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[WTS] Harpy BPO

Hakari Hakoke
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1 - 2016-03-14 10:18:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Hakari Hakoke
Selling Harpy BPO : 10/16

Bidding will last until 5th April.

If top bid doesn't match my expectation, BPO will stay in my collection.
Bid increment : 0.5b

No sniper.

Reserve : 45b.

EDIT someone asked for it, even if I don't see any point posting it.
BPO screen
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#2 - 2016-03-14 10:23:27 UTC
Hakari Hakoke wrote:

If top bid doesn't match my expectation, BPO will stay in my collection.

please tell us your expectation so we can save time and effort for this auction.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2016-03-14 10:44:19 UTC
Again at the risk of wasting time .. Start it off with 30b
Big Lynx
#4 - 2016-03-14 10:59:35 UTC
KIllerJon wrote:
Again at the risk of wasting time .. Start it off with 30b

this, and 31b
Kaira Innovations
#5 - 2016-03-14 11:15:46 UTC
Hakari Hakoke wrote:
Selling Harpy BPO : 10/16

Bidding will last until 5th April.

If top bid doesn't match my expectation, BPO will stay in my collection.

To help your sale better, you may want to consider adding a screenshot to prove ownership considering the fiasco with the last t2 ship bpos sale.

Good luck with your sale
Hakari Hakoke
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6 - 2016-03-15 06:16:54 UTC
All post have been considered.

I will give it some days (2/3) before putting a reserve and maybe a b/o.

Dcreen posted even if I don't see the point of it.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#7 - 2016-03-15 08:09:47 UTC
Hakari Hakoke wrote:
All post have been considered.

I will give it some days (2/3) before putting a reserve and maybe a b/o.

Dcreen posted even if I don't see the point of it.

so in other words you dont have a clue about what you want and you're going to slap some 10-20b on the highest bid as reserve in the end, am I right?
Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#8 - 2016-03-15 11:13:17 UTC
35 bil

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

Pirate Club
#9 - 2016-03-15 21:34:06 UTC
Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#10 - 2016-03-15 23:06:43 UTC

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

Big Lynx
#11 - 2016-03-16 04:14:54 UTC
Pirate Club
#12 - 2016-03-16 09:07:15 UTC
Big Lynx
#13 - 2016-03-16 10:25:58 UTC
Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#14 - 2016-03-16 11:43:23 UTC
36.00111 bil

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

Phoenix Pryde
3-I Area 42
#15 - 2016-03-16 14:30:12 UTC
Pirate Club
#16 - 2016-03-16 18:20:09 UTC
Hakari Hakoke
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#17 - 2016-03-17 04:23:26 UTC
Bump, thank you for all the visibility brought by trolls.
Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#18 - 2016-03-17 04:51:51 UTC
Hakari Hakoke wrote:
Bump, thank you for all the visibility brought by trolls.

A bid increment would be nice... hajduk gets a little annoying.

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

Pirate Club
#19 - 2016-03-17 14:18:23 UTC  |  Edited by: hajduk21
changing the rules in the middle of auction isnt niceSad , from this moment iam out of auction

happy bidding
Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#20 - 2016-03-17 17:53:31 UTC
hajduk21 wrote:
changing the rules in the middle of auction isnt niceSad , from this moment iam out of auction

happy bidding

Time to celebrate. 36.5

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

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