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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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How is the Game Doing?

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Kantar Vilorious
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#41 - 2016-02-26 03:46:30 UTC
Eve Online is in a decline and has been for years. Why do you think they launched the new recruitment promo to get new players. Griefers and toxics players push players from any game. The only hope for Eve Online is to go free to play and to revamp training system. Today's gamers do not have time to wait days and weeks to fly something only to have it destroyed in seconds. They will unsub and uninstall Eve like they have been in droves.
Memphis Baas
#42 - 2016-02-26 03:53:21 UTC
So your point is that EVE is losing some subscriptions, and the fix to this is to stop charging subscriptions at all (zero income), and switch to free-to-play, because free-to-players are never griefers and toxics, they're just the most wonderful, mature people ever.
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#43 - 2016-02-26 05:15:52 UTC
Blade and Soul recently came out. I had been anticipating that game for years. And I can't believe how toxic the community is. Even GD trolling is nothing compared to the vitriol that happens on the B&S forums.

I think a lot of newbies don't realize that all the trolling in GD is actually in good natured fun. I wish I could say the same for B&S forums.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#44 - 2016-02-26 17:40:32 UTC
Kantar Vilorious wrote:
Eve Online is in a decline and has been for years. Why do you think they launched the new recruitment promo to get new players. Griefers and toxics players push players from any game. The only hope for Eve Online is to go free to play and to revamp training system. Today's gamers do not have time to wait days and weeks to fly something only to have it destroyed in seconds. They will unsub and uninstall Eve like they have been in droves.

The player stats don't seem to support this conclusion. I also think that you may not be taking into consideration the idea that EVE's player base is probably a little older than WoW's or other MMO's. Even WoW is only free to play for the first 'easy' levels that no experienced player really does any more. They'd buy more powerful starts and skip all those storylines they already have done a hundred times. So even WoW doesn't follow your suggestion, nor does SWTOR, a free to play game that restricts functions and features if you are FTP.

Coders don't work for caffeine and sugar, despite the rumors to the contrary. CCP is a company and needs to turn a profit. Investors and Venture Capitalists aren't evil money suckers, they provide the ability for companies to get cash raised to do activities they couldn't do on just their normal incomes. They do want to see a profit from their investments, as would anyone. EVE's economy actually has these mechanisms in it as well if you pay close enough attention.

You might not like how CCP gets its money, but it keeps it in business. You don't have to buy the extra products, only the monthly subscription. After that, just time in game gets you everything else. So, you only pay more if you want to get to some objective faster... that's all. Impatience costs us all money all the time, see my 'homework' post... cost me about 25mil ISK. I'm not sure why EVE should be any different and the expectation of such seems a bit of a leap.
Kantar Vilorious
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#45 - 2016-02-26 23:45:36 UTC
Memphis Baas wrote:
So your point is that EVE is losing some subscriptions, and the fix to this is to stop charging subscriptions at all (zero income), and switch to free-to-play, because free-to-players are never griefers and toxics, they're just the most wonderful, mature people ever.

Hearthstone is F2P and they make $20 million per month on micro transactions, that's definitely no zero income. Eve Online brings out the worst in people, what's a few more toxic players to add to the fun especially if it F2P. Subscription based games are a thing of the past especially in this economy.
Jacques d'Orleans
#46 - 2016-02-27 01:29:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Jacques d'Orleans
Kantar Vilorious wrote:
Memphis Baas wrote:
So your point is that EVE is losing some subscriptions, and the fix to this is to stop charging subscriptions at all (zero income), and switch to free-to-play, because free-to-players are never griefers and toxics, they're just the most wonderful, mature people ever.

Hearthstone is F2P and they make $20 million per month on micro transactions, that's definitely no zero income. Eve Online brings out the worst in people, what's a few more toxic players to add to the fun especially if it F2P. Subscription based games are a thing of the past especially in this economy.

So if EVE is such an toxic community, why the hell are you still here?
Are some kind of masochist?
Sorry, but if i would be so uncomfortable with a game as you obviously are, i would have left the game a long time ago, because i surely wouldn't pay a monthly fee for something i can't stand.
And by the way, if you really want to meet a toxic, anti-social gaming community i would highly advise you to play LoL, maybe then you would get what the word "toxic" really means.

Edit: I just took a look at your killboard, which shows that you're a pretty successful player otoh that makes me understand your whining about the game even less.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#47 - 2016-02-27 01:56:03 UTC
Kantar Vilorious wrote:
Why do you think they launched the new recruitment promo to get new players.

I'm not even going to ask you to name the gaming company not looking for new players and just jump right into asking you to name me the company that is not looking for new customers.
Kantar Vilorious wrote:

Griefers and toxics players push players from any game.

So if you could just name me the game that does not have griefers and toxic players so that I can go check out that game and see if it's worth playing that would great. Even at that you'd still have to prove that Eve has more than other games which I'm not convinced is the case.
Kantar Vilorious wrote:

The only hope for Eve Online is to go free to play and to revamp training system. Today's gamers do not have time to wait days and weeks to fly something only to have it destroyed in seconds.

