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Wars ruined for solo/duo corps

Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2016-03-16 00:26:56 UTC
Your Aussie TZ? Join Spectre, I run fleets whenever I can and have enough numbers, also, come to Isho, Hikkoken, Tama, you will find a fight, maybe not a fun one in Tama though..
#22 - 2016-03-16 00:43:32 UTC
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
There are over 7,000 star systems in New Eden.

I suggest you get out of Jita and go exploring.

took your suggestion and flew a drake from Y9G to PF-346 then oulley and aubenall and found literally nothing.

Come to Sujarento and I guarantee you'll find content.

If I find time, which will be around downtime, I will come there.

Notice me as I do it.
Laphroaig Inc.
#23 - 2016-03-16 00:58:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Mephiztopheleze
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
Come to Sujarento and I guarantee you'll find content.

If I find time, which will be around downtime, I will come there.

Notice me as I do it.

Go to Sujarento and I guarantee you'll become content. Around Downtime you say? Excellent......

I'm sure between RDRAW and the various Tama Locals you'll find someone to shoot at and get shot by.

I hope, for your sake, you know how to get your pod out. I'd strongly suggest flying a deadhead clone until you have a bunch of tactical bookmarks around the gates in that area. There's more than a few cloaky smartbombers who WILL nail you if you're so foolish as to warp gate-to-gate in a pod (see also: Santo Trafficante, Piir8 and Jabba UA).

edit: i just noticed, your character is from 2007.... I'm guessing you've only recently acquired it?

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

#24 - 2016-03-16 01:51:19 UTC
By the sounds of it, I should just go to Tama, self destruct then call it content.

I love this new word "content" players use now.
Laphroaig Inc.
#25 - 2016-03-16 02:14:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Mephiztopheleze
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
By the sounds of it, I should just go to Tama, self destruct then call it content.

assuming you survive the almost ubiquitous gatecamp coming in from Nourvukaiken....

nah, don't do that! you want fights, we're telling you where to go to find them. be warned, Sujarento is the RDRAW staging system. They have plenty of friends and can reship pretty quickly to come back for another round.

and again: have you been playing since 07 or is that character a recent acquisition?

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Ace Lapointe
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2016-03-16 02:17:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Ace Lapointe
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
By the sounds of it, I should just go to Tama, self destruct then call it content.

I love this new word "content" players use now.

Why do always have to complain or whine about something? Dude, just go shoot stuff, hell, I will be on tonight, and if the NBN is finally bloody working properly, I will take you on a duo roam, I roam in Battleships, so you should expect to die, but that is the fun part, killing enough of them to make them give up before you pop!
#27 - 2016-03-16 02:57:46 UTC  |  Edited by: K1RTH G3RS3N
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
By the sounds of it, I should just go to Tama, self destruct then call it content.

assuming you survive the almost ubiquitous gatecamp coming in from Nourvukaiken....

nah, don't do that! you want fights, we're telling you where to go to find them. be warned, Sujarento is the RDRAW staging system. They have plenty of friends and can reship pretty quickly to come back for another round.

and again: have you been playing since 07 or is that character a recent acquisition?

I played form 2007 - 2012 and reactivated again a couple months ago. Also reactivated some time 2014 I think but was unplayable (socket closed and huge lag).
#28 - 2016-03-16 03:11:29 UTC
Ace Lapointe wrote:
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
By the sounds of it, I should just go to Tama, self destruct then call it content.

I love this new word "content" players use now.

Why do always have to complain or whine about something? Dude, just go shoot stuff, hell, I will be on tonight, and if the NBN is finally bloody working properly, I will take you on a duo roam, I roam in Battleships, so you should expect to die, but that is the fun part, killing enough of them to make them give up before you pop!

Yes i know I have a bad attitude sometimes, I'm working on it.
If I get the time I will hit you up, thanks for the offer :)
Jayka Kyer
Eternal Chaos.
#29 - 2016-03-16 12:35:38 UTC
Some advice for starting content.

When I do wars these days they tend to be better if they are annoyed before the war goes in.
The last good war I had started because I found people trying to kill a hi-sec pos. me and a friend were ninja repping it for a about an hour slowing their progress. They got angry making them want to fight to us and it made for a prity fun war.

For normal roaming pvp i prefer to just attack campers near hisec, I have a baby now and its handy to be able to jump back into hisec fast.

Leave a alt in a few near by null/low entrances that you like. just log them on fast before you log your main on and you have instant intel on a possible fight.

If i remember right you had 2 accounts.
with first character roam with a ship that ppl will want to fight, even if its just a buffer tank dessi, then have your other char in the shiny ship you want to fly.

