning that if it's the case.

This could honestly be the best way to help with tuning the sov mechanics . and could be a great way to make them a bit better for both defenders and attackers.
Xeno Szenn
#50 - 2016-03-18 00:25:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Xeno Szenn
So what you’re saying here is the people who own sov hate it and the groups that attack them love it. I agree that it could be a bit better balanced but shorting the windows is a direct nerf to attackers and a supper buff to defenders. Strange I have no grudge with you or the imperium and I’ve been fighting your canes for the past few days so I think your biases for large fights is showing here because it hasn’t been over a grudge or moons.

If they bin the mechanic of sov and change it to something else, I’d be fine with it I am curious what would you like to see for a new sov mechanic and how would you like to see people engage in sov warfare?

i tried out entosis warfare tonight it seems to pervoke fights. either way it was a good fight guys.
Goonswarm Federation
#51 - 2016-03-18 06:48:35 UTC
Xeno Szenn wrote:
Rain6637 wrote:
A glaring symptom of this new sov system seems to be the opposite of the HP grind system. By limiting attackers to 1, you've also reduced the response to near 1.

I can show up and jam the attacker, damp them, or shoot them. What I've found after several quick response fleets is the attackers are mostly Exodus small gangs ringing a doorbell. That type of gameplay does nothing for me, but I can appreciate their good fortune through game design.

Compare this to at least 50 duders required in the past, and entosis looks a lot like pure harassment.

Now. I think it's clear this thread was started out of frustration and there's no way to spin that. It does prove my point, however, that entosis is probably not the type of thing customers enjoy.

I think capture should look like a pool of 500 or 1000 entosis minutes, with a cap on simultaneous entosis modules based on ADM.

The logic behind it is to swap capitals needed in the past with subcapitals, each with an entosis link. This breaks up the capital requirement of HP grinds, and also solves the small gang harassment.

I am posting this as one of Asher's children who enjoyed 50-man Ishtar HP grinds in Querious and other parts of Sov space.

Small gang fights are fun but not the only gameplay eve should offer the massive wars are what brings a lot of players to the game and a style of gameplay that should not suffer just to give small gang fights more of a chance. However, the mechanics are what they are and if a better system or a new system was introduced it wouldn’t take long for people to complain again anyway

That thought was in the back of my mind, that no matter the system players will find it uncomfortable.

I think Sov should be determined by the portion of moons that are towered in a system.
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#52 - 2016-03-18 07:39:07 UTC
I feel quite conflicted on this topic. On the one hand, I think that people who want to hold sov should be able to do so, and that it should be difficult for them to be kicked, or harassed, out of their space.

On the other hand, I think that enormous conglomerations such as the Imperium are fundamentally bad for the game and that sov mechanics which assist in these being broken up are healthy. At least for the moment.

I guess that leads to a further question - would the Imperium form under the current sov mechanics?

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#53 - 2016-03-18 07:51:34 UTC
Zappity wrote:
I feel quite conflicted on this topic. On the one hand, I think that people who want to hold sov should be able to do so, and that it should be difficult for them to be kicked, or harassed, out of their space.

On the other hand, I think that enormous conglomerations such as the Imperium are fundamentally bad for the game and that sov mechanics which assist in these being broken up are healthy. At least for the moment.

I guess that leads to a further question - would the Imperium form under the current sov mechanics?
Current sov mechanics favour even bigger groups as the less people you have attacking your space the better.

At the end of the day, big groups won't stop forming all the time there's a benefit to cooperation which isn't going away. The only reason it's more pronounced in EVE than in other games is because it's a single shard so there's more players. What I don't understand is why some people think mechanics should be changed to stop other people playing in a way they don't like.

And if they did do it, the result wouldn't be good because there's a huge number of people that like EVE being a sandbox and that would be ultimately breaking it. If CCP started forcefully choosing what playstyles were allowed they'd lose a heap of players. Hell, I only have one of my 50 character in the Imperium, so wouldn't; be very affected, but I'd drop all of my accounts and be gone in a heartbeat if CCP started enforcing maximum levels of cooperation.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#54 - 2016-03-18 08:25:57 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Except they don't want the space. They can attack space with no commitment because they don't actually want it, so if they catch it, great, they cost you, and if they don't, great, they still wasted your time.

So what you're saying is you don't like a mechanic because it allows for open ended gameplay. Sounds to me like you are adverse to the very things that make Eve different from all the other pixel generated fantasies.

Sov is a both a privilege and a liability. I wonder how long it will take to understand this, its not something that was a given right to every person. You don't have an unalienable right to own Sov in this game. Attempting to own Sov is a two way thing, it can give you economic benefits, but also make you a target for enemies. You need to decide if it's worth it, and then if yes how to maintain your level of playstyle while going against others. Claiming that several hundred pilots beat out the second largest alliance in a broken mechanic that favors defenders just shows entitlement.

If you truly want to own space and still be the size you are, fight for it, actually commit to it, don't just wallow in the background until something changes. In that case, will there be anything left for you?
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#55 - 2016-03-18 08:32:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Zappity
I think that the “but the sandbox” claims are often overdone. Limits on player behaviour are clearly required and this has been demonstrated at both the micro and macro level. This is because a healthy game ecosystem relies upon conflict and therefore self-organising behaviour by players which reduces this too much must be constrained.

