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EVE General Discussion

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I've lost all desire to play Eve, what do I do?

Sneaky Little Bastard
#21 - 2016-02-12 10:55:29 UTC
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
is there really any point to playing this game now??

It depends, do you like P2W games ?
#22 - 2016-02-12 20:05:07 UTC
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
Sigh, this game is soo dead to me now that I no longer have the desire to update any of my market orders anymore or do any more exploration since isk has become so cheap and easy to acquire now from selling unwanted SP. Other than PVP, is there really any point to playing this game now??

You can donate 100 million ISK to me. After that I will tell you that EVE is a boring game for boring people Smile
#23 - 2016-02-12 20:11:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Avvy
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#24 - 2016-02-12 20:14:36 UTC
I've taken many breaks from eve, some more than 2 years long. I'm always glad I didn't biomass my character, and I'm always annoyed that I didn't keep my account active and train my skills.

I guess that annoyance about leaving the account active won't matter so much anymore next time I want to play a game with swords and magic instead of ships and lazers.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

stg slate
State War Academy
Caldari State
#25 - 2016-02-12 20:20:00 UTC
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
Sigh, this game is soo dead to me now that I no longer have the desire to update any of my market orders anymore or do any more exploration since isk has become so cheap and easy to acquire now from selling unwanted SP. Other than PVP, is there really any point to playing this game now??

First world problem... I have too much money in my internet spaceship game so it isn't exciting anymore.
Salah ad-Din al-Jawahiri
Dreamweb Industries
Novus Ordo.
#26 - 2016-02-12 21:20:39 UTC
A lot of people here don't know what to do when they stop enjoying the game because they're feeling bad about the massive amount of time and money invested - and end up with a Stockholm syndrome. It can manifest itself in different ways:
1. The player turns to other players for advice about saving the precarious relationship with this abusive virtual girlfriend (like what OP is doing);
2. Another tries his best to convince the player described above to stay using whatever stupid arguments possible, because he himself is suffering from the very same problem;
3. The third type may or may not be playing currently, but he stays subbed regardless and keeps sperging on the forums (remember the various "I'm quitting", "EVE suks" and "Start Citizen is better" threads?).

@ OP: Chribba's advice is sound: If you don't enjoy playing anymore, don't play. Don't get dramatic and do something stupid and pointless, like biomassing everything after undocking your main from Jita 4-4 in an officer-fit RNI on suspect - leave it for the hysterical types. Just unsub all your accounts and do something more useful and/or enjoyable with your time. Brooding on the forums will not do you any good whatsoever.

If you eventually feel like returning - we'll happily welcome you back. If you don't - then, good luck and congrats on winning EVE. But that's a decision you have to make yourself. No one will do that for you.

Agent of the New Order

Live by the Code - die by the Code.

The Voice of Highsec

Barron Hammerstrike
Medusa Nova Mining And Trade
#27 - 2016-02-12 21:37:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Barron Hammerstrike
If I had billions of ISK to spare I'd start a war. Hire a Merc corp to bash a bunch of POCOS and another corp to distract the POCO's owners.
Perkin Warbeck
Higher Than Everest
#28 - 2016-02-12 21:58:45 UTC
Sneaky Little Bastard wrote:
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
is there really any point to playing this game now??

It depends, do you like P2W games ?

Sorry what's changed again? Four days ago I could buy a character off the Character Bazaar or any ship in game with plex and do whatever I wanted to. The pay to win boat sailed a long, long time ago so keep up.

But what does winning in EvE mean anyway? The game has so many facets to it that winning is almost an irrelevant concept. I could inject millions of SP and still be awful at kiting and die in a fire every time I sit in an Inty. And yes I could get Logi 5 in a few minutes but if my FC is sh*t and welps the fleet every time we undock then it won't matter much. How does someone having more SP affect exploration or missioning or mining in any meaningful way? Does anyone ever care about killboards or their wallet balance beyond a certain point? I would argue not (and if you do then you are bad).