Just get them agro with the dessi and then jump your main in to start the pewpew.

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#30 - 2016-03-18 12:41:57 UTC
get the f.. out of high sec if you want pvp. period.
But I guess you like squatting in HS and farming ez freighter kills on pipes, then pay for it.
#31 - 2016-03-19 04:08:23 UTC  |  Edited by: K1RTH G3RS3N
Robert Caldera wrote:
get the f.. out of high sec if you want pvp. period.
But I guess you like squatting in HS and farming ez freighter kills on pipes, then pay for it.

I don't think I said "I want pvp".

There are no freighter kills on high sec pipes anymore (unless you suicide gank) because there are too many wars. That is my point (one of them).

What is the point in everyone wardeccing all of things all of the time. That is like going to a lake, throwing in dynamite and expecting there to be fish next time.

One thing that I have noticed is that subtlely and slowly, ccp will make the game better for PvE'ers. Small things bit by bit like flashing on local change, suspect/criminal labels on local bar not just overview (so bears don't have to right click show info to check you sec status), probes being more obvious (and coming up as default on scanner, not having to actually THINK to ad them), watchlist changes (accurately targeting and tracking a corp and its members is no longer viable).
And now the war changes. I remember quite a long time ago alot of complaint about wars (from the bear community) and CCP implying they will do something about it. Giving players the ability do as many wardecs as they want, while having the ability to just buy plex, is actually a very clever solution which disguises itself as being good for the PvPers whilst in the long run being better for the bear community (the majority of paying subscribers) and CCP. Do I really need to explain how?

And incentive to just buy plex to cover your losses (or pay for all of the wars) takes away the risk vs reward rush and rage.

Everyone is saying that I'm just whining because blah blah blah. The way I see it I'm pointing out something that perhaps no-one wants to hear.
#32 - 2016-03-19 04:21:12 UTC
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
There are over 7,000 star systems in New Eden.

I suggest you get out of Jita and go exploring.

took your suggestion and flew a drake from Y9G to PF-346 then oulley and aubenall and found literally nothing.

Come to Sujarento and I guarantee you'll find content.

Came to sujarento (tama) and hypnotically stared at a 30man blob gate camp.

Such content.
Nat Silverguard
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#33 - 2016-03-19 09:15:26 UTC
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
Mephiztopheleze wrote:
There are over 7,000 star systems in New Eden.

I suggest you get out of Jita and go exploring.

took your suggestion and flew a drake from Y9G to PF-346 then oulley and aubenall and found literally nothing.

Come to Sujarento and I guarantee you'll find content.

Came to sujarento (tama) and hypnotically stared at a 30man blob gate camp.

Such content.

from all your whining it's pretty obvious that you are not enjoying this game and i feel that this is not for you anymore. just quit man, it would be better for everybody. Straight

in lieu of this, can i haz your stuff? Smile

Just Add Water

Jayka Kyer
Eternal Chaos.
#34 - 2016-03-19 09:35:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayka Kyer
Do you not understand that the game has progressed for pvping and ganking? How often do you see new ships and tools for ganking come out( mjd dessi any1?).
By making care bears THINK they have tool to protect themselves it keeps them in game it keeps the player base up. Fact is that a target that was stupid/unlucky enough to be caught by you in the early days is just the same today.

Example : make it so you can set friendly fire illegal in corps to stop awoxing in hisec. Did it stop awoxing? no.
It stopped ppl talking about it, people who were once reading about it alot on the forums forgot about it.

WIth regards to " people must be plexing to blahblahbah". Making isk is really easy these days. take low sec ratting. back in the day you hped for BC rats and the odd faction spawn. Now you can regualry get clones that are regular and drop 25mil per tag. Theres Mordus spawns i could get 1 or 2 a week if i can be arsed ratting. around half a bill each.

Pi when i can be bothered to collect it would easily do 1 or 2 alliance wars a month. imagine if 30 ppl all did that for war dec fee.
#35 - 2016-03-19 13:53:10 UTC
Thanks for your input Jayka. And good points about the bears.

I didn't realise it was much easier to earn isk now too.

If I had the time, I would be arsed ratting maybe if need the isk, I get about 1-2hrs every day or so. Going fishing instead lol.
Jasmine Shepard
Relentless Destruction
Immediate Destruction
#36 - 2016-03-19 17:53:05 UTC
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
How I used to run wars? Wardec the three biggest alliances except goons, usually Russians, camp a trade hub and put eye's on incoming trade routes. We used to get kills every day, that was in AUTZ, AND it was affordable/sustainable.

Translation: I used to sit in front of rens/amarr/jita/dodi all day long with my legion of neutral alts in logistics ships. By kills you really mean ganking noobs who are **** at pvp and don't know any better or are too stupid not to get away.

