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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Sabotage Incorporated is Recruiting Bombers, Blackops and Recon Pilots

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-01-06 16:20:18 UTC
Sabotage Inc is a new start up corp with an emphasis on black-ops and bomber warfare basing from low-sec and NPC null-sec. We are looking to recruit bomber, covops, recon and black-ops pilots especially, but are happy to consider anyone willing to work towards these ships. New players are encouraged to apply if they are willing to train to these ships.

The corp is fairly relaxed-we are looking for chilled people to fly with, rather than those that feel they are elite in every way possible. There are very few rules, posting on forums outside of eve-online are encouraged, interaction with the community is fine. Scamming and general foolishness is also fine. Losing terrible fits so that we don’t have a positive K:D is something we are also perfectly content with.

However, there are some requirements that you need to tick to join this merry band:

· Have a mic and use mumble

· Hang out on IRC

· Fly or are willing to work towards, covops, bombers, recons or black ops ships.

· Want to shoot people. Industrialists can apply, but these grounds will be limited

· Have an interest in the long term goals the corp has.

· Are willing to fly on drunk roams.

· Are willing to FC on random roams. Unlike most people. If you kill all the people on said roam, we’re not going to get mad. Because that’s pointless. We want people to learn, have fun and step up and have a go.

· Aren’t a delicate flower-if there is comms banter during an op or whatever, don’t feel the need to steal our meta 2 mod stash in a flying rage.

· Play-at least sometimes. We value real life. We understand if you can only log in maybe every few days. We don’t care. However if you never show up, this will likely result in a boot. That’s if one of our directors knows how to do that..

That’s it. We are a chilled bunch of people, we don’t demand a lot. If this interests you, feel free to drop into our public channel ‘Sabotage Public’ and speak to either Dagda Morr, Padain Thor, Xeno Val or Bowkers. Or send a PM to these people, and they’ll get back to you.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-01-07 12:48:32 UTC
A new day..Pirate
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-01-09 13:36:49 UTC
a new start,,Shocked
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2012-01-10 11:56:50 UTC
We've grown.Cool
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-01-10 12:39:04 UTC
Bumping for the greater good!

Good luck guys! o/
Bastards at the Hole
#6 - 2012-01-10 16:18:57 UTC
Let me tell you a story about Bowkers.

During the summer of '98 I graduated college with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. Like most of my pedigree, the real world brought forth challenges that we were largely unprepared for. Unwilling to face the harshness of adulthood, I decided instead to backpack across rural China to "find myself" and better understand what I wanted out of life. I exhausted all of my savings, sold most of my possessions and waved goodbye to my friends, as it would be nearly a year until I would come in contact with them again.

The first few days were absolutely fantastic. I found myself greatly enjoying both the culture and the cuisine as I made my way across the countryside. The Chinese have a particular gifting towards hospitality, and I never felt too far away from home. About midway through the trip however I longed for real, legitimate friendship. It was grand meeting new faces along my journey, but I found myself missing the embrace of a good friend who knows me well.

Things changed while I was about to forge the Yangtze River. Off in the distance I swore I heard a tune that was familiar to my ears, "We can d....want to....behind...." As I was nearing the opposite shore I was certain of what I was hearing, however I was currently occupied with my pants; during the trip over they'd become moist with (what I thought were) splashes from the river. It wasn't until I landed on the other side that I found out where the song was coming from: Bowkers in the flesh. He bellowed his music in a sultry baritone voice, one that I'll never forget. "...We can dance if you want to, we can leave your friends behind, 'cause your friends don't dance and if they don't then they're no friends of mine..."

I was struck in awe by the graceful delicacy of Bowkers's prancing as he floundered through the rice fields. He hadn't a care in the world. What's more was that he was coming right at me! I became cognizant of how nervous I was feeling and instinctively placed my hands in the pockets of my tattered pants. The source of my moistness was revealed to me in that moment: spaghetti, spaghetti everywhere. Bowkers was nearly upon me, I had to act swiftly if I wanted to hide the Italian shame pouring forth from my jeans. After a futile few seconds I realized all was lost and began formulating an explanation and apology.