I would argue that the key metric to success in this game is your reputation. No amount of isk or skill points will change that. Bads will always be bads. So take a break but have a think about what play to win actually means.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#29 - 2016-02-12 22:19:23 UTC
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
Aida Nu wrote:
If you play for ISK you are doing it wrong. This is a game, play for fun.
If you are bored and dont have fun move on to other games.

Excellent point, but CCP just killed a very important element in this game that contributed to me having fun in this game which was seeking the wealth in uncharted territories. And now all you have to do is sell your own SP for isk which is just plain stupid to begin with and sigh.... why did CCP ever do such a thing to this game.

Anyways I'm gonna take a break like Chribba suggested and if I still feel the same way 2 months from now then I know this is the end of Eve for me.

I know how you feel though I'm not quiting because I have many friends that play.

Skill point trading didn't start the problem, it's actually been going on for years. Before 2009 it wasn't like that. Then CCP (in a quest to 'reward' people more) added regenerating anomalies, incursions, wormholes, burners, new rewards in old content (like when they introduced the Gistum and Pithum Invuls), the monstrosity called Faction Warfare missions and super buffed ways to make pve, exploration and mining isk with more ships, more bonuses and more shortcuts.

The end result is everything is cheap as all hell, wealth is so easy to generate that even before sp trading a 3 week old noob with a Vexor Navy Issue and tech1 heavy drones could go to the deepest part of null and make enough isk ratting ONE HOUR A DAY to buy a plex, and not long after that same guy is in a pirate BS doing high sec incursions.

CCP has totally muffed the rewards scheme of this game, and people who play for more than watching other people's ships explode are affected by this. It used to be a real thrill to get a 10/10 escalation while dodging people trying to scan me down and kill me. Now (even before this ridiculous SP trading) I get a 10/10 and there is a 50% chance I'm going to let it expire because I can't be arsed to jump my Sin to a cyno to do it.

And now with SP trading it's even worse. I got an Angel 10/10 holding right now. Do I do it and maybe make 500 mil (a sum that used to be useful) for an hour's play, or cash in the 75 bil I'm sitting on from an Alt I don't use that much? Doing that 10/10 now would feel like bobbing for Zimbabwe dollars.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#30 - 2016-02-12 22:28:13 UTC
Salah ad-Din al-Jawahiri wrote:
A lot of people here don't know what to do when they stop enjoying the game because they're feeling bad about the massive amount of time and money invested - and end up with a Stockholm syndrome. It can manifest itself in different ways:
1. The player turns to other players for advice about saving the precarious relationship with this abusive virtual girlfriend (like what OP is doing);
2. Another tries his best to convince the player described above to stay using whatever stupid arguments possible, because he himself is suffering from the very same problem;
3. The third type may or may not be playing currently, but he stays subbed regardless and keeps sperging on the forums (remember the various "I'm quitting", "EVE suks" and "Start Citizen is better" threads?).

@ OP: Chribba's advice is sound: If you don't enjoy playing anymore, don't play. Don't get dramatic and do something stupid and pointless, like biomassing everything after undocking your main from Jita 4-4 in an officer-fit RNI on suspect - leave it for the hysterical types. Just unsub all your accounts and do something more useful and/or enjoyable with your time. Brooding on the forums will not do you any good whatsoever.

If you eventually feel like returning - we'll happily welcome you back. If you don't - then, good luck and congrats on winning EVE. But that's a decision you have to make yourself. No one will do that for you.

Thing is this. You enjoy the tears of others (i'll bet that never gets old). You can always get this.

Folks like me like exploring, defeating NPCs while dodging real players. That used to be a whole lot of fun and you had something tangible (isk, loot, whatever) that could affect your gameplay later. Now the loot is worth next to nothing and acquiring it means nothing. So much so that there are even less people trying to hunt you down (because their motivations was both your killmail AND profit). What I like to do has taken a real hit lately, and the things I like to do on the side (fleet pvp in null) took an Aegis sized hit months ago.