I mean, nothing wrong with that, it's just you're involved in the least risky most nutless type of pvp in the game. There's absolutely no risk in what you do. So, if you have to pay 700 mil per alliance to harvest their noobs all day long, in what can only be described as more brain rotting than mining, then I completely don't care lol.

I would know, I used to be in the orphanage for several weeks.

TL;DR Stop being failures, there's much better pvp to be had in null/lowsec
Jayka Kyer
Eternal Chaos.
#37 - 2016-03-19 21:02:11 UTC
Jasmine Shepard wrote:
[quote=K1RTH G3RS3N]

TL;DR Stop being failures, there's much better pvp to be had in null/lowsec

Its a sandbox, if people can find fun pewpewing in any part of eve then power to them.
#38 - 2016-03-19 23:39:19 UTC
Jasmine Shepard wrote:
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
How I used to run wars? Wardec the three biggest alliances except goons, usually Russians, camp a trade hub and put eye's on incoming trade routes. We used to get kills every day, that was in AUTZ, AND it was affordable/sustainable.

Translation: I used to sit in front of rens/amarr/jita/dodi all day long with my legion of neutral alts in logistics ships. By kills you really mean ganking noobs who are **** at pvp and don't know any better or are too stupid not to get away.

I mean, nothing wrong with that, it's just you're involved in the least risky most nutless type of pvp in the game. There's absolutely no risk in what you do. So, if you have to pay 700 mil per alliance to harvest their noobs all day long, in what can only be described as more brain rotting than mining, then I completely don't care lol.

I would know, I used to be in the orphanage for several weeks.

TL;DR Stop being failures, there's much better pvp to be had in null/lowsec

You're just another dude repeating the same "flame".
I don't sit around in my legion with lots of RR. If you're looking at my old KB the legion was used for shiny mission runners.
We used to ghost dec... means wardec with 1 man corp who is -7 (can't go in high sec) and when the targets get complaisant, we find them and then join the corp. Made billions doing that.

Doing the trade hub camping is all about getting the haulers (including interceptors carrying expensive stuff thinking they can get away with it), so we used artillery boats with sebos and remote sebo alts.
Getting shiny loot is actually fun and worth the effort. It actually pays... read USED TO.

If someone flies in something that can't shoot back, and I can shoot them, why shouldn't I? If they're noobs, why shouldn't I? Has the nanny state of the real world even infected Eve now? I was introduced to PvP as a noob by being ganked and wardecced. It was frustrating at first but it was also exciting and it's what got me sucked into the UNCONSENSUAL part of Eve that makes it unique.
Now what is with all the bitchy PvP'rs these days that endlessly whine about people shooting mining barges and haulers?
"awwww wahhhh you suck at pvp because you're not roaming around in 0.0 where I do and i'm so 1337 cause I'm a hardcore nullsec pvper bro check me out"
Honestly, I find pvp in nullsec brainrottingly boring most of the time because the players there WANT pvp, and that's not the game I enjoy. I like killing the guy who wasn't expecting it and really really didn't want to lose his ship.
There's other games out there that do consensual pvp better.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#39 - 2016-03-20 01:01:01 UTC
If someone flies something that cant shoot back but you can shoot them, why shouldnt you indeed!

If someone flies something that cant shoot back that you can NOT shoot, post of the forum? Did i get that right?
Laphroaig Inc.
#40 - 2016-03-20 03:03:09 UTC
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
Came to sujarento (tama) and hypnotically stared at a 30man blob gate camp.

Such content.

yeah, I noticed you in Tama local the other night. I tried to probe you down, {sarcasm} but damn cloaks, CCPFIXPLZKKTKSBAI! {/sarcasm}

K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:

Doing the trade hub camping is all about getting the haulers (including interceptors carrying expensive stuff thinking they can get away with it), so we used artillery boats with sebos and remote sebo alts.
Getting shiny loot is actually fun and worth the effort. It actually pays... read USED TO.....

yes, getting oodles of phat lewts is a lot of fun.

check my combat alt's killboard (details in my sig). my current highest value kill, an ISK14.96b (incredibly shitfit) Tengu, and his ISK3.5b pod came from that very same Tama gatecamp.

our FC is very cool, he split the loot and paid out everyone in the fleet ISK150m (i think our logibros got ISK500m each). what was left over he's using for 'extra SRP' in his fleets. doing things like that make an FC very popular with the common line-monkey.

Now, how is this any different from your 1337 peeveepee trade hub camps your lamenting?

If it's honorabru 1v1 PVP you're after, join RVB.

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

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