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Miners: Why do you mine?

XS Tech
#201 - 2012-01-01 16:03:25 UTC
Zifrian wrote:
J Kunjeh wrote:
The latest issue of EON has a really good feature piece on how to fix nullsex and there are some great ideas there. One, which I couldn't agree with more, is to make mining once again the most profitable career in nullsex by making Mexallon and one other ore that I can't recall right now available only in null. Hisec production should be reliant on null for these two minerals. We might again see large fleet ops running valuable ore's back up to hisec.

Removing certain ores/minerals from highsec is the only way to go imo. Trit and Pyrite only with maybe a little mex. But you can get all but 2 minerals in highsec, should be the other way around imo.


One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Intar Medris
KarmaFleet University
#202 - 2012-01-02 00:35:17 UTC
Zifrian wrote:
J Kunjeh wrote:
The latest issue of EON has a really good feature piece on how to fix nullsex and there are some great ideas there. One, which I couldn't agree with more, is to make mining once again the most profitable career in nullsex by making Mexallon and one other ore that I can't recall right now available only in null. Hisec production should be reliant on null for these two minerals. We might again see large fleet ops running valuable ore's back up to hisec.

Removing certain ores/minerals from highsec is the only way to go imo. Trit and Pyrite only with maybe a little mex. But you can get all but 2 minerals in highsec, should be the other way around imo.

And that would kill Hi sec industry all together in one fell swoop. Which would in effect lead to close to half of the population of high sec quitting. Not to mention what ships are still produced would sky rocket in price due to all but 3 minerals being 1000 ISK or more per unit. New player would face a a even steeper slope than before when we already don't keep half that sign up for a trial. In short kill high sec industry kill EVE.

Another even simpler Idea would be to increase the number of PC Null systems, make increasing the index faster, and increasing the spawn rate, and number of available grav sites. Also greatly reduce the amount refined from drone poop, and mission loot. The two biggest contributors to the decline of mining as a viable profession in EVE. CCP has all but ignored industry for years and a handful of simple solutions that could have a large impact are right at their fingertips.

I try to be nice and mind my business just shooting lasers at rocks. There is just way too many asshats in New Eden for that to happen.

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#203 - 2012-01-02 00:44:03 UTC
True. All good points.

But what does CCP want to do? I'm not sure coddling empire dwellers is what they want.

It's clear something needs to be done though.

Maximze your Industry Potential! - Download EVE Isk per Hour!

Import CCP's SDE - EVE SDE Database Builder

Intar Medris
KarmaFleet University
#204 - 2012-01-02 10:00:41 UTC
Zifrian wrote:
True. All good points.

But what does CCP want to do? I'm not sure coddling empire dwellers is what they want.

It's clear something needs to be done though.

Those idea's just won't help high sec it will help null sec as well. A win win. Making grav site more available. Heck anomalies are a dime a dozen in null sec. For every grav site there is at least 10 of them pack with rats or drones. Why not make null grav sites more common, and spawn more often. But until we actaully start making some noise CCP won't do a thing. Yhey have made the abundantly clear with their complete dis-care when it comes to industry as a whole, especially mining.

I try to be nice and mind my business just shooting lasers at rocks. There is just way too many asshats in New Eden for that to happen.

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#205 - 2012-01-02 15:01:39 UTC
Intar Medris wrote:
Zifrian wrote:
True. All good points.

But what does CCP want to do? I'm not sure coddling empire dwellers is what they want.

It's clear something needs to be done though.

Those idea's just won't help high sec it will help null sec as well. A win win. Making grav site more available. Heck anomalies are a dime a dozen in null sec. For every grav site there is at least 10 of them pack with rats or drones. Why not make null grav sites more common, and spawn more often. But until we actaully start making some noise CCP won't do a thing. Yhey have made the abundantly clear with their complete dis-care when it comes to industry as a whole, especially mining.

Yeah I agree with that. Takes what, 2 hours to get a system to Military 5? Takes a few days to get industry 2 and you have to have buttloads of miners to keep the level up. Hated that imbalance.

Maximze your Industry Potential! - Download EVE Isk per Hour!

Import CCP's SDE - EVE SDE Database Builder

Etaoin Shrdxv
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#206 - 2012-01-06 02:15:20 UTC
Gahagan wrote:
I mine because it requires a minimal presence in game. As a college student I'm frequently doing things out of game - reading, studying, working on something, writing some paper, etc - all activities that require me to be in front of a computer for extended periods of time.

Mining is a low-demand, relatively safe way of remaining marginally productive in EvE during times that there are constraints on my playing.

