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Manufacturing/ R&D/ Copying/ Inventing Explain?

torric Roma
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-02-22 04:44:41 UTC
okay so this is where i'm at and understand

I get blueprints and collect the resources and build them and then sell, I guess this is the basic.

so what does R&D and Inventing do? can i make my own Items or something?

and is copying like lets say I have and apple, and I copy it to make 2 apples? am i right?

then also for the Blueprints with Components and Planet items and stuff like that, do i also build those through Blueprints then use them to in those Blueprints. Just wanting to make sure.

so if all that can be cleared up, it be nice
Uriam Khanid
New Machinarium Corporation
#2 - 2016-02-22 11:32:43 UTC
Tam Arai
Mi Pen Rai
#3 - 2016-02-22 18:35:45 UTC
you require blueprints to be able to manufacture anything.

blueprint originals (bpo) have unlimited runs. You can research these for 2 things - material efficiency (me) and time efficiency (te). You can research material efficiency up to 10- this means that you require 10% less raw materials to manufacture your item. Time efficiency works the same but you can research up to 20% time efficiency so you make things 20% faster.

You can buy bpos from the market that will have had no research done on them. If you want to buy a bpo that someone has already researched, they are available on contracts.

Even max researched blueprints are not a guarantee of profit- this is where you make your mark as an industrialist, finding profitable things to make.

Blueprint copies (bpc) are copies made from a bpo. They have the same research as the original and cant be researched any further. When copying a bpo, you can choose the number of bpcs and number of runs per bpc.

You can use many bpcs in an invention process to invent t2 bpcs. Decryptors will change the number of runs, me and te of your new t2 bpc. The original bpc has no effect.

Look at science skills that will increase the speed of research and copy , number of jobs and % chance of successful invention. There are production skills to increase the number of jobs you can do and speed. Implants are also available to improve these.

Many people try building ships when starting manufacturing- there is a lot of competition so not always a good place to start. instead look at ammo and drones as somewhere to start- do your own work to see which ones make the best profit. Using bpcs from contracts is a cheap way to test the waters before you invest in bpos
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#4 - 2016-02-23 22:44:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Makarni
torric Roma wrote:
okay so this is where i'm at and understand

I get blueprints and collect the resources and build them and then sell, I guess this is the basic.

so what does R&D and Inventing do? can i make my own Items or something?

and is copying like lets say I have and apple, and I copy it to make 2 apples? am i right?

then also for the Blueprints with Components and Planet items and stuff like that, do i also build those through Blueprints then use them to in those Blueprints. Just wanting to make sure.

so if all that can be cleared up, it be nice

You will need around 2 month+ worth of skill trained to increase efficiency to a point you can sell on market for profit (also you need some trade skills and high corp standing for less tax is a good idea). You will also need to invest in a small pos once you have all the needed production/invention/trade skills if you want to make real isk with invention etc. You will also need a mid level hauler ship because you will be using buy orders for many materials and need to haul them or final products around.

Most importantly you need to look very very carefully at what it is you want to produce before you start researching that bpc or investing in the applicable invention skills/data cores/decryptors etc. Goto the main trade hub of your choice and find things that sell in larger volume rather than larger isk price.

Here is a quick tip on how to find a good item to produce. For example you want to produce t2 medium rig. Go on market (in a trade hub), right click on a desired t2 rig for sale, goto industry tab and right click onthe t2 bpc to get it's info. On this page you will see the list of t2 salvy required to do 1 run of this rig. On the bottom right you will see a ''buy all'' icon. Click on that and it will show you the price it costs to buy that t2 salvy from the current trade hub. Make a mental note of the total cost of that salvy. then go back to the t2 rig in the market and see how much it sells for. If it sells for a decent amount more than it costs to buy the salvy that's a good start.

But next you need to click on the market price history for that t2 rig. then click on the ''show as table'' tab. Show the list from the last 10 days to a month max. You will see the amount of this item that is sold daily. So for example it sells 100 per day. You will be competing with other traders when you go to sell this item in bulk so expect to sell about 1/4 at best of that avg total per day. So that basically means you will stand to sell 25 of those rigs per day (example numbers) while you will make about 1 mil profit per rig (example).

So, you make sure not to produce more than 25 of this item per day and it will net you 25 mil per day give or take and not end up with a **** load of stuff stocked up that you can't sell fast enough. You should keep checking profit margins in the ''buy all'' tip when you are producing your items, it will keep you upto date with profit margins and how low you can go with modifying your price on selling your loot when it gets to that.

WHAT NOT TO BUILD: If the rig in market history only sells 10 or less items per day and you have 3 mil profit margin per rig you will only make about 6 mil per day on that because you will again be fighting with other competition. It's not worth making that item. With such a rig and that profit margin I would consider it more if it was selling 25 to 30+ per day.

The items you buy toward any of your production must be from BUY orders only. If it's profitable to directly use the buy all from sell orders tip I gave you above, it will become even more profitable when you use buy orders and then even more profitable again if you are actually using t1 fully researched bpos for some part of the production or simply selling the t1 mods. The saving may seem small at first, but when you add them up across many runs and more production lines of diff items they add up to a huge saving. For example one item might have a sell order for 500 isk. The buy order may only be 489 isk, not much different, might be tempted just to use the sell order to save time?. Thing is, you need 50k stacks of this item per run (like ore for example). It may only save you 100k to 1 mil per low or higher level production run but when you do so many runs you've saved 100 mil before you know it.

You can use many external programs that are more difficult to use and give you a better idea of profit margins. My tip is just a quick and simple way to get a good idea on what is worth producing.

If you can do L4 missions near your trade hub during downtime this will allow you to make good mission isk while staying ontop of your buy and sell orders remotely.
Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#5 - 2016-02-24 22:56:52 UTC
I'm struggling with the copy process. I am in a supported system, with a supported Blueprint Original, in a station that supposedly does copies, and it returns the error "This activity not supported at this facility" even though it SHOWS the copy function available and the little red bar telling me the price differential cost at that station! What gives?
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#6 - 2016-02-26 01:43:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Pandora Carrollon wrote:
I'm struggling with the copy process. I am in a supported system, with a supported Blueprint Original, in a station that supposedly does copies, and it returns the error "This activity not supported at this facility" even though it SHOWS the copy function available and the little red bar telling me the price differential cost at that station! What gives?

Most common problem: wrong input or output location selected. [Drop-down menus above and below output BPC on the right.]

Also make sure to click on the copy job icon. [Two flasks, below BPO in the center.]