If you are waiting days and weeks to fly something then you are playing this game wrong and you'll never get into it.

To all new players out there reading this, if you are looking for instant gratification or a simple scripted game that walks you through every aspect of it so that you don't have to do any investigating or learning on your own and a game so simple that it can be mastered in a matter of months then keep looking because Eve is not the game for you.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#48 - 2016-02-27 02:00:18 UTC
Pandora Carrollon wrote:
Investors and Venture Capitalists aren't evil money suckers,

You had me until this part.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#49 - 2016-02-27 02:10:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
Kantar Vilorious wrote:
Today's gamers

will either start voraciously consuming their lesser peers or become prey themselves just like the rest of us did.
The predator/prey dynamic is what hooked me and what keeps me playing.

I would expect some to also see it and thrive,
others to recoil in horror and go play home world or whatever eve dropouts do with themselves these days after whining and moaning.

i spend an inordinate amount of time reading the forums ,
keeping an eye out for them and giving advice where appropriate and mercilessly slagging off the inevitable whining entitled that can't reconcile with the reality of the game.

plenty of "today's gamers" thrive here precisely because of the reasons you condemn it.

if you dont like this game or community , kindly leave it then
Edit : and keep your stuff, it will reek of apathy.
Memphis Baas
#50 - 2016-02-27 02:11:32 UTC
Kantar Vilorious wrote:
Hearthstone is F2P and they make $20 million per month on micro transactions, that's definitely no zero income. Eve Online brings out the worst in people, what's a few more toxic players to add to the fun especially if it F2P. Subscription based games are a thing of the past especially in this economy.

So now it's EVE is losing subscriptions, so let's switch to a system that makes people pay a lot more, cause that will retain players for sure. And it's a toxic environment so let's make it more toxic. And there's no actual issues with subscriptions, but they're so 1990s and you don't like things of the past.

Tell you what: CCP released the equivalent of Hearthstone in 2006; you don't know about it because it's been oh so successful. How about you go away, pick that up and play it, and rave about F2P games elsewhere, hmm?
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#51 - 2016-02-27 02:16:39 UTC
Kantar Vilorious wrote:
Subscription based games are a thing of the past especially in this economy.

I'm not sure how you have determined this. Everyone keeps saying it yet there seem to be plenty of subscription games that are doing well.

Kids who have to beg their parents for every dollar that they get like F2P games.They are also the ones with the most amount of time to play. You mentioned hearthstone making 20 million per month but the same company that makes hearthstone has another game that at one point had almost that many subs per month paying at least $15 dollars each and that game has been around for longer. So just within your one example it would seem to me that F2P is not where the real money is. But then I'm not playing this game based on CCP's profit margin and I did not play Blizzard games for theirs either.

There are people out there with jobs that don't mind paying money to play a game that is not just an interactive commercial selling you pretend clothes for your pretend persona. I'm not saying that every F2P game is going to die but I'm also not going to tell you that every subscription game is going to die either. There are markets for everything and to be frank with you, your black and white perspective on this leads me to believe that you are on the younger side of the age range of this game and that might explain your perspective on this a bit.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#52 - 2016-02-27 03:22:33 UTC
It is not that subscription model games are bad. It is that games, especially FTP, with microtransactions ultimately generate more revenue per account. That is the trick to beings successful, not creating an artificial cap on revenue, which is what the traditional subscription model was. There is no need for CCP to go free to play, all CCP needed to do was create incentives for players to pay more per account. Which started with plex, and now is being experienced in skill injection.

According to the latest o7 over 15k players have use skill injections. That is a lot of extra revenue, so again, Eve is doing fine. There is no need to go FTP.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2016-02-27 11:04:11 UTC
Kantar Vilorious wrote:
Memphis Baas wrote:
So your point is that EVE is losing some subscriptions, and the fix to this is to stop charging subscriptions at all (zero income), and switch to free-to-play, because free-to-players are never griefers and toxics, they're just the most wonderful, mature people ever.

Hearthstone is F2P and they make $20 million per month on micro transactions, that's definitely no zero income. Eve Online brings out the worst in people, what's a few more toxic players to add to the fun especially if it F2P. Subscription based games are a thing of the past especially in this economy.

Essentially a subscription fee forces players to commit to the game. EvE as it is won't work IMO with the majority being short term casuals. Hence this pay wall is healthy for game community.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Susie Homemaker
IChooseYou Alliance
#54 - 2016-03-02 04:01:06 UTC
Iria Ahrens wrote:
So no, I really don't see eve dying. But I do forsee active accounts declining further, unless people decide that making new accounts for SP farms is a better option. So many characters are being cannibalized right now for SP it's not even funny.

Yep, two of my own alts were turned into SP farms and thrown away when they were no longer useful, and I have a bunch of other friends that have done something similar with their toons.

