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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Project Discovery 'suggestions'

Buggers' Advanced Interstellar Transport
#1 - 2016-03-14 02:03:52 UTC
Going to try and keep this simple and short.

1. When hovering over choices we have four 'examples' to hover over in addition to the primary, base one.
Suggestion: provide click functionality to turn the blue and red markers off and back on again for these examples so one can get a better idea of what they're looking at and should be looking for; we're meant to use the same approach to identify our samples, so it stands to reason we should be able to use the same method to compare our sample to examples provided.

2. To this effect, allow the player to review their known-confirmed and correctly identified samples as examples within those examples
This should allow the player to quickly and 'accurately' reinforce their knowledge as to what it is they're looking at and for through providing them with a larger sampling size of comparisons to ensure their latest sample is 'the same type' as the ones it's being compared to; identifying differences ought to become more obvious this way, such as green blobbies in the cytoplasm or even on the periphery they mightn't have noticed had they not been comparing their current sample to enough examples.

3. The size of the Project Discovery window is too damn small!
I'm certain this is proving to be immensely frustrating for folks on higher-density displays than mine, which is a fairly-standard 1920x1080 24". The PD window seems to essentially be limited to 1280x720 in size. If it were that 50% larger and the samples/examples were thus larger it'd be easier to tell what I'm looking at.

4. Sample loading seems to be a bit buggy at times, including for the submission step
It's happened several times I've submitted a sample and the window's just been stuck at 100%, not getting to the results. The only way past this has seemingly been to close PD and reopen it, which has been met with a new, different sample; consequently I don't know whether my prior submission was verified and whether it was correct or incorrect, which doesn't help me learn. If possible please implement some way to request a refresh of the current sample so it can be confirmed whether submission succeeded or not or at least reset to a state prior to submission.
Buggers' Advanced Interstellar Transport
#2 - 2016-03-14 02:29:39 UTC  |  Edited by: SibSpi
Here's an example for why I'm asking for the example toggling, and a result which confuses me.

"But never in the nucleus"
So why's the nucleus full of green blobbies?

Another request:
Provide an option to force oneself into a no-reward pool for self-training using only known samples.
The amount of samples one can go through to learn with is too few, in my opinion. You get bombarded with consensus-based samples before you might have developed any sort of confidence as to what you're looking at/for.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2016-03-14 06:31:38 UTC
Project Discovery isn't something I do because of the example you mention. The Description along with the text does not make sense.

Never is NEVER yet the example picture and the source picture both have green in the Nucleus?

I can't understand what I'm looking for, so I don't bother.

But yea, the Whole of the Eve UI needs some love for larger display resolutions. You can scale the UI sure.. but that messes with the few things that aren't scaled.. and you can only make the contextual menu size 13? why stop at 13? is 14-999 an 'unlucky' number in Island like 13 is for the rest of the world?

Anyhow, Good post and I hope this is implemented to help those that do use Project Discovery :)
Kerensky Initiatives
#4 - 2016-03-14 19:44:08 UTC
Here's a 'complement' on your 'idea'

You took the time to type it out. 'Well done'.

(I agree with making the Discovery window interface much more scalable, and, like the NPC alt said above, doing that with the rest of client. Why not?)

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2016-03-14 21:49:50 UTC
Bumblefck wrote:
Here's a 'complement' on your 'idea'

You took the time to type it out. 'Well done'.

(I agree with making the Discovery window interface much more scalable, and, like the NPC alt said above, doing that with the rest of client. Why not?)

Hey, NPC alt or not, I am well aware of who or what lurks in these forums.. Not about to invite that crap willingly.

But yea.. Maybe my eyesight isn't great, playing the game at 2560 x1440 on a 27" monitor is downright painful for my eyes if I want to lean back any.
Buggers' Advanced Interstellar Transport
#6 - 2016-03-15 05:22:27 UTC
like the NPC alt said above

Hey, NPC alt or not, I am well aware of who or what lurks in these forums.. Not about to invite that crap willingly.

Seeing as I've not actively used the forums for several years now; what's this about?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2016-03-15 06:39:18 UTC
SibSpi wrote:
like the NPC alt said above

Hey, NPC alt or not, I am well aware of who or what lurks in these forums.. Not about to invite that crap willingly.

Seeing as I've not actively used the forums for several years now; what's this about?

This thread is neither the time or place to take this discussion, I think we've hijacked the thread enough :)