However, empire building is also a valid gameplay goal. I doubt that few would argue that a complete blue donut would be bad for the game so it is a matter of defining the optimal level of consolidation.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#56 - 2016-03-18 10:08:05 UTC
Karishnikov wrote:
So what you're saying is you don't like a mechanic because it allows for open ended gameplay. Sounds to me like you are adverse to the very things that make Eve different from all the other pixel generated fantasies.
I'm not even sure how you reached that conclusion. You are able to read English, correct? The issue isn't open ended gameplay, it's that attackers don't have to commit anything and can attack sov even if they don't want it. Sov mechanics should a way to determine ownership of space, not a way to allow small groups to force big groups to do repetitive mundane task, and certainly not without having to actually put anything at risk to do so.

Karishnikov wrote:
Sov is a both a privilege and a liability. I wonder how long it will take to understand this, its not something that was a given right to every person. You don't have an unalienable right to own Sov in this game.
Well no, it's pretty much just a liability at this point. And sure, we don;t have an unalienable right to sov and if a player want o attack and take our sov they should definitely be able to. But once again, to do so should require some commitment. The attacker should want to commit because they want the space. As it stand they don't want the space so they don;t need to commit a thing.

Karishnikov wrote:
Claiming that several hundred pilots beat out the second largest alliance in a broken mechanic that favors defenders just shows entitlement.
That's not what's being claimed. What's being claimed is that mechanics to deal with sov are boring and that people are having to spend an unreasonable amount of time defending against players who don't actually want to accomplish what the mechanics are there to do.

Zappity wrote:
However, empire building is also a valid gameplay goal. I doubt that few would argue that a complete blue donut would be bad for the game so it is a matter of defining the optimal level of consolidation.
But don't you understand that's impossible to achieve? Even if the mechanics were changed to limit alliances to 5 corps and corps to 100 members, people would still work together and would always achieve more by pooling their resources than solo players. What's dumb is that these mechanics make sov uninteresting to deal with and make travel a burden, and so they are more likely to create groups of players forming together so they can accomplish more with less individual time spent. Even look at the people attacking us right now, there's multiple alliances and a coalition (including two alliances who are in the top 10 on member count) working together against us because it's easier to do that.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#57 - 2016-03-18 13:42:28 UTC
Could the problem be else where and those no commitment attack just be a symptom? Is there any of those group actually interested in taking SOV? If they are not, what are the reasons? While attacking something just for the hell of it is totally a valid EVE gameplay, is it what this really is about? Villages not worth taking but we'll throw a flaming torch at the wall every night for the hell of it?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#58 - 2016-03-18 14:44:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Could the problem be else where and those no commitment attack just be a symptom? Is there any of those group actually interested in taking SOV? If they are not, what are the reasons? While attacking something just for the hell of it is totally a valid EVE gameplay, is it what this really is about? Villages not worth taking but we'll throw a flaming torch at the wall every night for the hell of it?
I imagine the overarching issue is that they've lost sight of what sov is actually for. There's been a big move to crush down power projection and make sov easier to take and no real increase in reasons to take it. While big groups have to worry about dealing with multiple timers, small groups still have to worry about being roflstomped by big groups. The mecahnics are now a mashup of various concepts with no real direction.

Personally I still think sov should just be a direct reflection of system activity, so as you mine, rat and kill players in the space, or have things like industry queues and pos modules active you accrue ownership points for the system and if someone else gets more ownership points their name goes on the system and they get associated buffs to income generation/yield, etc. It should just be a reflection of who lives there rather than a beacon you take. That way even for a big group to take over a small groups space they would have to physically live there for a good amount of time before they could flip it and as soon as they leave it would just flip back as activity resumes from the original owner.

Times like now when groups like ours are getting hit we'd have to be active and it we just stopped and our enemies were active we'd lose our space and the benefits we gain from it, like we should. But nobody would have to mess around with gimmicky mecahnics.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#59 - 2016-03-18 14:57:30 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
You are able to read English, correct?

#1 English all of, Fade

Too lazy to link quote, but you say there needs to be a level of commitment on the attackers. So prove me wrong on this, but in the last few weeks a full scale deployment has been going on, hangers shifted, markets stocked, logistical routes planned, Intel gathered, targets prepped, Reddit's spinned, and finally people given the keys to burn the sky. What you are experiencing is not a troll weekend entosis brigade. More effort goes into this than the entire state of your alliance, given how this war is going.

But I digress, you say there is a lack of commitment, then that may well be the case, but it is not from the opposition. BUT, you also use commitment as in actually wanting the space; now shocker, I want your space, not so I can mine in it or rat in it, but so you can cease to exist as an entity there. This is my commitment towards sov.
Archeras Umangiar
#60 - 2016-03-18 14:59:57 UTC
Gloom skull Dethahal wrote:
I will add my voice to the many. Please, please reduce the number of sov vulnerability timers. Every day we log in, that's all we do is defend space. There's no time for anything else. I work and have a family life to enjoy.

At least with a paying job you get two days off. Take these vulnerability timers down to 3 days a week.

You'd developers must think there are hundreds of thousands of people playing this game. That or that we're all unemployed with nothing better to do. Reduce the timers for goodness sake.

