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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Eve Vet looking for new home

Hugh Knight
Scordite Syndicate
Raravathian Mining and Logistics
#1 - 2016-03-14 13:45:55 UTC
Hi Guys,

I have found myself without a corp, I am looking for a EU corp Sov 0.0.

I am not interested in PAPs (its a game and real life comes first)

I am looking for a active group in EU that like a laugh but good pvp.

due to work i need to be able to come and go as i please.

I am a FC too so can help run fleets. can run blops and all that jazz too.

active between 8 pm to 12 midnight during the week.

PM in game or leave a message here.

Gallente Federation
#2 - 2016-03-14 15:21:05 UTC
Xanos Xellos
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2016-03-14 23:58:27 UTC
Hey, Come check us out. We are a group founded on having fun and working together without mandatory ops. We are also recruiting new players so that we can help EVE grow and give newer players a different option other than the Mega-Newbie-Corps. Our members are spread through multiple timezones so no matter what timezone you play in, we will have that small group community for you to know and love.
Hugh Knight
Scordite Syndicate
Raravathian Mining and Logistics
#4 - 2016-03-15 14:23:01 UTC
I am still looking. and it seems there is a few of us looking now.
Davos Azizora
Dissident Aggressors
Mordus Angels
#5 - 2016-03-15 16:01:44 UTC
Tried everyone else? Still can't find the right FIT? Try Misfits!!!

As the name implies, we are a bunch of null-sec jack of all trades, masters of none. We do BLOPS, small gang, big fleet, cap, mining, building, high sec, wh space, D all of the above kind of corp. The leadership has an average of 8 years in game experience in all aspects. Most of the members have been in the game an average of 3 years. We are a very social, teamspeak based corp that prides itself in that if you are in Misfits, you are treated like family. We get RL. We understand that everyone wants to play the game based on different interests.

Some points that make us Full of Awesome-sauce!

5 mill minimum SP required
Full api required, TS required
Mainly PVP minded with great FC`s
No forced fleets
No minimum kill amount
FC training
Mine, Rat, or PewPew we don't care
Good null sec, not ******
Large group of BFF's that love to create content
Diverse group and very interesting, non censored conversations

In short we are the next best thing arround at the moment. And we are growing rapidly. Come join us and be a part of something great bound to happen. Remember it is not the size of the organization, it is the quality of the stuff we spew out. And I assure you, we are chock full of goodness!

Feel free to join "Misfits Recruitment" channel or mail me or Mr De anytime

Looking forward to hearing from you and flying with you!
Red Teufel
#6 - 2016-03-15 18:15:47 UTC
||- Mafia Redux -||

Small - Medium Sized Gang PvP



Mafia Redux started as a small gang corporation, and was founded by a tight group of players who have been playing EVE off and on since 2005. We've lived in Empire, and roamed the local 0.0 areas, lived successfully in C5 Wormhole space, terrorizing the sov holding alliances, carebears, and picking fights that generally weigh in the enemies favor.

Today we're a small-sized group of pilots, we have a strong presence in the USTZ and a growing EUTZ. We specialize in small/medium gang PVP, in the 0.0 environment. There is plenty of action and reliable fights to be had in our region of nullsec. Mafia Redux provides a good mix of reliable timer PvP for the medium/well organized fights, and a solid mix of roaming/skirmish PVP. We are also part of one of the top ranked most fun/best pvp alliance of 2015. Link

If fighting against the odds, outsmarting the enemy, and learning more about PVP sounds exciting to you, keep scrolling down.

Mafia Redux Seeks:

Arrow Competent pilots who seek a competent corporation.
Arrow 18+ with a working a microphone + TS3
Arrow Active at minimum several days of the week
Arrow 30m SP
Arrow Desire to PvP above all else, and maintain the high standard set by Mafia Redux.
Arrow Self sufficient pilot who needs little guidance or direction while in combat

Mafia Redux Offers:

Arrow Medium/small gangs during EU & USTZ
Arrow Competent pilots, FC's and scouts
Arrow A healthy mix of different fleet compositions, regions to roam, enemies, etc.

Joining Process:
Arrow Join our public channel in game 'Mafia Redux' and fill out an application on our forum
Nakito Kobara
Yamagata Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#7 - 2016-03-15 20:49:00 UTC
Yamagata Syndicate [-YS-] are looking for pilots like yourself.

YS is a combat orientated corporation. We want to expand our player base and gather a solid core of combat pilots to help bolster our rightful place in Eve. YS is a member of the Yulai Federation which is a sovereignty holding alliance in the Providence region and a member of the Provibloc coalition.

We offer:

★ Nullsec coalition
★ Daily PvP fleets
★ Kill rewards
★ Lucrative combat sites
★ A great community
★ Experienced members willing to help younger pilots


★ Maturity
★ Team player
★ Voice comms (Mumble, Teamspeak)
★ 5m skill points

Check out our recruitment info linked below which will give you more information on our corporation and if your interested then get in contact. :-)

Hugh Knight
Scordite Syndicate
Raravathian Mining and Logistics
#8 - 2016-03-16 22:25:50 UTC
Still looking
Scarlet Maximus
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2016-03-19 10:26:42 UTC
One Risky Click
Snuffed Out
#10 - 2016-03-22 09:32:54 UTC
if lowsec will ever interest you then look us up
Gho Higyidr
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2016-03-22 22:16:12 UTC