I still have entertaining things to do and are thinking of other things (who knows, with all these billions I might buy some form of citadel), but it's like CCP is just throwing stuff up against the wall and seeing what sticks.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#31 - 2016-02-12 23:01:51 UTC
We are the content here, wealth is nothing more than a means to an end.

start playing the game rather than fiddling with the utilities .
Salah ad-Din al-Jawahiri
Dreamweb Industries
Novus Ordo.
#32 - 2016-02-13 00:24:16 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Thing is this. You enjoy the tears of others (i'll bet that never gets old). You can always get this.

Folks like me like exploring, defeating NPCs while dodging real players. That used to be a whole lot of fun and you had something tangible (isk, loot, whatever) that could affect your gameplay later. Now the loot is worth next to nothing and acquiring it means nothing. So much so that there are even less people trying to hunt you down (because their motivations was both your killmail AND profit). What I like to do has taken a real hit lately, and the things I like to do on the side (fleet pvp in null) took an Aegis sized hit months ago.

I still have entertaining things to do and are thinking of other things (who knows, with all these billions I might buy some form of citadel), but it's like CCP is just throwing stuff up against the wall and seeing what sticks.

I understand you very well, friend. I joined EVE and stayed in it because it was advertised as a game where you can affect the gameplay of others and your actions have consequences.

The fundamental problem that EVE's game designers are facing is that people are naturally risk-averse. Mind you, I'm not meaning something bad here - people are literally programmed by nature to hedge their risks. There is a handful of all-or-nothing adrenaline junkies, but they are not that common for objective reasons. Hence, most people (even if they don't admit it openly) are actually quite happy with finding their niche for safe, undisturbed farming, be it in highsec or the depest recesses of Deklein, and occasionally going out to PvP to the local iteration of Tol Barad. Any change that might hurt some particular ratters always faces the wall of tears: players write long petitions, tear hair from their balls, swear that they will quit en masse for ever and ever and ever. Hence, the game designers seem to be reluctant to implement changes that would make income-making more risky in any region. Yet, this lack of risk is the main reason for the current stagnation, and no sov changes will cure that.

No change to the economic balance in the game will be liked by everyone. But CCP does listen to its playerbase, and it is their blessing and their curse.

Again, this is happening everywhere. I would only welcome it if the devs introduced mechanics that would make us gankers' life harder, but more interesting (a well-implemented rework of the dead bounty system, for instance). Instead, they rely on crutches which keep the same old routines, but require us to bring more people, and further encourage laziness and AFK gameplay at the same time. The spirits in the crew have been rather low for the past couple of days - I believe, you know why. And it's not the nerf that really hurt - it's no news for us - but the way Fozzie introduced it: "Well, folks, here's a lollipop for you, but in exchange we'll **** you in the ***, *** on your face and **** in your mouth" - all the while, breaking the promises he gave previously. Trust me, I'm not exaggerating.

I'm telling you that because right now I'm a position that resembles OP's one: I'm stuck in a foreign country, which is under heavy economic sanctions, my credit card bound to the EVE accounts is expiring next month and I can't renew it remotely, the Internet connection is crap. I could stay and help my buddies to try and keep the fire alive, or I could conquer the world in Crusader Kings II, brush up my Arabic or completely focus on my work. But if I unsub, I won't be slamming doors and, probably, won't even tell anyone who knows me.

Agent of the New Order

Live by the Code - die by the Code.

The Voice of Highsec

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#33 - 2016-02-13 01:45:12 UTC
Go play another game for six months, come back and see if it sticks.

Sanity is fun leaving the body.

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#34 - 2016-02-13 03:37:39 UTC
I've lost all desire to play Eve, what do I do?
Let your subs run out and spend your remaining time starting stealth whine threads about the new extractor/injector system.

Oh wait...looks like you already have that covered.

Carry on.

Mr Epeen Cool
Nitshe Razvedka
#35 - 2016-02-13 03:44:28 UTC
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
Sigh, this game is soo dead to me now that I no longer have the desire to update any of my market orders anymore or do any more exploration since isk has become so cheap and easy to acquire now from selling unwanted SP. Other than PVP, is there really any point to playing this game now??

Ma mama says only boring people become bored.

Thieving pirates discuss INTEGRITY; Anarchist gankers give us LAWS; and Whoring merc's cry then blow off clients with INSULTS.

