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Character Bazaar

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.


Labia PoFells
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2016-03-04 05:40:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Labia PoFells
pass: 1234 138.

Great main or Alt.

ArrowNearly All T1, T2, and T3 combat subcaps.
ArrowArchon, Thanatos and Naglfar Pilot. Also Nomad.
ArrowDecent Standings to SOE, Gallente and Minmatar.
Arrowno killrights
Arrow+ wallet
Arrow+ sec status
Arrowsitting in Jita

Ready to transfer.
Please bid in thread only.
I pay transfer.
All CCP rules apply.

Start Bid: 70b
Buyout: 110b 105b
Karin Yang
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2016-03-04 05:44:27 UTC
Big X Man
#3 - 2016-03-04 06:09:42 UTC
Labia PoFells
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2016-03-05 00:27:54 UTC

Labia PoFells
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2016-03-06 07:51:04 UTC

dropping buyout from 110 to 105.
Labia PoFells
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2016-03-07 00:02:46 UTC
Thanks for bids. :)

Dropping buyout to 100 bil.

Highest bid wins when I check tomorrow sometime 'shortly after now'.
Labia PoFells
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2016-03-08 00:16:10 UTC
Big X Man wrote:

...Is the winning bid.

Send me account info ASAP and we can git 'er done. ;)
Demiyan Landulf Damiola
#8 - 2016-03-08 07:09:33 UTC
if it not done yet I can pay 92B
Labia PoFells
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2016-03-08 12:29:17 UTC
"sorry max 89.5b" is the response I got when I mailed the guy. As a quick sale appears to be out the window, B/O is reset to 105. Bidding up for more 2 more days.
Demiyan Landulf Damiola
#10 - 2016-03-08 12:42:52 UTC
Labia PoFells
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2016-03-09 00:54:14 UTC
Demiyan Landulf Damiola wrote:

Thanks for bid. :)

1 last bump and hopefully this toon can be someone elses. ;)
Labia PoFells
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2016-03-10 00:10:40 UTC
Demiyan Landulf Damiola wrote:

A winner is you!

Please send account info and whatnot. :)
Demiyan Landulf Damiola
#13 - 2016-03-10 02:36:10 UTC
ISK and account info sent
Labia PoFells
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2016-03-10 02:44:04 UTC
Demiyan Landulf Damiola wrote:
ISK and account info sent

Isk and info received. Commencing things...
Labia PoFells
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2016-03-10 02:54:25 UTC
Transfer Begun...

Waiting out the 10 hour timer.

Thanks for buying! :)