And someone else early in the thread said that some isk is better than no isk. That's the key statement. Mining requires very little attention - you can do it while poasting, researching, or anything with IRL that requires you to be at the computer. If you play EVE just to mine, I'd say that that's a bit sad.. but if you would be playing EVE regardless, then some isk is better than no isk.
Zykes Omega
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#207 - 2012-01-07 17:24:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Zykes Omega
I Mine because its what part of what makes the game an MMO..

For example..

I spend 3 hours mining a Veldspar Belt, Gather 6m Tritanium and sell it, That Tritanium is baught by a Corp, and goes towards building a command station. That Command Station gets attacked by a rival Corp and a war is waged between two.. the ISK from the Tritanium goes into my Wallet untill i have enough for a certain item/skill/ship, which then helps me experience more aspects of the game.. all that because i mined a resource.

Supply and Demand i suppose is what you might call it, but; what i like to think about is who or how that resource is being used and the "Butterfly affect" that comes after the first flap of the wing (Me mining).

Thats how ive played MMO's such as Ultima Online, WoW, DAOC, and now EVE online.. and i love it.
Tasko Pal
Spallated Garniferous Schist
#208 - 2012-01-07 18:04:25 UTC
Zifrian wrote:

Removing certain ores/minerals from highsec is the only way to go imo. Trit and Pyrite only with maybe a little mex. But you can get all but 2 minerals in highsec, should be the other way around imo.

You can get all 8 minerals in high sec missions. Volume also matters. There really are only four minerals you can get in volume in high sec: trit, pye, mex, and isogen. The rest is in amounts too small to sustain industry. Removing the omber roids from that level 4 slaver's mission would probably go a long ways to reducing the supply of high sec isogen too.
Minta Contha
Emergent Entity
#209 - 2012-01-07 19:07:50 UTC
I like minining. I enjoy it.

Next question?

My cooking is like my lovemaking - fast, greasy, and unsatisfying.

Tommy Shanks
#210 - 2012-01-07 19:39:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Tommy Shanks
J Kunjeh wrote:
The latest issue of EON has a really good feature piece on how to fix nullsex and there are some great ideas there. One, which I couldn't agree with more, is to make mining once again the most profitable career in nullsex by making Mexallon and one other ore that I can't recall right now available only in null. Hisec production should be reliant on null for these two minerals. We might again see large fleet ops running valuable ore's back up to hisec.

A noctis in high sec is a bigger threat to low sec mining than any exhumer anywhere in space...

I mine because I have things in life that require more attention than this hobby.
Cosmos Serendipity
#211 - 2012-01-09 17:19:44 UTC
Why does a fisherman fish?

Why does one enjoy just tossing a line in and lay watching the clouds while the other would prefer to walk around constantly casting the line out trying to get the attention of a fish?

Would the fisherman be a fool for giving the fish he caught to a friend or releasing it back into the water to be caught again later?
Would he be a fool for cleaning it and cooking it, feeling the satisfaction of eating what he himself caught when he could have simply went to the store, bought an already cleaned and prepaired fish and cooked it, or even purchased it already cooked?

Mining is my fishing. Refining is my cleaning. Building is my cooking. Selling is my eating. And at the end of the day I am relaxed and don't smell fishy.
Roland Schlosser
Entropy Engine
#212 - 2012-01-10 21:56:16 UTC
I mine because I enjoy mining. I realize that there are thousands of players who will never, ever, understand this concept, and will probably never even attempt to.

After my day of dealing with the idiots at work (believe me, they're all idiots) I need something to do to relax. So I fire up Eve and head to the nearest belt to nom some veld. While I do this I watch a movie, or chat with corp mates. Something to take my mind off of the hell that was today, and the hell of tomorrow.

Also, I like how you put it Mr. Cosmos!
Juliana Stinger
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#213 - 2012-01-11 11:25:39 UTC
I mine because i'm enjoying to get oneshoted by suicide gankers in highsec, it makes me feel so insecure, i simply love that feeling.
Gumby Ambraelle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#214 - 2012-01-11 14:50:06 UTC
Cosmos Serendipity wrote:
Why does a fisherman fish?

Why does one enjoy just tossing a line in and lay watching the clouds while the other would prefer to walk around constantly casting the line out trying to get the attention of a fish?

Would the fisherman be a fool for giving the fish he caught to a friend or releasing it back into the water to be caught again later?
Would he be a fool for cleaning it and cooking it, feeling the satisfaction of eating what he himself caught when he could have simply went to the store, bought an already cleaned and prepaired fish and cooked it, or even purchased it already cooked?

Mining is my fishing. Refining is my cleaning. Building is my cooking. Selling is my eating. And at the end of the day I am relaxed and don't smell fishy.

And not smelling fishsy is important to the family in RL that I am ignoring while I play this game... Lol