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Planetary warfare discussion

kelmiler delbone
JSIG Holdings
Shattered Freeholds
#1 - 2016-03-16 10:09:52 UTC
Recently with the news of Dust closing I found myself talking about Planetary war and wanted to start an ideas discussion here

I personally feel it would be best to have a TBS type game, where 1 turn (DT, orders phase, action phase, DT) with the RTS & FPS element being brought in during those turns to change the tide of battle.

For a simple example:

Player 1 and 2 set up their units orders for the day, after downtime the NPC units start to carry out their orders, player 1 notices a flank is being taken so hire's player mercenaries (or indeed airstrikes) to try and rectify the situation, repeat until end of turn.

In this way wars could be fought all over New Eden without necessarily needing 'Dust/Legion' players, ensuring your team of mercenaries will always have a job and also adding game play for budding planetary commanders.

TheExtruder Corporation
#2 - 2016-03-16 15:09:00 UTC
I assume ccp will be heavily involving planetary interaction to the next first person shooter
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#3 - 2016-03-16 21:43:53 UTC
You shouldn't need to play a different game to defend something in EVE. If you own it in EVE, it should be defendable with ships in space. Otherwise it should be removed from EVE and entirely put into the other game, even if there are connections.
Amarisen Gream
#4 - 2016-03-17 05:08:44 UTC
They are shutting down dust - what happens to the bombardment ammo? That's my question.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Celthric Kanerian
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2016-03-17 10:13:03 UTC
I just want to be able to see a clip on youtube of someone doomsdaying a planet or moon...

kelmiler delbone
JSIG Holdings
Shattered Freeholds
#6 - 2016-03-22 11:04:44 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
You shouldn't need to play a different game to defend something in EVE. If you own it in EVE, it should be defendable with ships in space. Otherwise it should be removed from EVE and entirely put into the other game, even if there are connections.

Wars will always need boots on the ground and more wars means more need for ships in the area :)