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Group of ships for soloing c5s?

Lyra Jedran
State War Academy
Caldari State
#21 - 2016-03-08 05:54:41 UTC
I have no experience doing cap escalations but just a few common sense remarks. You might want to wait for the capital ship changes before deciding on what to do. Get some experience in wormholes other then daytripping C3s. If and when you can run C5 sites on your own, you won’t bother gas mining unless you have 5-8 accounts gas mining. You’d be better off looking for the next C5 to hit. Also not sure if a Vargur can solo C5 sites but I dont really fly it. When citadels are out you’ll also have that option instead of poses.
Eli Apol
Definitely a nullsec alt
#22 - 2016-03-09 17:13:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Eli Apol

For some idea of what *is* soloable - doing it the nomad way as you're thinking about is incredibly risky though.

Bear in mind that the guy that makes those videos has some backup waiting for when he does get jumped (see: )

but what would I know, I'm just a salvager

Sigma Sagittarii Inc.
#23 - 2016-03-10 01:07:13 UTC
I do not mean to say it in a bad way, and I think it's good that people have long term goals and visions for what they would like to do in distant future.

Objectively, you are lacking a lot of basic game mechanic knowledge. This is not bad/wrong/to be laughed at, as we all started as new bros at some point.

I would not say 'don't even thinking about XYZ until you know your ABC'. But knowing your ABC will help you play your way to XYZ better.

For example, leaving a sentry at a wormhole entrance to attack someone entering your hole as kind of a scout is a neat idea, but you are forgetting the basic drone control mechanism that a sentry drone not on grid with you is basically in abandoned state, which means it will not attach or give you any notifications.

There are also other things people have pointed out, like unmanned ship not staying cloaked and how impossible it is to burn 1 AU without warping and things like that.

There's no shame on not knowing such things, and the joy of coming totally new to eve is that you can imagine a lot of silly things and can entertain wild ideas.

Try to spend some time reading/watching youtube videos about WH life, scanning, and read about ship/pilot/other game play mechanisms more. And also consider planning for alts, as in having 2nd/3rd/Nth account to make a 'team' if you really want to solo. A lot of things can be done pure solo with single client, but it does not necessarily make it 'cheaper' when you consider the increased potential risk of loss and such, e.g. a very basic no skill alt scouting a WH entrance on a 2nd client, and cost of PLEX per month for such account can be worth it if sticking to a single client means you lose 1 carrier a week. A very crude example but just something for you to consider.

Good luck!
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