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Billboard Endless Loop

First post
Fillip Grin
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-03-12 19:58:39 UTC
Since the latest patch I have experienced an issue with the billboard advertisements at jump gates. Seemingly at random, the advertisements will go full screen and cover my entire UI. The advertisement video will then loop constantly, with small instances of the original UI flashing between loops. Keyboard and mouse functions are responsive (I managed to locate and activate my cloaking device), however, I have not found a combination of inputs to stop the loop. My only solution is to quit the client and restart it (which can prove to be quite dangerous near a jump gate in low/null). I have submitted a bug report with a video of the problem, but thought I would post here to see if anyone else has experienced it. I haven't found anyone else to have reported anything like this, other than a post about docking station audio looping.

Please let me know if anyone has encountered this or if you know a workaround.
Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#2 - 2016-03-14 20:39:43 UTC
I've been experiencing the same...

My alt tends to just be sitting on a gate when the endless loop of a nearby billboard begins. At first I thought it was a screensaver type effect but you cannot close it. Every few seconds the normal eve overlay is visible and then it reverts straight back to the billboard graphic loop. Only happens on my Mac.
Professor Humbert
Project Fruit House
#3 - 2016-03-15 04:05:29 UTC
Same problem here when I run the Mac client in WINE wrapper.
No such problem when running with Cider wrapper
Fillip Grin
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2016-03-15 18:37:50 UTC
I am using a mac as well. Haven't encountered many with the same problem. I have noticed that if you warp away from the gate then the loop will stop (must be distance dependant). But if you come close to another gate it will start again.
Helios Anduath
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2016-03-16 03:18:42 UTC
Professor Humbert wrote:
Same problem here when I run the Mac client in WINE wrapper.
No such problem when running with Cider wrapper

Make sure to bug report that and post the bug report number in the Wine support thread in the Mac forum so that CCP Snorlax sees it - he seems to be quite keen to get Wine well supported.
Briar Thrain
Arcana Noctis
#6 - 2016-03-16 04:40:24 UTC
I've been experiencing this problem also - seemingly at random if I remain on grid with a billboard. Two days ago it resulted in me losing a ship because of the fullscreen video while I was about to be engaged by another pilot while I was suspect status on a jump gate. (I did submit a ticket) I am using a 2011 Macbook Pro. I use the new launcher to play eve - don't know which wrapper that uses but I will read up on how each can be used.
Shombie en Cedoulain
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2016-03-21 19:35:14 UTC
Seemingly at random, the advertisements will go full screen and cover my entire UI. ...

Thank god someone else is seeing this. My posts to help chat in-game were ignored and all my googling was for naught. It only occurred to me later to try the forums' built-in search, duh.

So, exactly as you and the others have described, except I'm on WinXP, so I don't think it's an emulator issue at all.

I've also opened a help ticket as of today, we shall see what they advise.


CCP Snorlax
C C P Alliance
#8 - 2016-03-21 21:13:49 UTC
Logs would be helpful to track this issue down. If possible, file a bug report within the game right after this happens. We haven't seen this inhouse so I'm not sure if the UI is usable at all, but if it works, this would be the easiest way of getting logs to us.

If you can reproduce this at will, you can also run with LogLite running (start it from the launcher, or enable 'Run clients with logging' in the launcher settings). Once this has happened, save the logs and attach them to a bug report.

CCP Snorlax - Software Architect - Team RnB - @CCP_Snorlax -

Trevor Dalech
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#9 - 2016-03-23 11:55:27 UTC
I've had this problem, both with WINE and Cider clients. Since the graphics cover the entire screen it is impossible to file a bug report from ingame, as I can't see any of the required buttons. Only way to get out of it, aside from force quitting the client, is if I happened to be warping away from the gate just as it happens, the moment I (or the billboard) leaves grid, the effect disappears, although it then may appear on the next gate of course.
Fillip Grin
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2016-03-24 18:02:17 UTC
CCP Snorlax wrote:
Logs would be helpful to track this issue down. If possible, file a bug report within the game right after this happens. We haven't seen this inhouse so I'm not sure if the UI is usable at all, but if it works, this would be the easiest way of getting logs to us.

If you can reproduce this at will, you can also run with LogLite running (start it from the launcher, or enable 'Run clients with logging' in the launcher settings). Once this has happened, save the logs and attach them to a bug report.

I have filed a bug report on the issue. However, as mentioned above, its next to impossible to do so when the bug is actually occurring.

I haven't been able to reproduce the effect at will, it happens sporadically when billboards are on grid.
River Son
#11 - 2016-03-25 21:02:58 UTC  |  Edited by: River Son
Have the same issue on my Mac! weird bug, i managed to take a screenshot and reported the bug, still no awnser!!

maybe wont help much but will try to explain when this bug happened to me

- all over high sec space, no particular spot from amarr to jita to hek
- taking no action at all (one time i went to eat and left ship near the gate at Uttindar and when i came back the fullscreen video as on)
- if the bug happens on warp between gates e noticed it gets off as soon as u enter a gate and exit, just to come back on again
- it covers all screen leaving no UI whatever

and thats about it