What happened to Eve's old motto; Here's a spaceship. Fuck you.

Lianara Dayton
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#55 - 2016-03-02 12:34:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Lianara Dayton
Even though I don't agree with the most recent developments that CCP is adding to the game (namely skill injectors and their broader ramifications for the game) I don't think EVE will be "dying" anytime soon... At least not if CCP continues to listen to their customers (which they traditionally did quite well in the past compared to every other MMO that I played). If things really start going bad then I trust the EVE community to threadnaught the **** out of CCP like during the Summer of Rage, quit their subscriptions and cause CCP to pull the emergency break and reconsider what they're doing. That was only necessary once in the past 13 years and the game actually became better thanks to that.

I do think it's possible that the number of players will slowly decline in the coming years (for the reason stated above and also because it gets more and more difficult to convince people to even try a game that's 13+ years old) but I don't think this necessarily has to be a bad thing. When I started playing EVE there were never more then 5'000 people online at the same time and the game wasn't any "worse" because of it.

So in conclusion, I don't think you have to be hesitant to invest time (and money) into EVE at the current point in time.


Kantar Vilorious wrote:
Eve Online is in a decline and has been for years. Why do you think they launched the new recruitment promo to get new players. Griefers and toxics players push players from any game. The only hope for Eve Online is to go free to play and to revamp training system. Today's gamers do not have time to wait days and weeks to fly something only to have it destroyed in seconds. They will unsub and uninstall Eve like they have been in droves.

This suggestion is so laughably terrible that I just can't read it without commenting on it. The absolutely worst thing that could happen to EVE (and the reason I disagree so strongly with the concept of skill injectors as an income source for CCP) would be if it went free-to-play. You obviously have no idea how this game works and why people have been sticking with it for 13 years... Either that or you're simply a troll. Why else would you suggest to sacrifice the very core gameplay concepts that make EVE the successful game it is today? Simply laughable...

Lianara Dayton, Society for Peace and Unity

Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#56 - 2016-03-04 19:24:41 UTC
Eve isn't dying, it's just becoming less and less unique. There is increasingly less reason to pick up this game as opposed to many other titles on the market.

The reason why Eve lasted so long, and why people stayed with a game that is notoriously difficult, complicated, and unfair- is because it was utterly unique. It's still pretty different than what most MMO's offer- but CCP has decided that Eve is a little too unique and would sell better if it were.....some say dumbed down, made too easy....whatever you choose to call it. Eve has become more and more like those other MMO's, all of which offer an easier and more casual experience.

The player base has changed as well. When I started playing Eve half a decade ago, the things that attracted players to Eve are now the very things players cry to CCP about and demand be changed. The difficulty, the brutality, the complexity. There used to be a time when there was a sense of achievement in Eve. Now, there is nothing in the game that can't be gotten with RL money, except experience which CCP is constantly reducing the need for any way. Heck, now you can contest sov with a pack of alts, and skill inject those alts up to snuff in less time than it takes to fit the entosis ship. CCP isn't offering the player very much as a long term goal. Basically you can be a newb and do anything- including not even being a newb anymore by just injecting skills.

Sounds great for newbs. But terrible for anyone that hopes to still be playing a game in six months.
Arton Agittain
#57 - 2016-03-05 18:07:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Arton Agittain
Alaric Faelen wrote:
Eve isn't dying, it's just becoming less and less unique. There is increasingly less reason to pick up this game as opposed to many other titles on the market.

The reason why Eve lasted so long, and why people stayed with a game that is notoriously difficult, complicated, and unfair- is because it was utterly unique. It's still pretty different than what most MMO's offer- but CCP has decided that Eve is a little too unique and would sell better if it were.....some say dumbed down, made too easy....whatever you choose to call it. Eve has become more and more like those other MMO's, all of which offer an easier and more casual experience.

The player base has changed as well. When I started playing Eve half a decade ago, the things that attracted players to Eve are now the very things players cry to CCP about and demand be changed. The difficulty, the brutality, the complexity. There used to be a time when there was a sense of achievement in Eve. Now, there is nothing in the game that can't be gotten with RL money, except experience which CCP is constantly reducing the need for any way. Heck, now you can contest sov with a pack of alts, and skill inject those alts up to snuff in less time than it takes to fit the entosis ship. CCP isn't offering the player very much as a long term goal. Basically you can be a newb and do anything- including not even being a newb anymore by just injecting skills.

Sounds great for newbs. But terrible for anyone that hopes to still be playing a game in six months.

Even with injected skills a newb is still a newb and b t w this also applies to those who log on to add a number of skills and then comes back when those skills are completed.

Player skill > Skill points without exception.

Due to RL-stuff I'm currently one of those people and have a training queue that stretches for about 2 weeks and I don´t expect to be able to do much playing during that time. This means that even though I will have some new shiny skills when I do get time to play I won´t be any better at playing the game then I am now.
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