Up is down and down is up in the C&P Forum.

Maradusa Macarthy
#36 - 2016-02-13 05:36:36 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
Aida Nu wrote:
If you play for ISK you are doing it wrong. This is a game, play for fun.
If you are bored and dont have fun move on to other games.

Excellent point, but CCP just killed a very important element in this game that contributed to me having fun in this game which was seeking the wealth in uncharted territories. And now all you have to do is sell your own SP for isk which is just plain stupid to begin with and sigh.... why did CCP ever do such a thing to this game.

Anyways I'm gonna take a break like Chribba suggested and if I still feel the same way 2 months from now then I know this is the end of Eve for me.

I know how you feel though I'm not quiting because I have many friends that play.

Skill point trading didn't start the problem, it's actually been going on for years. Before 2009 it wasn't like that. Then CCP (in a quest to 'reward' people more) added regenerating anomalies, incursions, wormholes, burners, new rewards in old content (like when they introduced the Gistum and Pithum Invuls), the monstrosity called Faction Warfare missions and super buffed ways to make pve, exploration and mining isk with more ships, more bonuses and more shortcuts.

The end result is everything is cheap as all hell, wealth is so easy to generate that even before sp trading a 3 week old noob with a Vexor Navy Issue and tech1 heavy drones could go to the deepest part of null and make enough isk ratting ONE HOUR A DAY to buy a plex, and not long after that same guy is in a pirate BS doing high sec incursions.

CCP has totally muffed the rewards scheme of this game, and people who play for more than watching other people's ships explode are affected by this. It used to be a real thrill to get a 10/10 escalation while dodging people trying to scan me down and kill me. Now (even before this ridiculous SP trading) I get a 10/10 and there is a 50% chance I'm going to let it expire because I can't be arsed to jump my Sin to a cyno to do it.

And now with SP trading it's even worse. I got an Angel 10/10 holding right now. Do I do it and maybe make 500 mil (a sum that used to be useful) for an hour's play, or cash in the 75 bil I'm sitting on from an Alt I don't use that much? Doing that 10/10 now would feel like bobbing for Zimbabwe dollars.

Exactly my point.

My brother who doesn't even play this game anymore gave me all his chars so now I'm finding it incredibly difficult resisting the temptation to drain the hell out of his characters for a whopping 100+bill isk. In contrast to making a measly 100-200 mill isk running a 6/10 or 8/10, that is a huge motivation killer. So it's like what's the point of playing the game anymore if isk is so easy to obtain just selling SP. How could CCP not realize the diminishing value this SP trading feature would have on the game down the road. It's like they've completely lost focus on what to do for Eve.

Maradusa Macarthy
#37 - 2016-02-13 05:38:42 UTC
Sneaky Little Bastard wrote:
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
is there really any point to playing this game now??

It depends, do you like P2W games ?

I hate them actually. I never imagined that Eve would become like this.
Sneaky Little Bastard
#38 - 2016-02-13 07:43:55 UTC
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
Sneaky Little Bastard wrote:
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
is there really any point to playing this game now??

It depends, do you like P2W games ?

I hate them actually. I never imagined that Eve would become like this.

So it's time to move on. My sub ends in one month too...
Luca Lure
#39 - 2016-02-13 08:44:07 UTC
Sneaky Little Bastard wrote:
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
Sneaky Little Bastard wrote:
Maradusa Macarthy wrote:
is there really any point to playing this game now??

It depends, do you like P2W games ?

I hate them actually. I never imagined that Eve would become like this.

So it's time to move on. My sub ends in one month too...

Can i haz your stuff and SP?


The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.

Bella Jennie
#40 - 2016-02-13 11:11:19 UTC
Aida Nu wrote:
If you play for ISK you are doing it wrong. This is a game, play for fun.
If you are bored and dont have fun move on to other games.

Since the game is a sandbox and you can "do whatever you want to go", how is any kind of play wrong?

I have fun playing for ISK in HISEC for a couple hours now and again.. what's wrong with that?

this game currently favors the DOUCHEBAGS