With Bowkers now feet away from me I started my apology, except I couldn't speak at all. I was choking on spaghetti. Falling to the ground due to asphyxiation, he rushed to my side and caught me right before I struck the fertile soil. I lay there, lifelessly looking up into his eyes as he said "That'll do pig, that'll do." The mouth to mouth he performed on me was so fantastic that it would make Lady and the Tramp pale in comparison.

I never forgot that day, and I'll never stop supporting Bowkers in his endeavors. Join Sabotage Inc, it's what's best for you.
Roswell Project Victimz
#7 - 2012-01-11 01:49:46 UTC
Supporting this.
Padain Thor
The Initiative.
#8 - 2012-01-11 14:48:57 UTC
We're still looking for member interested in conventional low/null-sec pvp as well as bomber/recon/blackops pilots. Low sp pilots are welcome if you're a laugh to fly with - what you can or can't fly is not a problem, all we ask is that you train for a bomber.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2012-01-12 17:48:18 UTC
bumping this as we're doing an op friday. Bear
Dagda Morr
The Initiative.
#10 - 2012-01-16 09:24:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Dagda Morr
We are still looking for more players !

Drop by our public channel sabotage public in game for a chat if interested!
Padain Thor
The Initiative.
#11 - 2012-01-17 16:06:34 UTC
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2012-01-19 19:25:18 UTC
Getting to be a party in here
Xeno Val
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2012-01-23 10:11:17 UTC
Still looking for more people to come and make trouble with us - here is a sample fo the delightful smack you too can enjoy:

Drax Anele > gf
Bowkers > gf
Z4lis > gf
Drax Anele > lol chalenge much
Harvey Hatchet > gf
Drax Anele > too late
NEOCADE2 > ...
Drax Anele > ******* fags
Bowkers > harsh
NEOCADE2 > well if u died ur the ***
Drax Anele > yeah 5 v 1 thts fair
NEOCADE2 > yup
NEOCADE2 > sure is
Drax Anele > lol
Z4lis > so what was you against the industrial supposed to be?
NEOCADE2 > were r u guys
NEOCADE2 > i want to light a cyno on top of u
Drax Anele > v1 belt 2
Drax Anele > they were anyway
NEOCADE2 > omw
Drax Anele > loooool
NEOCADE2 > lmao ive got 2 dreads waiting
NEOCADE2 > once they see the cyno they come
Bowkers > KK
NEOCADE2 > oh were oh were did the outlaws go oh were oh were could they beeee
NEOCADE2 > show ur selfs
NEOCADE2 > cmon
NEOCADE2 > dont be anal
NEOCADE2 > or r 2 dreads a bit much
Dagda Morr
The Initiative.
#14 - 2012-01-25 09:11:24 UTC
Still looking for more people to join our rowdy bunch.
Dagda Morr
The Initiative.
#15 - 2012-01-30 15:22:26 UTC
Recruitment is stil open - had plenty of cool, new people join and are looking to add to the ranks!
Dagda Morr
The Initiative.
#16 - 2012-02-06 11:01:55 UTC
Still looking for new members - corp is growing nicely at the moment and we're getting some nice kills, as well as dying horribly on slosh ops. If you want a mix of laid back fun roams and covops warfare feel free to drop by our public channel and have a chat.
Dagda Morr
The Initiative.
#17 - 2012-02-14 13:35:40 UTC
We will be shipping out to nullsec soon - looking fro members to come bomb with us!
Dagda Morr
The Initiative.
#18 - 2012-02-16 15:28:25 UTC
As of a few minutes after midnight Sabotage Incorporated will be part of Executive Outcomes (EXE) alliance - part of the CFC. We will be supporting the alliance/coalition as bombers/scouts and general hobos.

We're looking for new members - we're not bothered about skillpoints provided you're willing to train for a bomber and are chill to fly with. If you're looking to try all things sneaky or obliterate entire fleets with just a few frigates then drop by our public channel (sabotage public) or Alternatively convo or mail me in game.
Dagda Morr
The Initiative.
#19 - 2012-03-05 11:49:12 UTC
Still looking for new guys to come out and make a mess with us...
Dagda Morr
The Initiative.
#20 - 2012-03-12 11:52:26 UTC
Bump - still looking for new members.
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